[徵才] 國立中正大學資訊工程系 誠徵教師

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誠徵教師 國立中正大學資訊工程學系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Chung Cheng University 中正大學是一所快速成長、積極進取、充滿活力的綜合性大學,在短短二十幾年 中,學生人數已快速成長至一萬兩千人,並在各項指標上表現卓越。中正大學資 訊工程學系每年招收學士班兩班約90名學生,碩士班105名學生、博士班30名學 生,目前在校學生總數約為700人,其中學士班學生約380人,碩士班學生約220 人,博士班學生約80人。 本系自我定位為追求教學與研究雙卓越之系所,其教學與研究長期以來受到國內 外各種評鑑與認證之肯定。在研究方面,根據評鑑雙月刊第5期所刊載的資料, 本校在電腦科學領域所發表的論文數排名世界第159名,國內排名第5名。在論文 引用次數上則分別排名世界第251名及全國第7名。另根據該月刊第7期刊登近五 年(2002-2006)臺灣地區 WOS 論文統計結果顯示本校在資訊學門之論文發表篇數 與被引用次數亦均名列全國第5名;同年第9期所公佈的期刊引用報告(Journal Citation Report,以下簡稱JCR)指標中則名列第6名。最近在遠見雜誌所評比 的2009年最佳資訊工程研究所中則排名第7名。在教學方面,本系大學部及研究 所均已通過中華工程教育學會工程及科技教育之認證。由於這些卓越的表現,也 讓資工系連續獲得本校前兩屆(2005-2009)之標竿系所榮譽。 中正大學校園廣闊美麗,建築宏偉,是一個從事教學與研究的好場所,我們歡迎 所有具有研究潛力,對教學研究有興趣的博士申請本系教職。本系目前專任師資 26位,未來幾年內,將逐步擴充師資。應徵者必須具有資訊相關領域博士學位, 同時有強烈的研究與教學興趣。應徵者目前的研究成果為本系聘任與否之重要考 量因素。 一、資格:具國內、外大學資訊工程相關領域博士學位者。 二、起聘日期:每年的八月一日。 三、應聘領域:資訊工程相關領域數名,其他相關資料與系所簡介可以參照本系 網頁 http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/。 四、意者請檢附履歷含三位咨洽詢者(references)、代表作及聯絡資料,寄   621嘉義縣民雄鄉大學路168號 國立中正大學資訊工程學系 熊博安 主任收 P.S. 這是代PO,有問題請向中正資工系辦詢問,謝謝 == National Chung Cheng University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Faculty Openings Within the next few years, the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering of National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, will be aggressively recruiting assistant, associate, and/or full professors in all areas of Computer Science. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in computer science or related areas, with a strong research background. Applicants are expected to conduct outstanding research and be committed to teaching graduate/undergraduate courses. Applicants should be able to read, write, and speak Chinese. An interview will generally be arranged as soon as possible after receiving your application. Please send your vita, including statements of research and teaching objectives and three references, to Dr. Pao-Ann Hsiung, Professor and Chairman, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, 168, University Road, Section 1, Min-Hsiung, Chiayi 62102, Taiwan, or send email to pahsiung@cs.ccu.edu.tw. Applications will be reviewed at the end of March of each year.   The department currently has 26 professors, over 380 undergraduate students, 220 master students, and 80 Ph.D. students. More information about the department can be found in the home page at http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/. You will see that in its short 20+year history, the department has already achieved renown for its high quality of research and education, with highly qualified professors covering the broad spectrum of computer science topics, excellent facilities, and beautiful surroundings. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/07 21:13, , 1F
12/07 21:13, 1F

12/07 21:21, , 2F
12/07 21:21, 2F

12/07 21:22, , 3F
不 一個是物理 一個是資工
12/07 21:22, 3F

12/07 21:24, , 4F
12/07 21:24, 4F

12/07 22:32, , 5F
三位咨洽詢者(references) 是指要三封推薦信嗎??
12/07 22:32, 5F
※ 編輯: QQting 來自: (12/08 00:54)

12/08 00:55, , 6F
12/08 00:55, 6F

12/09 02:33, , 7F
12/09 02:33, 7F

12/09 11:22, , 8F
12/09 11:22, 8F

01/25 21:21, , 9F
01/25 21:21, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1GmPvVYJ (PhD)