[外電] Knicks' Brown calls in sick

看板Pistons作者 (台北不是我的家)時間18年前 (2006/04/16 19:51), 編輯推噓8(800)
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原文出處: http://0rz.net/c51fg -- AUBURN HILLS -- The Pistons have lived through this scenario. 奧本山訊 -- 活塞對於這樣的場景似曾相識。 Coach Larry Brown is ill and unable to be on the bench. 布朗教練因為生病而未能坐鎮板凳席。 This time, the Knicks will be feeling Brown's absence during today's game against the Pistons at The Palace. 這一次,尼克將在今晚到活塞主場宮殿球場踢館時體驗布朗教練缺席的感覺。 Brown did not accompany the team to Detroit, according to Knicks representative Jonathan Supranowitz. Brown remained in New York to recover from a bout with acid reflux. 根據尼克發言人J.Supranowitz表示,布朗並未隨隊造訪底特律,他留在紐約調養因胃 酸逆流而感到不適的身體。 Brown fell ill during a game in Cleveland on Thursday, leaving the bench during the third quarter because of stomach pain. He was taken to the Cleveland Clinic after the game, departing Quicken Loans Arena on a stretcher. 布朗在星期四對上克里夫蘭的比賽時開始感到不舒服,他在第三節因為胃痛而離開板 凳席,賽後他被醫護人員用擔架從騎士隊主場Quicken Loans體育館送至克里夫蘭醫院。 He was released Friday but missed that night's 91-87 loss at Milwaukee. Knicks assistant coach Herb Williams has temporarily taken over for Brown. 他在星期五出院但錯過了尼克當晚以87比91兵敗密爾瓦基那場比賽,那場比賽由助理 教練H.Williams暫代布朗的總教練職務。 The Knicks have issued a statement regarding Brown's status, though the statement doesn't shed much light on the situation. 尼克已經發表了一份有關於布朗身體狀況的聲明,但這份聲明其實沒有很清楚地敘明 他的情況。 "He is fully cleared to return to the bench when he feels ready," the Knicks said in the statement. 尼克於該份聲明中表示"布朗很清楚地表示他將在自己覺得已經準備好時回到板凳席繼 續執教。" Speculation, thanks to Brown's track record, has begun that he might not continue to coach the Knicks. And considering that the Knicks are mired in a 22-57 season, plus the nonstop, season-long controversy, all could mean Brown's fate isn't rock solid. 根據布朗過去的紀錄,已經有人在推測他可能不會再繼續擔任尼克的教頭,再把尼克 本季22勝57敗如同身陷泥沼的表現以及整季從未停息的口角、爭論列入考慮,這全都意味 著布朗的教練烏紗帽即將不保。 Brown's agent, Joel Glass, told the New York Daily News that his client intends to coach the Knicks next season. Brown has four years and $40 million remaining on his contract with the Knicks. 布朗的經紀人J.Glass向紐約日報透露說他的客戶希望下個球季仍能待在尼克執教,布 朗和尼克還有四年四千萬美元的合約尚未執行完畢。 "He's going to take it easy and get some rest this weekend," Glass said. "He's doing fine. It's well-documented that he has acid reflux. He was diagnosed with it many years ago. He just wanted to get it checked out. Glass說"他會好好休息,以輕鬆的心情地度過這個週末。他的狀況不錯,診斷文件敘 明他有胃酸倒流的症狀,很多年前他就曾患有此病,他現在只希望趕快把病養好。" "He's looking forward to next season already. As much of a disaster as this season has been, the experience will benefit him and the team will only get better." "他已經做好準備要迎接下一個球季的到來,災難似的本季已經過了,這經驗布朗一定 很受用而球隊下一季也只會變得更好。" Not coming to Detroit also spares Brown from having to deal with any lingering resentment from Pistons fans. He also won't have to watch his former team possibly set a franchise record for victories in a season. 未跟隨球隊至底特律不僅讓布朗免於應付任何活塞球迷殘留至今的怨念,也許也讓他 不需看著他去年執教的隊伍踩在現在執教的隊伍頭上創造隊史最多勝的光榮紀錄。 The Pistons are 63-16, tied with the 1988-89 team for victories. 活塞現在戰績是63勝16敗,勝場數已經追平了'88-'89年球季的隊史紀錄。 But to be fair, Brown, 65, has been battling a series of serious health issues the past few years. 不過說實在話,高齡65歲的布朗過去兩年已經和一連串嚴重的身體問題奮戰許久。 