[閒聊] SLAM Top 50 NBA Player:no. 5 Dwight …

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轉自:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/0910/950127.html 原文: http://www.slamonline.com/online/nba/ slamonline-top-50/2009/10/top-50-dwight-howard-no-5/ 縮網址:http://0rz.tw/xdcpl Slamonline50大系列之第五位:Dwight Howard by Myles Brown/@mdotbrown The sun was at its peak on a glorious July afternoon in southern Florida. There wasn’t a cloud in sight and from here the tourists scurrying about the park were nothing moDwight Howardre than ants on a picnic table. From here, Dwight Howard was literally on top of the world. 南佛羅里達州,7月一個令人愉快的下午,烈日當頭,萬里無雲。在 這裡,公園裡匆匆穿梭的遊客就像野餐桌上的螞蟻。在這裡, Dwight Howard 真正站在了世界之巔。 Alone in the Aéro30, suspended 400 feet above Disney World, he rested his chiseled frame on a guardrail and marveled at a breathtaking view of the Magic Kingdom. ‘The only thing that could make this day better is a parade’, he sighed. As they had since the end of his season last month, his thoughts eventually turned to those fateful free throws and whether he’d ever get an opportunity to redeem himself. But on this day he was determined to leave the past as just that. 獨自一人在 Aero30裡,懸浮在迪士尼世界的400尺上空,他倚在護欄 上,放鬆著棱角分明的身體,對魔術王國壯觀的景色感到驚奇。“唯 一能讓今天變得更好的事情是一次遊行,”他歎息道。就像他們在過 去的那個賽季經歷過的那樣,他的思緒最終回到了那些似乎已經被註 定的罰球,以及是否還有機會完成自我救贖的事情上。但在這一天, 他決心把過去的一切都拋在一邊。 Back on solid ground, Howard continued with his itinerary. He went back in time on the Primeval Whirl, gasping at the twists, turns and startlingly lifelike dinosaurs. He strolled the Maharajah Jungle Trek and learned the Komodo dragon is actually just a big lizard. He delightfully sung along with every verse of the Finding Nemo musical. Twice. He shook hands, posed for pictures and signed autographs. Dwight Howard was having too much fun. 回到地面以後,Howard 繼續他的行程。他去了 Primeval Whirl, 對那些扭曲、纏繞的,栩栩如生的恐龍感到震驚。接著他在 Maharaja Jungle Trek 中漫步,瞭解到科莫多龍實際上是一種巨蜥。他高興的 哼著《海底總動員》音樂劇中的每個段落,他握手,擺 Pose 合影, 為球迷簽名。Howard 玩的很高興。 And then it happened. A loud gurgling emitted from his stomach. His abdomen tightened with discomfort as his bowels violently shifted, demanding relief. Dwight Howard had too much spicy curry chicken last night. 然而不好的事情發生了。響亮的咯咯聲從他的胃部發出。由於腸胃激 烈的蠕動,他收起了腹部以便感覺舒服點。昨晚上,Howard 吃了太 多辛辣的咖喱雞。 The wailing child still propped on his shoulders served as a siren for those in Howard’s path as he left behind a shoe, $1.31 in change and a nauseating streak of flatulence on his way to the nearest restroom. 哭鬧的小孩仍然趴在他的肩頭,在他奔向最近廁所的路上充當起警鈴 的角色。 Bursting through the door and into an empty stall, for the next five minutes the prodigious pivot let loose a comically animated series of discharges. Exhaling with glee upon conclusion, it wasn’t until he noticed the oversized loafers in the adjacent stall that Dwight became aware of his company and was slightly embarrassed. But before the poopetrator could muster an apology he was interrupted by the stranger’s cell phone. 推開廁所門找到一個空位坐下,接下來的五分鐘,這個巨大的樞紐釋放 出一系列栩栩如生的排出物。Howard 高興地哼著小調,直到他注意 到鄰近一個坑位露出的超大號的便鞋,他開始意識到還有個同伴而稍 稍感到尷尬。但在這個憨大個準備道歉之前,他被那個陌生人的電話 鈴給打斷了。 Howard smiled at the sound of the ring tone-a rendition of ‘Onward, Christian Soldiers’-and couldn’t help but to eavesdrop on the conversation.“Yes, dear…. I know, I’m sorry, I’ll be out soon….Oh, okay, well where do they want to go?……Alright, I’ll meet you there in a bit… .Love you too.” 