Here's what the Orlando Magic will focus on …

看板Orl-Magic作者 (leon)時間13年前 (2011/05/03 23:27), 編輯推噓9(9011)
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Here's what the Orlando Magic will focus on this offseason (1)Adding a star: Dwight Howard needs a star as his right-hand man. He just doesn't have enough support right now.New Jersey Nets point guard Deron Williams or New Orleans Hornets point guard Chris Paul would be ideal, but their teams almost certainly won't trade them away. Plus, the Magic probably don't have the mixture of young potential stars and draft picks to swing a trade for either Paul or Williams. 1.增加球星,魔獸需要一個可靠的助手,籃網隊的小胖,黃蜂的CP3是最棒的選擇, 但當籃網跟黃蜂是白癡阿.. 2) Freeing cap space: No one knows for sure what the new CBA's salary-cap structure will look like, but the Magic will have an almost impossible task to free enough cap space to make a run at Paul or Williams in 2012. Gilbert Arenas and Hedo Turkoglu are both untradeable because of their massive contracts and declining performance. 2.清薪資空間。沒有人知道新的薪資條款會變成怎樣,而且魔術幾乎不太可能 可以在2012年清出薪資歡迎保羅跟小胖,其中還包含Hedo跟Arenas的兩個超大臭約。 (3) Get Gil right: Speaking of Arenas, he needs to strengthen his troublesome left leg and rebuild his confidence after a rough last few months with the Magic. He has said he will work this summer with highly regarded trainer Tim Grover. 這點最實在,好好強化他的腳,期待下季的復出吧。 加油 探員!! (4) Add size: The Magic desperately need one or two more big men. Help may arrive in the form of 2005 first-round pick Fran Vázquez. Magic officials believe the 6-foot-10 Vázquez wants to make the move to the U.S. Still, the uncertain labor situation might prompt Vázquez to re-sign with FC Barcelona. 強化內線的高度,厚度。05年第一輪選6呎10的Fran Vázquez可能會來了。 媽的,歐梯斯你在講什麼,是對方要擔心不是我們要擔心的屁話,我就... (5) Bring back free agents?: The Magic have three unrestricted free agents on their roster: guard Jason Richardson, forward Earl Clark and big man Malik Allen. Richardson has said he would like to come back. 考慮清楚是否簽回自由球員,有三位不受限制的FA,JRich,克拉克,媽你的哀輪 (6) Develop the youngsters: Power forwards Ryan Anderson and Brandon Bass made strides this past season, but they still have a ways to go. Anderson, who is only 22, made improvements last summer, but he still needs to add more strength and quickness. Center Daniel Orton, who didn't play as a rookie, needs to continue to strengthen the muscles around his left knee. 年輕球員的進步,小安,巴斯他們打了一整季,但還是有地方需要進步。 小安需要加強力量跟速度,中鋒Daniel Orton,需要強化他的肌肉跟好好的養傷= ='' 巴斯他沒提到,但巴斯你可以.......增高嗎... !! ㄜ~不是拉 是增加視野.... (7) Add perimeter defense: The two players the Magic added last offseason to improve the perimeter defense, point guard Chris Duhon and small forward Quentin Richardson, didn't make the impact that was expected. After the Magic were burned repeatedly in the playofffs by Jamal Crawford and Joe Johnson, it seems clear that the Magic need to upgrade their defense again. 加強外圍的防守,魔術在上季前找了兩個球員來強化防守,杜洪跟QQ結果.. 杜洪守開特力守的不錯,QQ還算是條好漢。但在Hedo為首的強大外圍防守團隊下.. 就看到尻佛變成 佛地魔,Joe Johnson變成 邱 強森的悲劇。 (8) Be ready: The anticipated work stoppage could last into late this calendar year, making it even more imperative that the players on next season's roster arrive at a potentially abbreviated training camp in good condition. Players won't be able to train with team strength coaches if there is a lockout, so the players must assume more responsibility than usual. 做好準備!!! 我們一支有冠軍實力的球隊 (我自己都打得好心虛) 隨便做好準備.... -------------------------------- 總之今年暑假該練的 好好練一下吧 該換的就換吧!! 魔術加油!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: y1027330 來自: (05/03 23:28)

05/03 23:29, , 1F
05/03 23:29, 1F
※ 編輯: y1027330 來自: (05/03 23:30)

05/03 23:29, , 2F
05/03 23:29, 2F

05/03 23:30, , 3F
樓上 別這樣 我打好久喔
05/03 23:30, 3F

05/03 23:32, , 4F
05/03 23:32, 4F

05/03 23:32, , 5F
05/03 23:32, 5F

05/03 23:35, , 6F
05/03 23:35, 6F

05/03 23:37, , 7F
05/03 23:37, 7F

05/03 23:53, , 8F
拉森大是擔心魔術的Fran還是你們家Lorbek? XDDD
05/03 23:53, 8F

05/03 23:58, , 9F
兩個毒瘤都沒事 睡去
05/03 23:58, 9F

05/04 00:25, , 10F
真的是看到HEDO JRICH的防守 讓我覺得以前批評VC防守爛
05/04 00:25, 10F

05/04 00:25, , 11F
05/04 00:25, 11F

05/04 00:28, , 12F
VC去年防守真的不好啊 這季才比較有點樣子
05/04 00:28, 12F

05/04 19:34, , 13F
05/04 19:34, 13F

05/05 00:22, , 14F
05/05 00:22, 14F

05/06 02:06, , 15F
要拿冠軍 防守要好 防守不佳的都可以放掉沒差了.....
05/06 02:06, 15F

05/06 02:08, , 16F
05/06 02:08, 16F

05/06 02:09, , 17F
05/06 02:09, 17F

05/06 02:11, , 18F
現在戰績逐年下降 證明把防守組的整批丟掉是多麼不智...
05/06 02:11, 18F

05/06 02:12, , 19F
Lee 鍋貼 Ariza MP MB.....Otis你滾蛋吧!
05/06 02:12, 19F

05/09 14:32, , 20F
樓上這幾隻 都超好用的
05/09 14:32, 20F
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