[外電] 活塞鐵烙森林狼

看板Pistons作者 (羽山千仞)時間18年前 (2006/02/03 00:23), 編輯推噓12(1204)
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http://0rz.net/43115 Pistons 90, T'Wolves 74 Pistons tattoo Timberwolves 活塞鐵烙森林狼 Hamilton scores 21, Wallace controls rebounds in second half and Detroit bounces back from loss. 漢米豪奪二十一分,班蛙嚴控下半場籃板,底特律止敗 Chris McCosky / The Detroit News 廣告 Win Pistons tickets Be your sweetheart's prince on Valentine's Day. Enter to win four tickets to the Pistons-Nets game Feb. 14 and four Tayshaun Prince jerseys. Register online at detnews.com/pistons by Feb. 10. Winners will be notified Feb. 11. There is no purchase necessary, but you must be 18 or older to enter and win. 想做你阿娜達的王子嗎?快點這連結! 我們要送你四張二月十四號活塞對籃網的比賽球票, 還有四件小王子的球衣! Click Me! 趕快在二月十號之前註冊底特律日報、二月十一號準時開獎! ▇▇▇▇▇ 不用付費,只需要年滿十八,你就有機會! (王子控們快衝吧XD!) Pistons Gallery 班蛙不需得分就能讓明尼蘇達的麥克布朗特汗顏, 囧囧 雖然沒有得分,但豪奪十七個籃板,下半場就有十五個。 |█|█ <╲ See full image AUBURN HILLS -- Pretty good night all the way around for the Pistons. 奧本山訊─ 這夜對活塞來說還真是美好。 Earlier in the evening, Chauncey Billups was named Eastern Conference Player of the Month (the first Piston so awarded since Grant Hill in January of 1997) and Flip Saunders became the first NBA coach to be named Coach of the Month three straight months. 稍早槍蜥才被選為一月的單月最佳球員(1997年格蘭特希爾後的第一人), 桑教練也成為了聯盟第一個連莊三個月單月最佳教練的人。 "This team has been very, very, very good," said Saunders, one 'very' for every monthly award. 桑曰:"活塞實在是非常、非常、非常的優秀。" 每一個非常,代表著一個月的獎項。 Then, with large contingents of Steelers and Seahawks players sitting courtside, the Pistons ran the Minnesota Timberwolves out of The Palace, spanking them, 90-74, before the 108th straight sellout crowd, which gave standing ovations first to Jerome Bettis, then to Ben Wallace, whose energy exasperated the Timberwolves and enlivened his teammates and the crowd. 然後,當著匹茲堡鋼人隊與西雅圖海鷹隊(NFL球隊)的球員面前, 活塞諸將以90-74的佳績把灰狼隊從奧本山皇宮掃地出門。 滿場觀眾(這是第108場全滿)首先給海鷹隊的跑鋒傑若貝提斯起立鼓掌,而後是為了班蛙, 他讓灰狼感到屈辱,並讓隊友與全場觀眾的士氣達到最高點。 補充一下,匹茲堡鋼人與西雅圖海鷹都是在分區總冠軍賽被淘汰掉的球隊, 今年超級盃的兩隊是新英格蘭愛國者與費城老鷹隊。 "There was a really good feel in the building tonight," said Richard Hamilton, whose 21 points led the Pistons. "It felt like a playoff game or an NBA Finals game. Everybody who's anybody was there tonight." "今晚的球場感覺超讚",得到隊上最高21分的漢米如是說,"這就像是在季後賽, 或是在總冠軍賽一般,大家都歸位了。" The Pistons, 38-6, still haven't experienced a losing streak this season. 三十八勝六敗的活塞還是沒嚐過連敗的滋味。 "One thing about these guys," Saunders said, "when they do lose, they take it hard and they set it in their minds to bounce back. They don't want to get into a slide-type situation." 桑教練說:"這些傢伙們有一個信念:當他們輸了一場,他們便會讓他們的彈簧歸位, 而不會有彈性疲乏的情形發生。" Tayshaun Prince, who had just eight points Tuesday night in New Jersey, got the Pistons off and running, scoring 13 of his 20 points in the first quarter. 在對籃網的比賽只拿下八分的小王子這場帶領著活塞向前奔馳, 在第一節得到了他全場二十分中的十三分。 "I had to come out and do something after the way I shot the ball in New Jersey," Prince said. "我必須努力做一些事情來彌補我在對上紐澤西時的失投。"王子說。 The Pistons' bench provided a spark in the second quarter, outscoring the Timberwolves 26-15. 活塞的板凳群在第二節以26-15的得分分技壓灰狼眾將。 Maurice Evans had a pair of steals and three rebounds. Antonio McDyess, who finished with 11 points and six rebounds, had seven points in the quarter. He and Rasheed Wallace helped harass Kevin Garnett into a very ordinary game. Evans有兩抄截與三籃板;袋鼠全場有十一分與六籃板,在中場前貢獻了七分, 他與溪蛙共同壓制住賈奈特讓他的表現非常平凡 Garnett finished with 14 points and 12 rebounds. 賈奈特只獲得了十四分與十二籃板。 "They are just a well-oiled machine," Garnett said of the Pistons. "他們就像是一台充分潤滑的機器。"賈奈特如此形容活塞。 But it was Ben Wallace who ultimately delivered the knockout punch and he did it without scoring a single point. After just two rebounds in the first half, he had 15 in the second. Eight of his 17 rebounds were on the offensive boards. Those eight equaled the Timberwolves' offensive rebounding output. 但,本場沒有得分的班蛙才是給灰狼致命一拳的傢伙,上半場雖然只有兩個籃板進帳, 下半場班蛙便狂奪了15個籃板,他全場十七個籃板中包含了八個進攻籃板, 這可是灰狼全隊的進攻籃板數呀! "I was just having one of those out-of-body experiences," Wallace said. 班蛙說:"我只是讓他們看了一次天外飛仙而已..." He grabbed three offensive rebounds in one amazing possession in the fourth quarter which ultimately led to a three-pointer by Hamilton. Wallace also had three blocks and four steals. 在第四節時,班蛙以玄妙無方的姿勢抓下了一個進攻籃板並快傳給漢米投進了三分。 班蛙本場還有三個火鍋與四抄截。 "He was everywhere," Billups said. "He just brings so much energy. He's the best in the business." "他無所不在。"槍蜥如是說:"他總是帶給我們能量,他無疑是最棒的籃板手。" As for the player of the month honor, Billups was humbled. 在獲得單月最佳球員後,槍蜥還是如此謙遜。 "That's a great, great honor," he said. "I never got that before. It's tough to get, too, because you have to be consistently good over four weeks. But this doesn't happen unless our team is winning. It's a team-driven thing." 他說:"這太棒了,簡直是無上榮耀,我之前都沒有拿過呢! 拿這個獎非常的困難,因為你必須要在四週間持續好的表現,但這必須建構在 球隊的勝利上,是活塞團隊帶給我這個獎項的。" (槍蜥超謙虛...) Billups averaged 20.5 points, 8.7 assists and led the Pistons to a 13-2 month that included an 11-game winning streak. 槍蜥平均每場得20.5分、8.7助攻,帶領著活塞本月十三勝兩敗,這還包含著十一連勝。 "When you look at our record, and you look at not only how he played but the plays he made to help us win a lot of those games, he's had a phenomenal run," Saunders said. "I mean, they call him Mr. Big Shot, but he really did hit a lot of big shots for us." 桑教練道:"你不能只看他的個人表現,你更要看他如何帶領我們獲得一場又一場的勝利, 大家都叫他Mr. Big Shot,他也的確為我們投進了許多關鍵球。" In the bonus There was one other honor bestowed on the Pistons Wednesday. It was announced that assistant coach Sidney Lowe , former head coach of the Timberwolves and the Grizzlies, would coach the rookie team in the Rookie Challenge game during All-Star weekend. "It's great," said Lowe, who will be assisted by NBA legend Elvin Hayes . "It's going to be a lot of fun. I have known Elvin and talked to him through the years." The Rookie game has come under fire in recent years. Many, including commissioner David Stern , have complained the game has become too much like a Street Ball show. "It's tough because this is an All-Star game, it's an event and it's entertainment for the fans," Lowe said. "At the same time, part of giving the fans what they want is giving them a real basketball game. You don't want this to be a joke with guys just out there doing Street Ball tricks. Have fun, make it exciting but stay true to the game." 錦上添花 星期三時活塞得到了另一項榮耀,活塞的助理教練辛利路威,這位前灰狼與灰熊的總教練 獲選為全明星週新秀對抗賽菜鳥隊的教練。 路威將與NBA傳奇球星爾文海斯共同執教:"這很棒,這將會很有趣,我跟爾文 很早就認識了,我還常跟他聯絡。" 新秀對抗賽最近被砲火抨擊,這還包括了NBA的總裁大衛史騰,內容多是說 新秀對抗賽已經淪於街頭籃球秀一流。 路威說:"這難免的,這是個娛樂球迷們的時刻不是嗎? 但在同時,有些球迷想觀賞的是一場真正的球賽,你絕對不樂見這新秀挑戰賽 變成一個純粹耍街頭籃球把戲的笑話吧。所以囉,保持愉快的心情、 給大家多一點驚喜,當然也別忘了球賽的本質。" (以下大概是在講桑教練與灰狼副總裁麥克海爾的愛恨情仇, 因為我對這些東西不熟悉...所以需要請高人幫忙...囧>) Friendship frayed Kevin McHale , the Timberwolves' vice president for basketball, is apparently seething over comments he thinks Saunders made when the Pistons were in Minnesota last week. "The one that got to me was Flip claiming he wasn't involved in the decision not to bring back Chauncey Billups -- that Chauncey only left because (owner) Glen Taylor wouldn't pay him," McHale told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. "That is absolute BS. I know because there were three people on the conference call when the decision was made: Glen, Flip and me. "Glen said, 'Flip, if we give Chauncey a $36 million contract, can you get him 24 minutes a game?' And Flip said, 'I can guarantee 15, maybe 18, but with Terrell (Brandon) coming back, that's it.' " Saunders said that he never tried to pass the buck on that decision, and that's what McHale said about not guaranteeing minutes for Billups was exactly right. "That's what I have always said," Saunders said. "I am not washing my hands of anything. I was there. We had a player who at that time was the third best point guard in the league (Brandon) and we were paying him over $10 million, and Chauncey didn't want to be a shooting guard. I couldn't guarantee Chauncey minutes. "I told Chauncey that I would give him a chance to win the job in training camp, but Chauncey went a different rout." McHale and Saunders were teammates at the University of Minnesota and it was McHale that gave Saunders his first NBA coaching job, straight out of the CBA. Saunders was initially hurt and embittered when McHale fired him in the middle of last season, but the two had apparently patched up their differences. Maybe not. "Flip was handed the keys to a Mercedes," McHale said of Saunders' new job with the Pistons. "He should be the happiest man in basketball. -- ◢◣ ◢◣ ◥█◣\/◢█◤ ▼◣ 剩下一半的幻想,與莫名奇妙的文字 ◢█ █◣ 在台北旅行 █◤ ◥█ 【Fant、點滴】http://www.wretch.cc/blog/fantasyf -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/03 00:36, , 1F
02/03 00:36, 1F

