[遊戲] 聖女貞德全技能合成中英對照表

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最近才開始在玩美版 因為自己有需要 就查了一下 因為有附英文說明 所以會有點長 真的很長 要有心理準備XD 技能石取得不易呀 合成前可以看一下值不值得 [Coup de Grace Skills] (Red) 紅色技能 Sword 劍系 [Follow Me!] 助威 Equip at lv. 5 MP 20 A mighty cry to stir up comrades. Raises the attack of allies within a 4 square radius for several turns. Formula: Mighty Roar + Raise Force 強壯 + 吶喊 Mighty Roar + Attack + 3 強壯 + 攻擊(+3) ============================================================================= [Crescent Arc] 月光斬 Equip at lv. 10 MP 34 Flashes the blade in an arc that evokes moonlight. Strikes the 3 squares directly ahead. Formula: Flash Strike + Luna Spirit 1 閃光一擊 + 月精靈(+1) Attack + 3 + Luna Spirit 1 攻擊(+3) + 月精靈(+1) ============================================================================= [Triple Slash] 馭劍術 Equip at lv. 18 MP 51 Charges the user's aura to a blade that strikes from three directions at once. Deals damage to one enemy. Formula: Flash Strike + Crescent Arc 閃光一擊 + 月光斬 Flash Strike + Cyclone 閃光一擊 + 旋風 ============================================================================= [Spirit Sword] 氣劍術 Equip at lv. 19 MP 52 Concentrates the surrounding aura into a sharp blade. Attacks all directly adjacent enemies at once. Formula: Ice Bullet 2 + Attack + 5 冰箭2 + 攻擊(+5) Skewer Shot + Crescent Arc 貫穿擊 +月光斬 ============================================================================= [Follow Me! 2] 助威2 Equip at lv. 25 MP 30 Heroic daring that drives allies' fear away. Greatly raises the attack of surrounding allies. Formula: Follow Me + Mighty Roar 助威 + 吶喊 Follow Me + Attack + 10 助威 + 攻擊(+10) ============================================================================= [Blood Sword] 吸血劍 Equip at lv. 25 MP 30 Curses the bearer's weapon with a thirst for blood. Absorbs HP equal to half the damage dealt. Formula: HP 50 + Spirit Sword HP(+50) + 氣劍術 HP Recovery + Spirit Sword HP回復 + 氣劍術 ============================================================================= [Tempest Sword] 暴風雨 Equip at lv. 26 MP 75 Wields a storm as if it were rage and blows foes to bits. Attacks 4 squares directly ahead. Formula: Spirit Sword + Cyclone 2 氣劍術 + 旋風2 Cyclone 2 + Sweep 旋風2 + 散形攻擊 ============================================================================= [Jugulaire] 暴擊 Equip at lv. 28 MP 55 A precision strike on enemy vitals. Ensures all single enemy attacks are critical hits for several turns. Formula: Wood Chop + Sniper 2 劈柴刀 + 阻擊手2 Critical Edger + Triple Slash クリティカルUP(Critical up) + 馭劍術 ============================================================================= [Heaven's Gate] 冥界慈悲 Equip at lv. 37 MP 100 A merciful attack that opens the gates to a peaceful afterlife. Deals mortal damage to one enemy. Formula: Heal 2 + Triple Slash 慈光2 + 馭劍術 Tempest Sword + Undead Slayer 氣劍術 + 不死系殺手 ============================================================================= [War Reverie] 百戰一夜 Equip at lv. 39 MP94 A hundred battles pass like a fleeting dream. Attacks all nearby foes, one after another. Formula: Follow Me 2 + Man Eater 助威2 + 人系殺手 4 Hits + Tempest Sword 4連擊 + 暴風雨 ============================================================================== [Blood Sword 2] 吸血劍2 Equip at lv. 42 MP 82 Turns the bearer's weapon into a malevolent demon. Absorbs HP equal to the damage dealt. Formula: Magic Attack + 10 + Blood Sword 魔法攻擊(+10) + 吸血劍 HP Recovery 2 + Blood Sword HP回復2 + 吸血劍 ============================================================================== [Hymm of Glory] 榮光讚歌 Equip at lv. 45 MP 115 A glorious attack blessed by all. Unleashes a powerful attack on the 7 squares directly ahead. Formula: Inferno + War Reverie 地獄火 + 百戰一夜 ============================================================================= Spear 矛系 [Impale] 隔山打牛 Equip at lv. 11 MP 35 Strike down numerous foes at once with a single thrust. Attacks 7 squares in a straight line. Formula: Piercing Power + Ice Bullet 貫通強化 + 冰箭 Attack + 3 + Ice Bullet 攻擊力(+3) + 冰箭 ============================================================================= [Leg Strike] 掃堂腿 Equip at lv. 18 MP 45 Trips up the enemy with a long hilt. Stuns enemies in addition to