[Ryno] 遲來的耶誕節情人節禮物~AJB

看板Phillies作者 (古 典 愛 樂)時間10年前 (2014/02/18 01:11), 編輯推噓8(803)
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Phillies see Burnett as 'the perfect guy for us' February 16, 2014 / Jim Salisbury CLEARWATER, Fla. -- Ryne Sandberg had a difficult time containing the smile on his face as he sat next to A.J. Burnett at Phillies camp Sunday afternoon. 記者招待會上 總教練小熊先生Ryno 坐在AJB旁邊 笑得合不攏嘴 久久不豬到誰是自己 \~.~/ Sandberg's starting pitching rotation improved substantially when Burnett's contract became official earlier in the day. 奇怪ㄟ 2王牌 變成3王牌 感覺好像很有差齁! 的確ㄟ 只要能殺進季後 三王牌幾乎就能無縫接軌喏 (點頭如肚菇) "On my end, just to see A.J. in a Phillies uniform today: A beautiful thing," Sandberg said. "He's a belated Christmas present and Valentine's Day present that I've been waiting for. A little late, but I'll take it. He's a difference-maker for us. He's a big piece. I couldn't be happier." 桑柏格被Madama Butterfly上身 高唱詠嘆調 : 美好的一天 ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ http://youtu.be/-4dOpvVMfqg
"遲來的耶誕節禮物 情人節禮物 偶等好久喏! 真的有點慢ㄟ 不過我願意 yes I do! AJB在戰場上 是個能讓風雲變色的大將 我沒辦法更開心的了 Q__Q~ " The Phillies stretched their payroll higher than it has ever been -- it projects to be over $175 million -- to sign Burnett to a one-year contract worth $16 million. If Burnett exercises his end of a mutual option in 2015, the deal could be worth $23.5 million over two years. There is a partial no-trade clause in the contract, allowing Burnett to designate nine teams to which he can be dealt. AJB加進來後 PHI的年度薪資 已經確定要創歷史新高喏 接下來 要細說一下AJB的合約內容 因為坦白講還滿複雜的rz 2014年 1500萬米果幣 ; 2015年 球團選擇權 or 球員選擇權 那為啥新聞全部都說AJB的薪水是1600咧? 哦 原來是 ~ 明年萬一雙方都不想合作了 那會有100萬的贍養費 所以新聞都說 AJB年薪(等同)一千六百萬。 球團選擇權: 1500萬 球員選擇權: 最低750萬 , 今年先發滿24次 → 850萬 27次 → 1000萬 30次 → 1175萬 32次 → 1275萬。 另有激勵獎金 太繁複了 不想寫 XD 不過反正是數十萬計。 部份的不可交易條款 AJB可以挑九隊 列入他的否決名單。 The Phillies had agreed to sign Burnett four days earlier, just as spring camp was opening. Burnett had contemplated retirement and did not decide to continue his career until late last month. 直到一月底 AJB都還以為自己真的要退休喏rz General manager Ruben Amaro Jr. said the team's pursuit of Burnett was not the result of Cole Hamels' bout with shoulder tendinitis during the offseason -- "Quite frankly, I'm not all that concerned about Cole," Amaro said -- nor the result of Miguel Alfredo Gonzalez's methodical progression since signing in August. 如本堅稱 : 他簽AJB 壓根兒與黑魔使先前肩膀不舒服 需要時間還原 無干! "I think more than anything else we had a unique opportunity," Amaro said. "If you were to tell us what pitchers were going to be available -- if he were part of the original mix (early in the offseason) -- he probably would have been at the top of the ticket as far as the type of pitcher we were looking to add to our rotation. 如本恭維的說 這冬季你要是列個名單給我 說市場上有哪些好的先發投手? AJB無庸置疑的就是列在這張表的最上端! "We got great backing from our partners and the ownership group in order to make this move at this time. It's obviously late and it's a significant commitment, but it's a commitment that was worth it for our organization because we're trying to win. We're trying to win a World Series. That's our job and we believe we have the players to do that. I think we added to it." 如本說 我們獲得了球團總裁與大股東的大力支持 這交易來得這麼晚 金額又不可謂不大 而且年度薪資創新高 沒有他們挺我 這約是簽不下來的! 足見偶們求勝爭冠的決心不言可喻! Burnett, 37, went 26-21 with a 3.41 ERA in 61 starts the last two seasons for Pittsburgh. At the end of last season, he raved about his experience in Pittsburgh and said if he were to pitch in 2014 it would only be with the Pirates. When the itch to pitch returned in January, Burnett widened the field of potential teams to those within reasonable driving distance of his suburban Baltimore home. He said Washington and Baltimore showed little interest. Pittsburgh bid $12 million, according to a CBS Sports report. 原本AJB堅持 不留海盜的話就退休 後來他有放軟 改稱 ~ 只要離家近 就願意考慮 ... 然而 國際牌已經太強喏 金鶯好像錢不太夠花 XD~ 最終 只剩下海盜與PHI他願意考慮 (布蘭還是退休!) Burnett said the Phillies won his services because of location. He and his wife have two sons, ages 12 and 9, and pitching in Philadelphia will allow him to be close to his family. He said it's a 90-minute drive from his home to Citizens Bank Park. 其實西區很多球隊 受到大球星的青睞 也都是因為"離家近" 所以我們也不必太介意 : 啥? 