[情報] theBuzz On P.J. Brown

看板Pelicans作者 (含著眼淚、還能帶著微笑)時間18年前 (2006/02/01 16:20), 編輯推噓6(601)
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這一篇文章出自官網,the Buzz似乎是黃蜂隊隊辦的雜誌,然後挑一些文章放上官網 給球迷閱讀,但是實在不好翻 by: Jim Eichenhofer First, let’s dispel some of the rumors circulating around the New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets’ locker room: Even though P.J. Brown has played in the NBA for a lengthy period of time, he did NOT suit up against Julius Erving back in the day. P.J. never chased Rick Barry around screens, nor did P.J. face the unenviable task of vying for low-post position with Wilt Chamberlain. 首先,我們必須先驅散一些從黃蜂隊休息是傳出來的笑話: 即使P.J. Brown已經在NBA 打滾好一短時間了,他沒有面對過Julius Erving.P.J也沒有在螢光幕前追著Rick Barry跑 ,他也不需要在低位面對Wilt Chamberlain. Sure, he’s been around pro basketball for a while, but he’s not THAT old. 當然,他已經在聯盟裡打滾一段時間了,但是他還沒這麼老 Still, on an ultra-youthful Hornets roster that includes five players who were experiencing their terrible twos when Dr. J retired back in 1987, the 36-year-old Brown is a dinosaur – the only Hornet whose NBA career began in the 20th century. 然而,在特別年輕的黃蜂隊中,其中包括5名二年級生,尤其是 Dr. J在1987年退休 36歲的P.J Brown就像是恐龍 - 黃蜂隊中唯一一名在20世紀開始職業生涯的球員 “I read this thing the other day about Chris (Paul), J.R. (Smith) and Brandon (Bass) all being born in 1985,” a bemused Brown says, shaking his head. “I said to myself, ‘What was I doing in 1985?’ I think I was a freshman in high school. It’s kind of wild.” "我在隔天才讀到原來 Chris (Paul), J.R. (Smith)和Brandon (Bass)全都是在1985年出 生的"呆滯的Brown搖搖自己的頭,然後說到"1985我在幹麻? 我想我那時剛進入高中,這真 的很瘋狂" “We kid him about that all the time,” a beaming Paul says, a few feet from Brown’s locker. “On the plane the other day, someone brought out his trading cards from his rookie year. His hair was terrible and his shorts were so high. "我們總是在開他的玩笑" Paul笑著說道,他幾乎比Brown矮了1呎"有一天在飛機上,有人 拿著他當年的新人卡給大家看,他的髮型真糟糕,而那種褲子還真短" “My dad always talks about watching P.J. play when (P.J.) was in college,” the 20-year-old adds. "我老爸總是在說他從P.J從大學開始就在看他打球了" 這名20歲的年輕人補充說 “P.J. doesn’t have birthdays,” Hornets television analyst Gil McGregor joked on the air during an early-season game. “He has carbon dating.” "P.J沒有生日"黃蜂隊的電視分析員 Gil McGregor在季初的一場比賽中如此開玩笑的說 "他從石炭開始就存在了" carbon dating真的不會翻 Brown’s graybeard status may be the subject of a slew of punch lines, but geriatric or not, the Louisiana Tech product’s impact on the Hornets in his 13th NBA season has been undeniable. Brown那老頭子的數據確實不值一提,但不論那是不是所謂的老化,這名Louisiana Tech出 品的強力前鋒在他的第13個球季對球隊的貢獻仍然不容置疑 In addition to his consistent mid-range jumper (he was averaging 10.6 points in early December), workmanlike rebounding (8.6 boards) and interior defense, the 6-foot-11, 239-pounder has become a valuable mentor to his teammates. With seven Hornets in their first or second NBA seasons, it’s a role that was much-needed. 