[情報] 禮盒掉落率提高

看板Pangya作者 (睏...)時間15年前 (2009/10/27 13:01), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
簡單來說,就是從凱蒂合成箱得到的禮盒有點問題,有些玩家無法正常開啟。因此,為了 補償玩家的損失,從現在到星期四 10/29(台灣時間)時,掉落率有提高。 依據慣例,維修時間通常是9:00~15:00(四) (台灣時間) 我昨天有打過,機率有調高的感覺~XD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cadie's Cauldron Unavailable & Halloween Gift Box Issue Update OCT.25.2009 We've been continually monitoring Halloween Gift Box problem occuring for some players. We are aware that some players are getting the 'Fail' message when attempting to open the Halloween Gift Box. Until we fully investigate the issue and resolve it, Cadie's Cauldron will be unavailable to prevent further Halloween Gift Boxes from being distributed. We hope to have the issue resolved by the 28th's maintenance and open Cadie's Cauldron again along with fixed Halloween Gift Box. In the meantime, we've slightly increased the drop rates for all Candy Boxes on all courses for the inconvenience we have caused to some players. These higher drop rates on the Candy Boxes will last until 28th Wednesday. Even if you have not experienced any Halloween Gift Box open error, you can still enjoy the increased drop rates on the Candy Boxes. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/28 01:00, , 1F
今天打一場 一堆人喊BOX!!BOX!! 我一個都沒有 Orz..
10/28 01:00, 1F

10/28 22:30, , 2F
10/28 22:30, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1AvdwWws (Pangya)