[新秀] Josh Jackson

看板PHX-Suns作者 (YutaTheBestOne)時間7年前 (2017/06/24 16:34), 編輯推噓25(25056)
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Source: http://www.draftexpress.com/profile/Josh-Jackson-7239/ 承續版主前面兩篇 這次由小弟我來簡單翻譯Josh Jackson的介紹 (第一次翻譯NBA外電,如有錯誤敬請見諒。) ────── 基本資料 身高 Height: 6'8" (203 cm) 體重 Weight: 203 lbs (92 kg) 年齡 Age: 20.4 位置 Position: SF 背號 Jerseys: #11 高中 High School: Prolific Prep Academy (California) 故鄉 Hometown: Southfield, Michigan ────── 體能 Jackson's physical profile is a mixed bag. He has very good size for the wing at 6'8, and is a quick-twitch and highly explosive athlete who plays above the rim with ease and covers ground seamlessly defensively. With that said, his small hands, 6'10 wingspan and narrow 207 pound frame may limit his effectiveness playing the small-ball power forward role he was so successful filling in college. Jackson (以下均用JJ代替) 的體能狀況很有趣。作為一個側翼鋒線,6呎8吋的身高可說 是十分優異,再搭配上得天獨厚的高爆發力,讓JJ在防守端可說是『鋪天蓋地』;然而, 如此優異的條件下卻有三項隱憂:手掌不大、臂展不長 (接近6呎10吋,詳見註解)、體型 略微單薄 (207磅),而在現今小球正夯的Meta下,上述這些問題將可能影響他進入NBA後 打到四號位的效率,縱使他在大學層級都還能十分勝任這個位置。 ────── 防守 Nevertheless, it is Jackson's defense and overall competitiveness that is one of his most attractive traits. He's a fiery guy who has been a two-way player his entire career, and showed the ability to guard anywhere from 1-4 in college. Jackson takes great pride in his ability to shut down opponents, and does an outstanding job of sitting down in a stance, sliding his feet and locking up players on the perimeter with his lateral quickness, often drawing charges. He's a physical player who throws his body around and isn't afraid to mix things up despite his lanky frame. Even if he isn't the longest player around, he gets in the passing lanes frequently with his quickness and anticipation skills, and also rebounds and blocks shots prolifically with outstanding timing. 雖然上面提到JJ未來可能面臨的隱憂,但不可否認防守的確是他的最大賣點之一。在大學 籃球JJ可以從1號位守到4號位,擁有出色的防守架式、橫向移動的快速步伐、以及製造進 攻犯規的能力,讓他能藉此徹底封鎖對手。即便JJ在體能條件上有部分限制,但在防守端 卻仍敢與對手硬碰硬、不畏懼肢體碰撞及攪和、以速度及預判能力來介入對手傳球路線、 並活用傑出的時間感來進行籃板保護及火鍋封阻。 He'll need to get stronger to handle the bigger and more experienced players he'll encounter at times in the NBA, and is a little spastic at times gambling and getting lost off the ball, but his combination of intensity, athleticism and instincts leaves a great deal of room for optimism in his upside on this end of the floor. 而JJ在防守端也仍存在著問題:首先,在進入NBA後他得先『結實』自己,以面對更壯、 更油條的職業球員;再者,現在的JJ有時會作賭博式抄球,然後一個失敗球就跟丟了,這 在進入更高端、更不容許犯錯的職業籃球來說,確實必須有所調整。所幸JJ在防守方面的 地板很高,相信他能結合肢體強度、運動能力及籃球天賦來有所精進。 ────── 進攻 Offensively, Jackson found quite a bit of success at the college level, scoring 21 points per-40 minutes on solid shooting percentages (55% 2P%, 38% 3P%). He's not the most skilled player around, but finds ways to be productive within the team concept by getting out in transition, making spot-up jumpers, cutting off the ball, and mixing in timely offensive rebounds and post-ups. JJ的進攻能力在大學等級算是不錯的 (場均21分、55%的兩分球命中率、及38%的三分球命 中率)。即便他在17梯內的進攻技巧並非頂尖,但總能找到有效率的得分方式 (攻防轉換 、埋伏跳投、無球跑動、二波進攻等)。 He has a strong first step attacking closeouts in the half-court, or getting downhill in the open floor, using long strides, polished footwork and slithery body control, regularly going coast to coast pushing the ball himself off of defensive rebounds. He also shows a nice feel for cutting into open spaces and making himself available for lobs, and has excellent instincts crashing the offensive glass, exploding off two feet and throwing his body around impressively. 在面對半場盯人防守時,JJ擁有極佳的第一步啟動;而空間拉大至全場時則切換模式,在 抓下防守籃板後以精湛滑溜的走位進行長征。不僅如此,JJ在空手跑位上也是頗有造詣, 能跑出空間讓隊友發起空中接力,或是於兩呎外的地方來一波爆發、飛身衝搶進攻籃板。 Jackson is a streaky shooter, but really found his rhythm as the season moved on. He started the season making just 9 of his first 38 attempts in the first ten weeks, but finished on a blistering note, knocking down 25 of his last 52 tries in the final two months. Overall, Jackson made a solid 39% of his catch and shoot jumpers, rising up with good balance, despite his very funky shooting mechanics that may need to be overhauled over time. 在投籃方面,JJ算是個狀況易變、不穩定的射手,三分球的命中率在前十週投38中9,而 最後兩個月內拉升至投52中25,最後整體命中率來到不錯的39% (雖然他的投籃機制很古 怪,可能往後會需要隨著時間進行翻修)。 Jackson made just 57% of his free throw attempts this season, and is a career 56% from the line on over 230 attempts in our database, which when combined with his mechanics, leaves a lot of question marks about just how good of a shooter he can become long term. 不穩定的投籃機制,反映到JJ的罰球命中率上。大一球季的罰球命中率為57%,有紀錄以 來總共230次罰球也只有56%的命中率而已,這或許對未來JJ在射手養成的長程發展中留下 不少問號。 Jackson struggled in particular shooting the ball off the dribble in the mid-range this season, hitting just 20% of his attempts according to Synergy, which really limited his effectiveness as a shot-creator in the half-court. He made just 28% of his field goal attempts in pick and roll or isolation situations, doing so against collegiate power forwards with three knockdown shooters alongside him. Teams drafting a wing player this high in the draft are typically hoping to find someone who can carry a heavy shot-creation burden, which Jackson does not appear to be comfortable doing at this early stage in his development. 此外,JJ在運球後投籃的命中率也不甚理想,無論是在P&R或持球單打的情況下,命中率 都不到三成。以球隊用高順位選進側翼球員的角度來看,通常都會希望他能分擔起製造投 籃這塊,但JJ在這方面的發展似乎還沒起步。 ────── 缺點 His ball skills are somewhat rudimentary, with a high handle and a bit of a wild streak, often picking up his dribble in tough spots in the half-court. He shows average touch around the basket on finishing attempts off complex moves, partially due to his small hands, narrow frame and the lack of extension he gets around the rim with his just-average wingspan. His inability to make pull-up jumpers consistently hurts him, as defenses like to sag off him and bait him into long 2-pointers, an area of his game he really struggles with at the moment. 1.球技尚未純熟,因此有運球過高、球控不好、甚至在半場中擁擠的地方收球的問題。 2.在嘗試做出一系列的動作後,最後的放球手感卻只有一般水平 (這有部分可能要歸咎 於他的體格限制) 3.投不進急停跳投,導致防守者故意下沉引誘他進入他最不拿手的長距離兩分球位置。 ────── 文後備註 雖然JJ擁有勁爆體能 但6呎8吋的身高卻只有近6呎10吋的臂展真的是一大硬傷 以下附註幾位同為SF、身高接近的現今NBA球員的臂展 (由高到低) Rudy Gay : 7'3" Kawhi Leonard : 7'3" Trevor Ariza : 7'2" Otto Porter : 7'1" Carmelo Anthony: 7'0" Andre Iguodala : 6'11" 只好期待JJ和Ulis能一眠長一吋了XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PHX-Suns/M.1498293243.A.C68.html

