Fw: [外電] Tyreke Evans benched in Pelicans loss,

看板Pelicans作者 (C'est la vie)時間10年前 (2014/02/10 17:23), 編輯推噓17(17075)
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※ [本文轉錄自 TyrekeEvans 看板 #1I-9gK5a ] 作者: eliczone (C'est la vie) 看板: TyrekeEvans 標題: [外電] Tyreke Evans benched in Pelicans loss, 時間: Mon Feb 10 17:23:30 2014 http://0rz.tw/0xtDA In a season that’s been a struggle for both the New Orleans Pelicans and its high-priced import Tyreke Evans, it seems like there’s a growing rift between player, coach and team. Evans did not play in Sunday night’s 93-81 loss to Brooklyn despite head coach Monty Williams playing 11 Pelicans players in the game. When asked why Evans didn’t play, Williams said “it’s just internal right now.” Evans and the New Orleans public relations staff declined to comment on the matter after the game, deferring to the head coach and saying that Williams “ had said it all before.” Williams could have said he was hurt or he was resting, but the unique language of the explanation could imply that there’s something more going on. reke和球隊的PR都拒絕對這件事有所評論。 It’s no secret that Evans has struggled in acclimating to the Pelicans after coming over in a sign-and-trade with Sacramento that netted Evans a four-year contract worth $44 million. He told Sheridan Hoops before the season in a wide-ranging interview that he would be comfortable coming off the bench, not playing the point guard position and he’d do whatever it took to help New Orleans win. Now as we approach the All-Star break, Evans appeared frustrating with his injuries, “fluctuating” playing time and his communication with Williams. reke明顯對於受傷以及不固定的上場時間還有跟總教練的溝通感到挫折。 “He’s trying to figure me out still,” Evans said of his head coach before the game. “Most of the guys that came here are pretty much new [to the team] so he’s trying to fit everybody in and put me in the best position he can.” 「他還在試著了解我,大部分的人都是新來的,所以他正在試著讓每個人融入,盡他所能 地將我放到最佳的位置」reke在比賽前說 But when asked whether he and Williams ever discussed his best role on the team openly, Evans said it’s never been brought up. 但當問到他和總教練之間是否討論過他最好的角色,reke說從來沒有過。 "No, we never talked about that,” Evans told Sheridan Hoops. “I haven’t talked to him about it. We talk here and there but I haven’t talked to him about what role is whose on the team.” 「從來沒有。我們討論過很多東西,但沒有討論過角色問題」reke說 Asked if the communication with Williams has to improve, Evans said that it needed to improve. “It has to get better. We have to know our roles on the team.” 問到和總教練的溝通是否需要改善,reke說的確需要。「必須要變得更好,我們必須知道 在隊上的角色」。 It seems like Evans is overloaded with responsibilities for the Pelicans coming off the bench, and it’s impacting his play on the court. 看起來reke的負擔過重,而且正在影響他在場上的表現 “I have more roles than the team I was on before so it’s tough trying to adjust to all those spots,” he said. “The system is different but it’s not anything I can’t get through.” 「我比過去還要負擔更多角色,所以要試著做好這些事情是很艱辛的。體系都不一樣,但 並不是我做不到的事」reke說 Evans said he’s felt rushed on the court, trying to do so many different things to help his teammates while he’s out there on the floor. reke說他在場上有點操之過急,當在場上時試著去做很多不同的事來幫助隊友。 “Sometimes I think I feel like I have to do too much instead of playing my game and letting it come to me,” he said. And that’s a direct byproduct of trying to keep his playing time up. 「有時候我想我必須去做過多的事,而不是單純打我自己的比賽,然後找到節奏。」reke 說。而這正是他想要有更多上場時間的副作用。 “When I’m out there, I just have to try to perform so I can keep my minutes up,” Evans said. “And then it gets bad on me because I’m trying to rush things. When I let the game come to me, that’s how I always play and I create that way. ” 「當我上場時,我必須去有所表現,這樣子才能讓我的上場時間有所提升。而這對我來說 是不好的,因為我會太急。而我必須慢慢進入節奏,這才是我打球的方式」reke說 And all that rushing is affecting his shot. Take a look at how far he’s fallen in shooting the ball since he came to the Pelicans. 而這些事正在影響他的投籃。 Evans Minutes FG % 3 FG % Points Reb Assists PER e FG % O Rating D Rating Win Shares/48 2012-2013 31 47.8 33.8 15.2 4.4 3.5 18.1 50.8 110 111 0.105 2013-2014 24.5 40.1 15.2 12.4 4.3 4.1 17.3 40.9 101 108 0.063 His minutes are down since he’s not starting. His field goal percentage is down more than 7.5 percent and his 3-point shooting has cratered to an incredibly woeful 15.2 percent. His rebound and assist numbers are good as he tried to help his teammates, but his efficiency and points per 100 possessions, as well as his per-minute win shares, have plummeted. 當沒有先發的時候上場時間是下降的。投籃命中率也下降超過7.5%,而他的三分命中率是 爛到不行的15.2%。他的籃板和助攻數是好的,但他的效率以及每100次進攻得分和win share都大幅下降 Being rushed is affecting how he shoots. “I’m anxious to help my team get points on the board,” Evans said. “But it can’t just be about scoring, it’ s gotta be about passing and trying to figure out what I can do to help this team win.” 「我很渴望幫助球隊得分,但並不只是得分而已,還有傳球以及試著了解我能做什麼來幫 助球隊」reke說 Evans’ per-36-minute numbers are actually better this year in the major statistical categories, but that’s become moot because his playing time with the Pelicans has gone down significantly from his 2012-2013 season with the Kings. 今年reke在主要統計數字的每36分鐘數據是較佳的,但這一點意義都沒有,因為他在鵜鶘 的上場時間是大幅下降的。 Per 36 Minutes Points Rebounds Assists Steals 2012-2013 17.6 5.1 4.1 1.6 2013-2014 18.2 6.3 6.1 1.7 New Orleans players didn’t openly discuss what was going on with Evans, but readily talked about how important he is to this Pelicans franchise. 紐奧良的球員沒有公開討論reke怎麼了,但都說他對於球隊有多重要。 “He’s a big part of what we’re doing here,” forward Al-Farouq Aminu said. “We’re really excited about all the things he’s done.” 「他是很重要的一部分,我們對於他所做的一切都感到興奮」Aminu說 Point guard Brian Roberts said that Evans has been aggressive from the start. “We all know the type of player that he is and he’s shown that on the court, ” Roberts said. “To have a guy of that caliber to come in as the 6th man, that’s huge for this team.” 「我們都知道他是什麼類型的球員以及他所展現的東西,對於有這樣子天份的人來當第六 人,對於這支球隊來說是很巨大的」Roberts說 That aggressiveness Roberts referred to could be because of the rushed way Evans said he’s played. As New Orleans’ big-name offseason acquisition, this pressure to perform and stay on the court has affected his shooting percentages. Not communicating well with the head coach probably hasn’t helped matters either. ============================================================================== -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: eliczone (, 時間: 02/10/2014 17:23:41