聽著“向前,基督教的戰士們”的手機鈴聲,Howard 笑了,並且情 不自禁的偷聽起來。“是的,親愛的……我知道,對不起,我馬上就 出來……噢,好,我們要去哪?……好的,我馬上去那找你……我也 愛你。” Timid, but impressed with the stranger’s tenderness and relieved that he didn’t interrupt it with further indigestion, Dwight tapped the wall between them as a sign of approval. The stranger tapped back. Jim Severson didn’t bother to wash his hands and grabbed his son’s arm as he rushed out of the restroom, quizzically peering over his shoulder, clueless as to what would transpire next. 儘管很羞怯,但是被陌生人的親切所打動,加上不再為更多的消化不 良而擔心,Howard 敲打了他們之間隔板作為示好。陌生人以同樣的 方式進行問候。Jim Severson 甚至沒有來得及洗手就拽著他兒子的 胳膊跑了出去,他不時回頭看看,不能確定接下來會爆發些什麼。 Howard and his neighbor simultaneously emerged from their stalls, both startled by what they saw. Howard 和他的鄰居同時從坑位裡面出來,兩人都被各自眼前的景象 震驚了。 “Dwight?”陌生人問道。 “Robinson 先生?” Though it was his favorite movie, David Robison decided not to join his family for the Voyage of the Little Mermaid because it was difficult enough to spend that much time watching an underage, half-naked white girl in the animated feature. But a live performance? No thanks. 儘管接下來是 Robinson 最喜歡的電影,但他還是決定不跟隨他的家庭 一起去進行小美人魚遊記,因為花那麼多的時間去看一個栩栩如生的 未成年半裸白人女孩來表演,實在有些困難。真人秀?不,謝謝。 This being their first meeting, the Hall of Famer and his successor exchanged pleasantries and didn’t realize that they’d been drifting around the park for hours before arriving at the Teacup rides. They looked at each other and both knew that there was no way they weren’t going to give it a whirl. The two giants compacted themselves into a teacup and as the ride began, their conversation took a more serious turn. 這是他們第一次見面,這位名人堂成員和他的接班人互相開著玩笑, 直到茶杯之旅前,一路上他們並沒有注意到彼此已經在公園裡轉悠了 好幾個小時。他們相互看看,發覺除了試試這個遊戲之外沒有其他路 可以走了,於是兩個巨人把他們的身體壓縮在一個茶杯裡。當遊戲開 始的時候,他們的談話轉到了更為嚴肅的話題。 “You know Dwight, before my career began my favorite Bible story was always the Book of Job. I thought the unimaginable suffering he endured as a testament to his faith should be inspirational to us all. But after I retired and looked back on things, I changed my mind. Not about Job-he still inspires me-but it just wasn’t my favorite story anymore. Now my favorite story is the one I identify with most, David and Goliath.” “你知道嗎,Dwight,在開始職業生涯前,我最喜歡的聖經故事是 約伯書。我認為他經歷的那些想像不到的痛苦是對他信仰的見證, 那應該給予我們所有人啟示。而當我退役之後再回顧過去的時候, 我改變了想法。不是因為約伯——他仍然啟迪著我——而是它不再 是我最喜歡的章節了。現在我最喜歡的故事是我最認同的,David And Goliath (大衛與巨人歌利亞)。” Howard’s bulky neck tilted with confusion and his brow furrowed as Robinson continued. Howard 笨拙的脖子帶著疑惑歪了一下,而他的眉毛隨著 Robinson 談話的繼續而漸漸皺了起來。 “The character of a Christian is tested daily in such a powerful and hedonistic lifestyle as the NBA’s. Money, ego, drugs, alcohol, women….” “一名基督徒的人格,在 NBA 這個強大的,快樂至上的生活方式中, 每天都在接受考驗。金錢,自負,毒品,酒精,女人……” Howard cleared his throat, pursed his lips and looked downward in solemn contemplation. The teacups kept right on twirling. Howard 清了清嗓子,嘴唇緊閉,低著頭陷入了沉思。茶杯仍然在繼 續前進。 “…and it seems at times in order to appeal or relate to people you need to engage in such activity. Public opinion has equated Christianity with pantywaisted squaredom and there were questions of whether I could lead or secure endorsements because of my faith. But I earned credibility both on and off the court and that influence has been able to do wonderful things for several people. The NBA Cares and Community assist awards may be fodder for cynical columnists, but I’ve seen the lives I and others have touched and thankfully I was blessed with enough money to do so much more. Hopefully God will bless me with a long life so that I can achieve those goals. I see that you take pride in this too and you should be inspired by your wealth, youth and the good that you can do with your life, Dwight.” “……而且有些時候看起來,為了迎合一些人,你不得不參加這樣 的活動。