[夢美] Biddle & Franco大檸春訓初體驗

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Bob Brookover, PHI Inquirer Columnist Posted: Friday, January 17, 2014 Maikel Franco and Jesse Biddle will report to big-league spring training for the first time next month, and slim and none are their odds of leaving Clearwater, Fla., as part of the 25-man roster. 新秀大砲 Franco & 傳說中費城土著 繼黑魔使後最強自產南爪 Biddle 首度受邀 即將前往清水基地 參加費城人的大檸檬春訓 Slim is Franco's chance as recently stated by general manager Ruben Amaro Jr. None is how the GM categorized Biddle's prospects of making the team. 如本表示 法蘭蔻直接大檸檬初登板的機會是 "微薄" 至於 必斗呢 則是絕對不可能! "This will be just a good experience, an opportunity for these young players to start to understand what it's like to be a major-leaguer," Amaro said last week. "More than anything else, it's a learning experience." 如本說 就是讓他們體驗一下 當大檸檬球員的感覺是蝦款? 讓他們過過癮 然後成癮 ... 成癮的結果就是會拼了命的努力 想要早日成為其中的一份子 But what if Franco starts launching baseballs over the Tiki Bar at Bright House Field? And what if Biddle shows much better fastball command while still breaking off that nasty curveball he showed last season at double-A Reading? But 萬一春訓熱身賽一開始 法蘭蔻兄貓了兩位數的球飛出場外呢? 而Biddle突然萬夫莫敵 沒有人能碰得到他的球呢? "Maybe I can't say there's no chance for Franco, but Biddle is not going to make our club," Amaro said. "He's got some things to work on to be a major-league pitcher. It's not his time yet. He's not ready to do it. He could come fast, but he needs to work on command, consistency, and maturity. He needs time on the mound." 如本說 好唄 其實Franco不能說沒有機會 (make team) 但是Biddle呢 你們就不必想太多啦 他要學得東西還有好幾缸 控球差 穩定性差 一局爆 一天爆 更甭說心理素質都還迷有rz Franco and Biddle were two of eight minor-leaguers in the home clubhouse at Citizens Bank Park on Thursday as part of a prospect program the Phillies conduct every year. There's a misconception that little help is on the way for an aging roster that has had major issues staying together on the field in recent years. Franco and Biddle 是現階段惟二 能讓費迷目睭發亮 烜耀出幸福洋溢的光芒 By no means were the eight guys in attendance all big-time prospects. In fact, that list stopped at Franco and Biddle. But if those two live up to expectations this year, it's possible they will find their way to Philadelphia before the end of the season and feasible that they could be staples on the big-league roster for years to come. 至於這兩天 總共來了八名新秀 參加大檸檬的新生訓練營 其他六位呢 就完全不值得一顧 (咳... 新聞還真現實 看了很多篇 隻字未提其他六郎是隨? ) Franco, who played most of last season at age 20, had the kind of season that makes you take notice, hitting a combined .320 with 31 home runs and 103 RBIs at high-A Clearwater and double-A Reading. He was one of 11 minor- leaguers to drive in at least 100 runs and one of nine to hit 30 home runs. 哦 這段好像說 去年度全米 只有9位新秀 一整年轟出超過30支全壘打 而弗蘭蔻正是其中一位 This isn't a player who just might help the Phillies. He is a player with a chance to be a superstar who is likely to open this season at triple-A Lehigh Valley. Not every organization in baseball will have a player with that kind of potential on their triple-A roster. 這位作者對Franco好像 ~ 愛丟ˇ咖慘死 對他美言說盡 他說 法蘭蔻不是只可以幫上費城人忙的新秀 法蘭蔻是個未來式的超級巨星 不是每個球團 都能有醬的新生嬰兒 抱在懷裡腰 嘴角都會微微笑 \~.~/ "He is so much fun to watch," Biddle said. "Every time he gets in the box, our whole bench just goes quiet. He takes massive swings, and when he con- nects with the ball, which he does a lot, it's just fun to watch what he can do." 必斗形容他的這個朋友 打擊時多麼受到期待 他的這款形容詞兒 壓根兒就是去年前年 把郎在形容 Darin Ruf (魯夫哭哭: 我過氣喏 :~~~ ) Exactly how Franco fits into the Phillies' plans remains in question. He played a quality third base last season but was introduced to first base late in the season at Reading. Director of player development Joe Jordan said Franco would play both positions this season. 