[轉錄] 客場之旅不全是光鮮亮麗總也有顛沛流離

看板Orl-Magic作者 (JC)時間14年前 (2009/12/09 10:56), 編輯推噓9(903)
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在路上:魔術客場之旅不全是光鮮亮麗總也有顛沛流離 翻譯轉自:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/0912/1042528.html 原文:http://0rz.tw/WyneL 作者:Brian Schmitz 洛杉磯報導——星期一,當 Vince Carter 走出這座老舊飛機庫的時 候,迎接他的是加州罕見的冷雨和路面上的大片水窪。 “哇,我們可以游泳嘍,”頭戴絨線帽的他扮了個鬼臉說道。 奧蘭多魔術八日四戰的西部之旅第4天,球隊在一間巨大的健身俱樂 部“HAX”內訓練。俱樂部全稱機庫轉換運動中心(Hangar Athletic Xchange),因為從飛機庫改造過來而得名。 球隊大巴就停在門外幾尺遠,Carter 徑直走過去,正打算回德雷港 的麗思卡爾頓酒店,繼續他在洛杉磯的激情一日。 想像一下,一名 NBA 百萬富豪有可能怎樣旅居呢。 邊賞覽太平洋勝景,邊享用午餐?流連於比佛利山的夜總會?與好萊 塢名宿談笑風生? Carter 今日實際安排:叫酒店送餐到客房,睡午覺,看會兒電視… …然後晚飯還是客房服務。 這…不怎麼襯 VC 吧? “碰上打客場我就是個居家男,”他說,“我是'客房服務搞定'先生 。” 上週五一早,魔術一行35人大部隊乘坐達美航空的空客專機離開奧蘭 多,歷時四個半小時抵達奧克蘭。隨著周六晚打響對金州勇士一役, 他們的又一輪豪華組團遊正式拉開序幕。 今晚魔術將對陣洛杉磯快船,隨後他們會再度啟程,於週四轉戰猶他 州鹽湖城直面爵士,並在周五的背靠背中迎來旅途的最後一站,鳳凰 城的太陽。 誠然,魔術球員的差旅條件實可謂優裕——五星級酒店、兩點一線專 車接送,日均發放113美元津貼。而且不用自己拎包。 “我們都被寵 壞了,”JJ Redick 輕笑道。 但與之相伴的卻是橫跨全國的時差、跳轉城市之間由於趕路被強行剝 奪的睡眠,以及油然而生的思鄉之情。還有現場的若干噓客和舉牌子 起哄的球迷。 “這種生活很難適應,”中鋒 Dwight Howard 說,“我們一天到晚 在路上。別人體會不到這有多辛苦,頭天晚上跑到一個城市打一場, 第二天晚上就得再去另一個城市。經過磨人的旅途勞頓,身體總是感 到疲憊。” Redick 原本就不熱衷客場比賽,自從訂婚之後尤甚。這次他的旅伴是 Sherman 將軍——路上他正讀一本講南北戰爭的小說,名字叫《行 軍/The March》。 “打客場,日子相當枯燥無味,”Redick 說,“同樣的事情我們卻 在一遍遍重複。起初到有的城市還很興奮,但那是過去了。” 他最愛的客隊城市是那些步行就能找到吃的、商店或者書店的地方, 像是舊金山、夏洛特,和紐約。 週日,魔術全隊在天使之城放了一整天大假。 Mickael Pietrus 在逛 Rodeo 大街,買聖誕禮物。Howard 給 adidas 拍了一支廣告,又參加了《Men's Health》雜誌拍攝。 Marcin Gortat 說他計劃約見幾位同樣來自波蘭的風雲人物,以便為 他拓展職業疆土尋求指點。這當中包括泳裝模特兼花花公子通版人物 Joanna Krupa:競技真人秀《超級明星》中,她當著自己的搭檔、 NFL球星Terrell Owens 劈頭就是一頓臭訓,憑藉此舉抓到更多的眼 球。 教練 Stan Van Gundy 儘管自我保證要多到房門外透透氣,但最終還 是足不出戶地在酒店看快艇隊錄影。作為中途調劑,他切換到 HBO 收看了 Robin Williams 的《Weapons of Self Destruction》特輯 。 週一晚間,Van Gundy 計劃和助理教練們一起去墨西哥餐廳吃飯。 總經理 Otis Smith 說他在外從不給隊員立什麼規矩。沒有門禁,沒 有查房,也沒有任何“山上寶訓”可言。 “你既然指望他們表現得像個大人,就不該把他們當做小孩對待,” 史密斯表示。 Smith 說對隊員們的職業素養有把握。假如他不信任自己的手下,球 隊戰罷金州勇士之後他也不會允許小前 Matt Barnes、前鋒 Ryan Anderson 和中鋒 Adonal Foyle 在灣區多呆一天探親訪友,事後再 去洛城匯合。 他大概同樣不會允許球隊像現在這樣,提前到洛杉磯,在當地稍事放 鬆。 “他們對自己的任務心裡有數,”史密斯說道。 今晚賽后,魔術將出發飛往猶他,預計凌晨2點之後抵達目的地。是 勝是敗,這一程的心情好壞全係於此。 類似這樣的漫長旅途伊始,球員總免不了打牌消遣,另外還有一項活 動,用控衛 Anthony Johnson 的說法叫“喜劇俱樂部”,也就是隊 友間之毫不留情面地互相取笑、逗樂作戲。 上世紀八十年代末 Smith 做球員時,絕大多數球隊還乘經濟艙出行 。 Smith 記得當時只有老球員才能賞到一個頭等艙位。所有其他人,哪 怕教練,也只有經濟艙的份。他說在飛機上看到年輕隊友——比方說 七尺六寸的 Manute Bol——蜷縮在機艙後排是司空見慣的事情。 “老將為尊,”Smith 笑道,“我覺得我們那時和球迷距離更近。當 年我們跟普通人一樣在機場辦理手續,托運和領取行李包裹,像這些 事情,現在這批球員根本沒有概念。從前背靠背很艱苦,他們如今已 經比我們過得輕鬆了。” ------------------------------------------------------------ Life on the road not all glamour and glitz for the Magic By Brian Schmitz Orlando Sentinel December 7, 2009 LOS ANGELES — A rare, cold California rain and large puddles greeted Vince Carter as he stepped out of the old airplane hangar on Monday. "Wow. We can go swimming," he said, wearing a stocking hat and a grimace. On Day 4 of the Orlando Magic's four-game, eight-day trip out West, the team practiced in a massive health club converted from a hangar, thus, "HAX" — Hangar Athletic Xchange. Heading to the team bus parked a few feet from the door, Carter was ready to return to the Marina Del Ray Ritz Carlton and continue his thrilling day in Los Angeles. Just imagine the possibilities of life on the road as an NBA millionaire. Lunching off the Pacific ocean? Night-clubbing in Beverly Hills? Hobnobbing in Hollywood? Carter's day: Room service, a nap, some TV . . . and then more room service at dinner. Not exactly Vin-sanity, huh? "I'm a homebody on the road," he said. "Mr. Room Service." The Magic's traveling party of 35 left Orlando on Friday morning on their customized Delta Airbus for a 4 1/2-hour flight to Oakland, where this junket began with a game Saturday night against the Golden State Warriors. Tonight, the Magic play the L.A. Clippers before leaving after the game for Salt Lake City, Utah, for