公眾的觀念將基督徒與頑固的脂粉味男人等同起來,而且有 人質疑由於我的信仰,我是否能夠引領或者遵守那些戒律。但是我在 球場內外都獲得了尊敬,而且那樣的影響也使得我有能力為少數人做 些什麼。NBA Cares 和社區服務計畫的獎項可以讓某些憤世嫉俗的專 欄作家感到寬慰,但我見到過我和其他人所接觸過的生命,我很感激 主讓我有足夠的金錢可以去做這些事。我希望上帝可以給我足夠長的 生命讓我去完成那些目標。我看得出你也以此為驕傲,而且你應該因 為你的財富,年輕和生命中那些美好的東西而充滿了雄心壯志, Dwight。” This filled the young center with joy. The approval of such a stellar example as Robinson meant everything to him and he hung on his elder’s every word. 這讓年輕的中鋒很高興。出自 Robinson 這樣一個恆星般完美典型的 肯定,對 Howard 來說意味著一切,他認真傾聽著前輩的每一句話。 “But your career-your lifespan in this game-is so much shorter and you must seize every opportunity. I wanted to be seen as a leader, a positive role model, a great player and a champion. I always knew this was just a game, but I wanted to use my God given ability to its fullest extent and blaze a new trail for men of a higher purpose. To show that you could be an all-time great and a man of God. However, sometimes I feel like I’ve fallen short and in my darker moments I even feel like I failed. Like I should’ve left a bigger mark. I wanted to show just how much a man of God could achieve and it’s an awful feeling to think that I could’ve achieved more. You don’t want to feel that way Dwight.” “但是你的職業生涯——你在球場上的壽命——是如此短暫,你必 須抓住每一次機會。我希望自己被認作是一個領袖,一個積極的模範 ,一個偉大的球員和一個冠軍。我儘管知道這不過是一場比賽,但是 我希望我的主可以讓我發揮我的全部潛力,並為我更進一步的目標點 燃道路。為了展現那些,你可能會成為史上最佳,成為上帝的子民。 然而有些時候,我會覺得自己陷入了谷底,甚至在更加黑暗的某些時 刻,我覺得自己失敗了。看起來我本應該可以留下一個更大的印記。 我想展現一個上帝的子民可以達到怎樣的高度,而我覺得自己本可以 實現更多,這樣的想法讓我覺得更加糟糕。你不會願意去那麼想的, Dwight。” Howard frowned not only at the thought of such a feeling, but in compassion for Robinson, whom he felt was being too hard on himself. Surely no one would consider such an accomplished career as a failure. Still, Robinson continued. Howard 緊皺的眉頭不僅僅是因為這樣的感覺,同時也是對 Robinson 的同情,他覺得 Robinson 對自己太過苛刻。很明顯沒有人會認為 Robinson 如此有成就的職業生涯是失敗。Robinson 接著往下說。 “A man, even one such as myself, wants to leave an indelible mark on this sport and that requires defeating other men of similar purpose. Men who will stop at nothing to leave that mark, not even if it means succumbing to their own ego and desires at the cost of others and their own soul. It’s a dangerous path, look at Michael for Christ ’s sake. He became his own idol. “一個男人,甚至像我這樣的人,都希望可以給這項運動留下永恆 的印記,但那需要打敗另外那些和你具有同樣目的的人。人們為了留 下那個印記會放棄一切,甚至有時候它意味著屈服於他們自己的自負 ,甚至是他們自己和其他人靈魂的代價。將 Jordan 作為籃球的上帝 是條危險的路,他也成為了自己的偶像。 But that’s the kicker, the same thing that drove Michael is the same thing that drives the rest of us. Establishing yourself, leaving a mark, fulfilling potential, blah, blah, blah. It all involves one thing, winning. In order to win in this league you have to be truly driven. Single minded, obsessed even. But you can’t let the game, the desire consume you Dwight. That is where we must avoid the sins of pride and false idolatry. But you know what else? No one else is willing to play by those rules. The history books won’t care about your character, only your accomplishments. And let me tell you something, Wilt was right. it’s tough to be David when you’re built like Goliath.” 