dealing damage. Formula: Crescent Arc + Lower Force 攻擊力減弱 + 月光斬 Gold Snatcher + Gold Shakedown 搶錢 + 偷錢 ============================================================================= [Sweep] 散形攻擊 Equip at lv. 19 MP 55 Use the lance's length to mow down many foes at once. Attacks a wide area straight ahead. Formula: Leg Strike + Triple Slash 掃堂腿 + 馭劍術 Body Slam + Raise Mobility 身體撞擊 + 行動力提升 ============================================================================= [Pierce] 打破 Equip at lv. 19 MP 55 Bust through enemy armor with a sharp thrust. Deals damage regardless of a foe's defense. Formula: Impale + Attack +5 隔山打牛 + 攻擊力(+5) Lower Defense + Piercing Power 防禦下降 + 貫通強化 ============================================================================= [Take Flight] 飛行術 Equip at lv. 20 MP 60 Take off like a bird and launch a thrust from above. Surmounts all obstacles to strike far off foes. Formula: Sniper + Thunderbolt 阻擊手 + 天雷箭 Accuracy + 10 + Thunderbolt 命中(+10) + 天雷箭 ============================================================================= [Ravage!] 神鬼轉化! Equip at lv. 28 MP 82 Become a true demon and take on surrounding foes alone. Attacks enemies 2 squares away. Formula: Desperation 3 + Accuracy 10 捨身3 + 命中(+10) Raise Mobility + Jugulaire 行動力提升 + 暴擊 ============================================================================= [Pierce 2] 打破2 Equip at lv. 36 MP 155 Bust through even heavy armor and go for the kill. Deals big damage regardless of foe's defense. Formula: Skewer Shot + Pierce 貫穿擊 + 打破 Piercing Power 2 + Attack + 10 貫通強化2 + 攻擊力(+10) ============================================================================= [Destroy] 毀滅者 Equip at lv.44 MP 103 Slay all in your path with a cyclonic attack. Launches a fierce attack against a wide area directly ahead. Formula: Sinister Storm + Ravage! 邪惡風暴 + 神鬼轉化! ============================================================================= Axe 斧系 [Mighty Roar] 吶喊 Equip at lv. 5 MP 45 The roar of a fearsome beast. Can paralyze enemies in the 3 squares directly ahead. Formula: Flash Strike + Lower Force 閃光一擊 + 攻擊力減弱 Follow Me + Lower Force 助威 + 攻擊力減弱 ============================================================================= [Compass] 漫天飛舞 Equip at lv. 15 MP 53 Use brute force to swing your weapon in a wide radius. Attacks all surrounding foes at once. Formula: Crescent Arc + Wood Chop 月光斬 + 劈柴刀 Cyclone + Wood Chop 旋風 + 劈柴刀 ============================================================================= [Helm Splitter] 盔裂 Equip at lv. 18 MP 62 A full force attack that cleaves an enemy helm in two. Deals heavy damage and lowers defense. Formula: Thunderbolt 2 + Wood Chop 天雷箭2 + 劈柴刀 Take Flight + Lower Defenses 飛行術 + 防禦下降 ============================================================================= [Dire Swing] 大慘擊 Equip at lv. 31 MP 49 A ruthless slash that cuts through bones an all, leaving only a pitiful shell. Always critical if it hits. Formula: Helm Splitter + Wood Chop 盔裂 + 劈柴刀 Critical Edge + Wood Chop クリティカルUP(Critical up) + 劈柴刀 ============================================================================= Bow 弓系 [Sniper] 阻擊手 Equip at lv. 5 MP 21 Use keen archer senses to always hit the target. Guarantees a hit, but greatly lessens damage. Formula: Accuracy + 5 + Lower Force 命中(+5) + 攻擊力減弱 ============================================================================= [Poison Arrow] 毒箭 Equip at lv. 9 MP 32 A poison tipped arrow that is a tradition of hunting peoples. Inflicts poison as well as damage. Formula: Sniper + Poison 阻擊手 + 毒侵 ============================================================================= [Sniper 2] 阻擊手2 Equip at lv. 14 MP 53 Use keen archer senses to always hit the target. Guarantees a hit, but slightly lessens damage. Formula: Accuracy + 10 + Sniper 命中(+10) + 阻擊手 Attack + 5 + Sniper 攻擊(+5) + 阻擊手 ============================================================================= [Stun Arrow] 麻痹箭 Equip at lv. 15 MP 52 An arrow tipped with a powerful tranquilizer. Paralyzes foes in addition to dealing damage. Formula: Sniper + Lower Force 阻擊手 + 攻擊力減弱 ============================================================================= [Recovery