[情報] 01/05 The Daily Horoscope

看板Pisces作者 (午午)時間9年前 (2015/01/05 00:09), 編輯推噓7(702)
留言9則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Pisces horoscope for Jan 5 2015 In the olden days, silent movies captivated audiences with dramatic flourish and emotionally riveting piano music. Even though the actors spoke no words that could be heard aloud, they conveyed what was happening in a very effective way. It doesn't happen that way in life though Pisces. You may be trying to convey an important message to someone through emotional scenes and dramatic expressions. That may be because you're having a hard time dealing with your awkward message. But the best way to get through to someone is with complete honesty. Don't be afraid to say it. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://frtns.com/dh 在過去,默片以極度誇張、深具戲劇性的表演,以及精心剪接的鋼琴曲,吸引了無數觀眾 的目光。即使演員從頭到尾都沒有發出任何會被聽見的聲音,他們仍然能夠有效地傳達正 在發生的事情。然而雙魚,這樣的情況並不會發生在日常生活裡。你也許正試著努力通過 感情充沛的場景與戲劇性的經驗,來向某人傳達一個重要的訊息,而這可能是因為你在面 對這個棘手的訊息時遇上了一些麻煩。但是,想讓對方接收到這個訊息的最好方法,便是 坦誠以對。別因畏懼而沉默。 -- 比起坦誠以對,打哈哈更不容易受傷啊…… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1420387790.A.7EB.html

01/05 00:36, , 1F
01/05 00:36, 1F

01/05 01:16, , 2F
01/05 01:16, 2F

01/05 10:39, , 3F
01/05 10:39, 3F

01/05 13:56, , 4F
01/05 13:56, 4F

01/05 15:59, , 5F
01/05 15:59, 5F

01/05 16:16, , 6F
01/05 16:16, 6F

01/05 17:13, , 7F
01/05 17:13, 7F

01/05 17:44, , 8F
很難欸說真的 不曉得該怎麼坦誠以對啊~~~再受傷怎麼
01/05 17:44, 8F

01/05 17:45, , 9F
01/05 17:45, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1KgMNEVh (Pisces)