[運勢] 5/11 Daily Horoscope

看板Pisces作者 (花)時間1年前 (2022/05/11 09:37), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/1
Pisces horoscope for May 11 2022 魚~ 你不會知道所有的答案,其他人也是如此。 然而,你有時會覺得自己有責任獲得所有答案,而當你不這樣做時,你的信心可能會直線 下降。 但是,當你沒有所需的知識時,這反而是一個機會。 是探索和學習你以前不知道的東西的機會,總是一件好事。 如果你現在對缺乏知識可能會讓你看起來感到緊張,試著利用這個機會學習和分享。 這將是非常令人印象深刻的。 - You don't have all the answers. Nobody does. Yet you sometimes feel responsibl e for having all the answers, and your confidence may plummet when you don't. But when you don't have the knowledge you need, it is an opportunity. It is th e chance to explore and learn something you didn't know before, and that's alw ays a good thing. If you are feeling nervous now about how a lack of informati on might make you look, use this chance to learn and to share. That will be ve ry impressive, Pisces. - Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by comitic http://comitic.com/dailyhoroscope/ - 新手翻譯中 謝謝大家的鼓勵:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1652233023.A.958.html

05/11 09:47, 1年前 , 1F
謝謝 面對未知…
05/11 09:47, 1F

05/11 10:22, 1年前 , 2F
05/11 10:22, 2F

05/11 11:40, 1年前 , 3F
05/11 11:40, 3F

05/11 13:09, 1年前 , 4F
05/11 13:09, 4F

05/11 14:36, 1年前 , 5F
05/11 14:36, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1YUnC_bO (Pisces)