[外電] 魔獸逐漸成為一個真正的領袖

看板Orl-Magic作者 (月天魚)時間13年前 (2010/11/01 15:11), 編輯推噓22(22090)
留言112則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Dwight Howard steps up, embraces role as vocal leader for Orlando Magic 魔獸開始接受成為魔術的精神領袖的角色 The Orlando Magic might have found the vocal leader they needed. 魔術可能找到了他們所需要的精神領袖。 Dwight Howard not only talks more these days, but his more businesslike approach has given his words greater impact. 這幾天以來魔獸不僅僅只是說的更多,他以實際的行動態度傳達自己的想法。 "Anybody can get up there and talk, but if you don't have the respect of your teammates, it's just words," guard J.J. Redick said Sunday. "I think Dwight, without a doubt, has earned the respect just with the way he's carried himself this preseason and the work he's put in this offseason." JJ:"每個人都能出來發言,但是如果沒得到隊友敬重的話,那就只是在說話罷了。 我認為魔獸在休賽期及季前賽所表現出來的一切已為他贏得了尊重。" Howard's growth as a vocal leader could pay dividends for Orlando. For all of their talent and depth, the Magic in recent years seem to have lacked players who could snap the roster out of a funk with impassioned words. 魔獸領袖能力的成長會是魔術的利多。以他們的天份及深度而言,魔術這幾年缺少 能夠以激勵的言語來使隊員們擺脫不知所措狀態的球員。 The maturation of their all-star center might have changed the overall dynamic. Howard attempted to spur on his teammates on at least three different occasions during and after the Magic's 96-70 loss to the Miami Heat on Friday night. 魔獸的成熟可能帶來有活力的改變。在魔術輸給熱火的那個夜晚,比賽中以及比賽後, 魔獸至少在三個不同場合企圖激勵隊友。 He spoke loudly in a team huddle on the sideline after the Heat opened the third quarter on a 9-0 run. He tried to inspire his teammates in the visitors' locker room shortly after the final buzzer. And during his postgame press availability, he said the Magic "got shell-shocked" when they faced adversity. 他在熱火第三節開啟9比0攻勢後聚集隊友到球場邊並且大聲說話。賽後他在客場休息室 簡短地嘗試激勵他的隊友。賽後訪問時,他說當大家面臨逆境時被震懾住了。 "I've been more vocal this whole season," Howard told reporters after the Magic practiced Sunday. "You guys don't have to see me be vocal. That's not being vocal: just doing it in front of people. It's in the locker room, it's on the bus, on the plane and during film sessions, during practice. That's when it matters, not just when eyes are watching." 在魔術星期日的練習過後,魔獸告訴記者: "這整個賽季我會更多的進行喊話,但如果只在人前這樣做不算發號施令者。不管是在 休息室、飛機上、會議中、練習中,那都是需要這樣做的時候,而不是只是當有人在 看時才去做。" Howard shares Orlando's captain duties with point guard Jameer Nelson. 魔獸與尼神分擔魔術領導的責任。 Nelson helps improve team chemistry each summer when he hosts and organizes a week of workouts and off-court activities in and around Philadelphia. Still, Magic President of Basketball Operations Otis Smith has said he wants Nelson to exercise "fierce leadership" and "not worry about the consequences of leadership." In other words, Smith hopes Nelson will say things that teammates don't want to hear. 每個暑假,尼神在費城主辦安排為期一週的訓練及場外活動以嘗試幫助催化球隊的化學 反應。魔術總經理 Otis Smith 說他要求尼神去行使"強烈的領導"以及"不要擔憂這麼 作的後果是如何"。換句話說,Otis Smith希望尼神能說些隊友不想聽的話。(扮黑臉) Van Gundy was asked during a four-game losing streak last January whether the team had a vocal leader. Van Gundy responded that he wasn't sure whether the team needed a vocal leader, but he also added, "It's never been a real vocal group of people. That's pretty much been me." 大范曾在一月份魔術四連敗之時被問到球隊是否有個發聲的領袖,而大范回答他不確定 球隊是否需要個這樣的人,但他也補充道,"從來沒有形成一個真正的精神領袖。幾乎 就是我了。" (這句不太確定意思) Howard, 24, had been one of the team's biggest jokesters. He hasn't abandoned his sense of humor — his push-ups on the sideline for missed free throws late in the regular-season opener proved that. Still, team executives, coaches and players all agree that Howard has been more serious in recent months. 魔獸這個隊中最大隻的搞笑者,並沒有喪失他的幽默感,從他在比賽中罰球投失後在場 邊作伏地挺身就看得出來。不過球隊管理層、教練團及球員們都同意一件事,那就是 魔獸這最近幾個月變得更加的嚴肅。 That continued Friday. When the team returned to its locker room after the loss, Howard and Quentin Richardson both spoke to their teammates. Howard's message, players and Van Gundy said, was that the Magic have to raise their game against top-notch opponents. 回到那個星期五。當球隊在輸球後回到休息室時,魔獸和阿Q對他們的隊友喊話,球員們 和大范說魔獸所傳遞的訊息就是魔術必須提昇在對抗頂級強隊時的比賽表現。 "If you're playing well, putting forth the effort, focusing and then you have something to say — then I think it's really meaningful," Van Gundy said. "I think Dwight has changed his approach. He's been more serious, which gains him credibility with his teammates, which means they will listen to what he has to say." 大范:"當你打得很好,表現出了成果及專注然後你有話要說 - 那我想這是有意義的。 我認為魔獸改變了他的態度。他更加的認真、嚴肅,這增加了他的隊友對他的 信賴,這意味著他們會願意去聽他所說的話。" 總結:魔獸硬起來了!不再當個大孩子! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: MoonSkyFish 來自: (11/01 15:12)

