[外電] Gani Lawal Proving He Belongs

看板PHX-Suns作者 ( 迷途小書僮)時間14年前 (2010/07/19 23:54), 編輯推噓27(2708)
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一個關於新秀Lawal的超棒分析,由我翻譯分享給板友評析。 原文連結:http://0rz.tw/rmkd8 文章的段落中都有影片的連結佐證文中所說明的事項,請板友自行點選。 注意Lawal的背號是31號。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Suns took Gani Lawal in the second round with the 46th pick in the 2010 NBA Draft. Entering the draft the same year that teammate Derrick Favors did, Lawal was “the other guy” and he saw his stock drop off (mainly because teams thought he was undersized at 6′8〃 and 233 lbs). However, he has really impressed while playing for the Suns during the Las Vegas Summer League, proving he has the skills to make it in the NBA. Lawal在第二輪46th被太陽選中,相對於同年待選的大學隊友Favors而言,Lawal只是 默默的路人甲,而因為被質疑undersize,他的行情也逐漸下滑。然而,他在夏聯中用他 表現中證明了 在NBA將會有一席之地。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 一、The Good Lawal的好 1. Physicality 身體強度 Despite being undersized (in terms of weight) when going up against opposing power forwards and centers, Gani Lawal shows a physicality that is needed to excel when matching up against bigger opponents. This willingness to bang bodies helps Lawal on both sides of the court: 雖然在大前鋒與中鋒位置上有一些undersize,Lawal證明了他的身體強度可以讓他對 抗身形更高大的對手。不畏肢體碰撞的態度也幫助他在球場攻守兩端有更佳表現。 Here, Lawal gets the ball in the post with a taller defender covering him. Lawal simply drops his shoulder and drives it into the bigger defender, pushing him back a few steps. Lawal gets to where he wants to be on the court and attempts his shot (though he gets fouled). 在這段影片中,Lawal持球面對比他高大的防守者,他輕鬆的沉肩並衝向防守者,使 防守者略退幾步,而Lawal也因此得到他理想中的出手位置。(這裡出手後被犯規。) http://0rz.tw/EnZUq And here, Lawal gets his hands on the ball and rips it out of the defender’s hands (and sends him off balance, almost making him fall). He then takes a dribble, turns his butt into the help defender (keeping him away from the basketball), and then he completes the spin with a strong dunk. 而在這段影片中,Lawal得球後並將球帶離防守的干擾,這動作力道之大造成防守者 幾乎失去平衡。接著他碎步利用他的臀部卡住協防者轉身上籃,輕鬆完成一次強而有力的 轉身灌籃。 http://0rz.tw/u4TIW On the defensive end, Lawal’s willingness to bang helps him when defending taller defenders on the inside. Here, Jordan Hill makes the catch on the post, with Lawal defending him. Hill tries to force his way to a comfortable spot on the court, but Lawal pushes right back, not letting Hill move. Hill has to settle for a hook farther away from the basket then he would like and misses it. 在防守端,Lawal不畏肢體碰撞的態度讓他可以在內線抵抗較高大的對手。在這段影 片中,火箭隊Jordan Hill在低位持球與Lawal對位,Hill試著找出他理想的出手點,但 Lawal一直頂著Hill的右背不讓他輕易移動,使得Hill最後被迫遠離籃框出手,結果當然 是沒中。 http://0rz.tw/zBRVF 2. Free Throw Rate 罰球率(造犯規能力) A direct result of Gani Lawal knowing how (and being willing) to use his body is that he was able to get himself to the foul line a ton during Summer League. Lawal got himself to the line 41 times and amassed a free throw rate (Free Throw Attempts/Field Goal Attempts) of .695 over the course of five games (this isn’t something that just happened either, last year at Georgia Tech, Lawal was ranked 57th in the country with a FTR of .683). To put some perspective to the number, the average free throw rate for PFs who played more than 25+ minutes a game (which is what Lawal averaged in Summer League) was .330 and the average free throw rate for Centers who played more than 25+ minutes a game was .374. So how does he get himself to the line so often? He knows how to use his body, and leads with it more often than not when making moves in the post: Lawal知道如何運用肢體接觸來賺取上罰球現的機會,以罰球率來看(定義為罰球出 手數除以出手數),Lawal在五場比賽中罰球率為0.695,這並不是偶發事件,去年在 Georgia Tech,Lawal的罰球率為0.683排全美57位。 在夏聯中,上場時間超過25分鐘的大前鋒中,平均罰球率為0.33。而上場時間超過25 分鐘的中鋒,平均罰球率為0.374。為什麼Lawal可以爭取到這麼多罰球?