[情報] 1.0.4

看板PathofExile作者 (錦衣)時間10年前 (2013/12/23 10:18), 編輯推噓16(16065)
留言81則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
先貼過來了 懶得上色 XD buff不少gem 火雨這樣改動拿來當主力相當威猛? (望向倉庫18Q的火雨 舔~ 新增火系法術:Flameblast 剛拿去給圖騰法使用,結果不會釋放 就地上3個大圈 當裝飾品 XDDDDDDD You can now challenge another player or party to a duel! Right click on them and select "Challenge to Duel". If they accept, you'll immediately be teleported to a PvP arena. If you challenge another party, the parties will fight each other. If you challenge someone in your party, only the two of you will fight. The resistance penalties used for the arena are those of the difficulty that the challenger was in. Added a new Intelligence skill - Flameblast: Channels to build up a large explosion. The longer you channel, the larger the area of effect and damage of the explosion. The explosion occurs after using another skill or after a short period without casting. Flameblast is first available to the Witch, Templar and Scion from the "The Caged Brute" quest in Normal Difficulty and to the Shadow from "Delving into Sin". Added five new Unique items, two of which are designed by supporters. A special item has also been added for a supporter. Added three new cosmetic microtransactions: Olmec Totem Skin, Tribal Storm Call and Holiday Present Sack. Added two new Achievements: Specialist and Full Clear: The Catacombs. Added four new vendor recipes. Minor Features/Content: Resistances on the character screen now show your uncapped total in brackets. Your resistances appear in red if you have less than 0%. Added a new Heavy Strike animation for Marauders wielding Two Handed Swords. Updated the Scion block animations, to deal with shield flipping. Players must now be level 2 or higher before they can use global or trade chat, unless they have previously had a level 25 character on their account. Balance: Fireball: The area of effect has been increased by 12%. Damage has been increased at all levels (by around 20% at level one and around 23% at level 15). Firestorm: The radius of the area that fire lands in has been increased by 39%. The delay between strikes has been reduced from 0.15 seconds to 0.10 seconds. Damage has been increased by 35%. The quality bonus has been reduced by 33.33% to match the reduced projectile delay. Incinerate: Now has a cast time of 240 milliseconds instead of 160. Damage has been increased by 77% per cast and damage effectiveness for supports has been adjusted from 20% to 30%. The number of stacks required to progress through a stage has been reduced to four casts. Added Cold Damage has been increased by 15% at level 1, up to 100% at level 15. Added Lightning Damage has been increased by 15% at level 1, up to 100% at level 15. Added Chaos Damage has been increased by 7% at level 1, up to 69% at level 15. Modified the Torture Chamber boss room with several changes. The exit is disabled during the boss fight. A pillar has been added close to exit, to better signal that the beam attack can be interrupted by breaking line of sight. Sallazzang in the Labyrinth now correctly spawns with a magic monster pack in addition to the normal Devourers that spawn in his arena every few seconds. The Barrage skill has been added for the Ranger in Descent Champions. The Storm Call skill has been added for the Witch in Descent Champions. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where you could shoot wand projectiles that received unarmed damage bonuses. Fixed an issue where some achievements with only one criterion showed that criterion as partial completion in the description. Fixed the text on Demon King Horns to correctly describe it as a replacement skin, rather than an additional effect. Fixed an interaction between the Headhunter unique item and the Proximity Shield Nemesis mod, where the Proximity Shield did not expire. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: i300ml 來自: (12/23 10:25)