但那就是證據,促使 Jordan 前進的東西也是促使我們這些其他人前 進的東西。建立自己的王國,留下印記,完全發揮潛力,等等等等。 它們都和一件事有關,那就是勝利。為了在這個聯盟取得勝利,你必 須真正的受到鞭策,腦子裡只有一個想法,甚至走火入魔。但是你不 能讓那些比賽,那些欲望把你完全消耗,Dwight。那是我們必須停止 那些自負和偶像崇拜的地方。但你知道嗎?沒人願意去按那套規則打 球。歷史書不會去關心你的人格,只關心你的成就。讓我告訴你吧, Chamberlain 是對的。當你被塑造得像 Goliath 的時候,要變成 David 很困難。” The teacups began to whirl at an unnatural speed and a cold wind cut across Howard’s face. He struggled with the complexities of such advice and it was tough to concentrate over the children’s cries for help. He became nervous. Robinson, wingspan encompassing the entire cup, remained calm. 茶杯開始以非自然的速度旋轉,一陣冷風吹過 Howard 的臉。他掙扎 著去理解那些複雜的建議,而且在耳邊充斥著孩子們呼救聲的時候, 他很難集中精神。他開始緊張。而 Robinson,雙手舒展的搭在茶杯上 ,仍然保持冷靜。 “People tell me that I accomplished so much and it’s should be a testament to my faith that I maintained my beliefs while receiving so many accolades. But everything that I’ve achieved is a big fucking joke.” “在獲得眾人讚美的時候,人們告訴我,有這麼多的成就應該是我 維護信仰的見證。但是我完成的一切,是個大笑話!” And with that, a roaring fire was lit behind Mr.Robinson’s pupils. His rippling muscles swelled, his bloodstream visibly rushed and he almost seemed to be growing. Dwight was past nervous. He was getting scared. Robinson 的瞳孔中噴出了火焰。他的肌肉開始膨脹,他的青筋開始暴 露,他看起來正在變大。Dwight 已經不僅僅是緊張了,他已經被嚇到 了。 “Maybe I should’ve been more aggressive, maybe God would’ ve understood. Everything I achieved has been discredited. What am I remembered for? An MVP I apparently didn’t deserve, getting smothered by Olajuwon, emasculated by Rodman and crushed by Shaq. I never received any real recognition until recently and even that was short lived. People don’t even respect my rings! They’re Duncan’s! It ’s bullshit!” “也許我應該更富有侵略性,也許上帝應該會理解。我完成的每件 事都是名不副實的。我記得什麼?一個我明顯不該得到的 MVP,被 Olajuwon 戲弄,被 Rodman 羞辱,被 Shaq 衝垮。直到最近這些 時候我才得到一些真正的認可,而那也僅僅是短暫的。人們甚至不 尊敬我的戒指!他們是 Duncan 的!一派胡言!” Robinson’s voice boomed and now there was no questions about it. He was growing right before Dwight’s eyes. The seams of his shirt popped, the buttons flew, his feet tore through the soft leather and the teacup cracked as it struggled to contain him. Onlookers fled and as Robinson literally grew through the ceiling the cracks revealed a sky filled with ominous black clouds. But the Spurs’ eyes remained fixated on his target who was paralyzed by fear. Robinson 的聲音越來越大,對此毫無疑問。他在 Howard 的眼前膨脹 變大,他衣服的接縫開始裂開,扣子也被撐散,他的指甲從軟皮鞋中 穿出來,茶杯也開始出現裂縫。旁觀者四散逃竄,Robinson 已經穿過 了房頂,從縫隙中可以看見天空佈滿了不詳的陰雲。這個前馬刺球員 的眼睛始終盯著那個已經被嚇得癱瘓了的目標。 “But now people actually have the nerve to compare you to me? I am David Robinson and so I know for damn sure that you ’re no David Fucking Robinson! I scored 71 points in a game and won a scoring title! I averaged four and a half blocks with two steals in my third season! I was a threat from inside and out, I beat guards up the floor and jumped over centers! “但現在人們開始拿你和我比?我可是 David Robinson,因此我知 道你才不是什麼狗屁 David Robinson 呢!我單場砍下71分,贏得了 一次得分王!我在我的第三個賽季場均4.5個火鍋兩次抄截!我在內 外線都是個殺手,我戲耍後衛,在中鋒們頭上灌籃! You want to be me? Ha! Look at you, I was an unquestionable centerpiece of my team, yours won’t even give you the ball no matter how high your FG% is! A body and skills like that, yet you only took 12 shots a game last year?! And that was a career high? Are you fucking kidding me! Your team was the first in NBA history to take more than a third of their shots from three, they don’t respect you, you’re a joke!” 