Shot] 恢復彈 Equip at lv. 15 MP 32 A first aid shot that fires a healing arrow into an ally. Restores a lot of hp to a far away target. Formula: Skewer Shot + HP Recovery 貫穿擊 + HP回復 Heal 2 + Impale 慈光2 + 隔山打牛 Sniper 2 + Heal 2 阻擊手2 + 慈光2 ============================================================================= [Meteor Bolt] 流星彈 Equip at lv. 23 MP 56 A dense aura that tears the sky and pierces the enemy. A secret bow technique that deals big damage. Formula: Fireball 2 + Impale 火球2 + 隔山打牛 Fireball 2 + Stella Spirit 2 火球2 + 星精靈+2 ============================================================================= [Toxic Arrow] 猛毒箭 Equip at lv. 27 MP 74 A poisonous attack that fills the battlefield with agonized screams. Inflicts damage and strong poison. Formula: Sniper 2 + Poison Arrow 阻擊手2 + 毒箭 ============================================================================= [Sniper 3] 阻擊手3 Equip at lv. 27 MP 78 Use keen archer sense to always hit the target. Guarantees a hit without compromising damage. Formula: Sniper 2 + Skewer Shot 阻擊手2 + 貫穿擊 Sniper 2 + Accuracy + 30 阻擊手2 + 命中(+30) ============================================================================= [Sky Dart] 天空之箭 Equip at lv. 30 MP 70 An arrow of light shot heavenward that chases its prey to Earth's end. Attacks anywhere on the map. Formula: Meteor Bolt + Take Flight 流星彈 + 飛行術 Mobility + 1 + Take Flight 移動(+1) + 飛行術 ============================================================================= [Skewer Shot] 貫穿擊 Equip at lv. 31 MP 55 Draw the bow taut and run one foe after another through. Attacks all enemies in a straight line at once. Formula: Sniper 2 + Fireball 2 阻擊手2 + 火球2 Piercing Power 2 + Aero Dagger 貫通強化2 + 短風刀 Piercing Power 2 + Sniper 2 貫通強化2 + 阻擊手2 ============================================================================= [Sniper 4] 阻擊手4 Equip at lv 40 MP 103 Sight enemy weak points with the accuracy of God himself. Ensures a hit for heavy damage. Formula: Attack + 20 + Sniper 3 攻擊(+20) + 阻擊手3 Lightning + Sniper 3 閃電 + 阻擊手3 ============================================================================= [Salvo] 亂射 Equip at lv. 42 MP 110 An assualt of arrows that rains down wherever you aim. Randomly attacks a wide area. Formula: Meteor + Sky Dart 流星雨 天空之箭 ============================================================================= Dagger 匕首 [Shadow Stitch] 縫影 Equip at lv. 4 Mp 20 Sews a foe's shadow to the ground, restricting movement. Paralyzes foes in addition to dealing damage. Formula: Sniper 2 + Lower Force 阻擊手2 + 攻擊力減弱 Two Hits + Lower Force 二連擊 + 攻擊力減弱 ============================================================================= [Venom Edge] 毒刀 Equip at lv. 5 MP 25 Attacks with a blade coated in venom. Sometimes poisons in addition to dealing damage. Formula: Poison + Flash Strike 毒侵 + 閃光一擊 ============================================================================= [Provoke] 挑釁 Equip at lv. 8 MP 35 Taunts the enemy to draw their attention. Makes the user more prone to attack for 1 turn. Formula: Desperation + Evade + 5 捨身 + 回避+5 Lower Defense + Evade 5 防禦下降 + 回避(+5) ============================================================================= [Two Hits] 二連擊 Equip at lv. 12 MP 42 Unleashes a string of attacks faster than the eye can register. Attacks twice in one go. Formula: Two Rounds + Raise Mobility 2回合 + 行動力提升 ============================================================================= [Aero Dagger] 短風刀 Equip at lv. 14 MP 38 Hurls a knife in a straight line at the targeted foe. Can attack an enemy up 7 squares away. Formula: Skewer Shot + Cyclone 2 貫穿擊 + 旋風2 Cyclone 2 + Accuracy 10 旋風2 + 命中+10 ============================================================================= [Strange Dance] 奇怪的舞蹈 Equip at lv. 14 MP 29 Sap energy from foes with an odd dance that's...not meant to be odd. Lowers attack for several turns. Formula: Gold Snatcher + Lower Force 搶錢 + 攻擊力減弱 Gold Shakedown + Lower Force 偷錢 + 攻擊力減弱 ============================================================================= [Bomb] 爆彈 Equip at lv. 19 MP 60 Sends a bomb rolling toward the enemy's feet. Deals damage to a wide area around the target. Formula: