[難過] 我終於失去了你。

看板Phillies作者 (KK盒子)時間10年前 (2013/12/10 23:51), 編輯推噓13(1302)
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Roy Halladay retires from baseball Justin Klugh, Philly.com Sports The Phillies will no longer wonder the fate of Roy Halladay. The former ace retired on Monday afternoon after signing a one-day contract to retire as a Blue Jay, having spent 12 years of his career with Toronto. Jon Heyman of CBSSports.com first reported the news. 半夜十二點鐘,消息傳出,好樂迪大夫宣布了他退休的消息 並與藍鳥簽下一天合約準備回去退休 (我則是一早起床看到我哥丟了個連結給我,還以為是Doc跟誰簽約了...) "As much fun as I had in Toronto, Philadelphia was kind of the icing on the cake for me," Halladay said at his retirement press conference. "I’d love to retire with two teams," he said. "Really, I felt like I want the Phillies to know, I want the fans to know, how much I enjoyed my time there. I’ve played in two places where the fans are extremely supportive. They may boo you on the field, but they’re the first ones to come up to you on the street and smile and shake your hand and greet you." "在多倫多很開心,在費城更是歡喜啦 (^▽^)/" 選擇在藍鳥退休,也許是有始有終的一個好決定 但,兩座城市都讓哈大夫感到灰熊ㄟ松蒯 能夠一次在兩個隊退休,他會不想嘛? 當然,這種球員,到哪兒一定都會得到喝采與掌聲。 而費城有老婆乳液在,當然是歡喜過頭了啦 XD The 36-year-old also said he had so many people to thank that "to sit down and name everyone of them would be virtually impossible." "I was very fortunate to have a lot of people who backed me, supported me, through the bad times and the good times," he said. Halladay also sent a special thank you to his family, who he said "were a big part of why I’m here." 無論威風八面時,亦或是因傷痛而失意時,總有許多人在背後支持著他 要謝的人太多了,就感謝天吧 不是啦...,當然是他最重要的家庭 His career ends with a 203-105 record, a 3.38 ERA, and 2117 strikeouts. Since debuting with Toronto in 1998, Halladay has thrown 2,749.1 innings, leading the league in innings pitched four times. Halladay threw 67 completes games (leading the league seven times) and 20 shutouts (leading the league four times). 這些豐功偉業,會長存在我們心中的 尤其是那場完全比賽跟季後賽的無安打 Injuries surfaced in the latter part of his career, starting in 2012 with a shoulder strain, leading to his first significant time on the disabled list since 2009. Halladay still finished with an 11-8 record and recorded his 2,000th strikeout , but the following season he was sidelined by surgery to remove a bone spur. 偉大的運動員仍逃不過傷痛的摧殘 即使如Doc這種看起來相當耐操的王牌 這兩年成績下滑,控球球速不再,他仍完成了2000K的里程碑 而手術這些,還是免不了的...... The wear and tear on his body played a factor in his decision to retire. Halladay said his shoulder was not the main problem, though, and that his back was the real issue. "My back really became an issue for me. I have two pars fractures, an eroded disk between the L4, and L5, and there is a significant setback in there to where the nerves are being pinched, and really, it's just made it hard to pitch with the mechanics I want to pitch with. So over the last two seasons, I've had to change some things, do some things different to be able to throw the ball, and unfortunately, that's led to some shoulder issues. But the big thing has really been the back. Speaking with doctors, they feel like at this point, if I can step away and take some of that highlevel pressure off of it, it will hopefully allow me to do some regular things and help out with the kids' teams." Doc提到: 背部的傷是影響他這兩年表現的關鍵 而這種連續動作只要一個環節出錯,就連帶會造成其他的傷 這兩年,他嘗試一些辦法,讓自己能夠再投球 但膛炸不說,肩膀果然也中獎了 就像當年王葛格也是一個接著一個地方爆,最後變成現在這樣一樣。 "The biggest thing is I’m trying to avoid surgery. I feel like it's the right decision for us," Halladay said. "We'll improve quality of life and give me a chance to hopefully not ruin my kids." "If my career is shorter because I wanted to be out there two or three more innings, I’m okay with that. As long as I didn’t feel like I was hurting our chances, I was ready to go. You want to take every chance you have, every second you have, to continue to pitch." Doc在乎的已不是生涯長短,而是你我看起來再也簡單不過的事─ 投球。 而有些運動員則是希望能不動刀則不動,Doc也是其中之一。 Despite making the playoffs with the Phillies, Halladay's World Series ring eluded him. "When the squirrel runs across home plate when your team is trying to pitch... you realize some things are out of your control," he said, referring to the 2011 NLDS. 莫再提啊,這堆敷蛋人,打成這種樣子 Doc再怎麼神,你不打給他分數,是要怎麼贏啦 猶記當年對上木匠卡本特..... The Cy Young winner said he plans to stay active, and even joked about trying to find a 35+ basketball league. 真的假的,要轉行打籃球嘛XDD "I wanted to leave baseball better than when I found it. I tried to do things the right way. I tried to do that to the best of my ability," he said. "And not just pitching, about playing the game the right way, being respectful to your teammates. Hopefully, that’s something I can pass on." Halladay is an eight-time All Star and won the American League Cy Young in 2003 and the National League Cy Young in 2010. In 2010, he pitched a perfect game against the Marlins and, in the first round of the playoffs against the Reds, threw the second no-hitter in MLB playoff history. "I’ve always wanted to win a World Series," Halladay said, "and hopefully down the road I can be a part of that in a different aspect." 還是強調他很想贏個世界大賽冠軍.... 過個幾年,擺脫了這堆傢伙,歡迎再歸來啊 :D~~~~ 桑伯格總ㄟ,哈大夫投教,感覺就很殺 XD -------------------------------- 約莫兩三年前,我在台中大肚的一個運動公園打球,好像對到某乙組聯盟球隊 那隊的人都叫我Halladay :P~~~ 可能看太多他的比賽,耳濡(?)目染下姿勢也學起來了 可是我的控球還差太遠了XD 好啦,扯遠了 相信在各位費迷心中,Doc絕對有很重要的地位 雖然論純種比不上黑魔使 論耍帥跟打擊比不上小李飛刀 但他燦爛的笑容、沉穩的表情、站在投手丘上的身影 一定都在我們心中烙下深刻的印記 無數個早上七點或是凌晨一點 對馬大魚完全比賽 季後賽初體驗就無安打 (上課偷看,都快坐不住了) 每一場費迷們為他喝采的勝利 每一場大家一起OOXX敷蛋打線,為他感到惋惜的比賽 當然還有最近,一場又一場,我們都期盼他東山再起 雖然表現不盡人意,但能看他重回投手丘,就相當開心 誰也沒想到事情那麼突然 一代巨投,我們的王牌,也隨著時代的洪流離去了 期盼有一天Doc真能回來當教練團 讓對手喊個:「叫恁總ㄚ出來投啦!!」 嘻嘻~~ -------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/10 23:52, , 1F
12/10 23:52, 1F