你想成為我?哈,看看你自己吧,我在自己的隊中是毫無疑問的核心 ,你的隊友呢?不管你命中率多高,他們都不會把球交到你的手上! 以你這樣的身體和能力,去年場均才出手12次?!還是職業生涯新高 ?!你在耍我吧!你的球隊是 NBA 歷史上第一支三分球出手超過投 籃總數三分之一的球隊,他們根本不尊重你,你就是個笑話!” Howard tried to remain strong, but he no longer feared the imposing figure before him as much as it’s words. He was scared they were the truth. Howard 試圖保持強硬,但是他不再像害怕他的言論一樣害怕他眼前 這個冠冕堂皇的塑像。他所害怕的是那些都是事實。 “Do you know how long and how hard I had to fight to get what I’ve got? But the road to a championship has been practically fucking steamrolled and paved for you! There’s no Barkley, no Malone, no Olajuwon, there’s no one! You’ re the only center in the league and you still refuse to dominate! Who is in your way? A hobbled K.G.? I’d tear right through that motherfucker! What do have to fear, Shaq?! Not only is he a shell of himself but he’s the antithesis of everything we’ve tried to represent! Humility, hard work, respect, loyalty…yet they fawn at his supposed greatness while he openly mocks us! Are you going to stand for that?! Huh, Superman?!” “你知道我花了多少時間和多少努力才得到我所得到的一切麼?但 是一次總決賽的經歷已經為你完全鋪好了道路!沒有 Barkley,沒有 Malone,沒有 Olajuwon,沒有人!你是聯盟唯一的中鋒,但你還是拒 絕去統治!誰在擋你的道?蹣跚的 KG?我馬上就能把那個混蛋撕成碎 片!有什麼害怕的,Shaq?!他不僅僅只剩下一副軀殼,而且他是我 們試圖代表一切的對立面!謙遜,努力,尊重,忠誠……人們仍然在 他出口諷刺我們的時候,對他的偉大的假像進行阿諛奉承!你能夠容 忍那些麼?!超人?!” Robinson was now more than 400 feet tall and chaos erupted around him. His bellowing could be heard over the emergency sirens for miles. Buildings crumbled around him, the earth shook and a torrential rain drenched Howard as his lip quivered and he began to swallow his tongue. Robinson 現在已經超過了 400 英尺高,混亂開始在他周圍蔓延。他 的咆哮可以傳送到幾英里之外,建築物開始崩塌,大地開始搖晃,大 雨傾盆而下。Howard 渾身濕透,嘴唇開始顫抖,不時的吞著唾沫。 “You’re no David Robinson! If you were you’d have a post game. You’d make your free throws. You’d seize the leadership role. You’re no David Robinson, because David Fucking Robinson wouldn’t be at Disney World after blowing the NBA Finals, would he?! Would he?!” “你不是 David Robinson!如果你是,你應該已經贏得了一次季後 賽。你將命中那些罰球。你將抓住領袖的角色。你不是 David Robinson,因為真正的 David Robinson 不會在丟失一個總冠軍之後 出現在迪士尼世界,他會麼?!會麼?!” Surrounded by flames and deafening screams Howard felt as though his heart could exlode at any moment. His mentor showed no mercy. 被火焰和震耳欲聾的尖叫聲所包圍,Howard 覺得他的心臟隨時都有 可能爆炸。他的導師一點憐憫之心都沒有。 “ANSWER ME!!!” “回答我!!!” Dumbfounded and petrified, Dwight David Howard did the only thing his body would allow. 被嚇得啞口無言了,Howard 做了他身體唯一能做的事。 He farted. 他放了個屁。 And then he woke up. 然後他醒了。 Drenched in sweat and surrounded by a foul stench, Howard leapt out of bed and bolted for the toilet. Alone in his bathroom at 3:15 AM he sat, still unsure of how to balance the principles of his faith with those of his profession. He was pretty sure that Shaq wasn’t the antichrist though. 帶著滿身的汗水和惡臭,Howard 跳下床沖進了廁所。在淩晨3:15, 他獨自一人坐在廁所裡,仍然不確定怎樣去權衡他信仰的某些原則和 他的職業要求。但是他很肯定,Shaq 不是一個反基督徒。 He was however, certain of three things. He did have too much spiced curry chicken earlier that evening. He needn’t worry about comparisons to David Robinson yet, since he was entering his sixth season and will still be younger than the Admiral was as a rookie. And he wasn’t going to Disney World tomorrow. He was going to the gym. 而且,他還很確定3件事。 1. 他確實在昨晚吃了太多的辣咖喱雞。 2. 他不需要去擔心那些與 David Robinson 的比較,因為他已經進 入他的第六個賽季,但仍然比他偶像的新秀賽季年輕。 3. 明天他不去迪士尼,他去健身房。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/22 17:16, , 1F
10/22 17:16, 1F

