[外電] Driven to recover

看板Pistons作者 (台北不是我的家)時間18年前 (2005/12/02 08:46), 編輯推噓9(900)
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原文出處: http://0rz.net/a00TU -- Hunter's desire propels rehabilitation efforts Hunter想要重返球場的心願驅使他努力地做復健 Joanne C. Gerstner / The Detroit News It would so easy for Pistons guard Lindsey Hunter to stay home and chill. 對活塞後衛L.Hunter來說要待在家發冷是件很容易的事。 He could take the day off, lounge in his warm bed and just let the cold winter world go by. 他大可以好好休息,終日懶洋洋地躺臥在溫暖的被窩中,就這樣度過寒冷的冬天。 After all, Hunter has been on two NBA champions and earned a good living playing in the league since 1993. 畢竟,Hunter已經贏得兩座NBA總冠軍獎盃且自'93年進聯盟打球後就開始過著優渥的 生活。 Maybe it's time to retire and permanently become Mr. Dad for his wife and children. 也許這正是個引退成為老婆和小孩們的專屬老爹的大好機會。 But that won't happen, especially if Hunter has anything to say about it. 不過事情將不會是這樣,特別是如果Hunter沒再多說些什麼的話。 Hunter, who turns 35 on Dec. 3, is working hard to come back from left ankle surgery -- aiming to return in a month or two as one of the Pistons' best defenders. 在12月3號將滿35歲的Hunter正努力地從左腳踝手術中復原,他的目標是在一個月,最 慢兩個月內回到球隊陣中最佳防守球員之一的位置。 "There have been times where I asked myself, 'Why are you working so hard? You could just give this all up and be done with it,' " Hunter said about his extensive rehabilitation. "But I still feel it here (tapping his heart). I want to play. I want to be here with my team. I know I can still contribute to this team, so that's what keeps me going through all of this." 關於規模浩大的復健工程,Hunter如是說"我已經這樣問過自己好幾回'為什麼你要這 麼努力復健?你大可以全部放棄,然後過著悠閒的退休生活的。'不過我感覺到內心的吶喊 (一面用手輕敲著心臟的位置),我還想打球,還想跟著我的球隊四處征戰,我知道我仍有 能力為這支球隊犧牲奉獻,這就是支持我走過這一切的理由。" "It's not easy, especially when you're watching your team win without you. I've been through tough things before, and I'll come through this too." "這並不容易,特別是當你看著球隊雖然沒有你在陣中卻依然可以贏得比賽時。不過我 過去就曾克服一些難關,相信這次我也可以順利度過。" Hunter suffered the ankle injury during Game 5 of the 2005 NBA Finals.He rolled the ankle, something that has happened many times. But he knew instantly that something was different. Hunter是在'05年NBA總冠軍賽時受傷,他再次重創了那個已經扭過許多次的左腳踝, 不過他馬上知道這次情況跟以往有所不同。 "I got a pain that was different, sharper, more intense," Hunter said. "I kept going, because there was no question -- it was the NBA Finals." Hunter說"這次受傷的痛和過去不一樣,更急劇、更強烈。不過我忍下來了,因為沒有 任何退縮的空間可言 - 這是NBA總冠軍賽。" The ankle was badly twisted, and doctors hoped a summer of rest would be the healing solution. 他的左腳踝嚴重扭傷,醫生希望他可以好好休養一整個暑假,這會是對傷勢最有幫助 的治療方法。 But many weeks after the NBA Finals had ended, the ankle was still swollen and painful. 不過NBA總冠軍賽結束好幾個星期了,他的腳踝卻依舊腫脹、疼痛。 That led to the conclusion surgery would be necessary. 這也意味著一場手術是免不了的了。 Hunter had surgery on the second day of training camp. A grape-size piece of floating bone was removed, the source of all the swelling, pain and irritation. Hunter在訓練營開始的第二天接受手術,取出了一塊葡萄般大小的碎骨,那個所有腫 脹、疼痛和煩惱的始作俑者。 The working theory is Hunter had hurt the ankle many times before, producing the bone injury. The final straw came during the NBA Finals, leading to the more significant problem. Hunter的受傷機轉是因為之前就多次扭傷腳踝,造成骨頭損傷,而壓倒駱駝的最後一 根稻草則是來自上一季NBA總冠軍賽期間,那次受傷導致了更嚴重的問題。 Hunter's lengthy journey has involved healing from the surgery and allowing his damaged tendons to recover. Hunter漫長的復健歷程包括術後復健及使受傷的肌腱復原。 Progress is slow but steady. 復健進展雖緩慢但很穩定。 At first, he could do nothing. He got around for a few weeks on crutches, the foot encased in an immobilizer. His wife, Ivy, made sure he didn't try to do too much. 一開始他什麼動作都不能做,有好幾個禮拜的時間都必須拄著柺杖,腳也被裝在固定 器中。他的老婆Ivy則是負起監督的責任,避免他因求好心切而做了過多的運動。 Then he was allowed to walk around on his own, moving slowly with a pronounced limp. 之後他被允許可以不拿拐杖行走,移動緩慢且很明顯地跛行。 Today, he can run, shoot, practice as much as he can with the team and work out on his own. 今天他已經可以跑步、投籃,和隊友們接受一樣份量的訓練,並且進行自主練習。 Hunter is still a month away from returning to real action, needing to get his body ready for the stress of games.The force of cutting and changing directions on the fly will be his biggest test in the next few weeks. Hunter仍需至少一個月的時間才能重返球場,因為他還得再花些時間適應場上真槍實 彈的碰撞強度,急停和在躍起時變換方向是他在接下來幾個禮拜最大的考驗。 