就愛黑魔使 for good \^^/

看板Phillies作者 (古 典 愛 樂)時間12年前 (2012/07/26 23:38), 編輯推噓18(1807)
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Phillies, Cole Hamels reach deal Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press PHILADELPHIA -- Cole Hamels knew the moment he walked off the mound to a standing ovation after allowing five runs in his last start that he was staying with the Philadelphia Phillies. 不少人一杜認為 上一場失五分那場 是黑魔使在PHI的最後一役... "Words can't really describe the emotions that you get, and the way the fans were standing and cheering, that was ultimately the deciding point to be here," Hamels said. 雖然丟了那麼多分有點難堪 滿場的費迷還是起立給他鼓掌 目送他退板 黑魔寶貝說 筆墨難以形容的一刻 他自覺得 很可能就是那一瞬間的感動 讓他下了決心就簽下去吧! He had $144 million other reasons to stay, too. 啥 懷疑上面那段是場面話? 怎麼可以醬 黑魔使小心肝的話 笨孔反正是信了 ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ Hamels on Wednesday signed a six-year contract worth an average of $24 million per season that prevents the 2008 World Series MVP from becoming a free agent in November. The deal includes a club vesting option for 2019 and a limited no-trade provision. 2013   1950萬 2014~2018 2250萬 簽約金 600萬 2019 2400萬 自動觸發選擇權 (三條件:2018結束時不躺在DL 躺也沒關西 但不能因為左肩或左肘 2018兩百局 17+18 合計超過四百局) 2000萬 球團選擇權 600萬 離隊贍養金 -------------------------------- Total : 14400萬米果幣 The contract is the largest signed by a Philadelphia athlete and second- highest for a pitcher behind the $161 million, seven-year deal the New York Yankees gave CC Sabathia in December 2008. 除了嘻嘻沙巴西雅之外 史上投手第二大約。 管他的 蒙哥馬利老闆出錢 又沒叫你幫出 so 笨孔 really don't care profoundly ~.~/ "It was long and laborious," general manager Ruben Amaro Jr. said about negotiations, which started last May. "We finally got to the finish line. (Six years) is unprecedented for the Phillies, but we did it with the right person." 如本說 好吃力的談判 尤其是對投手開空前六年的約 讓他武告彆扭 不過反正如本跟費迷都全信了: 這空前的長約 花在對的人身上 \(@^0^@)/ The 28-year-old Hamels becomes the third Phillies starter making $20 million per season, joining Roy Halladay and Cliff Lee. A three-time All-Star, Hamels passed up an opportunity to possibly get more money on the open market to stay with the team that drafted him in 2002. "I wanted to give the Phillies every opportunity," Hamels said. "It's very hard to leave a place that you've had so many great memories. You don't want to miss it and not be a part of it. I know the organization has always done a good job of going out to win. We have great players here. You don't want to have to leave that or stray away and see them win and you're not part of it. 這段還真的是純場面話 "偶早說過了咩 偶會把所有的機會都留給費城人 您侃侃 汝等就是多疑..還不信呢..." "偶不要將來他們屢戰屢勝時 我卻不是其中一份子..." "I understand that free agency is great, those opportunities of the unknowing. But this is the place that I call home and want to call home for a really long time. I grew up watching Tony Gwynn play and he made San Diego his home for his entire career. That's ultimately what I want to make here in Philadelphia." 來自加州的黑暗左使 從小是湯尼谷殷的粉絲 他很佩服打擊導師從一而終 還變成了眾望所歸的教士先生 黑魔寶貝也希望未來人們提到PHI的歷史時 投手 一想就想到 Steve Carlton 還有~ 他 ! Hamels is 11-4 with a 3.23 ERA this season. The lanky lefty is 85-58 with a 3.38 ERA in seven years in Philadelphia. Hamels has never won more than 15 games in a season, and his 2.79 ERA in 2011 was the only time he was under 3.06. Still, the Phillies were willing to pay big bucks to make sure they didn't lose a fan favorite. "The reality is this is a commodity we know very well," team president David Montgomery said. "We know Cole as a talent. We know Cole as a competitor. We know Cole as his character and what he and (wife) Heidi have done as far as his foundation is concerned. We knew all along he was the right fit for Philadelphia." 大老闆來了 列隊致敬 <(_ _)> 出錢的大老闆蒙哥馬利說 Hamels是什麼樣的人 蝦郎比我瞭? 黑魔使還沒開始賺大錢 他跟海蒂夫人就在費城當地 大力的推廣慈善基金會 去年八月 還在(好像)笑船長的慈善募款會上 穿上超搞怪的紫色名牌外套 大跳嘻哈舞蹈 儼然就是傳說中的 Cole "Hollywood" Hamels 展示台下的觀眾全笑瘋了 因為他們壓根兒沒想到這巨星會願意為了慈善 犧牲正經的形象 取悅來賓 蒙哥老闆表示 這麼好的好人 我錢不花在他身上 我該花在誰身上? Signing Hamels means the Phillies could potentially have $155 million committed to just 11 players for 2013. Montgomery said the team would consider exceeding the luxury tax threshold for the first time. 蒙哥馬利老闆鬆口 算了啦 不排除繳奢侈稅 繳就繳嘛 又不是啥十惡不赦的事情 我友這麼多錢 還不是都你們費迷賞光 兩三百場連續爆滿 <(_ _)> "We may very well need to do that to do the right things on the field," he said. ... 略數段。 "We're committed to winning and trying to improve whether it's through the course of this deadline and beyond that," Amaro said. Securing Hamels was the first step. "We felt like it was the right thing to do under the circumstance with his performance, his age, his importance with our club," Amaro said. "Our goal is to continue to be a championship-caliber team, for now and the future. As I've said before, I think we have a much better chance with Cole as a major part of our rotation than without him." 我們的職志 就是持續的打造具有冠軍能力的球隊 不只現在 亦包含未來 而這爭冠勁旅 沒有黑魔使 就不行! Hamels reached the majors in 2006 after battling injuries in the minors. He went 15-5 with a 3.39 ERA in his first full season in 2007, establishing himself as the team's ace and helping the Phillies win the first of five consecutive NL East titles. 略 數 段 。 Following the additions of Halladay and Lee, Hamels went from ace to No. 3 starter. He began 2011 as the No. 4 starter behind Halladay, Lee and Roy Oswalt. There's no doubt that Hamels is the team's best pitcher this season -- and now the richest, too. Halladay is 4-5 and Lee is 1-6. "Having Doc and Cliff is a big part of why I wanted to be here," Hamels said. "To have two of the best pitchers in baseball, you can learn a lot from them and feed off them. When we get rolling, I feel no one can stop us." 你知道的 偶願意簽下去 有不少動力 是來自 南克里 與 北樂迪 能每天依偎在當今武林兩大高手的身邊 你們哪會懂~偶有多幸福 \~.~/ 當我們全面啟動時 我想我們將勢如披靡 銳不可當! 就愛黑魔使 for good (* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_,.-* -- David Brian Cone Mets KC Jays NYY BOS SP Ht: 6'1" Wt: 190 Bat: L Throw: R Born: 1-2-63 Kansas City YR Team W L ERA IP BB SO 1999.7.18 Perfect Game 94 Royals 16 5 2.94 171.2 54 132 1994 Cy Young Award 98 Yankees 20 7 3.55 207.2 59 209 1998 AL Wins Leader Ttl 14-Year 180 102 3.19 2590.0 985 2420 '90'91'92 StrikeOut King -- ◆ From:

