[期刊] 期刊中Author guide的submission

看板PhD作者 (Alan)時間7年前 (2017/08/04 23:29), 編輯推噓3(300)
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最近要投稿&轉投看了一下某期刊的author guide Types of Contributions ‧ Original research not already published ‧ Reviews by invitation only ‧ Correspondence (not more than 2000 words) Details for submission Editor assignments are made by the journal editorial office. Authors may request an editor when submitting their papers, but assignments are not assured due to fluctuations in individual editor workload. Note, due to the current volume of incoming manuscripts, the journal has implemented a policy on submissions as follows -- Authors (or research teams) whose work has been rejected in the journal within the previous 12 month period, will not be considered for publication in the 12 months following the previous unsuccessful submission. This policy excludes (1) submissions returned for minor corrections, (2) manuscripts invited for resubmission by the editor or (3) submissions previously returned due to journal capacity. 其中裡面的Authors (or research teams) whose work has been rejected in the journal within the previous 12 month period, will not be considered for publication in the 12 months following the previous unsuccessful submission. 指的是甚麼意思? 假如我是在別的期刊被退 想轉投到這裡 是不是不行? 還是我在這個期刊被退 一年之內不能再轉投到這個期刊(總可以讓我在轉投到別的吧)? 謝謝!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PhD/M.1501860550.A.6D0.html

08/05 00:18, , 1F
08/05 00:18, 1F

08/05 17:36, , 2F
08/05 17:36, 2F

08/05 23:17, , 3F
一樓正解 in the journal 就是只現在這個
08/05 23:17, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1PX9B6RG (PhD)