[灑花] 真木頭 複製丐幫幫主成績 何如?

看板Phillies作者 (古 典 愛 樂)時間5年前 (2019/02/14 01:32), 5年前編輯推噓68(68061)
留言129則, 24人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
J.T. Realmuto hustles to Clearwater, can't wait to hit in Philly By Jim Salisbury February 12, 2019 費城郎 召開記者招待會 正式介紹 無上真。木頭 給大家 \^^/ https://www.facebook.com/mlb/videos/505818536610550 CLEARWATER, Fla. - J.T. Realmuto knew he was going somewhere. So, back home in Oklahoma City, he and his wife packed their bags last week and waited for thephone call that would tell them which way to start driving. "We didn't want to head to Florida and get traded to [a team that trains in] Arizona," he said with a laugh. 不知道其他FA 是不是也打包好了 XD~ 真木頭 竟然早在交易前 就已將春訓的行李收拾妥貼 當天晚上 星夜啟程 (還真有帶頭大哥的風範!) The call came Thursday afternoon. Realmuto had been traded to the Phillies. Go east, young man, you've become the latest star player to escape the rebuilding Marlins. 那天中午 真木頭全家還在一起吃飯 先是接到馬林魚來電 沒多久 換可憐他上線 ... 下午 再上了一次健身房 晚上與祖父母聚餐 餐後 旋即與夫人Lexi 及尚須懷抱的幼女Grace 星夜小卡車啟程 木頭開半夜 夫人開早上 就醬 從奧克拉荷馬市消失 17個小時後 出現在我費佛州清水基地 ( ̄  ̄")│││ 這款精實勁兒 我看連丐幫幫主魯有腳 都不是對手 至於耶律齊咧 這個不清楚不敢亂說 XD~ Realmuto wasted no time joining his new team. He and his wife, Lexi, and infant daughter, Grace, drove through the night Thursday and arrived in Clearwater late Friday afternoon. Pitchers and catchers will go through their first official workout of the spring on Wednesday. Realmuto joined the gang of earlier arrivers for a workout on Saturday morning and has already caught one of Aaron Nola's bullpen sessions. 今天投捕才開工 上週六真木頭就已與早鳥們相見歡 且已接了人生中 第一次 王牌投手Nola的牛棚練投 (提筆時 人太好的諾拉 已與我費再締結了4+1年的新約 \^^/ ) "This is definitely an organization that I'm proud to play for and I'm happy to be here," he said Tuesday. 場面話 是初來乍到者 非得講上一講的 否則 小心跟豹子頭林沖一樣 吃上殺威棍 (純印象 懶得查 XD ) Realmuto, who turns 28 in March, is widely hailed as the best catcher in baseball. He made his first All-Star team last season but finished in last place with a stripped-down Marlins team that is still in the early stages of a rebuild. Realmuto saw someof his teammates, including eventual NL MVP Yelich, get traded away last winter and made it known to Marlins officials that he wanted to be dealt to a team with a chance to win. It took the entire offseason and a lot of rumors du jour, but he got his wish. 瞧瞧 去年剛離開馬林魚困住飛球球場的 丐幫幫主 前年 與去年 的全壘打數 差了多少? http://www.espn.com/mlb/player/stats/_/id/31283/christian-yelich 沒臭! 整整差了一倍 從18倍增為36 ! 無上真木頭 <(_ _)> 您不覺得~好歹也要較量一下義兄弟 把2018的安打、打點、HR 也給倍增一下?! 有道是 輸人不輸陣 輸義兄弟~就難看面 ˋ(′~‵")ˊ "It was definitely a different offseason for me and my wife," he said. "We spent more time on social media than we ever have in our lives, just trying to find out if anybody knows any scoop that we didn't know. It was a little stressful, a little different for us, but we're definitely happy with the outcome." 