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看板Phillies作者 (古 典 愛 樂)時間10年前 (2013/12/11 23:19), 編輯推噓3(300)
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Amaro, Sandberg shoot down idea of trading ace December 10, 2013 / Jim Salisbury There was a funny scene in the Phillies' main meeting room Tuesday afternoon. 在費球團的每日例行記者見面會上 出現了有趣的場景 Reporters had just been invited in for the daily briefing with GM Ruben Amaro Jr. The flat-screen TV on the wall was tuned to a baseball show. Cliff Lee's picture flashed across the screen. 電視螢幕上正在播放棒球談話節目 克李夫的照片明晃晃的出現在大家目睭前 The image of Lee caught Amaro's eye. "Oh!" he said, his voice full of sarcasm. "We're trading him now." 如本看了自己都快噴飯 " 噗噗 ~ 敢情我正在試著交易掉他們哥倆 ~.~/ " Amaro's remark drew laughter from the folks in the room and showed that he was aware of the hot rumor on Day 2 of the winter meetings, the one, reported by ESPN, that said the Phillies were willing to listen to offers for Lee and fellow ace Cole Hamels. 不知這正港的濡沫是從哪傳出來的? 好像是CBS的姜海曼? "I've heard them," Amaro said. "They're silly." 如本曰: 說俺準備交易掉黑魔使與李可夫的人 ~ 是耗靈獃 "We're trying to add. I said before, the best way for us to win is with our pitching, particularly at the top of the rotation." 俺早就說過了 我們是要買 不是賣! 明年要挑戰季後的不二妙方 就是靠投手! 尤其是前幾號的王牌投手 Several minutes earlier, manager Ryne Sandberg was asked about the rumors. 在每日見面會前不久 總教練瑞尼桑柏格也被問到~有沒有聽說這回事兒? "I don't believe they are true," Sandberg said. "We are trying to add pitching." Ryno說 偶也不信哩 說好要補人的 怎麼可能突然變解散 ˋ(O_O)ˋ A smart general manager is always willing to listen to what he could get for his players. You never know when you might get blown away. But listening is not the same thing as trading. Though expectations for the 2014 season are not high, the Phils are still hoping to contend, still hoping to make a run at the postseason, where a 1-2 punch of Hamels and Lee could be dangerous. To trade one of the two pitchers would signal a rebuilding effort and to announce that at this point of the offseason would not help ticket sales. 睿智的GM 總是開放性的願意聽聽~把郎願意端出什麼樣的菜 你永遠不豬到 會不會哪天哪個GM中了蠻橫咒 突然開出一份菜單 是你看了會烙ㄟˇ孩 心裡暗爽這是千載難逢的良機! 然而 聆聽別人的報價 是一回事 真的進行交易 又是另一回事兒 PHI仍不放棄明年能否至少靠著外卡的資格 拼一拼季後賽 如果把前面這兩位玩牌投手的其中一位 給抽走 那就顯然你承認了你真的要重建 這非但不利於已經下滑的票房 更別說 Comcast SportsNet的轉播鉅約就在眼前 沒有黑魔使與克里夫擔任首席小生小旦 你覺得Comcast不會把你的電視合約價 殺到血流成河嗎? "We are built to contend," Amaro said. "That's our job, to try and win." 我真的是要續拼2014 而不是像NBA某幾隊擺明了要~擺爛抽好籤 Might there be a time when the Phils transition to a rebuilding effort? "At some point we may have to do that," Amaro said. "But not right now we're not. We're not there." 真沒想過要重建嗎? 如本桑! 對曰: 沒耶... 也許有朝一日 但非此時! July might be a more realistic time to trade Lee -- if the Phillies are not in contention. But Amaro really thinks this club can contend. 假如明年七月時 成績又爛到爆 那時 賽揚小李可能真會歸入他人懷抱 不過也沒那麼簡單哩 小李有商當完整的 no-trade clause "We're built to win," Amaro said. "I like our lineup. I'd like to add some pitching to it." 如本說他滿意他的這條打線 不過滑稽的是: 好像廣小的費迷 心裡想的 都恰巧與他顛倒 ╮(﹀_﹀")╭ "I think we've got a pretty good lineup as it stands today. If we can improve on it we'll try. But I like our lineup. We've been sitting here and discussing it internally. I like the balance in it. Is it older? Yes, it is. It doesn't necessarily mean it's worse just because it's older. We just have to get them healthier. If it's healthy, it's better than last year, clearly. We have to score more than 610 runs or whatever it was that we scored last year. That was awful. We have to score 700-plus runs to contend. I think the guys that are in the lineup as it stands today can do that." 如本說 只要他們都健健康康 我對他們灰熊有信心! (鮪魚肚~挺) The Phils' 610 runs ranked 13th in the NL in 2013. 廣小費迷表示: <( ′-`)y-~ 如本你快回家吃自己唄 \(#‵′)// Amaro continues to look for starting pitching depth to slot in behind Hamels and Lee. Amaro仍不放棄再找個還不臭的SP回來~頂好樂迪的缺 "If I had to handicap it, I'd say we'd probably go the free-agent route for a pitcher," he said. "假如非得貧瘠險中求 我們寧願在自由市場裡 直接牽人回來... " The Phils made offers to Ryan Vogelsong and Scott Feldman earlier this winter,but they signed elsewhere. The Phils don't seem to be in the hunt for remaining high-priced starters. 如本曾經對吳哥松及費德曼招手 可惜沒人鳥他rz 球評也都不看好 他會對更貴的 加薩 or 俄文桑塔納 進擊 不過 倒是有一說 說倘若樂天放人的話 如本為了電視合約 會向皇上蒙哥馬利請示後 使出無雙亂舞 這出手的力道有多大 恐怕連他自己都會嚇一跳 ˋ(O_O)ˋ ( 當下午茶八卦聽聽就好 認真你就輸喏 ~.~/ ) -- David Brian Cone Mets KC Jays NYY BOS SP Ht: 6'1" Wt: 190 Bat: L Throw: R Born: 1-2-63 Kansas City YR Team W L ERA IP BB SO 1999.7.18 Perfect Game 94 Royals 16 5 2.94 171.2 54 132 1994 Cy Young Award 98 Yankees 20 7 3.55 207.2 59 209 1998 AL Wins Leader Ttl 14-Year 180 102 3.19 2590.0 985 2420 '90'91'92 StrikeOut King -- ◆ From:

12/11 23:23, , 1F
NBA某幾隊 哇哈哈哈哈哈哈
12/11 23:23, 1F

12/12 00:14, , 2F
12/12 00:14, 2F

12/12 23:23, , 3F
簽了一個Roberto Hernandez 就是之前的卡摸那
12/12 23:23, 3F
※ 編輯: Carreras 來自: (12/14 14:18)
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