再談CD --4

看板Philharmonic作者 (太瘦了)時間16年前 (2007/09/11 23:03), 編輯推噓0(000)
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資料來源: the Portland Mercury http://tinyurl.com/eq8lv Jul 5 - Jul 11, 2001 By John Dooley Compact Disc Eaters of Belize The next time you pop that irritating Radiohead CD into your player - beware. It could be under attack! CDs have a number of enemies, including improper handling. Even worse, some are manufactured with tiny air bubbles, infused within the aluminum-based 'fabric' of the recording surface (causing the aluminum to oxidize, rendering the CD unplayable). If that isn't bad enough, recently, a scientist at the Museum of Natural History in Spain has identified a new threat to CDs, imported from Belize: a CD eating fungus of the Geotrichum family. The fungus hungrily devours the discs like Louie Anderson at a Vegas buffet. 約翰‧都利 2001年7月第一週 貝里斯的食片客 下回當你"啪"的一聲將那惹人厭的Radiohead專輯丟入CD唱盤時 ---- 小心! 它可能已遭到破壞! CD有許多天敵,包括不當的放置動作在內. 更糟的是,某些片子 在製造時,微小的氣泡被混入資料面那以鋁為基礎的"組織"上(使鋁氧化,無法播放). 還不夠? 最近西班牙自然歷史博物館的科學家,已確認一項由貝里斯進口的新威脅 -- Geotrichum家族的某種黴菌會吃CD! 那黴菌貪婪得吞噬碟片,簡直就跟路易‧安德森 在賭城自助餐廳裡的惡行惡狀一樣! =========================================================================== 有圖有真相 http://tinyurl.com/mnab2 =========================================================================== The discovery was not an isolated case. Marc Valls, a biologist at Spain's National Center for Biotechnology, told the BBC that the CD eating fungus is becoming "widespread" and says reports are coming in from around the world. Outspoken opponent of compact discs, punk rock icon and producer Steve Albini, hates CDs because of their vulnerabilities. "The average CD lasts only 15 years. It's an inevitable process of chemical deterioration." He calls the aluminum oxidation CD Rot. "Vinyl will last a century or more," Albini says, but with CDs, "you can do everything right, and they will last only a decade or so." 這個發現可不是獨立的個案. 西班牙國家生技研究中心的生物專家馬克‧瓦爾斯 告訴BBC,會吃CD的黴菌已廣為散佈,世界各地都有案例回報. 直言的CD反對者 - 龐克搖滾偶像兼製作人史提夫‧阿比尼說,自己討厭CD是因為 它們很容易壞. "CD平均只能撐15年,這是必然的化學性衰退" 他把鋁氧化稱為CD rot(腐敗/毀損). "黑膠唱片可維持一世紀以上" 阿比尼說. 但對於CD, "你可以做任何準備,然而它們還是僅能維持10年左右" =========================================================================== 語無倫次. 照內文說1980年出產的CD,頂多1995年就該壞光光了,怎會拖到2001年, 才在總面積22.963平方公里的貝里斯被"地質學家"無意間發現有黴菌?! 氧化跟黴菌又為什麼會搞在一起?! 我想,偶像說的話還是先擱一邊比較好. =========================================================================== So far, Portlanders have yet to realize the full impact of CD Rot, let alone the ominous fungal doom on the horizon. 31-year-old Patrick Bocharde, a supervisor at Django Records (which buys and sells new and used CDs), says he's heard of CD Rot, but was surprised to learn about the CD eating fungus. "I haven't really seen it," he admits, but says, "On occasion, when people brought stuff in. I've seen like, weird splotches. It could be mildew, the stuff that I've seen. People come in with beer spilled on their CDs too, but that's more obvious. You can wipe that off. This stuff, you can kind of wipe off too, but it looks bad. We usually don't take them like that." "People should realize," Bocharde concedes, "a CD is not forever." Should people wear rubber gloves or condoms when handling CDs? "I don't think a condom would do any good," Bocharde tells me. "You can quote me on that. A condom offers no protection while playing a CD." 到目前為止,讀者仍需對CD毀損造成的衝擊做通盤了解,當然也包括那已兵臨 城下 -- 由黴菌引起的致命性毀滅. 31歲的Django唱片行(兼營二手生意)老闆 派崔克‧波查德表示曾聽過CD損壞,但對吃CD的黴菌感到意外,坦承自己從未見過 這種事. 他同時也說: "偶而我們進貨的過程會看到CD上有神祕的污點,那應該就是黴菌." "也有的CD是被啤酒濺到,當然那是可輕易擦去的;反之如果是剛才那種,擦掉後看起來 只會更糟,所以我們乾脆不處理." "民眾必須了解到" 波查德坦承,"CD並非永久的." 那麼大家拿CD時,該戴上condom或橡皮手套嗎? "我不認為有用," 波查德這樣告訴我: "你大可以引用我的話,condom不會對CD產生任何保護作用" =========================================================================== condom?! @o@" =========================================================================== 別想歪 >XDDDDD 請點 http://tinyurl.com/keru9 雖然這篇文章疑點重重,好歹還是獲得新的關鍵字: Marc Valls 待續..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sevenfeet 來自: (09/24 16:11)
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