Re: [問題] 有沒有板有能幫忙翻這兩篇外電(我對細댠…

看板PHX-Suns作者 (西瓜)時間14年前 (2009/10/27 00:45), 編輯推噓12(1203)
留言15則, 14人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
※ 引述《psandoval (tab)》之銘言: : 原本想要用推文 但發現推文內容無法貼上複製好的網址 : 我是太陽和勇士的球迷 : 希望有人能幫忙 我翻的是這篇 請用Page Down觀賞 Boivin: Gentry has tough task on defense 8 commentsby Paola Boivin - Sept. 29, 2009 07:23 PM The Arizona Republic Boivin:簡崔有苦差事要做了--防守 Alvin Gentry heard the snickers before he finished his sentence. 教練聽到有人在他講完話之前偷笑= =" "We're going to be a little more demanding defensively," the Suns coach said. "I know we step up every year and say that but . . . " 我們需要一點更好的防守 By 教練 我馬災 溫打尼榮安捏共 阿姆哥.....(這段請用台語發音XD Can we get that in writing? Where's a notary public when you need one? For the Suns, who opened training camp on Tuesday, to improve their defense and rebounding, it will take an MVP performance by Gentry. 禮拜二的訓練營 改善大家的防守跟籃板將被簡崔發一個MVP??(這句看不太懂= =||| The Suns' shortcomings are no grand secret. They are blessed with great offensive talent but lack players known for shutting guys down. They wisely traded away the Big Bizarro but their off-season acquisitions, Channing Frye and lottery pick Earl Clark, are slim, athletic big men who have yet to earn their defensive toughness stripes. 太陽的缺點 你知我知獨眼龍也知 他們都是額有朝天骨,眼裡有靈光,仙人轉世,神仙下凡 可是他們沒有拿到防守秘笈~ 在休賽季太陽賣掉了 Big Bizarro ??(編者按:應該是聰明的賣掉大歐&省錢 然後簽了Channing Frye & 在樂透區的克拉克哥 不過他們都太瘦了但是有運動能力的大個子 很遺憾的防守技能似乎沒點.... No one will have to work harder on the defensive end than Gentry. 教練必須拼死拼活拼防守!! Challenge No. 1: Inspiring Amaré Stoudemire to elevate his game. 挑戰一 讓阿罵認真的打比賽 It's been a long-running joke among the Suns that they tell Stoudemire he's a 4 (power forward) but give him the responsibilities of a 5 (center). 告訴阿罵他是PF 可是給他打C 已經是個笑話很久了 Stoudemire has always had a partner - Shawn Marion, Shaquille O'Neal, even Kurt Thomas - to help ease the defensive and rebounding load. This season, the Suns need him to step up his defensive game. 阿罵之前的另一半(誤---- 版主 大歐還有KT 都幫忙防守跟搶籃板 這季 我們需要他去幹這些事~還有防守 Stoudemire is an athletically gifted big man, but defense is more than that. It's desire. It's knowing your opponents' tendencies. It's anticipation and it's smarts. 阿罵是個很有天賦的大個子 可是防守不是天分 它是種渴望 懂得對手的下一步~ 是種預測~是聰明的(不要再犯奇奇怪怪的規了啦~ He has done a solid job during his career of working on his shortcomings. It's time to embrace defense, too. 他幹的不錯在改善他的缺點??(不確定 而該是時間加強防守了 Gentry made a point of naming him a captain this season along with Steve Nash and Grant Hill. 教練要他跟老大還有Hill一起當隊長!! "He's at a stage in his career that if he's going be around here, he needs to have some responsibility as far as leadership," Gentry said. "I told him, 'As captain of this team, you're expected to lead by example.' " Good move. 教練: 他必須有領導人的責任了~他現在在生涯的舞台上! 我也跟他說:當個隊長要幹嘛呢~~當隊友幹得好的時候記得說聲:GOOD MOVE Challenge No. 2: Give this team an identity and convince players to buy into their roles, especially on defense. 挑戰二 說服大家做好自己該做的事~特別是防守!! Nash addressed the issue Monday, saying, "When you're not clear on who you are, it's hard to have great chemistry." 對這件事呢~ 老大說:當你不知道自己該做甚麼時~是很難有好的化學效應的 Think about the Suns last season. They hired a coach who demanded a more deliberate style of play and fired him in the same season. They traded Raja Bell and Boris Diaw and listened to O'Neal question his touches. They had Stoudemire and then they didn't. 想想上個賽季(我可以不要想嘛= =" 太陽簽了個很會深思熟慮的教練 然後在季末就火了他(跟某個英國小說主角同名的那個 再來交易了辣椒標跟屌爺 還有聽大歐的問題? 季末還有阿罵的目珠... Talk about an identity crisis. 談談這沙鍋大的危機 Gentry already has had very specific conversations with his players about what he wants them to be. 教練已經跟大家喝茶聊天過了~ "Ninety-nine percent of success is knowing your role," Frye said. "And my role is to complement everybody else." Frye說: 知道該幹啥已經成功了99% 那我該做的事就是和大家一起把拼圖拼起來 It was interesting that Gentry said Monday that if the season began today, Frye would be his starter over Robin Lopez. Gentry likes that Frye's outside shooting would open up the lane for Stoudemire. 教練在星期一說:如果今天開打~那Frye會是先發 (肉配汁:QQ 編按:不然勒~肉配汁不是受傷嘛= =" 教練喜歡Frye的外線Orz 因為他可以幫阿罵打開偉大的航道(誤 Lopez, meanwhile, seems determined to accept whatever Gentry asks of him. 這時候呢~肉汁弟也只能默默接受教練對他說的 "Defend the rim," he said, when asked of his goal for the season. "Impose myself in the post offensively and defensively." 肉汁弟:鞏固我們家的禁區!! 問到他這季的目標呢~ 肉汁弟: 加強進攻&防守!!!! 肉汁弟加油~~不要被別人看扁了~~證明你的七呎很有用吧!!!! Challenge No. 3: Get more defensive production out of the bench. 挑戰三 板凳也要防守 At 6 feet 10, top draft pick Clark is a candidate to help the defense and rebounding departments. 6-10的克拉克哥是個幫助防守&籃板好人選(驚~他這麼高喔@@ "Earl has his own natural talent," assistant coach Bill Cartwright said. 助理教練Bill Cartwright說: 克拉克哥有靈性XD "He can dribble the ball, shoot from the perimeter. He's very athletic. He's got a good base to start with." 他可以運球(我也可以~可是我沒有六呎十Orz 可以投三分~ 很有運動性~ 總之又是個額有朝天骨,眼裡有靈光的傢伙XD Clark, a Louisville product, is the first to admit the transition to the NBA is a challenge. He was used to Cardinals coach Rick Pitino yelling instructions to him from the bench throughout the game. 來自Louisville 的克拉克哥~ 是被Cardinals 教練 Rick Pitino從板凳教出來的 編按:這段感覺翻得怪怪的~ "He'd be telling me what to do, where to stand," Clark said. "Now it's up to me." 他教我該幹啥~該站哪 現在我該自己來了 Defense and rebounding are not just about physical skills. Power forward Lou Amundson reinvented himself and is the guy known for bringing defense and energy off the bench. 防守跟籃板不只是肉體技 阿盲在太陽找到了第二春 而且他是板凳裡懂得帶來防守跟能量的人 (阿盲好帥~ "It's about hard work," Cartwright said. "Your goals for practice have to be as big as your goals for the game." 助理教練說:真是個困難的工作~練習的目標必須跟比賽的目標一樣?? It will be up to Gentry to convince his players of just that. 就看我們的教頭要怎麼炒菜啦~ 呼~終於翻完了Orz 首先~裡面有些打?的地方是我有點翻不太出來的地方 只能說我的英文還是不到家<囧> || 我有盡量翻出來了~有些惡搞的地方大家笑笑就好~ 有人覺得看不舒服推個文跟我講~ 我就再把惡搞改掉~ 有錯字&有翻錯記得跟我說<_ _> 另一篇交給別的強者吧 明天早上還有課= =|||| 大家晚安 黎明來臨前總是最黑暗的 但太陽一定會出來!!!!!! 太陽加油!! -- 學長學長!那邊有飆車族 學長學長!那邊剛好像有女生 學長學長~那邊有人紅燈右轉 砍人 被壓上車 GoodWhisky ψQSWEET 鴿 鴿 鴿 鴿 鴿他媽的 鴿 ◎ ◎ 喔~~ ︶ ︶ ◎ ◎ 喔~~ ︶ ︶ ◎ ◎ 攔下來呀! ⊙◥ 3╯ξ 沒王法了 (哈欠) (煙~) 是不是?!( ) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/27 00:50, , 1F
感謝翻譯 推推
10/27 00:50, 1F
※ 編輯: jlcsn 來自: (10/27 00:56)

