[外電] Deal Tinsley and O'Neal

看板PACERS作者 (哉哉)時間16年前 (2008/04/18 22:10), 編輯推噓17(1701)
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http://0rz.tw/6b3Zz By Bob Kravitz Deal Tinsley and O'Neal 處理(交易?!解決?!)丁丁二人組 Posted: April 17, 2008 It's great that Herb Simon has chosen to transform himself from a hands-off owner to a hands-on kind of guy. And it's great that Simon hired Jim Morris, the noted businessman and philanthropist, to run the company's off-the-court operation. If Morris can survive Darfur, he can survive the Indiana Pacers. 老闆"西門草藥"選擇親自下海掌管人事大局真是太好啦~而他要雇用著名的生意人兼 慈善家Jim Morris幫忙運作球隊場外的工作更下了一步漂亮的棋!如果說Morris能夠 拯救達富爾,那他也應該可以拯救溜馬隊! (按:這裡的涵義很深!Darfur:達富爾是蘇丹共和國西北部一省。 而聯合國糧食計畫署WFP的執行長名叫James Morris,之前大力救助達富爾的難民 這是04年當時的新聞:http://0rz.tw/b53WW) (剛剛上網又查了一下,原來Jim Morris就是James Morris本人呀。) Probably. 也許可以吧。 But all of the front-office shuffling will be rendered meaningless if the guy running the basketball operation, Larry Bird, doesn't accomplish two things this summer: 然而,要是大鳥在暑假沒有完成兩件事情的話,這些種種的高層更動都只是毫無意義 之舉。 He must get rid of Jamaal Tinsley. Trade, buyout, set him adrift on an Arctic ice floe. Whatever. 他必須除掉小汀!不管是交易、買斷、或甚至是把他送到北極的浮冰上隨海漂流都行! He must trade Jermaine O'Neal. 他得交易小歐。 If those two players are still here when we meet again in October, the Pacers will have made no progress toward rebuilding this team, and the leash on Bird will become dramatically shorter. 如果我們在十月份還可以看到這丁丁二人組在球隊中,那麼溜馬的重建工程進度就是 零,而大鳥所受到的限制會突然變大! (按:又一個比喻! leash指的是栓著狗項圈的狗鍊,變短的意思即為自由度減少。          放在人身上的意思就是受限更多。) Tinsley's act grew stale about four years ago. It doesn't matter how his various off-court issues have been resolved by the courts. The perception of him is never going to change, not here. 小汀個人行為在四年前就開始變質,這和他在場外惹出的種種問題都能否在法院解決 無關,重點是他的認知從來不改正。 (爛泥扶不上牆,狗肉上不了席!對吧~) And to think, one pick after Tinsley was chosen 27th in the 2001 draft, the San Antonio Spurs selected a point guard named Tony Parker. 再想想看,該年小汀下一順位,那個被馬刺選走名叫Tony Parker的控衛。 What's French for "Ouch!"? 法文的"Ouch"是啥? (按:這句我不大懂確切的用意,不過我認為這是反諷的意思,嘲笑溜馬隊不會欣賞 法國貨,選了個麻煩給自己……) With O'Neal, it's not a personality or perception issue; it's his salary. When he was given the maximum contract in 2003, most of us applauded that deal, viewing O'Neal as the team's new centerpiece and Reggie Miller's heir apparent. 至於小歐,他的人格和認知不是問題,問題是他領的薪水。當在2003年和小歐簽下了 頂級合約時,我們大多拍手叫好,將他視為球隊未來的台柱;神米在印城的接班人。 Now, though, he's a $40 million albatross who, if he stays in Indiana, destroys any Pacers hopes for future cap flexibility. 可是現在,他卻是個四千萬的沉重負擔,如果他繼續留在印城,將會"摧毀"溜馬未來 薪資空間的彈性與希望。 (按:這裡又一個值得注意的單字。 albatross除了是負擔之外,也是海鳥信天翁的    複數型。信天翁除了可以飛的很久很快,也可以趴在海面上睡覺!這也許暗示了 小歐可以很強,卻也可以很愛裝死~) Can a brother make a suggestion? How about sending O'Neal to the Knicks for Stephon Marbury. Yes, Marbury is a waste, but he has only one year left on his deal. If the Pacers are willing to bite the bullet for one season, more than $20 million will come off the books in 2009-10. 有哪位老兄建議一下?把小歐送到大蘋果去換"天下第一控衛"如何?當然,馬大少是 個X渣(尼克迷們對不起,但是waste的確可以這麼翻法,而且翻"浪費"怪怪的),但是 他只剩下一年的合約。如果溜馬願意忍痛一個球季,那麼在09~10球季團隊薪資將會 減輕超過兩千萬以上。 (按:bite the bullet,咬子彈,也就是強忍痛苦的意思) During a Wednesday afternoon news conference to announce the team's front- office changes, Bird fell short of saying he would trade O'Neal, but he made it abundantly clear that he's going to try. And that would be best for both of them. Face it: O'Neal doesn't fit with coach Jim O'Brien's style, and both parties know it. Add to that the fact that O'Neal and Bird have had a contentious relationship since Bird fired Isiah Thomas, and you have a bad marriage that's headed for a divorce. 在禮拜三宣佈高層人事變動的記者會中,大鳥並無如大家預期的宣布將交易小歐,但 他澄清他將會嘗試看看,而這對雙方都好。面對現實,小歐並不適合歐比教練的風格 這是高層和球員雙方都知道的。再說,小歐和大鳥間的矛盾關係早在大鳥炒掉笑笑湯 的時候就開始了,這正如任何糟糕的婚姻關係都會以離婚為收場一樣。 (按:卡帥:小倆口子生不出孩子來卻怪我這個媒人!更!) O'Neal didn't want to talk about his future or whether Wednesday's game might be his last as a Pacer. 小歐並不想對他的未來發表任何意見,儘管禮拜三的比賽可能是他身為溜馬球員的最 後一戰。 When a deal gets done, it's not important whether Bird gets full or even partial value for O'Neal, whose injury problems make him a tough sell. What Bird and this franchise need is cap flexibility. They need to take on an expiring contract or two, giving them freedom to make some moves in the next few years. 一旦交易完成,重點不在於大鳥能從小歐這個賣像不佳的痛痛人換回多少價值。大鳥 和球團需要的是薪資空間,他們需要更多的自由度去處理一些到期的合約,好讓在未 來幾年的幾年方便操作。 This franchise has got to accept the fact that getting better might mean getting worse, a lot worse, first. 這個球團得認清一個事實,那就是要讓球隊變的更好就先得讓球隊變爛,而且還得是 很爛! (按:真有趣的邏輯~) "I think at the small forward and two guard, we're pretty well set with Danny (Granger), Shawne (Williams) and Mike (Dunleavy)," Bird said. "Any time you go into the draft, you look for point guards and you look for big guys. It's according to what's going to be there. If there's a point guard we really like, we have to look at him. But if there's a big man there, you always like the bigs. "我認為咱們家的小葛、小鄧和小威在側翼組的搭配相當的好"大鳥說道。 "每當你在 選秀的時候,都會考慮控球後衛和大個子,這將視情形而決定。如果有我們非常喜歡 的控衛,我們會去觀察他。但若是有個優質長人,長人通常會是優先的選擇。" "At the four position we could use another guy. We've got a lot of holes to fill.'' "四號位置我們可以找其他人,而且我們有很多洞得捕。" Does that sound like O'Neal is in Bird's plans? 這聽起來是不是說小歐在大鳥的計畫中呢? "I'm sure he (O'Neal) will look at all his options, and we'll look at ours," Bird said. "Throughout the summer, we'll probably be talking to some teams and seeing what kind of interest they have in him. He hasn't told us if he wants to stay here or if he wants to go somewhere else, but there comes a time in any player's basketball career that you want to try to do what's best for yourself and for your team." "我確信小歐會審視他的選擇權,而我們也一樣" 大鳥說道。"整個暑假我們會跟些球 隊談談看,看他們是否對小歐有興趣。小歐還沒跟我們說他想要留在隊上或是到哪裡 去,不過任何球員在生涯中都將面臨如何才能做出自我和球隊都最有利的抉擇擇。" (按:大鳥真會打官腔呀~) Goodbye, Jermaine. 小歐掰。 Good guy, good representative of this franchise. But it's time. It's just time. 你是個好人( ′▽`) -o▊、優秀的看板人物。不過時勢不對,這就是時勢。 Time, finally, to rebuild. 終該是重建的時候了。 There will be exit interviews today between Bird and the players, and you would think, and hope, it will mark the last time several enter the Fieldhouse as members of the home team. 大鳥和球員們今天將有個檢討面談。而如你我想,這其中將會有許多傢伙是最後一次 以主場球員身份來到溜馬的Fieldhouse。 (按:這又有個雙關。exit interviews 除了可以按照 exit poll 選後民調的意思翻 做賽季的檢討面談之外,也可用 exit visa 出境簽證的意思翻做離隊前的一別) Tinsley is gone. Marquis Daniels is on the chopping block. David Harrison is history. Kareem Rush was relegated to the bench the last few weeks. Shawne Williams? You wonder. He's still young, cheap and talented, but . . . And O'Neal has almost certainly played his final game as a Pacer. 小汀出局、阿丹現被放在砧板之上、大哈的問題有段歷史了,Rush在過去的幾週也被 冰起來、小威呢?你可能很好奇,他還很年輕,很便宜又有天份,但是………而小歐 應該已經打完了他身為溜馬的最後一場比賽了。 (按:這裡又一個雙關。chopping block 字面上直譯是砧板,有等著待修理的意思, 而他也可以和trade block--正待交易名單--做聯想) The franchise made some strong and necessary front-office moves Wednesday afternoon. Simon needed to get more involved in this business. Morris, who told WFNI-1070, "We will not have bums here," seems to have the right idea. But ultimately it's about winning, and second, it's about winning with palatable players. 球團在周三下午作出重大且必要的人事更動,西門老闆得多多參與其中。而Morris則 告訴WFNI-1070電台說:"我們不會讓遊手好閒的人留在這裡!" 這看起來是正確的! 但是最終,球隊是要追求勝利的,而且是讓快樂的球員贏得勝利! That leaves it up to Bird. 這任務會交給大鳥處理。 If Tinsley and/or O'Neal are still here in October, the clock on Larry Legend's reign starts ticking. 如果丁丁二人組在十月還在的話,大鳥傳奇的執政期將會開始倒數計時。 -- 呼~翻的好累! Bob-K的文章酸歸酸,但是看完學到的東西還不少哩! -- 一馬離了~~ 西‧涼‧界~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/18 22:21, , 1F
04/18 22:21, 1F