02/10 18:56, , 1F
02/10 18:56, 1F

02/10 19:56, , 2F
02/10 19:56, 2F

02/10 19:56, , 3F
02/10 19:56, 3F

02/10 20:44, , 4F
讓人灰心的是Monty完全看不出來有在養 完全在破壞
02/10 20:44, 4F

02/10 22:47, , 5F
02/10 22:47, 5F

02/11 09:37, , 6F
智障Monty 擺出這種先發陣容是想要唬誰 又落後10分了
02/11 09:37, 6F

02/11 13:35, , 7F
滿手ACE還堅持用前兩年的調度法 看來Monty是真的
02/11 13:35, 7F

02/11 13:35, , 8F
02/11 13:35, 8F

02/11 13:53, , 9F
他和總管的方向完全不一樣 該走的是誰很清楚
02/11 13:53, 9F

02/11 15:52, , 10F
活塞的成績和鵜鶘一樣 但活塞火了總教練 鵜鶘的還活著...
02/11 15:52, 10F

02/11 20:19, , 11F
02/11 20:19, 11F

02/11 20:22, , 12F
02/11 20:22, 12F

02/12 10:03, , 13F
待到季末應該是八九不離十 畢竟現在換也沒意義 怕的是他
02/12 10:03, 13F

02/12 10:03, , 14F
才剛續約 Benson和Dell不會將他換掉 那.....
02/12 10:03, 14F

02/13 09:39, , 15F
02/13 09:39, 15F

02/13 10:41, , 16F
02/13 10:41, 16F

02/13 11:38, , 17F
好險公鹿夠爛 XD
02/13 11:38, 17F

02/13 11:53, , 18F
02/13 11:53, 18F

02/13 12:59, , 19F
只上19分鐘 請問有受傷嗎? 沒看比賽 希望只是犯規麻煩
02/13 12:59, 19F

02/13 13:45, , 20F
是的 犯規麻煩 我是不了解Monty到底在想什麼....
02/13 13:45, 20F

02/13 13:45, , 21F
只要球員有犯規麻煩好像會要了他的命一樣 一整場就都不讓
02/13 13:45, 21F

02/13 13:45, , 22F
他上了 他難道沒有想過 這樣子和犯滿到底有什麼分別?
02/13 13:45, 22F

02/14 16:32, , 23F
Ryno這個月將會再去尋求第二意見 因為他覺得好多了 但醫
02/14 16:32, 23F

02/14 16:33, , 24F
生說他的傷勢並沒好轉 所以想要問另外一個醫生 再照MRI
02/14 16:33, 24F

02/15 00:23, , 25F
往好的方面想 很多新人有機會測試能耐
02/15 00:23, 25F

02/15 09:07, , 26F
的確 Babbitt目前為止的表現可圈可點 比原先預期的好用
02/15 09:07, 26F

02/15 09:58, , 27F
02/15 09:58, 27F

02/15 11:22, , 28F
目前看起來很積極還滿不錯 但上場時間也沒太多
02/15 11:22, 28F

02/16 08:07, , 29F
球員工會新副會長是J. Smith
02/16 08:07, 29F

02/16 10:05, , 30F
02/16 10:05, 30F

02/16 11:21, , 31F
hahahaha 是啊 不然怎麼會po在這 應該是確定了
02/16 11:21, 31F

02/16 13:34, , 32F
02/16 13:34, 32F

02/16 14:37, , 33F
02/16 14:37, 33F

02/16 21:02, , 34F
他目前在球隊的作用越來越少 替補大個也有Ajinca了
02/16 21:02, 34F

02/18 01:30, , 35F
02/18 01:30, 35F

02/18 09:10, , 36F
有消息指出 Dell的電話響個不停 XD
02/18 09:10, 36F

02/18 09:10, , 37F
目前EG最新乳摸是 鵜鶘正在賣他 也想要個大個 不同的是
02/18 09:10, 37F

02/18 09:11, , 38F
02/18 09:11, 38F

02/18 09:24, , 39F
02/18 09:24, 39F

02/18 10:19, , 40F
http://ppt.cc/ZMiz 參考一下XD
02/18 10:19, 40F

02/18 10:55, , 41F
哈 如果是我個人 當然好啊 清出這麼大的空間 但目前為止
02/18 10:55, 41F

02/18 10:55, , 42F
沒有看到任何和賽隊有關的乳摸 很可惜@@
02/18 10:55, 42F

02/18 11:09, , 43F
Realgm的乳摸 正在賣小河流和Pierre Jackson
02/18 11:09, 43F

02/18 11:56, , 44F
02/18 11:56, 44F

02/19 00:01, , 45F
02/19 00:01, 45F

02/19 09:15, , 46F
個人是覺得交易Morrow很沒必要 因為他能換到的不多
02/19 09:15, 46F

02/19 09:16, , 47F
但他現在能夠貢獻的還滿不錯的 所以Dell應該不會換他
02/19 09:16, 47F

02/19 11:07, , 48F
02/19 11:07, 48F

02/19 14:01, , 49F
02/19 14:01, 49F

02/19 17:57, , 50F
十之八九應該都是小交易 EG應該不會動到了 甚至很有可能
02/19 17:57, 50F

02/19 17:57, , 51F
連交易都沒有 因為現在鵜鶘能端出的菜都不太好 別人不會
02/19 17:57, 51F

02/19 17:58, , 52F
想要 別人想要的自己也想要
02/19 17:58, 52F

02/19 21:57, , 53F
02/19 21:57, 53F

02/19 22:37, , 54F
02/19 22:37, 54F

02/19 23:23, , 55F
Robert是Monty的寶 應該不會動 感覺Jackson比較有可能
02/19 23:23, 55F

02/20 08:23, , 56F
02/20 08:23, 56F

02/20 08:24, , 57F
也就是RA一半的年薪 也許拿來簽Pierre再交易
02/20 08:24, 57F

02/20 09:46, , 58F
reke搞屁 一下子就三犯 他今天不用想要再上場多久了
02/20 09:46, 58F

02/20 11:16, , 59F
竟然逆轉啦 Babbitt好威啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02/20 11:16, 59F