10/27 01:30, , 2F
10/27 01:30, 2F

10/27 01:57, , 3F
「天賦拿不到總冠軍」 每次看到這句就知道在酸哪隊XD
10/27 01:57, 3F

10/27 03:06, , 4F
Defence th Rim 大概是防守罰球圈以內(就是禁區)
10/27 03:06, 4F

10/27 03:07, , 5F
單講體能 Clark 有 Deng 的感覺
10/27 03:07, 5F

10/27 07:58, , 6F
有翻有推:) 辛苦了
10/27 07:58, 6F

10/27 09:04, , 7F
10/27 09:04, 7F
感謝指正~ ※ 編輯: jlcsn 來自: (10/27 09:09) ※ 編輯: jlcsn 來自: (10/27 09:10)

10/27 10:45, , 8F
感謝辛苦了 推
10/27 10:45, 8F

10/27 11:19, , 9F
10/27 11:19, 9F

10/27 13:01, , 10F
老大說:隊長只有一個 大家都應該知道是誰.........
10/27 13:01, 10F

10/27 20:17, , 11F
10/27 20:17, 11F

10/27 22:19, , 12F
10/27 22:19, 12F

10/28 00:59, , 13F
10/28 00:59, 13F

12/12 17:01, 5年前 , 14F
感謝辛苦了 推
12/12 17:01, 14F

04/20 22:37, 5年前 , 15F
單講體能 Clark
04/20 22:37, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1AvT8MR0 (PHX-Suns)