Hunter's defensive presence has been missed. He would have been a strong asset against the Washington Wizards last Friday. Former Pistons guard Chucky Atkins came off the bench and hit 6 of 7 three-point shots. 球隊已經開始懷念Hunter扎實的防守功夫了,上禮拜五對上華盛頓巫師的比賽如果他 在場上會是球隊的重要資產,因為前活塞後衛C.Atkins可能就沒辦法以投7中6的高三分命 中率成功扮演板凳殺手的腳色了。 His dogged defense could have cooled Atkins' hot hand. 他頑強的防守也許能夠適時地冷卻Atkins火熱的手感。 The Pistons know Hunter will be ready -- and rested -- for the second half of the season and playoff run. 活塞知道Hunter遲早會做好準備 - 並且已充分休息 - 在下半季和季後賽大展身手。 The key for him is patience, knowing when and how to push his body. 對他而言最關鍵的就是要有耐心,能夠隨時清楚了解自己的身體狀況。 Strength and conditioning coach Arnie Kander has shepherded Hunter through the rehabilitation process. 體能教練A.Kander在Hunter的復健過程中一直扮演著指導者的腳色。 "What impresses me most is Lindsey's mind," Kander said. "He's such a hard worker, and that determination helps him get over anything." Kander說"最讓我印象深刻的是Hunter不屈不撓的堅毅心志,他是一個真男人,而幫助 他克服一切難關的就是想要重返球場的決心。" "He wants to return to being Lindsey Hunter -- not just the one from 2004, but the one from 1994. And physically speaking, there is no reason why he cannot return to where he was." "他想要變回Lindsey Hunter - 不只是'04年的那個Hunter,而是'94年初入聯盟的那 個Hunter,而他的體能狀況也顯示他沒理由不能變回當時的那個他。" "Having Lindsey back here with the team is huge. You can hear his voice and laugh seven decibels above everybody else's at practice. He's a leader, he has a spirit that drives this team. And I think that's what he would miss if he wasn't here anymore -- being with the guys and having that interaction." "Hunter能重返球場對球隊而言意義重大,你可以在練習時聽到比任何人都還高上7分 貝的嗓音和笑語。他是個領袖,具有帶動球隊認真打球的精神,而我想以上所陳述的就是 他令人懷念的人格特質 - 和隊友們在一起,然後產生正面的互動。" Hunter gleefully trades barbs with Rasheed Wallace or gives Rip Hamilton grief during practice. Hunter喜歡在練習時和溪蛙交換垃圾話或讓RIP吃盡苦頭。 Still, there are more enjoyable things than facing pain and being pushed to the limit by Kander every day. 當然,如果能夠重返球場還有更多比每天面臨痛楚和被Kander逼到極限來得有趣的事 情等著Hunter。 Hunter has talked with friends and family members about the comeback, drawing strength from their support. Hunter一直和朋友和家人談論重返球場的事情,並從他們的支持中得到繼續努力的動 力。 One of his biggest backers is Pistons president Joe Dumars. 其中一個對他影響最大的支持者就是活塞總管J.Dumars。 Once upon a time, Dumars was a 35-year-old guard for the Pistons, feeling aches and pains and being razzed by a younger Hunter. 很久很久以前,Dumars也曾是活塞陣中一位高齡35並持續感到疼痛的老後衛,且遭受 當時年輕的Hunter的非難。 Dumars also took a lot of smack from then-teammates Allan Houston and Grant Hill about his age relative to their youth. 當時的隊友A.Houston和G.Hill也因為Dumars的年齡相對於他們要大得多而對他有微詞 。 The tables have turned, allowing Dumars to call out Hill, the now-retired Houston, and Hunter for being NBA old men themselves. 時光流逝,現在Dumars也可以稱呼Hill、已退休的Houston和Hunter為NBA的沙場老將 了。 "Revenge is sweet, because now they know -- and tell me -- that being 35 isn't that old," Dumars said, smiling. "What I told Lindsey, in all seriousness, was that only he can know when it's time. I still think he has a lot to contribute to this team. I asked him, 'Do you still want to get up and come to practice every day? Or would you rather stay home?' Dumars笑著說"報仇的滋味是甜美的,因為他們現在了解了 - 也告訴我 - 35歲還說不 上老。我嚴肅地告訴Hunter,只有他自己可以決定何時該退休,我仍認為他還深具為這支 球隊貢獻的能力。我問他'你還願意每天早起並到場參與練習嗎?或你比較想待在家裡?'" "You know in your heart when it's time. I did. But I can 100 percent see that Lindsey still wants to be here. You can still see that fire in his eyes. And that's all I needed to hear and see. He will be back and be an important part of this team." "時間到了你的心會知道,對我而言是如此。不過我百分之百相信Hunter還想回來,你 仍可以看到他眼中的火燄,而那就是我所想要聽到和看到的,他將會重返球場並再次成為 球隊重要的一份子。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/02 15:28, , 1F
12/02 15:28, 1F

12/02 15:38, , 2F
12/02 15:38, 2F
※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (12/02 16:01)

12/02 17:44, , 3F
12/02 17:44, 3F

12/02 17:47, , 4F
12/02 17:47, 4F

12/02 20:49, , 5F
不行嗎?? K大幫你服務還不好喔 真是愛計較XD
12/02 20:49, 5F

12/02 21:32, , 6F
樓上的別誤會了 他是我大學同學啦 XD
12/02 21:32, 6F

12/02 21:48, , 7F
12/02 21:48, 7F

12/02 22:46, , 8F
同樣是大學生 為什麼我連英檢都要擔心
12/02 22:46, 8F

12/02 23:20, , 9F
12/02 23:20, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #13ZvbAie (Pistons)