Aero Dagger + Fireball 2 短風刀 + 火球2 Aero Dagger + Sol Spirit 2 短風刀 + 太陽精靈+2 Fireball 2 + Flame 火球2 + 炎渦 ============================================================================= [Three Hits] 三連擊 Equip at lv. 30 MP 71 Unleashes a string of attacks faster than the eye can register. Attacks thrice in one go. Formula: Two Hits + Two Hits 二連擊 + 二連擊 Two Hits + Two Rounds 二連擊 + 二回合 ============================================================================= [Four Hits] 四連擊 Equip at lv. 46 MP 115 Unleashes a string of attacks faster than the eye can register. Attacks four times in one go. Formula: Three Hits + Three Hits 三連擊 + 三連擊 Three Hits + Three Rounds 三連擊 + 三回合 ============================================================================= Staff 杖系 [Swap] 空間置換 Equip at lv. 25 MP 58 High support spell. Twists the fabric of space to swap the caster's position with that of a chosen ally. Formula: Take Flight + Magic Attack + 3 飛行術 + 魔法攻擊(+3) ============================================================================= [Earthquake] 地動山搖 Equip at lv. 29 MP 225 Ultimate magic that leads good and evil to nature's appointed end. Shakes up friends and foes alike. Formula: Thor's Hammer + Body Slam 雷神之錘 + 身體撞擊 ============================================================================= [Lightning] 閃電 Equip at lv. 30 MP 132 High offensive spell. (Neutral) Sets off a supercharged blast that deals heavy damage to one enemy. Formula: Piercing Power 2 + Thunderbolt 2 貫通強化2 + 天雷箭2 Piercing Power 2 + MP 30 貫通強化2 + MP(+30) ============================================================================= [Revivify] 復活 Equip at lv. 33 MP 180 High recovery spell. Breathes life into the fallen to revive allies. Formula: Healing Wind 2 + Cure 慈光化風2 + 淨化 HP Recovery 2 + Magic Attack + 10 HP回復2 + 魔法攻擊(+10) ============================================================================= [Mind Eater] 魔力吸收 Equip at lv. 36 MP 5 Steals an opponent's magic. Ancient taboo. Absorb target's MP Formula: Mind Breaker + Impale 精神崩潰 + 隔山打牛 MP + 20 + Blood Sword MP(+20) + 吸血劍 ============================================================================= [Thor's Hammer] 雷神之錘 Equip at lv. 36 MP 260 The ultimate stella magic. An ancient thunder God's hammer parts the heavens in judgment. Formula: Magic Attack + 20 + Sky Dart 魔法攻擊(+20) + 天空之箭 ============================================================================= [Sinister Storm] 邪惡風暴 Equip at lv. 36 MP 260 The ultimate neutral spell. Summons a tornado of loathing that gouges the earth. Formula: Magic Attack + 20 + Ravage! 魔法攻擊(+20) + 神鬼轉化! ============================================================================= [Angel's Tear] 天使的憤怒 Equip at lv. 36 MP 260 The ultimate luna magic. A single droplet's purity washes all away in a raging torrent. Formula: Magic Attack + 20 + Healing Perfume 魔法攻擊(+20) + 治癒香水 ============================================================================= [Inferno] 地獄火 Equip at lv. 36 MP 260 The ultimate sol magic. Summons hellfire through a sinister pact, turning the battlefield to cinders. Formula: Magic Attack + 20 + War Reverie 魔法攻擊(+20) + 百戰一夜 ============================================================================= [Meteor] 流星雨 Equip at lv. 40 MP 210 High offensive spell. Causes a meteor shower that deals random damage to enemies within range. Formula: Flame 2 + Sky Dart 炎渦2 + 流星雨 Fireball 2 + Salvo 火球2 + 亂射 ============================================================================= Whip 鞭系 [Stun Whip] 麻痹鞭 Equip at lv. 5 MP 33 Ties up foes after striking them. Sometimes paralyzes enemies in addition to dealing damage. Formula: Tail Whip + Lower Force 攻擊力減弱 + 神龍擺尾 ============================================================================= [Jezebel's Slave] 惡女俘虜 Equip at lv. 6 MP 31 Charm the enemies with a tantalizing pose. Makes the user more prone to attack for 1 turn. Formula: Provoke + Lower Force 挑釁 + 攻擊力減弱 Stun Whip + Lower Defenses 麻痹鞭 + 防禦下降 Gold Snatcher + Magic Attack +5 偷錢 + 魔法攻擊(+5) ============================================================================= [Skill Snatcher] 技能搶奪 Equip at lv. 17 MP 31 Filch skill stones