[新聞] Magic owner would have final say on re-signing Redick

看板Orl-Magic作者 (愷愷)時間14年前 (2010/07/14 17:12), 編輯推噓19(19028)
留言47則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
As J.J. Redick waits to learn whether he'll play for the Orlando Magic or the Chicago Bulls next season, he might be surprised to find out that the final determination about his future could be made in Grand Rapids, Mich. If General Manager Otis Smith decides he wants to match the Bulls' three-year, $19 million offer sheet for Redick, Smith will have to receive final approval from Magic Owner Rich DeVos and President Bob Vander Weide. "With pretty much every decision that we've made here as it relates to this basketball team, ownership is heavily involved. I think I've said all along that if we don't have the best owners in all of pro sports, I'd be hard-pressed to find one, because they've stepped to the plate every time I've asked them to step up to the plate," Smith said. "I'm sure this decision won't come easy, but I think they'll step up to the plate if we ask them to do it now." Re-signing Redick would send the Magic even deeper into the NBA luxury tax. The Magic will have to pay a $1 penalty for every $1 they spend next season in team payroll above $70.3 million. After their signings of free agents Chris Duhon and Quentin Richardson, the Magic's salary for the 2010-11 season already hovers around $84 million. The Sentinel asked Vander Weide via e-mail Tuesday whether he and DeVos would approve re-signing Redick. Vander Weide, who lives in Grand Rapids, did not return the message immediately. The Magic have until Friday to decide Redick's fate, and Smith might take the full time to explore potential trades that would pare down his team's salary. Teams have expressed interest in trading for backup center Marcin Gortat this offseason, but Smith has indicated that none of those offers have made sense for the Magic. Matt Barnes' future could depend on what the Magic do with Redick. If Redick comes back to Orlando, Richardson could play almost exclusively at small forward, which is Barnes' position. On Tuesday, however, Smith said he had not ruled out re-signing Barnes. The general manager also said he has no immediate plans to add a third point guard. "I'm going to take my time," Smith said. "I don't think that needs to be a rush at all." http://tinyurl.com/2e9e4g7 Smith氣定神閒~完全不著急 -- http://0rz.tw/s0TXf "咩森WII謀?" "賀啊" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/14 17:14, , 1F
07/14 17:14, 1F

07/14 17:30, , 2F
07/14 17:30, 2F

07/14 17:30, , 3F
幹 自己的不留 一直簽外面的 是有比較好喔
07/14 17:30, 3F

07/14 17:45, , 4F
去年對鍋貼也是這樣就是了 這種比較有時間可以思考的他好像
07/14 17:45, 4F

07/14 17:45, , 5F
07/14 17:45, 5F

07/14 18:07, , 6F
拜託 一定要簽回JJ 我希望今年買JJ的球衣不要絕版阿
07/14 18:07, 6F

07/14 18:08, , 7F
但說真的JJ回來後 我們得二三號有點太擁擠了
07/14 18:08, 7F

07/14 18:08, , 8F
JJ 阿Q MP VC 加上兩千萬回來打.. 這樣不是五個了
07/14 18:08, 8F

07/14 18:09, , 9F
VC 兩千萬幾乎是篤定先發. 那我們的候補群真的也太昂貴了
07/14 18:09, 9F

07/14 18:14, , 10F
而且交易 VC跟MP的機會很大.. 就在觀察幾天了
07/14 18:14, 10F

07/14 18:14, , 11F
不然就是JJ不留 本季的陣容也差不多確定了
07/14 18:14, 11F

07/14 18:15, , 12F
二三號 就VC 兩千萬 候補就MP 跟阿Q
07/14 18:15, 12F

07/14 18:15, , 13F
四號看BASS 跟小安誰當 C 就魔獸跟鍋貼
07/14 18:15, 13F

07/14 18:16, , 14F
PG 尼神 跟Douhon
07/14 18:16, 14F

07/14 19:46, , 15F
07/14 19:46, 15F

07/14 20:46, , 16F
07/14 20:46, 16F

07/14 20:50, , 17F
要來了 就要來了
07/14 20:50, 17F

07/14 21:16, , 18F
我暈了 那來個雙贏吧..VC去公牛換魯蛋 魯蛋拿去換CP3
07/14 21:16, 18F

07/14 21:16, , 19F
雙贏!! (黃蜂: 幹
07/14 21:16, 19F

07/14 21:39, , 20F
CP3 真的來了那就太爽了,根本不用怕熱火了
07/14 21:39, 20F

07/14 21:41, , 21F
簽阿Q後 真的來的機會很大 但真的要跟VC說再見了 哀~
07/14 21:41, 21F

07/14 21:41, , 22F
VC FOR CP3 薪資是對等的
07/14 21:41, 22F

07/14 21:41, , 23F
尼神 也會被交易 看看可不可以搞到什麼硬一點的苦力大前Y
07/14 21:41, 23F

07/14 21:42, , 24F
可惜之前狼王到爵士 不然VC FOR CP3 BASS+尼神 FOR 狼王
07/14 21:42, 24F

07/14 21:42, , 25F
Nelson+Bass+VC for CP3+Okafor
07/14 21:42, 25F

07/14 21:43, , 26F
07/14 21:43, 26F

07/14 21:43, , 27F
雖然我很希望VC留下 但為了CP3的話 除了魔獸誰都可以放掉
07/14 21:43, 27F

07/14 21:43, , 28F
這樣先發就 CP3/阿Q/兩千萬/OKAFOR/DH12
07/14 21:43, 28F

07/14 21:44, , 29F
然後Match JJ 最後私心希望JJ打先發SG
07/14 21:44, 29F

07/14 21:44, , 30F
候補 DOHON/JJ?/MB/小安/鍋貼
07/14 21:44, 30F

07/14 21:46, , 31F
魔獸/Okafor/2K/JJ/CP3 鍋貼/小安/MP/阿Q/Duhon
07/14 21:46, 31F

07/14 21:46, , 32F
07/14 21:46, 32F

07/14 21:54, , 33F
07/14 21:54, 33F

07/14 21:55, , 34F
後場防守有點鳥 但沒關係 放切不放投 進去給內線刪鍋
07/14 21:55, 34F

07/14 21:57, , 35F
07/14 21:57, 35F

07/14 22:01, , 36F
CP3防守算好 JJ守跑動型射手也還不錯
07/14 22:01, 36F

07/14 22:02, , 37F
07/14 22:02, 37F

07/14 22:02, , 38F
講這麼多 也沒用CP3也不一定會來 JJ還不一定會留= =''
07/14 22:02, 38F

07/14 22:06, , 39F
要是能搞到CP3 四小一大的陣容 發揮會比以前強太多
07/14 22:06, 39F

07/14 22:06, , 40F
CP3的切入盤球視野 算是頂級了
07/14 22:06, 40F

07/14 22:34, , 41F
CP3來 問題一次解決
07/14 22:34, 41F

07/14 22:48, , 42F
07/14 22:48, 42F

07/14 22:50, , 43F
07/14 22:50, 43F

07/14 22:57, , 44F
我突然想到我們好像只剩一把鎖= =
07/14 22:57, 44F

07/14 23:00, , 45F
快來吧 在我到ORL前交易吧 這樣我才可以買球衣阿
07/14 23:00, 45F

07/14 23:09, , 46F
07/14 23:09, 46F

07/14 23:16, , 47F
Q在太陽那年記得就守得不錯了 他也能幹髒活 還有大心臟
07/14 23:16, 47F
文章代碼(AID): #1CFNzx7q (Orl-Magic)