Re: 全國研究生助學金 陳情書 (一封公開信)

看板PhD作者 (l'Erudit)時間18年前 (2005/12/24 02:50), 編輯推噓5(502)
留言7則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/79 (看更多)
※ 引述《lindo (Lindo)》之銘言: : 各位同學研安: : 臺大研究生之助學金一直為研究生的長期困擾, : 研究生之研究時間、研究品質甚至與指導教授間之不愉快, : 最大之問題主因即來自研究生『助學金』的問題,故本問題不得不解決。 : 研究生為國家學術的命脈,亦是未來學界的棟樑,在邁向國際化的臺灣, : 國內教育界最頂端的學子,教育當局應該多為他們著想。 : 據統計,研究生年齡至少在22歲(72年次)以上,經濟上大多不靠家裡的支持, : 為生活所需必須靠助學金與工讀過生活, : 教育部以往都有補助研究生固定足夠之助學金給研究生, : 但由於大學設立的普及化造成資源分散, : 再加上研究生人數成倍數成長,形成許多研究生的助學金有領不到的情況。 : 以臺大為例,研究生在短短不到10年間總人數增加了2.05倍, : 而助學金總金額不但沒增加反而減少8%, : 再加上物價上漲等因素研究生生活的確受到極大的衝擊。 : 助學金問題可歸納如下:1.助學金太少、2.同校各系所助學金分配不一。 : 根據臺大研究生協會統計,60.2%的研究生其每個月助學金都在三千元以下, : 74.7%的研究生認為助學金不敷使用。 : 以電腦工程領域為例,中國北京大學「世界排名301」(中國科學院計算所) : 高於臺大「世界排名153」電子所13.3倍; : 英國倫敦Queen Mary College「世界排名203」(Engineering)高9.2倍; : 加拿大Alberta「世界排名101」(Computer Engineering)高11.1倍; : 美國紐澤西NJIT「世界排名401」(Computer Science)高12倍, : 由此可知臺灣研究生助學金與其他國際研究生待遇相差甚遠。 This is not true. In most of the countries, they don't give free money to taught-course master students nor master students who are not doing research, since they don't contribute anything by attending courses. Master students doing research or PhD students could get payment from their research projects, however, not from the government freely. In Taiwan, master students still get some free money, which is not too bad. If they do research for some projects, they will still get payments from them. How can they complain any more?! : 因生活費不足迫使研究生淪落為教授之廉價勞工,公(論文指導)、 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot see any strong relationship between these two statements. In military, somebody might be able to force you to do something, however, it is not a case between supervisors and postgraduates. Nobody can force you to do anything in a university. You can even refuse the order or supervision from your supervisors, if you are confident enough. It is you pay for your study, not the government pays you for your degree, although some projects might pay you for doing their research. : 私(研究案)不能分明,學術品質自然降低,而到外面打工自然也剝削到研究時間。 : 而助學金分配不均,以臺大為例,目前是各系所自行決議分配研究生助學金的多寡, : 有些系所人數較多而形成僧多粥少的現象, : 甚至有研究生一個月只分到一千多元的助學金, : 對於研究生的生活產生極大的壓力,更遑論談學術品質。 : 研究生在各研究單位中所受到指導教授不公平的待遇, : 譬如幫教授作私事或當廉價勞工等更是時有耳聞, This sort of thing should not happen between the supervisor and the students. This should be banned; unfortunately, Taiwanese universities have never done good management. Somebody got to be responsible for that situation. However, you cannot go to ask more free money just because of that situation exists. Instead, you should appeal to the government to investigate the universities for stopping that situation. On the other hand, even the students get more free money, do you believe that situation will then disappear? The real reason is not the money; the real reason is the supervisors hold the students' degrees and some of them abuse their students. This is a university management and justice problem, but rather a financial issue. : 但大多數學生為了學位多是敢怒而不敢言,如此惡性循環, : 臺灣的學術品質如何能提升呢? : 『要馬兒好,更要讓馬兒吃草』為解決根本之道,唯有徹底解決研究生助學金問題, : 才能提升臺灣的學術品質,雖然錢非萬能,但沒錢萬萬不能。 : 最起碼要能解決研究生之學費與生活問題,若教育當局在執行面產生問題, : 是否請思考『沒這麼多奶水,就該考慮別生太多小孩』。 Postgraduates' tuition fee and living cost is problems of themselves. There is no points that the taxpayers should be responsible for the postgraduates' studies (and the cost of their degrees.) Also, nobody can really force you to attend master courses. I did my master degree and lost chances of two years salary and experience from industries. However I was quite happy for that because I knew I was going to get more payment after I got my master degree. Those lost were actually parts of the cost or a kind of investment. You cannot get something from nothing. If you think doing a master is not good, just don't get that then. If you think you should do master degree and unfortunately you have financial problem, you should support yourself by applying student loan from the banks, rather than asking more free money like a baby. Be responsible for yourself! Postgraduates. : 台灣競爭力的源頭在大學的研究發展,而大學研究發展的第一線部隊在研究生, : 如果我們研究生的待遇不能「接近」國際一流大學的水準,那麼, I bet you don't know how they treat the postgraduates in the first-class universities in the rest of the world. : 我們如何要求研究生在經濟壓力下,達到國際一流的產能? If you go to EU, you will see a lot of PhD students from the Third World who were sponsored by their own governments. Most of them are much much poorer than general Taiwanese postgraduates. They have to live in that expensive countries in very simple styles. They and their wives might have to do part-time (or full-time, secretly) work to maintain their living cost (becauses their government could sponsor their tuition fees only.) However, most of them do do really good research and quite productive. The reasons which you argued are not valid in their cases. Why? Because they got good solid support (supervision, equipment, technicians but not the money) on research from their schools. Because their schools are well managed and monitored, and not allow their supervisors to ask them to do any private jobs (even well-paid). It is not because they are highly paid by their universities (although some might get some scholarship from the schools). : 12月26日至29日於臺大校園、教育部與立法院會有連署說明會請同學踴躍前往支持。 : 國立臺灣大學研究生協會會長 張源修 敬上 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lerudit 來自: (12/24 04:19)

12/24 11:06, , 1F
中肯! 說的很有道理!!
12/24 11:06, 1F

12/24 11:27, , 2F
以前有新生到實驗室詢問 開口就問有多少薪水
12/24 11:27, 2F

12/24 11:33, , 3F
不知是要讀書還是要賺錢 很多人拿了錢也不ㄧ定會跟家人講
12/24 11:33, 3F

12/24 11:40, , 4F
生活費照領 研究費變娛樂費
12/24 11:40, 4F

12/24 12:59, , 5F
12/24 12:59, 5F

12/24 14:20, , 6F
台北的生活費和歐美先進城市相比 還是有段差距...
12/24 14:20, 6F

12/24 20:43, , 7F
我覺得錢跟教授凹學生是兩件事 要分開討論比較好
12/24 20:43, 7F
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