[外電] Suns more willing to deal Stoudemire

看板PHX-Suns作者 (Fana)時間15年前 (2009/02/06 16:24), 編輯推噓49(49023)
留言72則, 43人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
http://tinyurl.com/bo84x5 簡單翻個大意 A year ago Friday, Shaquille O'Neal joined the Suns in what General Manager Steve Kerr called "a gamble worth taking." O'Neal announced the start of The Amaré Stoudemire Project,his plan to turn Stoudemire into the NBA's best power forward. That team was atop the West but sought a change that would push it into more playoff success. The Suns now are clinging to a playoff position after a 4-8 stretch that has the brass more willing to gamble again with a Stoudemire deal before the Feb. 19 trading deadline. "We have to consider all our options going forward and make sure we put the team in the best position," Kerr said. 一年前,Shaq曾宣稱要改造Amare,讓他擠進NBA頂尖PF的行列,但這計畫看來是破產 了。在前一陣子難堪的輸球之後,太陽把 Amare擺上了交易桌。「我們會檢視手邊所 有的選擇,做出正確的決定」Kerr說。 The Suns have lost to Golden State, Chicago, Charlotte, New York, Minnesota and Indiana - all losing teams - in the past month and may be willing to lose Stoudemire in the right deal. As an All-Star starter and former All-NBA first-teamer, he carries value elsewhere while the appreciation for him locally is declining. 在最近一個月內,太陽輸給六隻低於五成勝率的隊伍。身為全明星先發和前NBA第一隊 成員,Amare的評價與交易價值不斷下滑。 Wednesday night was another example of frustrations with Stoudemire. A 7-0 Suns run in the third quarter cut Golden State's lead to 11 before coach Terry Porter reinserted Stoudemire. In 2:26, the Suns defense caved and the deficit returned to 21. "Amaré struggled, at times, to get into the flow," Porter said after the Suns were outscored by 21 in Stoudemire's 28 minutes. 關於Amare近來的挫折,對勇士的比賽就是例子之一。太陽在第三節成功打出一波7-0 的攻勢,把差距縮小到11分。但在Porter叫Amare上場之後,一直到2:26的期間,太 陽的防守崩潰而差距又回到21分。 If the Stoudemire project is ended, there are several trade scenarios with a need for the returning salaries to be within a 25 percent difference of Stoudemire's $15.1 million salary. The Suns would want to inject youth (players and draft picks) into an aging roster, especially if they send off their youngest starter. The Suns also will aim for 2009-10 luxury-tax relief by acquiring an expiring contract. That puts these teams and players as potential pieces: ‧ Chicago: Drew Gooden ($7.1 million). ‧ Detroit: Rasheed Wallace ($13.7 million). ‧ Memphis: Antoine Walker ($8.9 million). ‧ Portland: Raef LaFrentz ($12.7 million), whose remaining salary is 80 percent covered by injury insurance. ‧ Sacramento: Bobby Jackson ($6.1 million). 太陽希望引進年輕的肉體跟選秀權,當然還有瞄準09-10自由市場,這讓那些合約到期 球員有潛在的價值。(意思就是有可能到期約配合年輕球員和選秀權,不過上面到期約 應該是作者隨手給的例子) When asked earlier this week if he was worried about being traded, Stoudemire said, "Since the day I was born, I've never been afraid of anything and I never worry. I come in every day to do my job. . . . I try to learn from any mistakes and try to get better each day. It's all about putting people in position to prosper. . . . I definitely don't want anything like that (a trade) to happen." 當 Amare被問到是否擔心交易的問題,他說:「從出生那一天起,我從沒怕過或擔心過 任何事。我做好自己的本分,每一天從錯誤中學習且變的更好,只要把我擺對位置。當 然,我絕對不想被交易走。」 As with previous years when Stoudemire trades were considered, there has been a reluctance to deal a young, athletic big man. His lack of progression defensively, long-term knee concerns and inconsistency in effort and understanding have made the idea palatable, especially when he laments his shot counts. 多年前 Amare交易案曾經被提起,但太陽拒絕交易一位這麼年輕且有運動力的長人。但 現在他防守端毫無進步、長期膝傷的隱憂、貢獻和心態上的不穩定,每一項都讓交易更 顯的誘人。 Stoudemire certainly is not the only issue. He just may be the one the Suns address because he is valuable. "To keep losing these games the way we are, it's not fun," Stoudemire said. "I'm not used to it. It's almost against my religion." 當然,太陽不單只有Amare這個問題(Porter:........),他只是目前太陽最有價值的商 品。「一直輸真讓人不爽,這違背了我的信仰。」Amare說。 ----------------------- 呃..Az下面討論區沒看到幾篇為阿罵說話的,真是.... 不過個人期望是連Porter一起打包。 ----------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: evonre 來自: (02/06 16:31)