11/01 15:20, , 1F
11/01 15:20, 1F

11/01 15:20, , 2F
不過說難聽一點 說是一回事 聽到肯不肯做又是另一回事
11/01 15:20, 2F

11/01 15:23, , 3F
11/01 15:23, 3F

11/01 15:26, , 4F
當年選這兩個就是做基石了 加油~~
11/01 15:26, 4F

11/01 15:28, , 5F
11/01 15:28, 5F

11/01 15:39, , 6F
11/01 15:39, 6F

11/01 15:41, , 7F
11/01 15:41, 7F

11/01 15:44, , 8F
弄臣千萬: 老闆賺很大錢沒地方花齁 我來幫你
11/01 15:44, 8F

11/01 15:44, , 9F
\兩 (漏字)
11/01 15:44, 9F

11/01 15:58, , 10F
11/01 15:58, 10F

11/01 15:59, , 11F
11/01 15:59, 11F

11/01 16:06, , 12F
11/01 16:06, 12F

11/01 16:10, , 13F
這我記得一兩年前就討論過這問題啦 且以戰術來說本來就是
11/01 16:10, 13F

11/01 16:10, , 14F
以Howard低位或以Nelson+Howard的擋切啟動 簽兩千萬是在
11/01 16:10, 14F

11/01 16:10, , 15F
11/01 16:10, 15F

11/01 16:11, , 16F
在Nelson還沒長完全時 Turkoglu可分擔任務 現在則是VC
11/01 16:11, 16F

11/01 16:16, , 17F
當然你要說兩千萬"也"是基石也是可以 我原本推文就是在說
11/01 16:16, 17F

11/01 16:17, , 18F
"當年"選這兩個一中一後要做基石 不牴觸呀
11/01 16:17, 18F

11/01 16:21, , 19F
Nelson當然算基石啦 畢竟重建就是那年選秀重建過來
11/01 16:21, 19F

11/01 16:22, , 20F
2000W和VC算是幫手 當然 這幫手貴了點....
11/01 16:22, 20F

11/01 16:22, , 21F
不過以重建來看 過沒幾年就殺到總冠軍賽 也算不容易了
11/01 16:22, 21F

11/01 16:23, , 22F
冠軍賽那年 魔術的星度算是非常低的
11/01 16:23, 22F

11/01 16:27, , 23F
附帶一提, 第505篇有一張當年剛選完這兩個的官網圖~~
11/01 16:27, 23F

11/01 16:27, , 24F
11/01 16:27, 24F

11/01 16:34, , 25F
兩千萬不算幫手吧! 當初找他來就是要當核心了啊
11/01 16:34, 25F

11/01 16:35, , 26F
前一年CAREER HIGH 又用那種價碼
11/01 16:35, 26F

11/01 16:41, , 27F
後來簽了這個肥約 可能也有壓力吧!
11/01 16:41, 27F

11/01 22:54, , 28F
11/01 22:54, 28F

11/02 08:01, , 29F
選魔獸又選二嬸 擺明了就是做好不要踢妹的打算了.....
11/02 08:01, 29F

11/02 08:02, , 30F
只是後來也缺少像他那種關鍵時刻可以跳出來的KEY MAN
11/02 08:02, 30F

11/02 08:04, , 31F
很多時候感覺隊友都是看著魔獸在1打5 感覺很糟...
11/02 08:04, 31F

11/02 12:37, , 32F
這個角色要給VC啊 但他老了啊 去年季後賽打得很普通
11/02 12:37, 32F

11/02 12:39, , 33F
大家每季都很要求DH 他也每年進步..只是外圍依然不爭氣
11/02 12:39, 33F

11/02 12:41, , 34F
他進步之餘 高層在內線給過他什麼支援了呢?
11/02 12:41, 34F

11/02 12:48, , 35F
11/02 12:48, 35F

11/02 12:48, , 36F
11/02 12:48, 36F

11/02 12:49, , 37F
其實 拿不到總冠軍 跟DH的缺陷也是有關係的...
11/02 12:49, 37F

11/02 12:49, , 38F
畢竟 他進攻方面的問題就是擺在那
11/02 12:49, 38F

11/02 12:50, , 39F
11/02 12:50, 39F
還有 33 則推文
11/02 13:14, , 73F
老實說 就算真的交易來CP3 Melo這類 然後拿冠軍了
11/02 13:14, 73F