02/03 00:39, , 2F
02/03 00:39, 2F

02/03 00:39, , 3F
推天外飛仙 我想到班蛙變成周星馳演的阿發XD 穿全白絲質
02/03 00:39, 3F

02/03 00:41, , 4F
的女裝 我差點吐出口中的綠茶orz
02/03 00:41, 4F

02/03 01:10, , 5F
02/03 01:10, 5F

02/03 01:37, , 6F
看到天外飛仙 真是忍不住笑了~
02/03 01:37, 6F

02/03 06:09, , 7F
歸位和天外飛仙 <= 他們應該想不到我們翻成這樣吧XDDD
02/03 06:09, 7F

02/03 08:59, , 8F
Jerome Bettis是鋼人的喔:)
02/03 08:59, 8F

02/03 09:17, , 9F
02/03 09:17, 9F

02/03 09:25, , 10F
02/03 09:25, 10F

02/03 09:28, , 11F
02/03 09:28, 11F

02/03 09:57, , 12F
讚! 不過 well-oiled 的油應該是潤滑油吧?
02/03 09:57, 12F
※ 編輯: fantasyF 來自: (02/03 20:20)

02/03 20:20, , 13F
修正完成,感謝指證....lok tar~
02/03 20:20, 13F

02/03 21:50, , 14F
02/03 21:50, 14F

02/03 21:51, , 15F
02/03 21:51, 15F

02/05 01:48, , 16F
推天外飛仙 XD
02/05 01:48, 16F
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