04/18 22:24, , 2F
04/18 22:24, 2F

04/18 22:39, , 3F
翻的好強!!! 西門草藥XDDDD
04/18 22:39, 3F

04/18 22:45, , 4F
04/18 22:45, 4F

04/18 22:43, , 5F
好多隱喻 等吧 等季後賽打完後 就會球隊要補強了 XD
04/18 22:43, 5F

04/18 22:54, , 6F
04/18 22:54, 6F

04/18 23:14, , 7F
好強的英文!!! 第一次把外電全部看完 本版有人才!!!!!!
04/18 23:14, 7F

04/18 23:20, , 8F
04/18 23:20, 8F

04/19 00:21, , 9F
04/19 00:21, 9F

04/19 00:45, , 10F
04/19 00:45, 10F

04/19 01:05, , 11F
04/19 01:05, 11F

04/19 04:33, , 12F
larson 大大請受我一拜
04/19 04:33, 12F

04/19 04:35, , 13F
04/19 04:35, 13F

04/19 08:14, , 14F
推外電 看來好球員不一定會是好總管
04/19 08:14, 14F

04/19 08:15, , 15F
04/19 08:15, 15F

04/19 08:22, , 16F
還有 也讓我學到不少英文用法
04/19 08:22, 16F

04/19 09:17, , 17F
04/19 09:17, 17F
※ 編輯: larson 來自: (04/19 09:52)

04/19 11:58, , 18F
04/19 11:58, 18F
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