07/26 23:43, , 1F
we love Hamels!
07/26 23:43, 1F

07/26 23:45, , 2F
07/26 23:45, 2F
※ 編輯: Carreras 來自: (07/26 23:45)

07/26 23:48, , 3F
07/26 23:48, 3F

07/26 23:48, , 4F
買該買的 丟該丟的 ^0^
07/26 23:48, 4F

07/26 23:48, , 5F
好耶(* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_,.-*
07/26 23:48, 5F

07/26 23:49, , 6F
推黑魔使 ^_^
07/26 23:49, 6F

07/26 23:52, , 7F
SlamKai大準備要買他的球衣了嗎? XD
07/26 23:52, 7F

07/26 23:56, , 8F
(開始存錢....) 把他球衣當作研究所畢業禮物好了...
07/26 23:56, 8F

07/26 23:56, , 9F
兩三年之間應該存得起來(?!) (._.?)
07/26 23:56, 9F

07/27 00:11, , 10F
就愛黑魔使(* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_,.-*
07/27 00:11, 10F

07/27 00:16, , 11F
還是有3張ACE!! 打線牛棚該加油了!!
07/27 00:16, 11F

07/27 00:48, , 12F
老闆有魄力!! (* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_,.-*
07/27 00:48, 12F

07/27 06:25, , 13F
大推 黑魔使 真是好心人
07/27 06:25, 13F

07/27 10:09, , 14F
黑魔使好可愛!!(* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_,.-*
07/27 10:09, 14F

07/27 21:37, , 15F
兩件之前買給女友黑魔使的PHI T-shirt沒白買了^^
07/27 21:37, 15F

07/27 22:36, , 16F
說到老闆 我們的老闆可說是相當神秘 除了CEO蒙哥馬利以
07/27 22:36, 16F

07/27 22:37, , 17F
07/27 22:37, 17F

07/27 22:39, , 18F
除了Montgomery、Giles在wiki有傳外 其他老闆在wiki上都
07/27 22:39, 18F

07/27 22:39, , 19F
07/27 22:39, 19F

07/27 22:41, , 20F
如果從網路上找到的小道消息可信 其他的老闆都是屬於"有
07/27 22:41, 20F

07/27 22:42, , 21F
錢但低調"的一群人 若果真如此 確實出得起這筆錢
07/27 22:42, 21F

07/27 22:47, , 22F
那麻煩買個三壘手吧 龍哥也好 萊特也罷 @@...
07/27 22:47, 22F

07/28 00:10, , 23F
AccuScore Projections PHI 52% : 48% ATL
07/28 00:10, 23F

07/28 00:11, , 24F
C. Hamels(11-4 3.23ERA) vs. B. Sheets(2-0 0.00ERA)
07/28 00:11, 24F

07/28 00:12, , 25F
看完奧運開幕 接著看費城郎大戰斧頭幫是不錯的選擇(?)
07/28 00:12, 25F
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