06/24 16:43, , 1F
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06/24 16:55, , 2F
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06/24 17:04, , 3F
JJ的身高和投籃姿勢會讓我想到Marion XDDD
06/24 17:04, 3F

06/24 17:09, , 4F
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06/24 17:56, , 26F
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06/24 17:57, , 27F
罰球真的還要練練 不過LBJ和Iggy的罰球其實也只有
06/24 17:57, 27F

06/24 17:57, , 28F
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06/24 18:03, , 29F
太陽可找Nash來訓練他罰球,哈~Reed 無差別三分線練
06/24 18:03, 29F

06/24 18:03, , 30F
到4成時,Jackson,chriss 就可以狂殺禁區,因為對手
06/24 18:03, 30F

06/24 18:03, , 31F
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06/24 18:11, , 40F
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06/24 18:13, , 41F
今年有四隻阿 不然去跪CP3(被毆
06/24 18:13, 41F

06/24 18:15, , 42F
我覺得Jrue Holiday最合適,大家認為呢?
06/24 18:15, 42F

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06/24 18:17, , 47F
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06/24 18:19, , 48F
我是覺得除非CP3 不然那幾個提昇來說不如繼續用雷獸
06/24 18:19, 48F

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06/24 18:24, , 52F
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06/24 18:30, , 53F
你們都忘記一點了 雷獸膝蓋要是再爆 這筆約大概就
06/24 18:30, 53F

06/24 18:30, , 54F
GG沒價值了 他這種兩邊都爆過的實在不是很樂觀
06/24 18:30, 54F

06/24 18:32, , 55F
趁現在拿到市場看能不能換什麼回來 灰狼教練那麼
06/24 18:32, 55F

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06/24 18:41, , 60F
很難 你看Rose的轉型就知道 現在Bledsoe很像Rose
06/24 18:41, 60F

06/24 18:42, , 61F
第一次炸裂回來的感覺 就體能沒全盛強但是感覺技巧
06/24 18:42, 61F

06/24 18:43, , 62F
有點長進 但是整體就沒有全盛期那麼好了
06/24 18:43, 62F

06/24 18:43, , 63F
再爆第二次的話...就是現在的Rose那樣 而且Rose還算
06/24 18:43, 63F

06/24 18:44, , 64F
有組織可以加分 雷獸的組織能力....
06/24 18:44, 64F

06/24 18:52, , 65F
我還是認為 現在送走bledsoe,會對球隊引起不少動
06/24 18:52, 65F

06/24 18:52, , 66F
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06/24 19:32, , 67F
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06/24 22:47, , 71F
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06/24 22:49, , 72F
21P 6.3A 4.8R PER20.56 不算差吧
06/24 22:49, 72F

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06/29 00:15, , 81F
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文章代碼(AID): #1PJYFxne (PHX-Suns)