12/23 10:28, , 1F
Torture Chamber 的改動應該比較不易被秒殺了!..XD
12/23 10:28, 1F

12/23 10:28, , 2F
火系buff, ACD/ALD/AChaosD buff, 使用率應該會提高吧.
12/23 10:28, 2F

12/23 10:29, , 3F
但是現在不能打一打跑出去了... Labyrinth王座室更機車了
12/23 10:29, 3F

12/23 10:31, , 4F
找不到patch note
12/23 10:31, 4F

12/23 10:37, , 5F
12/23 10:37, 5F

12/23 10:42, , 6F
電手表示: 居然被buff
12/23 10:42, 6F

12/23 10:45, , 7F
12/23 10:45, 7F

12/23 10:46, , 8F
火雨我弄到20Q,拿我的圖騰法去試 結果相當威猛...
12/23 10:46, 8F

12/23 11:05, , 9F
結果發現Thunder Fist又漲價了...Orz
12/23 11:05, 9F

12/23 11:07, , 10F
結果火雨有點increase area range的跟本打不到人啊啊
12/23 11:07, 10F

12/23 11:08, , 11F
12/23 11:08, 11F

12/23 11:08, , 12F
12/23 11:08, 12F

12/23 11:22, , 13F
torture chamber門口新增的柱子是用來提示玩家躲雷射
12/23 11:22, 13F

12/23 11:23, , 14F
應該沒變 而且改成不能進進出出 XD
12/23 11:23, 14F

12/23 11:28, , 15F
火雨蠻爽的 超大buff
12/23 11:28, 15F

12/23 11:41, , 17F
幫補patch note 火系大BUFF阿......
12/23 11:41, 17F

12/23 11:46, , 18F
話說thunder fist buff在哪我怎麼沒看到= =???
12/23 11:46, 18F

12/23 11:48, , 19F
12/23 11:48, 19F

12/23 11:54, , 20F
喔~~ 對喔 nerf後完全沒興趣都忘記了XDDD
12/23 11:54, 20F

12/23 11:55, , 21F
12/23 11:55, 21F

12/23 11:56, , 22F
12/23 11:56, 22F

12/23 12:11, , 23F
12/23 12:11, 23F

12/23 12:12, , 24F
12/23 12:12, 24F

12/23 12:20, , 25F
12/23 12:20, 25F

12/23 12:24, , 26F
12/23 12:24, 26F

12/23 12:26, , 27F
釣竿是怎麼回事...... XD
12/23 12:26, 27F

12/23 12:38, , 28F
全AoE Flameblast = 全螢幕 http://youtu.be/SZeZ5bgNii4
12/23 12:38, 28F