12/10 23:52, , 2F
先推再說啦 哭哭 Q__Q~
12/10 23:52, 2F

12/11 00:02, , 3F
12/11 00:02, 3F

12/11 00:07, , 4F
我剛好肩膀也很難完全抬起來 不過久沒投就變成放球點
12/11 00:07, 4F

12/11 00:08, , 5F
12/11 00:08, 5F

12/11 00:12, , 6F
永遠記得他 Roy Halladay
12/11 00:12, 6F

12/11 00:24, , 7F
12/11 00:24, 7F

12/11 00:28, , 8F
Doc 你投球的身影會永遠活在我心裡的Q_Q
12/11 00:28, 8F

12/11 01:21, , 9F
最愛的投手 沒有之一 現場朝聖過 永不忘記穩重的強大
12/11 01:21, 9F

12/11 03:20, , 10F
T_T 正好自己也正肩傷中 看起來更難過
12/11 03:20, 10F

12/11 08:39, , 11F
12/11 08:39, 11F

12/11 08:40, , 12F
12/11 08:40, 12F

12/11 12:38, , 13F
12/11 12:38, 13F

12/11 22:29, , 14F
12/11 22:29, 14F

12/12 10:21, , 15F
永遠記得 Roy Halladay QQ
12/12 10:21, 15F
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