[亞洲] 和碩韓國服務分公司徵系統專案管理者

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和碩韓國服務分公司應徵 http://www.pegatroncorp.com/index/index/lang/en_US Pegatron Service Korea (網頁 : http://www.pegatroncorp.com ) System Project Manager 系統專案管理者: -Responsibilities 工作內容: * Provide technical and troubleshooting assistance to factory systems. * Support new project UATs, cutover activities, and post implementation activi ties. * Continuous development of domain knowledge to help to resolve system issues. * Identify and escalate situations requiring urgent attention, act as system P M to co-work with HQ IT/engineering team/customers for solving system related problems. * Help to build customized reports based on factory operation need. *提供廠內系統技術和維修協助 *協助新專案UATs, Cutover Activities 和 Post Implementation Activities. *利用領域知識(Domain Knowledge)持續發展去解決系統問題 *如System PM和總部IT/Engineering團隊合作解決系統相關問題,且能辨別和升級需要緊 急注意的狀況 *依廠區運作需求協助製作相關報告 -Required Skills 所需技能: * Bachelor degree in Computer Science / Information System. * Hands on experience with SQL. *Experience in system project rollout (including requirement analysis/developm ent/UAT/cut over/post go live support). * Good English communication skills or Native speaker in Chinese (written & or al). * Passion and enthusiasm for IT systems, customer service orientated and proac tive approach to problem-solving. * Experience in IT server/network administrative/support is a plus. *大學資工相關學系畢業或相關工作3年 *熟習SQL *良好的英文溝通技巧(寫和口說)或中文為母語者 *對於IT系統、客服導向和積極方法解決問題擁有熱情和熱忱 *Plus: 曾擁有IT server/network administrative/support經驗 * 公司可協助辦理就業簽證,但本人需持有合法居留簽證(不接受觀光簽) - 工作地點: 地鐵1號線禿山2號出口 ● 薪資: 月薪: 200萬起跳 (依照資歷,在韓國是否有就業經驗等) ● 工作時間: 週一至週五(依國家規定) 09:00~18:00(包含午餐1小時) ● 福利: - 年度兩次獎金制度(中秋節/年終獎金) - 四大保險 - 每年七月依考績進行年度調薪 - 健康檢查、每月生日餐會、每季員工聚餐….員工福利持續增加中 ● 應徵方式: #請務必在信件內填寫清楚以下資訊 ★中文履歷表及英文或韓文履歷表(請附上正式大頭照) ★出生年月日 ★可聯絡到本人的韓國國內手機 ★韓國國內地址 ★簽證種類及簽證到期日 ★請不要私訊發問,有問題請直接發下列mail訊問 #沒提供以上資訊直接不受理 Alex1_Cheng@pegatroncorp.com ※ 編輯: expertise01 (, 08/24/2017 13:14:31
文章代碼(AID): #1PaQFPHP (Oversea_Job)