the enemy is carrying. We might even snag us one stone at random, loves. Formula: Jezebel's Slave + Shadow Stitch 惡女俘虜 + 縫影 Exp Bonus 2 + Shadow Stitch 經驗獎勵2 + 技能搶奪 ============================================================================= [Jezebel's Slave 2] 惡女俘虜2 Equip at lv. 21 MP 54 Play up certain irresistible. assets to seduce the enemy. Makes the user more prone to attack for 3 turns. Formula: Jezebel's slave + Mind Eater 惡女俘虜 + 魔力吸收 Jezebel's Slave + Blood Sword 2 惡女俘虜 + 吸血劍 ============================================================================= [Wild Whip] 狂舞 Equip at lv. 24 MP 105 Crack your whip indiscriminately, as if possessed by an ice queen. Randomly attack a wide area. Formula: Meteor + Compass 流星雨 + 漫天飛舞 Three Hits + Two Rounds 三連擊 + 二回合 Meteor + Tail Whip 流星雨 + 神龍擺尾 ============================================================================= [Innate Skills] (Purple) 紫色技能 Sword 劍系 [Counter] 反擊 Equip at lv. 10 Predict, dodge, and return blows. Counters a percentage of enemy attacks without taking damage. Formula: Raise Mobility + Triple Slash 行動力提升 + 馭劍術 Exp Bonus + Raise Mobility 經驗獎勵 + 行動力提升 ============================================================================= [Adroit] 達人 Equip at lv. 20 Meet assaults from any direction. No disadvantage when attack from back or sides. Formula: Counter + Evade + 10 反擊 + 回避(+10) Exp Bonus + Preemptive 經驗獎勵 + 先機 ============================================================================= [Counter 2] 反擊2 Equip at lv. 34 Dodge an attack and rebound with a powerful counterattack. Deals heavy damage when countering. Formula: Counter + Preemptive 反擊 + 先機 Sneak By + Evade + 10 穿過敵人 + 回避(+10) ============================================================================= Spear 矛系 [Piercing Power 2] 貫通強化2 Equip at lv. 18 Use the wielder's weight to negate damage drop to distant target when piercing two foes. Formula: Piercing Power + Attack + 10 貫通強化 + 攻擊(+10) Exp Bonus + Piercing Power 經驗獎勵 + 貫通強化 ============================================================================= [Piercing Power 3] 貫通強化3 Equip at lv. 30 Use all the wielder's weight to deliver heavy damage, even to distant foes. Formula: Attack + 20 + Piercing Power 2 攻擊(+20) + 貫通強化2 Exp Bonus 2 + Piercing Power 2 經驗獎勵2 + 貫通強化2 ============================================================================= Axe 斧系 [Desperation 2] 捨身2 Equip at lv. 13 Become a death-seeking warrior, swinging with abandon. Greatly raises attack but greatly lowers defense. Formula: Desperation + Raise Force 捨身 + 強壯 Lower Defense + Attack + 3 防禦下降 + 攻擊(+3) ============================================================================= [Desperation 3] 捨身3 Equip at lv. 30 Parallel a warrior willing to give all to kill his foe. Gain fearsome attack, but also perilous defense. Formula: Provoke + Desperation 2 挑釁 + 捨身2 Mighty Roar + Desperation 2 吶喊 + 捨身2 ============================================================================= Bow 弓系 無 Dagger 匕首 [Sneak By] 逃(穿過敵人) Equip at lv. 10 An agent's tech for slipping past nearby foes. Enables movement through an enemy square. Formula: Mobility + 1 + Evade + 10 移動(+1) + 回避(+10) ============================================================================= Staff 杖系 [Mindbreaker] 精神崩潰 Equip at lv. 12 A wallop of negative magic hinders enemy spell casting. Deals damage to MP as well when attacking. Formula: Helm Splitter + Magic Rust 盔裂 + 魔防下降 Jezebel's Slave + Magic Rust 惡女俘虜 + 魔防下降 ============================================================================= Whip 鞭系 [Healing Perfume] 治癒香水 Equip at lv. 20 An adult scent mixed with an odd healing medicine. Restores some HP to all allies each turn. Formula: Jezebel's Slave + Healing Wind 2 惡女俘虜 + 慈光化風2 Jezebel's Slave + HP Recovery 2 惡女俘虜 + HP回復2 ============================================================================= [Magic Skills] (Green) 綠色技能 [Fireball] 火球 Equip at lv. 5 MP 36 Offensive spell (sol). Hurls a giant ball of flame at the enemy. Formula: Sol Spirit 1 + Sol Spirit 1 太陽精靈(+1) + 太陽精靈(+1) ============================================================================= [Fireball 2] 火球2 Equip at lv. 