[外電] GETTING PERSONAL WITH ... Jason Maxiell

看板Pistons作者 (一切都還和以前一樣)時間18年前 (2005/12/20 21:59), 編輯推噓8(803)
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這…是有原因的 我大學同學 kerrys,不知何時跑來貴版翻譯外電了 大學時我的英文程度比他稍差,不過我跟他都是NBA迷就是了 上次推文問他被版友誤會,我想我乾脆也來翻外電,算「毛遂自薦,不請自來」吧 我第一次翻,功力很差,請各位先進不吝指正 kerrys對不起啊,我翻好了之後,才發現你有推文要翻這篇… 不過可以來PK一下誰的英文好啊(我…我現在已經落後他很多了…XD) 原文出處:http://0rz.net/240V1 Pistons GETTING PERSONAL WITH ... Jason Maxiell 更親近J-Max… December 14, 2005 The Pistons rookie forward has averaged three points in seven games this season after being drafted in the first round, 26th overall. 活塞第一輪第26順位選中的菜鳥前鋒,在本季的七場比賽裡平均得三分。(是那七場?) On his favorite hobby, building model cars: I like to build them from scratch but you can buy them if you're feeling lazy. You can buy them online and bring them in the house and put them on show. I like the craftsmanship of putting something together and just having it out on show. I have some that race. I have a few that are big and heavy and have motors in them. Ben (Wallace) has some too, but he won't race me. 他的嗜好是做模型車,他說:「我喜歡從零件開始拚起一台完整的車,不過如果你很懶, 你可以去買做好的。你可以上網買模型車,也可以放在家裡或是模型展上展示。我喜歡將 某件東西組合起來的技術(craftsmanship),而且也喜歡把它現出來(have it out?) 。我有一些比較大而重的模型車,上面還附有引擎呢!大班也有一些,不過他不會跟我比 賽。」 Is he afraid? Yeah, he's afraid of me. 他怕了嗎?哈哈,是的,他怕了我! On his shyness in college: Yup, I was shy, I still am shy. I haven't got over it, honestly. If I have to do business, I talk to people, but just to get to know somebody, I don't really say anything. I just sit back and observe. 他念大學時內向害羞?他說:「yup,我還蠻內向的,我還是很害羞。老實說,我一直沒 辦法改變這個事實。如果我必須去做,我會跟人說,但我……(抱歉我不知要如何翻這句 ),我自己不說什麼話,我只是休息(sit back)和觀察。」(我…我在翻什麼…) How's that working on this team? Yeah, it's not working. You know Rasheed. It's not working at all. 那你怎麼跟隊友相處呢?他說:「是的,這行不通,你知道溪蛙的。這根本行不通。」 On his Bernie Mac impression: Yeah, I do one (laughs). 他的Bernie Mac印象(這是啥?):「恩恩,我有做唷(笑)。」 Have you done it for the guys? Yeah, I have, I have. Carlos Arroyo, he loves it. He does impressions, too. He does everyone on the team. Especially Dale Davis. He does that one real good. 你有在隊員面前做嗎?:「我有我有,阿羅佑啊,他愛死了。他也有做,他對每個隊員都 有做,特別是戴維斯。他做的真好!」 So will you do the Bernie Mac impression for us? I can't because I'm shy right now. 所以你也會為我們做Bernie Mac印象?:「我不行…因為我很害羞。」 (以上有關Bernie Mac印象,由於不知道是在說啥,我猜是類似王建民穿啦啦隊服吧, 如果錯了,整段就不倫不類了…如果不是類似的東西就跳過吧…) On his first splurge: I got a bedroom set. A king bed set that comes up to my waist, really high off the ground. I always wanted a bed like that. 關於你第一次血拚?::「我買了一套床組,一組超大的床組,床幾乎要跟我的腰一樣高 了,床面離地面真的超高!我早就想要這樣的一組床了!」 That's not really what you'd expect. Why not? 這是你真正想要的嗎?:「為什麼不是啊?」 Well, cars, houses, you know. Well, I bought my mom a car. A Cadillac. That's about it. Black and gold. She loves it. 恩恩,像名車啦、豪宅啦,你知道的。:「OK,我買了一台車給我媽咪,是凱迪拉克。是 黑金的唷,我媽也很喜歡。」 So you already had a car? Yeah, already had a car. So the bed was the big deal. The bed cost more than my TV. I love the bed. 所以你自己也有車囉?:「是啊,我自己已經有車了,所以這床組可是筆大開銷。這床還 比我的電視貴。我真的很喜歡這床!」 ●●●●● 恩…儘量批吧… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kjhkj 來自: (12/20 22:17)

12/20 22:32, , 1F
12/20 22:32, 1F

12/20 22:51, , 2F
友情贊助推 kjhkj可是超熱血NBA迷阿 賀活塞板再添生力軍
12/20 22:51, 2F

12/20 22:54, , 3F
加油呀 活塞版 有你們這群熱心版友 實在很幸福
12/20 22:54, 3F

12/20 23:32, , 4F
12/20 23:32, 4F

12/20 23:32, , 5F
get to know....大概是說:我跟人說話只是要認識人
12/20 23:32, 5F

12/20 23:33, , 6F
12/20 23:33, 6F

12/20 23:34, , 7F
sit back...只是坐著觀察他人(而不多說話)
12/20 23:34, 7F

12/20 23:35, , 8F
12/20 23:35, 8F

12/21 00:25, , 9F
12/21 00:25, 9F

12/21 01:04, , 10F
12/21 01:04, 10F

12/21 01:05, , 11F
外電推了 最近無法翻 多位外電兵團辛苦了
12/21 01:05, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #13g0u_hD (Pistons)