除了穩定的中距離跳投(在12月初平均每場10.6分),苦工(8.6籃板)和防守任務,這名 6呎11吋,239磅的中前鋒已經成為他的隊友們最穩定的依靠,尤其當陣中有7名球員是一或 二年級生時,他的角色更顯重要 “I’ve been through it all in the NBA,” says Brown, who spent three seasons with New Jersey and four in Miami prior to joining the Hornets in 2000-01. “I try to tell the young guys, my door is always open if you want to talk about anything.” "我在NBA裡什麼都經歷過了"Brown說道,他在加盟黃蜂隊前先在紐澤西待了3季,之後4年在 邁阿密"我試著告訴那些年輕人,不論你想談論任何事,我的大門總是敞開著" “P.J.’s been in the league for 13 years, so I ask him about a lot of stuff off the court,” relates Smith, the Hornets’ second-year shooting guard. “Things like, what does he eat? How has he stayed healthy throughout his career? (Brown has played at least 80 games in eight of his 12 seasons). "P.J已經在聯盟打滾13年了,所以我問他很多場上的事" 球隊的二年級得分後衛Smith這麼 說"像是 他吃什麼啦,他在漫長的球季是如何保持健康的"(在過去12個球季,P.J有8個球季 至少出賽80場) “He taught me so much as a rookie, and he’s still teaching me things. If it wasn’t for P.J., I wouldn’t be the player I am.” "當我還是個菜鳥時,他教了我許多東西,而他現在也仍在教我,如果不是P.J , 我將不會是 你們現在所看到的我" Smith, it should be pointed out, refuses to join the parade of jokesters who are so eager to make fun of Brown’s “extensive life experience.” 這邊必須指出,Smith拒絕加入那些想要開P.J的"廣泛生活經驗"的玩笑的人的行列 “I don’t want to mess with him because P.J. is an old-school vet,” Smith says, grinning. “He’ll make you carry bags on the plane (during road trips) in a heartbeat.” "我並不想去捉弄P.J,因為他是個老學院派的人" Smith笑著說 "他會叫你在打客場時幫 忙提行李" “I think of all the guys I’ve met in the NBA, I respect him the most,” credits Paul, who has gleaned tips from Brown on things such as how to keep his body warm before games in cold arenas and defensive techniques. “The day P.J. calls it quits, I might actually shed a tear. He’s a great basketball player, but he’s an even better person off the court.” "我想在聯盟裡所有我遇到的人當中,我最尊敬的就是他" Paul信誓旦旦的說道,他從Brown 那裡蒐集了不少秘訣,像是如何在寒冷的地方保持身體的熱度以及防守的技巧 "我想一但Brown要退休了,我的眼淚一定會不爭氣的掉下來. 他是一個偉大的球員,但是 出了球場他是一個更好的人" A winner of the NBA Sportsmanship Award, as well as the league’s Walter J. Kennedy Citizenship Award, Brown has always been respected for his community work. Though he’s often been regarded as one of the sport’s most underrated players on the floor, in recent years his no-frills, hard-hat approach to the game has garnered him respect throughout the league from coaches, scouts and executives. At the same time, he’s never been a familiar name among casual hoops fans, partly because his meat-and-potatoes style yields few highlights. 贏過NBA運動家精神獎以及聯盟的Walter J. Kennedy公民獎,Brown因為他的熱心公益而被 尊敬著,即使他一向是被低估的球員 . 在最近幾年裡他的苦工和防守已經逐漸為他贏得從 教練,分析家到球團行政人員的尊敬 . 與此同時,他從不是流行雜誌上一個令人熟悉的名字 大概是因為他那壯碩的肌肉棒子風格很少能登上精采畫面 “I don’t do anything special,” Brown describes of his game. “I’m not (an) ESPN (kind of player). You know, SportsCenter, Fox Sports Net, all that – that’s what the kids love, the flashy stuff. And you know what? I like to watch it too, and I like to see my (teammates) on there. "我並沒有做什麼特別的" Brown描述自己的比賽風格 "我並不是那種會上ESPN的球員,你 知道的,就像SportsCenter, Fox Sports Net那些 - 那些是小孩子所喜歡的,閃電般的球 風,你知道嗎? 我也很喜歡,而我也高興我的隊友能出現在那上面" “But I do the little things. I’m not a super-talented scorer or super-talented rebounder. From day one, I wasn’t a great scorer, even in college, but I’ve always just tried to do whatever it takes to help the team. I’ve kept that philosophy for the last 20 years. "我只是做些小事情,我並不是那種富有天份的得分或籃板好手,從第一天開始,即使是在 大學,我都不是個得分好手. 