15 MP 65 Offensive spell (sol). Hurls and enormous fireball that chars to the bone. Formula: Sniper 2 + Fireball 阻擊手2 + 火球 Fireball + Sol Spirit 2 火球 + 太陽精靈2 ============================================================================= [Flame] 炎渦 Equip at lv. 7 MP 52 Offensive spell (sol). Scorches the area in a fierce torrent of flame. Formula: Sol Spirit 2 + Sol Spirit 2 太陽精靈(+2) + 太陽精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Flame 2] 炎渦2 Equip at lv. 18 MP 105 Offensive spell (sol). Turns the areas to ash in a storm of blazing fire. Formula: Bomb + Flame 爆彈 + 炎渦 Sol Spirit 3 + Flame 太陽精靈(+3) + 炎渦 Sol Spirit 3 + Mighty Roar 太陽精靈(+3) + 吶喊 ============================================================================= [Ice Bullet] 冰箭 Equip at lv. 6 MP 36 Offensive spell (luna). Fires an icy projectile at enemies. Formula: Luna Spirit 1 + Luna Spirit 1 月精靈(+1) + 月精靈(+1) ============================================================================= [Ice Bullet 2] 冰箭2 Equip at lv. 16 MP 65 Offensive spell (luna). Mercilessly impales an enemy on myriad lances of ice. Formula: Crescent Arc + Ice Bullet 月光斬 + 冰箭 Luna Spirit 2 + Magic Shield 月精靈(+2) + 魔法之壁 Luna Spirit 2 + Magic Defense + 5 月精靈(+2) + 魔法防禦(+5) ============================================================================= [Blizzard] 冰風雪 Equip at lv. 11 MP 52 Offensive spell (luna). Turns the area to ice with cold, raging winds. Formula: Luna Spirit 2 + Luna Spirit 2 月精靈(+2) + 月精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Blizzard 2] 冰風雪2 Equip at lv. 20 MP 105 Offensive spell (luna). Whirls up an ice tempest that freezes all in the area. Formula: Spirit Sword + Compass 氣劍術 + 漫天飛舞 Spirit Sword + Crescent Arc 氣劍術 + 月光斬 Blizzard + Luna Spirit 3 冰風雪 + 月精靈(+3) ============================================================================= [Thunderbolt] 天雷箭 Equip at lv. 7 MP 36 Offensive spell (stella). Rains lightning down on an enemy's head. Formula: Stella Spirit 1 + Stella Spirit 1 星精靈(+1) + 星精靈(+1) ============================================================================= [Thunderbolt 2] 天雷箭2 Equip at lv. 17 MP 65 Offensive spell (stella). Sunders the heavens and strikes an enemy dead. Formula: Take Flight + Thunderbolt 飛行術 + 天雷箭 Stella Spirit 2 + Thunderbolt 星精靈(+2) + 天雷箭 ============================================================================= [Cyclone] 旋風 Equip at lv. 11 MP 52 Offensive spell (stella). Swirls through an area and dices enemies with a violent windstorm. Formula: Stella Spirit 2 + Stella Spirit 2 星精靈(+2) + 星精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Cyclone 2] 旋風2 Equip at lv. 22 MP 105 Offensive spell (stella). Swallows the enemy horde in a vortex that rips through the area. Formula: Sweep + Compass 散形攻擊 + 漫天飛舞 Sweep + Stella Spirit 3 散形攻擊 + 星精靈(+3) Compass + Stella Spirit 3 漫天飛舞 + 星精靈(+3) ============================================================================= [Heal 2] 慈光2 Equip at lv. 16 MP 56 Recovery spell. Mends dire wounds with the light of God's mercy. Restores HP to the target (high). Formula: Heal + HP 20 慈光 + HP(+20) Heal + Magic Attack + 3 慈光 + 魔法攻擊(+3) ============================================================================= [Healing Wind] 慈光化風 Equip at lv. 9 MP 68 Recovery spell. Its balmy winds become comfort to all. Restores HP to all allies in the area (normal). Formula: Cyclone 2 + Heal 旋風2 + 慈光 Heal 2 + Cyclone 慈光2 + 旋風 ============================================================================= [Healing Wind 2] 慈光化風2 Equip at lv. 24 MP 103 Recovery spell. Its merciful light heals all who behold it. Restores HP to all allies in the area (high). Formula: Healing Wind + HP Recovery 慈光化風 + HP回復 Breath + Heal 2 呼吸 + 慈光2 Mighty Roar + HP 50 吶喊 + HP(+50) ============================================================================= [Stat Stones] (Blue) 藍色技能 [HP + 30] HP +30 Equip at lv. 13 Increases HP by 30. Formula: HP + 20 + Luna Spirit 1 HP(+20) + 月精靈(+1) ============================================================================= [HP + 50] HP +50 Equip at lv. 17 Increases HP by 50. Formula: HP + 30 + Luna Spirit 1 HP(+30) + 月精靈(+1) HP + 30 + HP + 30 