11/02 13:15, , 74F
11/02 13:15, 74F

11/02 13:16, , 75F
這沒辦法 組明星隊已經是趨勢...
11/02 13:16, 75F

11/02 13:17, , 76F
組明星隊也要看個人魅力 DH很明顯沒有
11/02 13:17, 76F

11/02 13:18, , 77F
當初沒搶Odom真的很可惜 他一人就抵的過火槍+BASS
11/02 13:18, 77F

11/02 13:18, , 78F
人家高高興興的去跟Wade合體 還減薪勒....
11/02 13:18, 78F

11/02 13:18, , 79F
當初KG登高一呼 人家溪蛙就過去了
11/02 13:18, 79F

11/02 13:18, , 80F
TD一喊 袋鼠就過去了
11/02 13:18, 80F

11/02 13:19, , 81F
我們這裡是加碼再加碼 然後連自家的鍋貼都不願意留
11/02 13:19, 81F

11/02 13:20, , 82F
11/02 13:20, 82F

11/02 14:08, , 83F
我覺得不願意留 跟教練關係比較大...不然從鍋貼到Bass
11/02 14:08, 83F

11/02 14:08, , 84F
為啥會一直想走? 說穿了就是沒辦法上場阿......
11/02 14:08, 84F

11/02 14:10, , 85F
表掉小牛隊搶鍋貼跟Bass 然後一個是萬年板凳 鬼才願意
11/02 14:10, 85F

11/02 14:10, , 86F
11/02 14:10, 86F

11/02 18:04, , 87F
個人魅力= =?? DH會沒有嗎 Melo和CP3都希望加入魔術
11/02 18:04, 87F

11/02 18:05, , 88F
不過就卡個2000萬罷了 說DH沒明星架式也不太對吧
11/02 18:05, 88F

11/02 22:45, , 89F
11/02 22:45, 89F

11/02 22:46, , 90F
11/02 22:46, 90F

11/02 22:55, , 91F
ㄜ 再怎麼強的主角 也要有一群不會隔岸觀火的隊友好嗎
11/02 22:55, 91F

11/02 22:56, , 92F
紅花再怎樣也要綠葉 DH已經盡力了啊 怎不檢討這兩三年
11/02 22:56, 92F

11/02 22:57, , 93F
11/02 22:57, 93F

11/02 22:59, , 94F
VC真的也要硬起來 人家PP也不年輕啊 還是生猛有力
11/02 22:59, 94F

11/02 22:59, , 95F
連個高一點可以幹髒活的都找不來 DH再神也不能一打三啊
11/02 22:59, 95F

11/02 22:59, , 96F
有時莫名的就陷入低潮 整場消極被動 看了很無奈
11/02 22:59, 96F

11/02 23:00, , 97F
況且DH已經年年進步了 檢討外面那些投三分的副手沒不對
11/02 23:00, 97F

11/02 23:01, , 98F
隊友们也是 幫忙卡個位 擋個人也好 都不互相支援的= =
11/02 23:01, 98F

11/02 23:02, , 99F
啊! 事實上2000萬和VC這種可以期待的都沒真正打出來
11/02 23:02, 99F

11/02 23:04, , 100F
第一場對上巫師隊VC還蠻不錯的啊 只是受傷不知道會不影響
11/02 23:04, 100F

11/02 23:05, , 101F
對熱火一戰 VC在受傷之前的表現就不令人滿意了...
11/02 23:05, 101F

11/02 23:06, , 102F
11/02 23:06, 102F

11/02 23:06, , 103F
11/02 23:06, 103F

11/02 23:37, , 104F
Lewis+VC 幻的到melo嗎
11/02 23:37, 104F

11/03 00:01, , 105F
除非melo真的想來加上金塊總管的裸照在魔術手上...= =
11/03 00:01, 105F

11/03 02:08, , 106F
我最後那兩句是算自我解嘲 有點酸過度了~"~
11/03 02:08, 106F

11/03 02:09, , 107F
不過對於總管可以盤到的PF 他們卻都寧願選別隊 無奈
11/03 02:09, 107F

11/03 02:11, , 108F
11/03 02:11, 108F

11/03 02:11, , 109F
11/03 02:11, 109F

11/03 02:12, , 110F
11/03 02:12, 110F

11/03 02:14, , 111F
交易卻越來越難 有種之前尼克隊的感覺.....
11/03 02:14, 111F

11/03 20:02, , 112F
11/03 20:02, 112F
文章代碼(AID): #1CpcWycg (Orl-Magic)