這冬天 我們木頭伉儷 每天就泡在社群網站裡 看看洒家 鳩竟 是被交易到了哪一隊? 所幸,結果是甜美的 <( ̄︶ ̄)> (這麼看來 丁特 是沒打算談到一定程度時 尊重一下球隊的扛壩子 跟他討論討論~去這裡 您意下如何? ) And he's happy he won't be playing half his games in spacious Marlins Park anymore. Realmuto hit .277 with 30 doubles, 21 homers, 74 RBIs and an .825 OPS for the Marlins last season. He did much of his damage on the road, where his OPS was .870,compared to .773 at home. 逃離了打擊墳場 來到了明媚秀麗的市銀公園打擊天堂 Realmuto欣喜之情 溢於表與裡 Over his career, he has hit .309 with a .848 OPS in 280 games on the road and .245 with a .678 OPS in 260 games in Marlins Park. 這之前說過 他確實就是客場打得特別好 在主墳場就xxoorz "It's definitely tough," he said. "I can count too many times that I felt like I crushed a ball in Marlins Park only to watch Odubel Herrera dive in center field and catch it at the wall. So it will be nice to get out of there and - not that Citizens Bank Park is any slouch, you still have to hit the ball well, but it will be nice knowing if you get a ball, you have a chance of getting it out. In Marlins Park, sometimes you felt like you got all of it and you're flying out to center field, not even getting a double out of it. You were running back to the dugout. So it will be nice to not have that situation. 在馬林魚的主場 確實是很硬斗! 我記得很清楚 有多少多少次 覺得這球應該要飛出去HR了 結果竟然一一被 阿肚伯 給飛撲接殺 ˋ(O_O)ˋ Hence, 來到市銀公園 難免滿懷雀躍 不是說市銀公園 就是顆軟柿子 , 球還是必須打得強勁 打得軟趴趴 那都白搭.. 至少 該屬於長打的 這公園都會不吝~賞吾等以榮耀。 馬林魚公園可就不是了 除了HR會被沒收 甚至該是2B的 最後都可能悻悻然回休息室~摔開特力 pupu :D~~ "I felt like some of my issues in Marlins Park were that I knew it was so big and sometimes maybe I tried to do a little too much and got out of my strengths. I'd muscle up and try to hit the ball too far, which over time can really create problems. I think just being able to play in a park that is more hitter-friendly will give me more confidence and I'll try not to do too much and just take things as they come and that will help me out tremendously." 久了以後 有時我會忍不住更想揮大棒 於是可能適得其反 可能姿勢歪掉 甚至導致受傷... 我想 今後這個打擊相對友善的費城主場 將會對我的成績 與自信心 goes a long way ! (費納寶在觀眾席步罡踏斗施法 應該也能 goes a long way 噗噗 :D~~ ) As a visitor to Citizens Bank Park, Realmuto hit .282 with 8 doubles, 4 HRs, 13 RBIs and a .788 OPS in 28 games. Phillies officials believe Realmuto will have as much impact on the team's pitching and defense as he does on the offense. Last week, GM Matt Klentak mentioned that Realmuto's blocking ability would give pitchers confidence to try to get hitters to chase balls in the dirt. Ask Brad Lidge how important that is. He always knew Carlos Ruiz would block his dirt-diving sliders. 