Thursday's game against the Jazz. The trip concludes with a back-to-back on Friday in Phoenix against the Suns. Sure, there are perks of travel for the Magic — five-star hotels, curb-to-court bus service, $113 daily per diem. And you don't have to carry a bag. "We're spoiled," J.J. Redick chuckles. But there's also cross-country time-zones, city-hopping sleep deprivation and that natural feeling of homesickness. And the occasional boo-birds and hecklers. "It's tough to get used to," center Dwight Howard said. "You're always traveling. People don't realize how tough it is to go to a city one night and play a game, go to another city the next night. All that grinding and stuff wears on your body." Redick is no fan of the road, especially since he became engaged. He'll spend time with Gen. Sherman on the trip, reading more of a civil-war novel called, "The March." "Days on the road are pretty mundane," Redick said. "We do the same things over and over. Back in the day, it was exciting to go to certain cities." His favorite cities in which the team stays are places you can walk to eat, shop or buy a book: San Francisco, Charlotte, New York. The Magic had the entire day off in LaLa Land on Sunday. Mickael Pietrus shopped on Rodeo Drive to buy Christmas gifts. Howard filmed a commercial for adidas and took part in a photo-shoot for Men's Health magazine. Looking for some tips to expand his career, Marcin Gortat said he was expecting to meet with some movers and shakers from his native Poland, including swimsuit model/Playboy centerfold Joanna Krupa. She grabbed additional fame by dissing Terrell Owens in the Superstars game-show. Coach Stan Van Gundy, who promised himself he would leave his room more, stayed in and watched tape of the Clippers. He did take a break to watch Robin Williams' Weapons of Self Destruction special on HBO. Monday night, Van Gundy planned on joining assistant coaches for dinner at the Baja Cantina. General Manager Otis Smith says he doesn't have any rules of the road for players. No curfews, bed-checks, sermons-on-the mount. "You can't treat them like boys and expect them to be men," Smith said. Smith said he expects professionalism. If he didn't trust his players, he might not have allowed small forward Matt Barnes, forward Ryan Anderson and center Adonal Foyle to stay behind in the Bay Area for a day to visit family and/or friends after the team played the Golden State Warriors and then left for L.A. Or Smith might not have let the team come to L.A. "early to have a little bit of fun. "They understand what they've got to do," Smith said. The Magic fly out to Utah after tonight's game, arriving after 2 a.m. The mood of the flight depends on a victory or a loss. The start of a long trip like this calls for card games and "a comedy club," said point guard Anthony Johnson, with players razzing one another relentlessly. When Smith played in the late 1980s, most teams were still flying commercially. Smith remembers that veterans were awarded first-class seats. Everyone else was in coach, even coaches. He said it wasn't unusual seeing a young teammate, 7-foot-6 center Manute Bol, folded up in the back. "Priority was seniority," Smith said, laughing. "I think we were more in touch with the fans. We'd go through airports like normal people, check our own bags, something these guys have no concept at all. Back-to-backs were tough. They have it easier now." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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VC是宅男 @@
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JJ:學長好!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (暗勒....)
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