The Royal Guardsmen

看板Peanuts作者 (Good Grief!!)時間17年前 (2007/07/28 07:52), 編輯推噓2(200)
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Snoopy的眾多裝扮之中 World War I Flying Ace的這個戰爭英雄角色 絕對是最著名的其中一個 如此出名的角色 又怎麼可能沒有人以此為題來高歌一曲呢? 這裡要寫的是一個名為The Royal Guardsmen的搖滾樂團 成立於1960年代美國的佛羅里達州 共有六名成員 是當時頗有名氣的「車庫搖滾樂團 Garage band」 他們在1966年推出了第一張單曲唱片"Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron" 從歌名就知道這一首歌的內容是關於Snoopy和The Red Baron 歌中一直提到Snoopy和The Red Baron 鑑於第一張單曲的成功 樂團接下來再接再勵的推出數張單曲及專輯 分別有1967年的 Return of the Red Baron Snoopy & His Friends Snoopy's Christmas 1968年的 Snoopy For President等等 該團於1969年解散 從Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron的歌詞(1) 可以看到中間寫到德軍的The Red Baron是如何的厲害 把八十架盟軍戰機一一擊下 直到Snoopy這位英雄出現 一心想要報仇的Snoopy還是不幸的被The Red Baron擊中 之後Snoopy就和Great Pumpkin討論新的戰略 並再次去挑戰The Red Baron 這次Snoopy和The Red Baron一輪激戰後 終於把The Red Baron擊落 在Return of the Red Baron中(2) 一開始就說到The Red Baron雖然被Snoopy擊中 不過在最後一刻他跳機成功 Snoopy在擊下The Red Baron就飛回去查看 結果看到The Red Baron站在山頂上 Snoopy就飛下去說"Curse you, Red Baron!" The Red Baron也回敬一句"Ach, du Liebe" 之後the Red Baron大呼說他會再次出擊 勇敢的Snoopy就對自己說"永不害怕 Never fear" 然後Snoopy就飛過大海去找尋The Red Baron的下落 終於Snoopy發現了The Red Baron正在修理他的飛機 Snoopy就降落要和The Red Baron一決生死 The Red Baron很擔心但是Snoopy就很冷靜 之後就是Snoopy和The Red Baron的追逐槍戰 同年The Royal Guardsmen推出了另一首單曲Snoopy's Christmas (3) 內容是第一次世界大戰時的新聞表示The Red Baron又一次出擊 盟軍總師令直接找Snoopy出動要他去對乎The Red Baron 在平安夜 溫度是華氏四十度以下 Snoopy出動去找尋The Red Baron 一輪激戰之後 Snoopy發現機翼上都結了冰就知道大事不妙 突然傳來了聖誕鐘聲 帶來了世界和平的訊息 Snoopy完全被The Red Baron鎖定為目標並一直接近 為何The Red Baron還不開火 我們永遠都不會知道 The Red Baron迫使Snoopy降落到敵後的萊茵河 Snoopy知道一切都快將結束了 這時The Red Baron突然大聲對Snoopy說"Merry Christmas, mein friend!" 之後還要Snoopy和他一起乾杯 Snoopy對The Red Baron致敬 然後他們又一次起飛並知道他們會有再碰頭的一天 這些音樂CD在美國現在還很容易買得到 無論是Amazon.com還是其它音樂網站都可以買得到從新發行的CD 另外就是Youtube上面可以找到The Royal Guardsmen所演出的Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron
這個短片中可以看到竟然有人真的製作了一台The Red Baron所駕駛的紅色三翼飛機 而Snoopy的狗屋戰機實在是非常的搞笑 (1) Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron After the turn of the century In the clear blue skies over Germany Came a roar and a thunder men had never heard Like the scream and the sound of a big war bird Up in the sky, a man in a plane Baron von Richtofin was his name Eighty men tried, and eighty men died Now they're buried together on the countryside Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more The Bloody Red Baron was rollin' out the score Eighty men died tryin' to end that spree Of the Bloody Red Baron of Germany In the nick of time, a hero arose A funny-looking dog with a big black nose He flew into the sky to seek revenge But the Baron shot him down--"Curses, foiled again!" Now, Snoopy had sworn that he'd get that man So he asked the Great Pumpkin for a new battle plan He challenged the German to a real dogfight While the Baron was laughing, he got him in his sight That Bloody Red Baron was in a fix He'd tried everything, but he'd run out of tricks Snoopy fired once, and he fired twice And that Bloody Red Baron went spinning out of sight (2) Return of the Red Baron You remember that Baron flying high in the sky Snoopy shot him down with a gleam in his eye But that German had leaped from his blood red plane Just before it burst into a ball of flame Snoopy circled back to check his kill Saw that bloody Red Baron standin' high on a hill Then he swooped down low, shouted, "Curse you, Red Baron!" The German shook his fist, you could hear him swear, "Ach, du Liebe" Hey watch out there Snoopy, you're really in a mess You thought you were through with that bloody Red Baron But it looks like he's not down yet Then a cry went up all over the land The bloody Red Baron would strike again But brave little Snoopy said, "Never fear" As he headed for his plane all the people cheered Snoopy blazed a trail straight across the sea Searchin' in vain for his enemy Then he found that German trying to fix his plane A sweatin' and a busted, 'bout to go insane Snoopy landed for a pistol duel The Baron was worried, Snoopy was cool He fired a shot then started to run Before Snoopy had a chance to raise his gun Hey watch out Red Baron, Snoopy is on your trail One of these days he's gonna make you pay And you'll go straight to - Well, watch out Red Baron... Well, watch out Red Baron... ...And you'll go straight to well (3) Snoopy's Christmas The news it came out in the First World War The bloody Red Baron was flying once more The Allied Command ignored all of its men And called on Snoopy to do it again Was the night before Christmas and forty below When Snoopy went up in search of his foe He spied the Red Baron and fiercely they fought With ice on his wings, Snoopy knew he was caught Christmas bells those Christmas bells Ring out from the land Asking peace of all the world And good will to man The Baron had Snoopy dead in his sights He reached for the trigger to pull it up tight Why he didn't shoot, well, we'll never know Or was it the bells from the village below Christmas bells those Christmas bells Ringing through the land Bringing peace to all the world And good will to man The Baron made Snoopy fly to the Rhine And forced him to land behind the enemy lines Snoopy was certain that this was the end When the Baron cried out "Merry Christmas, mein friend!" The Baron then offered a holiday toast And Snoopy our hero saluted his host And then with a roar they were both on their way Each knowing they'd meet on some other day The Royal Guardsmen的參考網頁: -- 歡迎各位對《花生漫畫》有興趣的網友來 PTT bbs 站上的 Peanuts 版看看喔! *^_^* 史努比和他的兄弟姐妹:Snoopy, Spike, Olaf, Andy, Marbles, Belle, Molly, Rover 糊塗塌客和他的弟兄們:Woodstock, Bill, Harriet, Olivier, Conrad, Fred, Raymond 花生漫畫裡的主要人物:Charlie Brown, Sally Brown, Lucy van Pelt, Linus van Pelt, Rerun van Pelt, Marcie, Peppermint Petty, Schroeder, Franklin, Pigpen, Violet, Eudora...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: qaz2 來自: (07/28 07:56)

07/29 09:22, , 1F
07/29 09:22, 1F

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08/09 22:54, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #16geKXsI (Peanuts)