[情報] 10/1 The daily horoscope

看板Pisces作者 (獨角獸貓貓)時間10年前 (2014/10/01 00:40), 編輯推噓10(1001)
留言11則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Wednesday Oct 1 It's hard to believe that an entire generation never knew a world that didn't include the internet. We are so reliant on being constantly connected that we feel lost and out of balance if we ever leave the house and forget to bring our cell phones. We text, we email, and we speak numerous times throughout the day. Technologically enabled conversation has stopped us from communicating in a more grounded and authentic way. You've had a contentions exchange with someone you love, Pisces, but it may just be because you are relying on technology to communicate. Try something bold: look into this person's eyes face to face, and say what you have to say. It will be liberating and unifying at the same time. -- Copyright (c) The Daily Horoscope by Fortunes Foundry http://bit.ly/DHmobile -- 很難去相信這個世代的人們從不知道沒有網路的世界。我們是如此的依賴那不斷的 連結,以至於如果我們出門忘記帶手機我們就會感到迷思與失衡。我們整天不停的傳簡 訊、email和說話。科技的溝通方式使得我們停止了更加真實的方式。 魚魚,你與你所愛的人有一些爭執點,但這也許是因為你太依賴科技去交談了。試 著用一些更加有血有肉的方式:面對面看著這個人的眼睛,說你該說的。這樣將會同時 釋放並連結彼此。 ............................................................................. 放下你的手機跟電腦,出去跟真實的人類說話吧!! -- 盆栽悅悅-限量搶購中 http://ppt.cc/aK7R -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1412095254.A.05B.html

10/01 00:45, , 1F
羊妹妹不給約r OAQ
10/01 00:45, 1F

10/01 00:46, , 2F
10/01 00:46, 2F

10/01 00:54, , 3F
10/01 00:54, 3F

10/01 00:56, , 4F
10/01 00:56, 4F

10/01 01:02, , 5F
蠍女跟我要電話都不打來 看來該換我跟她要電話了哈哈
10/01 01:02, 5F

10/01 08:49, , 6F
10/01 08:49, 6F

10/01 09:58, , 7F
10/01 09:58, 7F

10/01 10:45, , 8F
10/01 10:45, 8F

10/01 13:03, , 9F
10/01 13:03, 9F

10/01 14:53, , 10F
10/01 14:53, 10F

10/01 23:36, , 11F
10/01 23:36, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1KAjqM1R (Pisces)