02/06 16:32, , 1F
02/06 16:32, 1F

02/06 16:34, , 2F
02/06 16:34, 2F

02/06 16:35, , 3F
嗯 因為規定要先續約才能簽自由球員
02/06 16:35, 3F

02/06 16:36, , 4F
不過我還是希望能有年輕的內線 減少09-10的風險
02/06 16:36, 4F

02/06 16:37, , 5F
02/06 16:37, 5F

02/06 16:38, , 6F
02/06 16:38, 6F

02/06 16:53, , 7F
唉 真的要交易阿罵的時候我又有點捨不得了
02/06 16:53, 7F

02/06 16:54, , 8F
為什麼阿罵你不爭氣點啦 就太陽真的只剩飄髮哥了
02/06 16:54, 8F

02/06 17:03, , 9F
來換boooooooozer吧 爵爵歡迎你!
02/06 17:03, 9F

02/06 17:11, , 10F
以前太陽制服組對球員人格有潔癖 不知道現在換科科當
02/06 17:11, 10F

02/06 17:12, , 11F
家還有沒有這麼堅持 不然boooo應該是沒機會
02/06 17:12, 11F

02/06 17:13, , 12F
個人最期待龍王能來 李大衛+綠葉也不錯
02/06 17:13, 12F

02/06 17:56, , 13F
阿罵好可惜 空有如此好的身材和運動力.....
02/06 17:56, 13F

02/06 17:57, , 14F
龍王能換來的話 暴龍也太腦殘了...
02/06 17:57, 14F

02/06 18:12, , 15F
如果能換到龍王或是Lee 我支持Kerr當選年度最佳總管
02/06 18:12, 15F

02/06 18:26, , 16F
02/06 18:26, 16F

02/06 18:26, , 17F
02/06 18:26, 17F

02/06 18:41, , 18F
02/06 18:41, 18F

02/06 18:45, , 19F
02/06 18:45, 19F

02/06 19:03, , 20F
希望真的嚇到他了 快認真打球吧
02/06 19:03, 20F

02/06 19:21, , 21F
02/06 19:21, 21F

02/06 19:30, , 22F
氣死人 當初就拿阿罵換假奶就好啦 這樣香妹也還在
02/06 19:30, 22F

02/06 19:31, , 23F
02/06 19:31, 23F

02/06 19:32, , 24F
02/06 19:32, 24F

02/06 19:32, , 25F
要不是現在G蛙受傷 屌唄兩人現在還會一直贏
02/06 19:32, 25F

02/06 19:33, , 26F
02/06 19:33, 26F

02/06 19:44, , 27F
02/06 19:44, 27F

02/06 20:04, , 28F
02/06 20:04, 28F

02/06 20:05, , 29F
02/06 20:05, 29F

02/06 20:06, , 30F
02/06 20:06, 30F

02/06 20:18, , 31F
02/06 20:18, 31F

02/06 20:30, , 32F
拜託 Bosh來吧
02/06 20:30, 32F

02/06 20:30, , 33F
Amare+Porter 買一送一
02/06 20:30, 33F

02/06 20:49, , 34F
越看越傷心 哭哭~~~ 還我06 07 08的太陽
02/06 20:49, 34F

02/06 20:52, , 35F
Amare+Porter+Kerr 買一送二
02/06 20:52, 35F

02/06 20:59, , 36F
02/06 20:59, 36F

02/06 21:39, , 37F
我比較喜歡DIRK 不過 應該不可能換到吧
02/06 21:39, 37F

02/06 21:48, , 38F