因為他知道如何 控制他的身體,並利用此優勢在禁區內移動。 Lawal is also strong enough in the lower body that defenders need to use their hands when trying to defend him in the post. This is what allows Lawal to pick up a couple more fouls on defenders over the course of the game. Lawal具有足夠的下半身強度協助他轉身進攻,這使得防守者不得不以手協助防守。 這就是為什麼Lawal可以取得許多犯規罰球的原因。 http://0rz.tw/IGZ87 http://0rz.tw/GJlxk 3. Fits The Suns System 適合太陽體系 When looking at Gani Lawal, you don’t really see a player who can fits in the Suns’ run and gun/pick and roll system. I mean, he is a big and physical guy who likes to bang. However, looks can be deceiving. Throughout Summer League, Gani Lawal has shown an ability to be effective in the pick and roll and when running the court: 當你在觀察Lawal,你可能難以想像一個不畏身體碰撞的大傢伙會適合太陽的跑轟體 系。然而,眼見未必為憑。Lawal已經證明了他可以pick and roll體系中發揮功用。 The clip above shows you how strong Lawal looks when running the pick and roll. In the pick and roll, Gani Lawal’s wide body is what you are looking for in a screen setter. Lawal is also able to disengage from the contact on the screen and find the open spots on the roll. He then is able to finish strong at the rim. 以下這個影片,是驗證Lawal具有良好檔拆跑動意識的有力證據。Lawal寬厚的身材是 有效的擋人利器,在擋人後可以迅速脫離,並找到跑動中的空檔,他也有完成得分的能力 。 http://0rz.tw/G8sHU In the two clips above, Gani Lawal shows you exactly how a big man should run the floor. Once he sees his team has secured the basketball, he puts his down and sprints as fast as he can to the opposite end of the court, and as soon as he reaches the lane he picks his head up and looks for the ball handler running the break. He locates the ball, makes the catch, and finishes strong at the rim. 在以下兩個影片中,Lawal展現出一個大個子如何正確地在場上跑動,一旦他看到他 的隊友掌握球權後,他就會拼了命跑向前場,盡快地到達三分線附近,並保持頭向上的姿 勢尋找快攻中的持球推進者,他鎖定球的位置,接球完成得分。 http://0rz.tw/2adb5 http://0rz.tw/6c8WX 4. Defending On The Outside I think that Lawal’s is better suited to play Power Forward rather than center in the NBA. This means that he will find himself defending “stretch 4s ” a good amount of the time. Despite being a banger, Lawal has shown during Summer League that he has no problem stepping outside and defending on the perimeter: 我認為Lawal打大前鋒比中鋒好,這表示他有能力守住「非傳統型的大前鋒」。身為 一個內線球員,Lawal已經在夏聯證明了他也具有外線的防守能力。 http://0rz.tw/Pzor3 http://0rz.tw/09imT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二、The Bad Lawal的缺點 I know what you are thinking, if Gani Lawal is so good, how come he dropped all the way to the middle of the second round? Well he does have some flaws to his game. 我想你一定會質疑,Lawal如果像我說的這麼好,怎會在第二輪才被選中?讓我們看 看他的缺點。 1. Free Throw Shooting 罰球命中率 One of the things that really impressed me about Lawal was his ability to get to the line. This is only a positive attribute if you can make your free throws, and Gani Lawal can’t do that. Out of the 41 times Lawal got himself to the line, he only made 19 of them (46.4%), essentially giving away 22 possible points. This is definitely a trend and not summer league nerves because in college last season Lawal shot around 57% from the line. So why does he shoot so poorly from the line? It all has to do with his shooting form: Lawal雖然有賺取犯規罰球的能力,可是他卻沒有辦法投進罰球。在夏聯中他41投19 中46.4%的命中率,而低落的罰球命中率跟他第一次在夏聯出賽會不會緊張一點都沒關係 。他在大學最後一賽季也只有57%的命中率。為什麼他的罰球命中率這麼糟糕,主因為他 的罰球姿勢有問題。 On his foul shots, Lawal takes two bounces and bends his knees. Now, you are supposed to bend your knees when taking foul shots but when Lawal does it he is much too stiff and mechanical. There is no “bounce” when he bends his knees, and this throws the rest of his shot off. He rises up too early and shoots it after he stands up straight. The hurky-jerky motion means that his shots end up being all wrist, and that isn’t what you want. You want to be in rhythm when shooting foul shots and have your whole body be rising up when he is releasing the basketball. 