
看板PhD作者 (波卡)時間13年前 (2011/10/03 13:24), 編輯推噓2(200)
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文章轉自:http://wallaceediting.pixnet.net/blog/post/37995862 提問: 在研究論文內,當要引述文獻的資料來源時,要如何選擇適當的動詞呢?是否有特 定的文法形式需要遵循呢?有時候,受限於動詞字彙了解不多,常會在每句中都使 用「studied」或是「said」,是否有其它恰當的動詞可以使用呢? —國立交通大學 管理學院 博士生T.Y-U 回答: 藉由選擇特定動詞來引用資料來源,你可以表明自己對於引用資料來源的態度。 切勿不斷重複「Smith說」,英文裡有許多與像「說」這樣的動詞可供選擇。利用字 典來檢視你選擇使用的動詞,看看是否與你所想表達的意義有細微的差異。 關於如何使用「引述動詞」,這裡有一些文法句型可供參考模仿: 句型 1: reporting verb (引述動詞) + that + subject (主詞) + verb (動詞) acknowledge / admit / agree / allege / argue assert / assume / believe / claim / conclude consider / decide / demonstrate / deny / determine discover / doubt / emphasize / explain / find hypothesize / imply / indicate / infer / note object / observe / point / out / prove / reveal say / show / state / suggest / think a. Smith argued that X influences Y. b. Previous researchers have implied that the procedure is harmful. c. Smith found that X’s are improved by class factors. d. Lee inferred that both states are vital. 請注意這些動詞的意義都不相同,並且不能互相替換使用。舉例來說,例句(a)的 動詞 argue,表明你判斷作者的結論是根據證據及推理而來,但仍有其他可能的結 論。例句(b)的動詞 imply,表明你判斷研究者的證據及推理相當具有說服力, 因此沒有其他可能的結論。 小心使用動詞discuss或express與that 連接的用法,請參考下列的例子。 錯誤: The reviewer expressed that the movie is not worth seeing. (X) 正確: The reviewer expressed the view that the movie is not worth seeing. (O) 注意:這個類別的動詞也可能出現於以As為開頭的從屬子句。 a. As Smith demonstrated, errors made by previous researchers need to be corrected. b. As researchers have shown, the procedure is harmful. 句型 2: reporting verb (引述動詞) + somebody/something (某人/某事) + for + noun/gerund (名詞/動名詞) applaud / blame / censure / criticize / disparage fault / praise / ridicule / single out / thank a. Smith criticized Jones for his use of incomplete data (OR for using incomplete data). b. Both Smith and Jones condemned previous researchers for misrepresenting the data. c. Lee acknowledged Thomas for his contribution to the discovery of X. 句型3: reporting verb (引述動詞) + somebody/something (某人/某事) + as + noun/gerund/adjective (名詞/動名詞形容詞) appraise / assess / characterize / class / classify define / depict / describe / evaluate / identify interpret / portray / present / refer / view a. Jones described the findings as adding to the existing body of research. b. Smith identified the Y as a source of information. c. Smith and Jones both presented their results as conclusive. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ennoveevol:轉錄至看板 ST-English 10/03 13:28 ennoveevol:轉錄至看板 Master_D 10/03 13:30

10/03 14:02, , 1F
10/03 14:02, 1F
※ 編輯: ennoveevol 來自: (10/03 16:32)

10/14 16:40, , 2F
10/14 16:40, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1EYKSBov (PhD)