12/23 13:44, , 29F
12/23 13:44, 29F

12/23 13:48, , 30F
12/23 13:48, 30F

12/23 13:53, , 31F
12/23 13:53, 31F

12/23 14:03, , 32F
我記得是GGG做的忘記拿掉 結果有人打到 之後GGG就下架了XD
12/23 14:03, 32F

12/23 17:54, , 33F
12/23 17:54, 33F

12/23 17:59, , 34F
12/23 17:59, 34F

12/23 17:59, , 35F
12/23 17:59, 35F

12/23 18:01, , 36F
12/23 18:01, 36F

12/23 18:11, , 37F
12/23 18:11, 37F

12/23 18:14, , 38F
新出的匕首有點扯...... 不知道好的roll DPS會多少....
12/23 18:14, 38F

12/23 18:16, , 39F
但是火雨單顆攻擊力低 而且範圍越大命中率越低
12/23 18:16, 39F

12/23 18:20, , 40F
以前掃場完全比不上 火球+chain 現在又多個flameblast
12/23 18:20, 40F

12/23 18:23, , 41F
flameblast 很像是範圍型incinerate 還可以疊10次
12/23 18:23, 41F

12/23 18:36, , 42F
12/23 18:36, 42F

12/23 18:54, , 43F
unique thread已經有人貼了
12/23 18:54, 43F

12/23 18:55, , 45F
難得出一把物傷匕首 但是高爆率爆傷 DPS還不低......
12/23 18:55, 45F

12/23 18:55, , 46F
老實說有點扯 正常來說這種匕首 黃的也有EX價
12/23 18:55, 46F

12/23 18:56, , 47F
flameblast和火discharge相比 優勢是能夠遠攻 當主力技
12/23 18:56, 47F

12/23 18:56, , 48F
用來單刷我覺得不好 同樣引導的時間 別人能做太多事情
12/23 18:56, 48F

12/23 18:57, , 49F
團戰大概也吃屎吧 引導完怪都死光了 也沒人會留屍體給
12/23 18:57, 49F

12/23 18:57, , 50F
12/23 18:57, 50F

12/23 18:59, , 51F
剛才用18級的火雨 打P姐 算是還行 丟一次20幾顆
12/23 18:59, 51F

12/23 19:01, , 52F
12/23 19:01, 52F

12/23 19:01, , 53F
12/23 19:01, 53F

12/23 19:02, , 54F
我剛剛一直很好奇我用官網怎麼跑那麼慢 然後就維修了..
12/23 19:02, 54F

12/23 19:14, , 55F
官網似乎維修好囉~~ 可以去看了
12/23 19:14, 55F

12/23 19:17, , 56F
12/23 19:17, 56F

12/23 19:51, , 57F
DOT用adder's touch應該就有效果了,爆擊匕首很適合
12/23 19:51, 57F

12/23 19:54, , 58F
感覺不無小補 不過他的爆率跟DPS已經很高了
12/23 19:54, 58F

12/23 19:55, , 59F
12/23 19:55, 59F

12/23 22:03, , 60F
引導一層基本0.3秒 怪哪有死這麼快...
12/23 22:03, 60F

12/24 12:21, , 61F
新recipe: 武器+白/藍/黃rustic腰帶+磨刀石 = IPD% 藍武
12/24 12:21, 61F

12/24 14:40, , 62F
壓到1.5秒以內 當成SC打電抗圖的備用技能
12/24 14:40, 62F

12/24 14:41, , 63F
大範圍擴散掃場 和解放的重複性太高了 也沒什麼優勢
12/24 14:41, 63F

12/24 14:58, , 64F
你說1100%more dmg沒優勢? 光你集球時間怪都死3遍了
12/24 14:58, 64F

12/24 15:52, , 65F
CE之後比SC沒CE的範圍還大 我覺得它比SC用起來輕鬆很多
12/24 15:52, 65F

12/24 15:54, , 66F
和火Discharge的掃場比較 續戰力贏沒什麼問題 但是安全
12/24 15:54, 66F

12/24 15:56, , 67F
性不好 首先是必須佔一格FC 這一格我能放火穿 燃燒傷
12/24 15:56, 67F

12/24 15:57, , 68F
或是把MS一起接過來 操作的時候 EC完可以看情況跑位、
12/24 15:57, 68F

12/24 15:59, , 69F
上雙詛咒、補MS 彈性很高 FB要站原地挨打這點就輸了
12/24 15:59, 69F

12/24 16:01, , 70F
不是關卡王的大致上都是一發死 頂多遇到不能詛咒或是小
12/24 16:01, 70F

12/24 16:02, , 71F
群怪用火雨打 沒什麼差別
12/24 16:02, 71F

12/24 16:09, , 72F
我還是很愛這個技能啦 但目前看來實戰有一些缺點
12/24 16:09, 72F

12/24 16:20, , 73F
FB哪有要站在原地挨打 這麼說火雨也是站在原地挨打
12/24 16:20, 73F

12/24 16:21, , 74F
FB可以取代火雨 怪越多FB的dps越高 火雨卻不變
12/24 16:21, 74F

12/24 16:25, , 75F
FB不一定要集滿 只是範圍小了點XD
12/24 16:25, 75F

12/26 20:38, , 76F
這兩天用的心得 火雨真的蠻坦的 主要是持續吸血吧
12/26 20:38, 76F

12/26 20:39, , 77F
剛弄到丟一次30顆 配MoM和雙吸 沒想到能75抗無痛站樁
12/26 20:39, 77F

12/26 20:41, , 78F
Dominus, 74的晚上才try, Mmuseum雙王也是真的坦住不靠
12/26 20:41, 78F

12/26 20:42, , 79F
DPS秒 比較棘手的是labyrinth那種元素抗爆發力又強的
12/26 20:42, 79F

12/26 20:47, , 80F
FB升到17暫時不升了 燃燒傷似乎是預設用法 但我覺得超
12/26 20:47, 80F

12/26 20:49, , 81F
12/26 20:49, 81F
文章代碼(AID): #1IjvrkIy (PathofExile)