在罰球時,Lawal先拍球兩次再屈膝。一般在罰球時,我們會屈膝同時將球投出,但 他是先站直再投球,整個動作太僵硬與不自然。他太早起身投球且投球時已全身站直, 他不平穩的投球姿勢表示出手時手勢已經扭曲,這不是我們樂見的。在罰球時須保持節奏 ,並且在身體升起時同時出手。 http://0rz.tw/eWZdR http://0rz.tw/d0m8x 2. Outside Shooting 中投 Kind of an extension from the foul shooting is the fact that Lawal has no outside game (in terms of an outside jumper) at all. In fact, I can’t even show you a clip of a Gani Lawal jumper because I don’t even think he took one throughout the five games. While this is a good thing (he seems to know his limitations), it also hurts him. Part of what made the Suns’ pick and roll so effective is that Amar’e Stoudemire had an ability to pop out and be a legitimate threat to hit a jumper. With Lawal probably playing more PF than Center he is going to need to have to be a threat to hit a jumper to be effective in the Suns offense. He simply does not have that right now. Lawal沒有中投能力。因為Lawal在夏聯五場中一個中投都沒有,所以我根本拿不出影 片說明他中投的問題。他知道自己的缺點這是好事,但對太陽是壞事。太陽檔拆有威脅的 原因在於阿罵是一個有威脅性的中投者。當Lawal擔任大前鋒角色時,他必須有跳投的能 力才能活絡太陽的進攻,但他現在顯然沒有這個能力。 3. Fouls 犯規過多 The final flaw that I see in Gani Lawal’s game right now is that he fouls way too much. In fact, during one Summer League game against the D-League Select team he picked up the infamous Summer League Triple Double (15 points, 11 rebounds, and 10 fouls). Some of it had to do with the tight game the refs were calling (refs are trying to make the league too, and they are reffing the games like it), but there are two other reasons he picks up a good amount of fouls. He tends to jump out instead of straight up and his style of play allows him to pick up a ton of fouls: 最後我認為Lawal犯規太多了,夏聯太陽對發展聯盟那場他拿了犯規10次的大三元。 有一些犯規是比賽緊繃時所出現的嚴格吹判,但有兩個其他理由是他犯規過多的原因,一 個是他習慣用跳守來代替身體伸直,一個是他的打球風格。 http://0rz.tw/bQPFt In the NBA, you are allowed to jump with your hands up and make contact with the player attacking the basket. The only rule is that you need to have everything (including the hands) be straight up and vertical. The minute you jump out towards the man attacking the rim and you make contact, it is a foul. Lawal has a problem where he jumps out instead of up, and the above clip shows you what can happen. 在NBA,防守者允許跳起封阻並與持球者有身體接觸,但前提是防守者必須垂直起跳 並保持身形垂直。如果持球者投籃而防守者向前封阻有身體接觸,那就是犯規。Lawal的 問題就是他老是向前跳,你可以看以上影片去判斷是不是這樣。 In the above clip Gani Lawal picks up a foul fighting for position on a rebound. This is Lawal’s style leading to a foul on him. Lawal simply isn’ t big enough to just get in front of his man when boxing out and use his body to hold his position on rebounds. He is a guy who needs to bang and use his hands to get position, and this will eventually lead to a few fouls getting called on him on boxouts. 另一個Lawal容易犯規的點是在搶籃板時。Lawal的undersize讓他在卡位時無法讓他 一直保持在對手的前面,他必須靠推擠與手部動作輔助去取得有利位置,這就會造成他容 易在卡位時被吹犯規。 http://0rz.tw/1ppdR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In my opinion, Gani Lawal’s performance during the Las Vegas Summer League should guarantee him a roster spot, especially with the Suns looking to replace the production of Amar’e Stoudemire. There is a lot to like about Gani Lawal’s game, but he does need to improve his outside shot before he can truly be a factor for the Phoenix Suns. Even with that iffy jumper, I can see him being a spark guy coming off the bench and giving good and physical minutes in spurts. 我的看法是,Lawal在夏聯的表現應該可以保證他在輪替中有一席之地,特別是太陽正 在想辦法填補阿罵離去的空缺。Lawal的比賽內容有一點像阿罵,但他必須改善他的中投 才能確實地成為太陽的勝利因子。即使目前Lawal還沒有穩定的中投,但我已經可以預見 他會成為替補中的勁量小子,為球隊帶來超值的貢獻。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 心得: 我譯完都熱血沸騰了,你呢? 不過二輪新秀還是輕鬆以對,打出來算賺到的,得失心還是不要過重。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jeromee 來自: (07/19 23:59)