我愛Jamison 可裡可外 態度又好 又穩
02/06 21:48, 38F

02/06 22:06, , 39F
02/06 22:06, 39F

02/06 22:07, , 40F
如果要換JAMISON 太陽以後中心不知道是誰 都老將...
02/06 22:07, 40F

02/06 22:13, , 41F
02/06 22:13, 41F

02/06 22:14, , 42F
02/06 22:14, 42F

02/06 22:23, , 43F
這樣買一送三?不對 一次交易四個...XD
02/06 22:23, 43F

02/06 22:26, , 44F
02/06 22:26, 44F

02/06 22:31, , 45F
02/06 22:31, 45F

02/06 22:32, , 46F
02/06 22:32, 46F

02/06 22:34, , 47F
樓樓上冷靜點吧 要參戰可以去總版 現在這議題正熱XD
02/06 22:34, 47F

02/06 22:35, , 48F
02/06 22:35, 48F

02/06 22:37, , 49F
02/06 22:37, 49F

02/06 22:44, , 50F
如果能換老闆我也想換阿 但現實就是我們有Sarver..
02/06 22:44, 50F

02/06 22:45, , 51F
沒有Sarver 只有$aver....
02/06 22:45, 51F

02/06 22:49, , 52F
02/06 22:49, 52F

02/06 23:01, , 53F
現在總板戰的好激烈 大家要去參一腳嗎= =
02/06 23:01, 53F

02/06 23:17, , 54F
換Jamison 好
02/06 23:17, 54F

02/06 23:32, , 55F
總板太神了 討論串最後面...
02/06 23:32, 55F

02/06 23:33, , 56F
真的是什麼都能戰 什麼都不奇怪@@"
02/06 23:33, 56F

02/07 00:20, , 57F
02/07 00:20, 57F

02/07 00:23, , 58F
樓上我們弄什麼去弄BOSH來搭阿罵阿= =
02/07 00:23, 58F

02/07 00:28, , 59F
02/07 00:28, 59F

02/07 00:30, , 60F
Amare for JO 你就可以看到Bosh+Amare 科科
02/07 00:30, 60F

02/07 00:32, , 61F
02/07 00:32, 61F

02/07 00:52, , 62F
想炒短線 我真覺得Jamison不錯 要換龍王難度很高~~!!
02/07 00:52, 62F

02/07 01:36, , 63F
02/07 01:36, 63F

02/07 01:37, , 64F
02/07 01:37, 64F

02/07 01:38, , 65F
Bosh的防守沒比Amare好? 你說的是暴龍那位沒錯吧?
02/07 01:38, 65F

02/07 01:39, , 66F
02/07 01:39, 66F

02/07 01:42, , 67F
02/07 01:42, 67F

02/07 02:39, , 68F
02/07 02:39, 68F

02/07 08:42, , 69F
不懂Jamison哪裡強 三分投很大 籃板防守都蠻爛的
02/07 08:42, 69F

02/07 10:49, , 70F
就防守來說 換個西瓜也只是跟Amare平手而已
02/07 10:49, 70F

12/12 16:51, 5年前 , 71F
越看越傷心 哭哭~~~ https://muxiv.com
12/12 16:51, 71F

04/20 22:27, 5年前 , 72F
希望名星賽後能有一番作 http://yaxiv.com
04/20 22:27, 72F
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