農田水利會主席 啾啾等 業已通知 3B Franco 今年會讓他有守不完的一壘。 "I think it's important for us that we do that," Jordan said. "We're not looking for him to take over Ryan Howard's position. We're looking for an option if we need it. He's going to be very proficient at first base. It's just a matter of getting more experienced." 我們不是意欲要叫他~去接猴兒的班 只是如果Franco多了一個守位 或許未來會對PHI有利 何時會用得上也說不定 After winning the Paul Owens Award as the organization's minor-league player of the year, Franco said during a September visit to Philadelphia that he wanted to win a big-league job in spring training. "I don't feel like I'm coming in to take the job from another guy," Franco said. "I just want to keep my head up and show everyone what I can do, try my best." 去年保羅歐文獎頒獎典禮時 法蘭蔻兄就說 他今年春訓要立志 ~ 直接接著四月大檸檬初登板 不打算回AA 或AAA 喏 "俺不是說想要搶走誰的飯碗 俺只想讓大家雞到俺能做到多好! " Biddle, a Philadelphia native who spends his offseason here, also has star big-league potential as a No. 1 starter, but he is coming off the most difficult season of his professional career. The 22歲 lefthander went 5-14 with a 3.64 ERA at double-A Reading last year while battling whooping cough for most of the season and plantar fasciitis in his left foot during the final month. Biddle去年下半年投得很糟 現在原因顯現喏 敢情他有哮喘的毛病 去年發作得厲害 更要命的是 居然患喏很難痊癒的"足底筋膜炎" 而且是在左腳 左腳對南爪而言傷當重要 ~~~~ 你抬腿時 左腳要是站不穩 丟出去的球能有準度 笨孔隨便你... "I'm 100 percent better," Biddle said. "I did everything I could to get better this offseason. The Phillies put me in a great position to find the right people to work with, I put in the time, and now I'm better and just looking forward to 2014." 必斗說他現在這兩個問題都解決了 現今頭好壯壯 (才剛參加了大檸檬新生訓練 就立刻學會喏藏傷一把罩 我看他的話 咱們先信一半就好 " This will be Biddle's first spring-training chance to pick the brains of Cole Hamels and Cliff Lee, fellow lefthanders with staff ace resumes. Biddle said he will be on the sponge plan. 這春天 可以朝夕黏著 黑魔使 與 南克里 (北樂迪 雖然退休喏 也一起來當助教啦 嗚嗚 :~~ ) Biddle打算採取海綿寶寶策略 想盡辦法榨乾 兩位左富帥 的精華汁液 ~~~~ "I'm just going to take everything in," he said. "I'm going to absorb it and ask questions. Hopefully not too many, but I'm going to ask questions. I'm just going to learn and pay attention. I'm definitely going to have to ask about Cole Hamels' change-up. He has an amazing change-up, one that I've admired for a long time, and I know if mine could be a little more like that, it would definitely help me and make a big difference." 必斗: 我想我會一直問問題 希望偶不會搞得兩位大哥很煩 orz 尤其一定要請黑魔使指導偶變速球 身為費迷的我 早就景仰黑魔葛格的變速球很久很久喏 若能得到他的提撥指點 相信偶的功力 會立刻像楊過服了巨蟒蛇膽 須臾間成為大俠 ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ There's no mistaking that the interest level is down as the Phillies get ready for this spring training, but Franco and Biddle are two reasons to believe in the future. -- David Brian Cone Mets KC Jays NYY BOS SP Ht: 6'1" Wt: 190 Bat: L Throw: R Born: 1-2-63 Kansas City YR Team W L ERA IP BB SO 1999.7.18 Perfect Game 94 Royals 16 5 2.94 171.2 54 132 1994 Cy Young Award 98 Yankees 20 7 3.55 207.2 59 209 1998 AL Wins Leader Ttl 14-Year 180 102 3.19 2590.0 985 2420 '90'91'92 StrikeOut King -- ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Carreras 來自: (01/18 00:47)

01/18 00:48, , 1F
nice 期待這兩位都能發光發熱 2015能看到他們站在MLB
01/18 00:48, 1F

01/18 00:49, , 2F
期待呀!!! 未來的希望~~!
01/18 00:49, 2F

01/18 00:51, , 3F
Manuel will return to the team as a senior advisor
01/18 00:51, 3F
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