除了 阿里耶塔 可以安心讓他的滑球更往地面挖地瓜 還有一人 受益最大 : 最愛投Splitter的 Hector Neris "I've definitely studied all of them multiple times just by facing them," Realmuto said of the Phillies pitchers. "There's a lot of great arms on this team, a lot of young guys with electric stuff, guys that are getting better. From top to bottom, this entire rotation has quality, plus stuff and they've all gotten better. I look forward to helping them continue their improvement." 真木頭: 其實 這群剛照面的投手們 我本來就很熟了啦 以前對戰時 都馬要研究對方的球路 ... 遑論同是東區 偶提早報到 就是希望趕快跟未來的老公們 耳鬢廝磨 (設計對白) 混得更熟悉點 有信心能幫助這群年輕的新秀們 早日進步頓悟! 愛茯苓、VV: 無上木頭 您確定我們能頓悟嗎? 連我們哥兒們 都從沒肖想過會有頓悟那麼一天 ╮(╯_╰)╭ (笨孔忍不住想酸他們 之 設計對白) > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Realmuto and Harper have both spent their entire careers in the NL East in Miami and Washington, respectively, and they have mutual admiration for each other. Harper, in fact, openly wished for the Nationals to trade for Realmuto last summer (see story). 哈潑 心儀 真木頭 的故事, 已然廣為流傳 就不再贅述。 How does a rendezvous in Philly sound to Realmuto? 把費城人作為集合地點 好咩? "Anybody would love to have a guy like that on your team," Realmuto said. "I haven't quite been involved in those discussions because I haven't been here very long, but I would definitely love to have a player like that on this team." muto: 我初來乍到 還不是很清楚(哈潑案)狀況 看來真木頭 並沒我們預想中的釀 也很期待與哈潑聚首 看這話 傷當的微溫哪 ˋ(′~‵")ˊ "I haven't had a chance to even think about that yet," Realmuto said of a possible extension. "This whole last week has gone by so fast and been so hectic, I haven't quite had the opportunity to think about that. But from everything I've heard about this organization, I'm sure I'll see for myself. I've heard nothing but amazing things, so we'll see about that in the future." muto: 還沒想到那裏去耶 (關於續約) 這幾天過得飛快 還在歇斯底里的喜悅中 (場面話) 所以說整格的 尚無餘暇去仔細想這件事 不過 就我聽說過有關費城這球團的評論 除了正面好的、讚嘆的 其他就啥咪都媚有了 所以 就讓偶們看下去唄... Klentak said the club was not ready to discuss an extension, but he pointed out that Realmuto was the kind of person and player the Phillies wanted to retain. GM可憐他: 我們也還沒準備好要談續約 (很忙好唄 為了波、朵 超忙的rz) 不過木頭這種球星加領袖 毋庸置疑是費球團想要合作到退休滴 笨孔: 多說的! 不續約的話 只用二年 六郎就醬送給了馬林魚嗎 (/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < https://94wip.radio.com/jt-realmuto-machado-harper-phillies 真木頭這兩天 接受廣播節目訪問時 說道這段小故事: "Brian Schneider 你們記得嗎? 前些年也呆過費城人 他是我在馬林魚的捕手教練 我接到交易告知後 第一通電話 就是打給他! 他很開心地恭喜我 說木頭啊 你一定會愛上那裏的! 那裏的球迷啊 (不是傳言中的釀 多糟糕多惹人厭) 讚得要命 熱情熱血到你暖暖地 ... 所以主持人 告訴你 沒別的! 我當真殷殷期盼 開始在費城打球的棒球人生 \(^▽^)/ -- David Brian Cone Mets KC Jays NYY BOS SP Ht: 6'1" Wt: 190 Bat: L Throw: R Born: 1-2-63 Kansas City YR Team W L ERA IP BB SO 1999.7.18 Perfect Game 94 Royals 16 5 2.94 171.2 54 132 1994 Cy Young Award 98 Yankees 20 7 3.55 207.2 59 209 1998 AL Wins Leader Ttl 14-Year 180 102 3.19 2590.0 985 2420 '90'91'92 StrikeOut King -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 編輯: Carreras (, 02/14/2019 01:36:00