07/20 00:11, , 1F
07/20 00:11, 1F

07/20 00:19, , 2F
07/20 00:19, 2F

07/20 00:21, , 3F
07/20 00:21, 3F

07/20 00:21, , 4F
火箭Jordan Hill完全推不動他也太猛了吧
07/20 00:21, 4F

07/20 00:22, , 5F
07/20 00:22, 5F

07/20 00:27, , 6F
07/20 00:27, 6F

07/20 00:30, , 7F
推 辛苦了
07/20 00:30, 7F

07/20 00:35, , 8F
07/20 00:35, 8F

07/20 00:56, , 9F
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07/20 01:28, , 10F
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07/20 01:43, , 12F
07/20 01:43, 12F

07/20 02:12, , 13F
07/20 02:12, 13F

07/20 02:51, , 14F
這篇有影片 大推
07/20 02:51, 14F

07/20 03:30, , 15F
看到中頭一時還反應不過來 直說外線或中距離還比較
07/20 03:30, 15F

07/20 03:30, , 16F
07/20 03:30, 16F

07/20 09:10, , 17F
喔喔 好棒
07/20 09:10, 17F

07/20 09:10, , 18F
07/20 09:10, 18F

07/20 09:11, , 19F
07/20 09:11, 19F

07/20 11:12, , 20F
07/20 11:12, 20F

07/20 12:00, , 21F
老伯真的好用 還有皮膚人
07/20 12:00, 21F

07/20 12:27, , 22F
07/20 12:27, 22F

07/20 15:59, , 23F
員太陽一直不乏禁區苦工 KT 皮膚人 馬尾哥
07/20 15:59, 23F

07/20 15:59, , 24F
現在又要來一個新的嗎 ?? 希望這次待久一點
07/20 15:59, 24F

07/20 18:53, , 25F
07/20 18:53, 25F

07/20 18:56, , 26F
07/20 18:56, 26F

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07/20 18:57, 27F

07/20 20:15, , 28F
07/20 20:15, 28F

07/20 21:07, , 29F
07/20 21:07, 29F

07/20 22:13, , 30F
Amar'e也是受過傷才肯練中距離 罰球在那時才好起來
07/20 22:13, 30F

07/20 22:14, , 31F
07/20 22:14, 31F

07/20 22:34, , 32F
07/20 22:34, 32F

07/21 00:08, , 33F
07/21 00:08, 33F

07/22 00:17, , 34F
Amare在2005就很準了 那時擋完拆開在罰球線上緣接球
07/22 00:17, 34F

07/22 00:18, , 35F
拿球拔起就進 對手稍被晃開就硬切暴扣 平均26分
07/22 00:18, 35F
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