He has hospitalized in February, before a game at Memphis because of chest pains. The issue turned out to be indigestion and Brown recovered in time to coach. 他在二月一場於孟斐斯作客的比賽前因為胸痛而住院,原因被查明只是消化不良所引 起,而他也在比賽前復原,及時趕回球場坐鎮。 Brown missed 17 games when he was coaching the Pistons last season because of hip-replacement surgery. There were complications that left Brown with lingering urinary issues. 布朗在去年執教於活塞時因髖關節替換手術而錯失17場比賽,而併發症也造成布朗泌 尿系統的問題。 He underwent more surgery in February 2005 to help fix the bladder problem. Brown requires additional corrective bladder surgery, but has said he plans to hold off until after the season. 他在'05年二月經歷了更多次手術,試圖解決膀胱的問題。布朗要求再做額外的膀胱矯 正手術,不過後來他又表示將等到球季結束後再做處理。 -- Chilling out 練兵時間到了 The Pistons intend to keep taking it easy for the last three regular-season games. Coach Flip Saunders wants the starters to play just enough to stay fresh . 活塞打算以從容不迫的態度打完最後三場例行賽,老桑教練希望先發五虎們只打足夠 保持身手的時間就好。 Against the Raptors on Friday the starters played about 20 minutes each. 星期五對上暴龍那場比賽,先發球員們分別只打了約20分鐘。 That means more minutes for the bench, news that's welcomed by rookie guard Alex Acker . 那意味著板凳球員們有更多的時間磨練身手,而這對菜鳥後衛A.Acker來說可是個天大 的好消息。 "I'm approaching it like it's my Finals, you've got like two, three games more -- if you put me out there, I am going to be ready," Acker said. "I'm looking real forward to these games." Acker說"我把會他當作我最後的機會來看待,也許只是兩、三場比賽,但只要你給我 上場的機會,我會隨時準備好接受挑戰,我真的很期待接下來這幾場比賽。" Acker, along with forward Amir Johnson , spent time in the National Basketball Developmental League. Acker said the experience helped build his confidence. Acker和另一位菜鳥前鋒A.Johnson一樣,本季大部分的時間都待在次級聯盟NBDL磨練 ,他表示那些經驗已經幫助他建立了自信心。 "We got a lot more hungry and a lot more focused," Acker said. "I've been here every day, it's been like a tryout for me. Now I want to get out there, feel comfortable, relaxed, play my game." Acker說"我們變得更渴望比賽,也變得更加專注。我每天都會來這報到,這就像我的 選前測試會。我現在只希望放輕鬆,上場打球,打出屬於自己的球賽。" -- Fine-tuning 球隊調整情形良好 An important part of Saunders' plans for the final week before the playoffs is working on some defensive and offensive tweaks. 老桑對於季後賽前這一週的計畫中很重要一個部份就是要趁機練習一些防守和進攻的 新戰術。 "The main thing is to keep our guys fresh and sharp, we're doing more presses and half-court traps, which really we started working on those things probably two weeks ago," Saunders said. "Our half-court trap has been very, very good and they dictate a lot of tempo." 老桑說"最近調整主要的目標就是讓球員們保持精神飽滿且敏銳機警,我們會多做一些 大概從兩個禮拜前才開始使用的壓迫性及半場陷阱式防守。我們的半場陷阱式防守實在相 當、相當有用,球員們能藉此控制球賽的節奏。" The Pistons successfully used traps during the 2004 NBA title run. 活塞在'04年奪冠時陷阱式防守運用地淋漓盡致。 "It lets them bring out their aggressiveness," Saunders said. 老桑說"那激發出他們的積極性。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/17 00:25, , 1F
04/17 00:25, 1F

04/17 01:31, , 2F
04/17 01:31, 2F

04/17 03:33, , 3F
04/17 03:33, 3F
※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (04/17 13:16)

04/17 13:20, , 4F
04/17 13:20, 4F

04/17 13:54, , 5F
04/17 13:54, 5F

04/17 18:16, , 6F
布朗爺請加油 另外老桑也請季後賽加油 洗刷季後一條..的狀況
04/17 18:16, 6F

04/17 18:17, , 7F
像是創隊史單季勝場新高紀錄一樣 老桑也要幫自己拿個新紀錄
04/17 18:17, 7F

04/18 23:52, , 8F
04/18 23:52, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #14GY_KBu (Pistons)