[情報] Today's recap

看板PHX-Suns作者 (TheDarkestTheSunRise)時間18年前 (2006/05/03 17:25), 編輯推噓9(902)
留言11則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/recap;_ylt=AsF7FAMiFR5snKrexgHKRNQ5nYcB?gid=2006050221&prov=ap MVP和MIP說: Nash said Bell's foul was no worse than some the Lakers committed earlier in the series, so he didn't believe a suspension was warranted. "They're going to single one out because it's on Kobe? To me that's a shame," Nash said. "There were a couple of elbows thrown," Diaw said. "I saw Raja on the floor twice before he got ejected. Raja got hit many times. It probably was frustration." 後面一段,應該不需要翻譯了吧 Of the seven teams to come back from a 3-1 series deficit, five won the NBA title. ... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: yglnls 來自: (05/03 17:29)

05/03 17:29, , 1F
I believe
05/03 17:29, 1F

05/03 17:30, , 2F
05/03 17:30, 2F

05/03 17:39, , 3F
05/03 17:39, 3F

05/03 17:40, , 4F
In Suns we trust
05/03 17:40, 4F

05/03 17:54, , 5F
I can't agree Steve Nash more!
05/03 17:54, 5F

05/03 18:20, , 6F
我是原本的一樓(被修掉的) 我想說的是 或許這就是考驗!
05/03 18:20, 6F

05/03 18:35, , 7F
05/03 18:35, 7F

05/03 18:38, , 8F
05/03 18:38, 8F

05/03 18:47, , 9F
05/03 18:47, 9F

05/03 20:23, , 10F
我也記得我不是1F的,怎麼現在看坐沙發了 @@a
05/03 20:23, 10F

05/03 22:52, , 11F
又來了 還真OX
05/03 22:52, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #14M7SAnK (PHX-Suns)