02/14 01:55, 5年前 , 1F
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02/14 01:55, 5年前 , 2F
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02/14 08:11, 5年前 , 3F
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02/14 08:57, 5年前 , 4F
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02/14 14:06, 5年前 , 5F
Nola人真的好好 又帥又強
02/14 14:06, 5F

02/14 14:06, 5年前 , 6F
推個 木頭HR RBI一起翻倍唄!
02/14 14:06, 6F

02/14 17:37, 5年前 , 7F
02/14 17:37, 7F

02/14 22:45, 5年前 , 8F
希望別功虧一畚箕 u no what i mean ~.~/
02/14 22:45, 8F

02/14 23:47, 5年前 , 9F
諾拉記者會 https://bit.ly/2GrQiUS
02/14 23:47, 9F

02/15 11:42, 5年前 , 10F
you know what I mean it's like walking in the heat
02/15 11:42, 10F

02/15 11:42, 5年前 , 11F
with no water (sam smith)
02/15 11:42, 11F

02/16 20:00, 5年前 , 12F
02/16 20:00, 12F

02/16 20:03, 5年前 , 13F
Herrera 席古拉 好斯金 馬或哈 真木頭 呼.....
02/16 20:03, 13F

02/17 12:04, 5年前 , 14F
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02/17 20:24, 5年前 , 15F
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02/18 16:16, 5年前 , 16F
馬或哈大家喜歡哪位? 感覺馬比較適合我費隊形但感覺追
02/18 16:16, 16F

02/18 16:16, 5年前 , 17F
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02/18 16:21, 5年前 , 20F
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02/18 22:12, 5年前 , 21F
不會ㄚ 法蘭蔻+-用 笨孔深感OK ~.~/
02/18 22:12, 21F

02/19 07:55, 5年前 , 22F
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02/19 16:06, 5年前 , 23F
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02/20 01:30, 5年前 , 24F
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02/20 01:36, 5年前 , 27F
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02/20 01:45, 5年前 , 28F
偶是沒崩潰 偶只擔心白襪及國際牌突然失心瘋
02/20 01:45, 28F

02/20 01:45, 5年前 , 29F
02/20 01:45, 29F

02/20 01:46, 5年前 , 30F
打壞本來偶PHI 幾乎快跟芭樂絲談好的約與price
02/20 01:46, 30F

02/20 01:46, 5年前 , 31F
02/20 01:46, 31F

02/20 09:50, 5年前 , 32F
MM還好 之前那個滑壘跟就不是太愛 哈波也是不錯
02/20 09:50, 32F

02/20 14:48, 5年前 , 33F
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02/20 18:59, 5年前 , 34F
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02/20 20:19, 5年前 , 37F
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02/24 13:51, 5年前 , 38F
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02/24 13:51, 5年前 , 39F
02/24 13:51, 39F
還有 50 則推文
03/01 10:28, 5年前 , 90F
(* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_,.-*'`"*-
03/01 10:28, 90F

03/01 10:30, 5年前 , 91F
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03/01 11:29, 5年前 , 95F
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03/01 11:42, 5年前 , 96F
Cozens春訓打超好 有機會爭4號OF
03/01 11:42, 96F

03/01 11:43, 5年前 , 97F
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03/01 12:02, 5年前 , 98F
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03/01 12:25, 5年前 , 100F
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03/01 13:08, 5年前 , 101F
trust the process! and the process is completed ^.<
03/01 13:08, 101F

03/01 13:13, 5年前 , 102F
阿鐵目前賣相比威廉斯差 有可能送出威廉斯換SP嗎
03/01 13:13, 102F

03/01 13:13, 5年前 , 103F
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03/01 13:37, 5年前 , 105F
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03/01 14:10, 5年前 , 116F
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03/01 14:10, 5年前 , 117F
補推個 Harper,來了豪爽!
03/01 14:10, 117F

03/01 14:18, 5年前 , 118F
03/01 14:18, 118F

03/01 14:18, 5年前 , 119F
03/01 14:18, 119F

03/01 15:39, 5年前 , 120F
還有,都忘記Cole Irvin也差不多養好可以上來頂輪值了
03/01 15:39, 120F

03/01 19:15, 5年前 , 121F
03/01 19:15, 121F

03/02 19:40, 5年前 , 122F
哈潑抵達清水了 米多藤 有必要跟芭樂絲抱成釀嗎 ~.~|||
03/02 19:40, 122F

03/02 19:40, 5年前 , 123F
03/02 19:40, 123F

03/02 19:52, 5年前 , 124F
最新消息,體檢通過喏,即將召開記者招待會 ^.<
03/02 19:52, 124F

03/02 20:02, 5年前 , 125F
感謝Middleton的stupid money~XD
03/02 20:02, 125F

03/02 22:07, 5年前 , 126F
03/02 22:07, 126F

03/03 02:53, 5年前 , 127F
這價碼smart money 啦!
03/03 02:53, 127F

03/03 04:48, 5年前 , 128F

03/03 04:48, 5年前 , 129F
03/03 04:48, 129F
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