你只是因為離家近 所以才來PHI哦? AJB說 從他家開車到市銀公園 只需九十分鐘 球季期間 幾乎可以常常回家 陪老婆陪兩個小孩 "Boys crave their dad at this time in their life," Burnett said. "The opportunity came where I was able to be closer to them, a hop, skip and a jump from where I live. It was a no-brainer to make them happy. 小男孩在小學這階段 最黏爹爹了! (我要是錯過了這段日子 不定以後哥倆對我形同陌路 那還不糟咩? ) 以整個大美國的地圖而言 PHI可謂一蹴可幾 能讓最愛的家人開心 這決定不須思考~用腳頭塢來下就可以喏 "I've been to Philly when they're winning, and it's unbelievable. I'm just real pleased and honored to have an opportunity to play again and do what I love while being real close to the ones I love. AJB說 最近這幾年的費城王朝 我也曾經來到市銀公園比賽 那景象是驚人 叫人難忘的! "This is the first in my career I made a decision that wasn't about A.J. Burnett. It was about my wife. It was about my kids. It was about playing somewhere where I'm at home and can still do what I love, and that feels good." 這輩子頭一遭 重要的決定 不是為我AJB自己下 而是為了妻子與小孩 Burnett has been working out and throwing. He said he is on schedule. He will likely pitch the second game of the regular season, behind Lee, a fellow Arkansas native. 武郎會想 原本打算退休 那你冬天該不會荒廢了吧? AJB表示 他的進度正常 應該可以主投克里夫開幕戰後的第二戰。 With Burnett joining Lee and Hamels, the Phils have a formidable top-3 in theirstarting rotation, provided everyone is healthy. On paper, Washington has the top rotation in the NL East with Stephen Strasburg, Gio Gonzalez, Jordan Zimmermann and Doug Fister at the top. 由 黑魔使 李可夫 AJB 組成的先發陣容 確實令敵人聞風喪膽 放眼東區 應該只有國際牌的戰將 看起來還勝過我們 ... Sandberg believes Burnett will make the Phillies contenders in the division. "He's the perfect guy for us right now," Sandberg said. "He's a game-changer for us." Burnett also believes the Phillies can win. "Family was the main decision, but on the other hand I wasn't just going to play to play," he said. "I went to an organization that has a history and that obviously does what they want and can do to win." 家庭因素之外 我也不是只看哪裡錢多就去哪裡打球 費城人是百年歷史的球團 遑論這幾年的王朝我亦知悉。 With recently retired Roy Halladay's blessing, Burnett was assigned No. 34. Typically, the Phillies would have kept that number on ice for the season out of respect for Halladay. 原本照道理說 好樂迪剛退休 他的球衣號碼應該會被高掛~沒人敢穿 然而 好樂迪恰好與AJB也是老友 AJ很快就得到Doc由衷的祝福 把這號碼恩賜了給他。 Burnett and Halladay were teammates in Toronto and Burnett considers Halladay a mentor. 眾所皆知 好樂迪是AJB的心靈導師 (藍鳥時期) "Roy Halladay made me realize what I'm here for," Burnett said. "It's not just to be A.J. in the major leagues and be a Major League Baseball player. It's about helping the young kids, leading by example, doing more when maybe you want to do less. The main thing I learned from Roy was the four days between starts. It's hard as a young guy to stay focused, watch games and be in everything. When I saw him and everything he did, I realized my job was about more than what I do every fifth day. 好樂迪讓我知道 不是只會懵懵懂懂打球賺錢 更重要的是提攜後進 為眾表率 當你想龜縮偷懶 或明哲保身時 , 你更應該奮發 更應明知不可為而為之! 我年輕時不懂 除了比賽外的其他四天 都不豬到要做啥 好像場上的事不關己 是好樂迪讓我知道 不投球的時候 還有這麼多的事情可學習..要準備。 "There is no replacing Roy Halladay. He's his own breed. I'm just looking forward to making an impact, making a difference." 俺穿習慣的34號 絕對不是認為自己可以接替Doc在費城人的地位 Doc有他尊貴榮耀的血統 不是誰能夠取代的。 -- David Brian Cone Mets KC Jays NYY BOS SP Ht: 6'1" Wt: 190 Bat: L Throw: R Born: 1-2-63 Kansas City YR Team W L ERA IP BB SO 1999.7.18 Perfect Game 94 Royals 16 5 2.94 171.2 54 132 1994 Cy Young Award 98 Yankees 20 7 3.55 207.2 59 209 1998 AL Wins Leader Ttl 14-Year 180 102 3.19 2590.0 985 2420 '90'91'92 StrikeOut King -- ※ 編輯: Carreras 來自: (02/18 01:17)

02/18 01:24, , 1F
02/18 01:24, 1F

02/18 01:41, , 2F
推 我也很愛AJB!
02/18 01:41, 2F

02/18 10:58, , 3F
02/18 10:58, 3F

02/18 15:45, , 4F
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02/18 19:13, , 5F
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02/18 19:13, , 6F
那才會走向贍養費 pupu :D~~~
02/18 19:13, 6F

02/18 19:45, , 7F
看到DOC我就...就...... 推DOC心靈導師!!!!!
02/18 19:45, 7F

02/20 22:37, , 8F
02/20 22:37, 8F

02/20 22:57, , 9F
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02/21 17:28, , 10F
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02/25 01:10, , 11F
Doc 打一點幹細胞 邊當教練邊投點球 季末復出打季後賽吧
02/25 01:10, 11F
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