02/20 11:17, , 60F
現在正在和湖人深入談Jordan Hill 鵜鶘想要高個 湖人想要
02/20 11:17, 60F

02/20 11:17, , 61F
空間 而之前的4M派上用場了
02/20 11:17, 61F

02/20 11:28, , 62F
Pierre Jackson要求被交易
02/20 11:28, 62F

02/20 14:09, , 63F
02/20 14:09, 63F

02/20 17:56, , 64F
02/20 17:56, 64F

02/20 21:40, , 65F
現在就籃網和鵜鶘兩隊跑在前面 加油啊Dell
02/20 21:40, 65F

02/20 23:37, , 66F
鵜鶘退縮了 對J. Hill的興趣減低
02/20 23:37, 66F

02/20 23:43, , 67F
P. Jackson和土耳其球隊簽約 但和在NBDL一樣 還是算鵜鶘
02/20 23:43, 67F

02/20 23:43, , 68F
的人 所以還是可以交易或叫他上來
02/20 23:43, 68F

02/20 23:45, , 69F
對了 Jrue的歸期恐怕沒先前傳的這麼樂觀 還是不知道什麼
02/20 23:45, 69F

02/20 23:45, , 70F
02/20 23:45, 70F

02/21 00:20, , 71F
PJ值得在NBA試試身手 拜託交易他吧
02/21 00:20, 71F

02/21 08:00, , 72F
雖然這是意料之中的結果 但沒交易還是讓人失望
02/21 08:00, 72F

02/21 08:36, , 73F
02/21 08:36, 73F

02/21 09:24, , 74F
不只是後衛沒解決 太過不適任但教練還一直很愛用的也沒解
02/21 09:24, 74F

02/21 09:24, , 75F
決 雖然不可能打進季後賽了 但為了下個球季準備也是必須
02/21 09:24, 75F

02/21 09:24, , 76F
的 因此陣容上的調整當然是越早越好 而不是拖到暑假了才
02/21 09:24, 76F

02/21 09:25, , 77F
開始走馬換將 這樣子又少了很多實戰磨合的時間
02/21 09:25, 77F

02/21 19:03, , 78F
02/21 19:03, 78F

02/21 19:53, , 79F
主要的問題還是在於Monty的用人 太讓人無奈
02/21 19:53, 79F

02/22 09:04, , 80F
打的真的很爛 dell在搞屁啊 這教練竟然還能繼續待下去
02/22 09:04, 80F

02/22 17:44, , 81F
Miller最近都沒上 有傷嗎?
02/22 17:44, 81F

02/22 19:07, , 82F
沒有 被冰凍 冰凍原因不明 Monty寧願讓Aminu上也不願意讓
02/22 19:07, 82F

02/22 19:07, , 83F
02/22 19:07, 83F

02/22 20:11, , 84F
雖說這季表現不好 但完全沒上場也太..
02/22 20:11, 84F

02/22 21:13, , 85F
Miller其實表現還ok 而且看的出來未來性
02/22 21:13, 85F

02/23 00:43, , 86F
今年就這樣了吧 明年球季得把毒瘤派系清一清
02/23 00:43, 86F

02/23 09:52, , 87F
第三節打完 平手 讓reke控就很簡單啊 切入 外傳 三分入袋
02/23 09:52, 87F

02/23 10:00, , 88F
這段打的很簡單但很有效率 就是讓reke單打Beal 包夾就傳
02/23 10:00, 88F

02/23 10:02, , 89F
不包就會被吃 這麼簡單有效率的打法 教練竟然說不知道
02/23 10:02, 89F

02/23 10:03, , 90F
02/23 10:03, 90F

02/23 14:57, , 91F
Monty:我不用讓我take it easy的球員
02/23 14:57, 91F

02/28 15:24, , 92F
02/28 15:24, 92F
文章代碼(AID): #1I-9gUAv (Pelicans)