HP(+30) + HP(+30) ============================================================================= [HP + 100] HP +100 Equip at lv. 23 Increases HP by 100 Formula: HP + 50 + Luna Spirit 2 HP(+50) + 月精靈(+2) HP + 50 + HP + 50 HP(+50) + HP(+50) ============================================================================= [HP + 150] HP +150 Equip at lv. 35 Increase HP by 150 Formula: HP + 100 + HP + 100 HP(+100) + HP(+100) HP + 100 + Luna Spirit 3 HP(+100) + 月精靈(+3) ============================================================================= [MP + 20] MP +20 Equip at lv. 15 Increases MP by 20 Formula: MP + 10 + Luna Spirit 1 MP(+10) + 月精靈(+1) ============================================================================= [MP + 30] MP +30 Equip at lv. 19 Increases MP by 30 Formula: MP + 20 + Luna Spirit 1 MP(+20) + 月精靈(+1) MP + 20 + MP + 20 MP(+20) + MP(+20) ============================================================================= [MP + 50] MP +50 Equip at lv. 27 Increases MP by 50 Formula: MP + 30 + Luna Spirit 2 MP(+30) + 月精靈(+2) MP + 30 + MP + 30 MP(+30) + MP(+30) ============================================================================= [MP + 100] MP +100 Equip at lv. 34 Increase MP by 100 Formula: MP + 50 + MP + 50 MP(+50) + MP(+50) MP + 50 + Luna Spirit 3 MP(+50) + 月精靈(+3) ============================================================================= [Attack + 3] 攻擊 +3 Equip at lv. 1 Increases attack by 3 Formula: Raise Force + Sol Spirit 1 強壯 + 太陽精靈(+1) ============================================================================= [Attack + 5] 攻擊 +5 Equip at lv. 6 Increases attack by 5. Formula: Attack + 3 + Sol Spirit 1 攻擊(+3) + 太陽精靈(+1) ============================================================================= [Attack + 10] 攻擊 +10 Equip at lv. 13 Increases attack by 10 Formula: Attack + 5 + Attack + 5 攻擊(+5) + 攻擊(+5) Attack + 5 + Sol Spirit 2 攻擊(+5) + 太陽精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Attack + 20] 攻擊 +20 Equip at lv. 21 Increases attack by 20 Formula: Attack + 10 + Attack + 10 攻擊(+10) + 攻擊(+3) Attack + 10 + Sol Spirit 3 攻擊(+10) + 太陽精靈(+3) ============================================================================= [Magic Attack + 5] 魔法攻擊 +5 Equip at lv. 11 Increases magic attack by 5 Formula: Magic Attack + 3 + Sol Spirit 1 魔法攻擊(+3) + 太陽精靈(+1) ============================================================================= [Magic Attack + 10] 魔法攻擊 +10 Equip at lv. 16 Increases magic attack by 10 Formula: Magic Attack + 5 + Magic Attack + 5 魔法攻擊(+5) + 魔法攻擊(+5) Magic Attack + 5 + Sol Spirit 2 魔法攻擊(+5) + 太陽精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Magic Attack + 20] 魔法攻擊 +20 Equip at lv. 21 Increases magic attack by 20 Formula: Magic Attack + 10 + Magic Attack + 10 魔法攻擊(+10) + 魔法攻擊(+10) Magic Attack + 10 + Sol Spirit 3 魔法攻擊(+10) + 太陽精靈(+3) ============================================================================= [Defense + 3] 防禦力 +3 Equip at lv. 5 Increases Defense by 3 Formula: Raise Defense + Stella Spirit 1 提升防禦力 + 星精靈(+1) ============================================================================= [Defense + 5] 防禦力 +5 Equip at lv. 10 Increases defense by 5 Formula: Defense + 3 + Stella Spirit 2 防禦力(+3) + 星精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Magic Defense + 3] 魔法防禦 +3 Equip at lv. 3 Increases Magic Defense by 3 Formula: Magic Shield + Stella Spirit 1 魔法之壁 + 星精靈(+1) ============================================================================= [Magic Defense + 5] 魔法防禦 +5 Equip at lv. 10 Increases magic defense by 5 Formula: Magic Defense + 3 + Stella Spirit 2 魔法防禦(+3) + 星精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Accuracy + 10] 命中 +10 Equip at lv. 13 Increases accuracy by 10 Formula: Accuracy + 5 + Accuracy + 5 命中(+5) + 命中(+5) ============================================================================= [Evade + 10] 回避 +10 Equip at lv. 16 Increases evade by 10 Formula: Evade + 5 + Evade + 5 回避(+5) + 回避(+5) ============================================================================= [HP Recovery 2] HP回復2 Equip at lv. 21 A crystal full of life's mysterious ability to endure harsh conditions. Restores 20% of HP each turn. Formula: HP Recovery + HP Recovery HP回復 + HP回復 ============================================================================= [HP Recovery 3] HP回復3 Equip at lv. 35 A crystal full of life's mysterious ability to endure harsh conditions. Restores 30% of HP each turn. Fomrula: HP Recovery 2 + HP Recovery 2 HP回復2 + HP回復2 HP Recovery 2 + HP + 100 HP回復2 + HP(+100) ============================================================================= [Exp Bonus 2] 經驗獎勵2 Equip at lv. 15 A stone that has traveled eternity and seen the art of war perfected. Multiplies EXP earned by 150%. Formula: Exp Bonus + Exp Bonus 經驗獎勵 + 經驗獎勵 ============================================================================= [Exp Bonus 3] 經驗獎勵3 Equip at lv. 22 A stone that has traveled eternity and seen the art of war perfected. Multiplies EXP earned by 200%. Formula: Exp Bonus 2 + Exp Bonus 2 經驗獎勵2 + 經驗獎勵2 ============================================================================= [Exp Bonus 4] 經驗獎勵4 Equip at lv. 29 A stone that has traveled eternity and seen the art of war perfected. Multiplies EXP earned by 300%. Formula: Exp Bonus 3 + Exp Bonus 3 經驗獎勵3 + 經驗獎勵3 ============================================================================= [Preemptive] 先機 Equip at lv. 38 An odd stone that invites carelessness on the part of foes. Counterattack before their attack instead of after. Formula: Accuracy + 10 + Evade + 10 命中(+10) + 回避(+10) Counter + Raise Mobility 反擊 + 行動力提升 ============================================================================= [Dragon Slayer] 龍系殺手 Equip at lv. 30 A stone housing ancient braves who brought dragons to bay. Deals additional damage to wyverns. Formula: Ravage! + Luna Spirit 2 神鬼轉化! + 月精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Devil Slayer] 惡魔殺手 Equip at lv. 30 A miraculous demon-repelling stone with God's mark. Deals additional damage to demons. Formula: Sniper 3 + Luna Spirit 2 阻擊手3 + 月精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Undead Slayer] 不死系殺手 Equip at lv. 27 A heaven-blessed stone full of divine power. Deals additional damage to undead. Formula: Healing Wind 2 + Sol Spirit 2 慈光化風2 + 太陽精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Goliath Slayer] 巨人系殺手 Equip at lv. 27 A dishonorable stone that reminds giants of their days of defeat. Deals additional damage to giants. Formula: Helm Splitter + Stella Spirit 2 盔裂 + 星精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Man Eater] 人系殺手 Equip at lv. 25 A stone that curses weapons with a loathing of mankind. Deals additional damage to humans. Formula: Two Hits + Luna Spirit 2 二連擊 + 月精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Beast Slayer] 獸系殺手 Equip at lv. 24 A stone that causes weapons to confuse a beast's instincts. Deals additional damage to beasts. Formula: Triple Slash + Sol Spirit 2 馭劍術 + 太陽精靈(+2) ============================================================================= [Mobility + 2] 移動+2 Equip at lv. 32 A stone that floats in midair by some strange force. Lightens the bearer and increases mobility by 2. Formula: Mobility + 1 + Mobility + 1 移動(+1) + 移動(+1) Mobility + 1 + Raise Mobility 移動(+1) + 行動力提升 ============================================================================= [Three Rounds] 三回合 Equip at lv. 45 The crystallized souls of heroes drunk on battle. Fight a third round with opponents. Formula: Two Rounds + Two Rounds 二回合 + 二回合 -- 呼 打完收工 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/07 01:08, , 1F
09/07 01:08, 1F

09/07 01:26, , 2F
我如果買PSP-3000 會想要衝這片
09/07 01:26, 2F

09/07 01:26, , 3F
09/07 01:26, 3F

09/07 01:27, , 4F
貞德還不錯啊 值得一玩~
09/07 01:27, 4F

09/07 01:28, , 5F
我是當初上市前看雜誌覺得不錯 但沒主機
09/07 01:28, 5F

09/07 01:31, , 6F
09/07 01:31, 6F

09/07 01:40, , 7F
蠻推貞德的 當初剛買破了兩輪最近實況3玩
09/07 01:40, 7F

09/07 01:40, , 8F
09/07 01:40, 8F

09/07 01:49, , 9F
了解! 那就等主機了
09/07 01:49, 9F

09/07 02:11, , 10F
我也是實況3膩了開始玩的XD 38銀而已= =
09/07 02:11, 10F

09/08 12:46, , 11F
09/08 12:46, 11F

09/09 12:20, , 12F
09/09 12:20, 12F

09/09 16:10, , 13F
09/09 16:10, 13F

12/09 15:31, , 14F
12/09 15:31, 14F

05/19 11:58, , 15F
05/19 11:58, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #18mhOI_X (PSP-PSV)