但我總是去做對球隊最有幫助的事,這個職業信念20年來沒 變過" “I think early in my career people realized that (flashiness) wasn’t a part of my game, but I think after being around for 12 years, to see some of the compliments I get from general managers around the league about what I can bring to a team – that’s my greatest joy now.” "我想人們很早久了解到疾如風絕對不是我打球的風格,在經過12年的生涯之後,我想,從各 隊的GM那裡對於我帶給球隊的貢獻而得到的稱讚 - 就是現在我打球的樂趣" Brown concedes that he has lost some quickness and athleticism since entering the NBA over a decade ago, but he compensates with his knowledge of the game and veteran guile. “When you’re 22 or 23, you definitely can do a lot more (physically) than you can at 36,” he says. “There are times when a young guy might get to a ball faster than you can, but I still feel good.” Brown承認自從進入聯盟一個世代以後,他已經喪失一些他當初所擁有的速度和體能,但相 對的,他也獲得了場上的經驗以及老兵的狡猾作為報酬 "當你在22.23歲時,你當然可以比 36歲時更有活動力"他說 "總是會有個傢伙搶球比你快得多,但我仍然覺得很好" After being asked about what specific tactics he’s implemented as he gained experience in the NBA, a slight grin crosses Brown’s face. 在被問到多年來的實戰經驗讓他學會了什麼,一抹微笑從他臉上一閃而過 “Oh, I’m definitely holding and grabbing out there (on defense and in the paint) – there’s no doubt about that,” he says, laughing. “Guys around the league will tell you that. Even the referees know that – they’re like, ‘Oh no, here comes P.J., clutching and grabbing again!’ "噢,我絕對有用一些小動作(不論是防守或是在禁區) - 那是毫無疑問的" 他笑著說 "整個聯盟的人都會告訴你這些,即使裁判也知道 - 而他們也喜歡如此" "噢,不要,又是P.J , 他又抓走籃板了" “But Dennis Rodman held and grabbed me when I came into the league,” Brown adds, still grinning, “so I feel like I should be entitled to get away with that now. When you lose a step a bit, you might hold and grab a little more and bring out all the little tricks.” "但是在我剛進聯盟時, Dennis Rodman確實擋住了我" Brown仍然笑著說 "所以我覺得應 該把他推開,當你失去了位置,你必須更努力去卡位以及用上所有的小技巧" Brown would like to make it clear, particularly to his younger teammates, that he picked up many secrets in the 1990s from competing against the likes of stars such as Rodman, Charles Barkley and Charles Oakley. Brown希望能對他的隊友做的更清楚,所以他舉出在90年代對抗一些禁區明星像是 Rodman, Charles Barkley和Charles Oakley時的小秘密 That’s Rodman, Barkley and Oakley – not Erving, Barry and Chamberlain. 那是Rodman, Charles Barkley和Charles Oakley - 不是Erving, Barry和Chamberlain Still, the age-related jokes continue unabated. 看來這些和年紀有關的笑話並不會就此打住 “Are we sure he’s only 36 years old?” asks a fan about Brown on a popular fantasy basketball message board. “I’m pretty sure he was drafted during the Kennedy Administration.” "我們確定他只有36歲嗎" 一名球迷在fantasy basketball的討論區裡問到"我相當確信他 是從甘迺迪時期就被選進來的" -- 1.Miami Heat 2.Charlotte--New Orleans--NO/Oklahoma City Hornets -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/01 19:07, , 1F
02/01 19:07, 1F

02/01 19:21, , 2F
P.J加油! 一直很欣賞他
02/01 19:21, 2F

02/01 20:52, , 3F
02/01 20:52, 3F

02/01 21:14, , 4F
推~ P.J是我最喜歡的苦工球員
02/01 21:14, 4F

02/01 21:57, , 5F
02/01 21:57, 5F

02/01 21:59, , 6F
02/01 21:59, 6F

02/02 11:24, , 7F
02/02 11:24, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #13u6zbiZ (Pelicans)