10/22 17:16, , 2F
10/22 17:16, 2F

10/22 17:17, , 3F
10/22 17:17, 3F

10/22 17:20, , 4F
幹 Slam Top50系列 寫到越後面水準越來越低了 = =|||
10/22 17:20, 4F

10/22 17:22, , 5F
不過還是辛苦j大了 推一個
10/22 17:22, 5F
※ 編輯: jcshie 來自: (10/22 17:22)

10/22 17:23, , 6F
10/22 17:23, 6F

10/22 17:23, , 7F
也沒遇到 魔獸與 Grant Hill,不過魔術王國真好玩!
10/22 17:23, 7F

10/22 17:23, , 8F
那是這個作者的幻想吧 有點不知所云 XDDD
10/22 17:23, 8F

10/22 17:24, , 9F
10/22 17:24, 9F

10/22 17:25, , 10F
10/22 17:25, 10F

10/22 17:26, , 11F
這到底是要講啥= = 講魔獸會掌握寒冰霸權嗎
10/22 17:26, 11F

10/22 17:26, , 12F
24頁耶 真佩服hoopchina的人
10/22 17:26, 12F

10/22 17:27, , 13F
10/22 17:27, 13F

10/22 17:27, , 14F
其實我也貼的很疑惑 搞不太懂要表達什麼xd
10/22 17:27, 14F

10/22 17:28, , 15F
top50 Nelson Lewis VC 也才八頁左右
10/22 17:28, 15F

10/22 17:28, , 16F
這作者有寫小說的天賦 XDDD
10/22 17:28, 16F

10/22 17:29, , 17F
10/22 17:29, 17F

10/22 17:29, , 18F
10/22 17:29, 18F

10/22 17:34, , 19F
其實可以理解啦 大概就是在說,現在這年頭沒有好中鋒了
10/22 17:34, 19F

10/22 17:35, , 20F
10/22 17:35, 20F

10/22 17:36, , 21F
10/22 17:36, 21F

10/22 17:37, , 22F
恩 多看幾遍好像有點意思 好深奧 XD
10/22 17:37, 22F

10/22 17:37, , 23F
10/22 17:37, 23F

10/22 17:38, , 24F
畢竟TD KG Shaq這些人確實也都老了
10/22 17:38, 24F

10/22 17:38, , 25F
總覺得很多地方有梗 可是無法理解 :p
10/22 17:38, 25F

10/22 17:41, , 26F
真的 要總冠軍 魔獸要在進攻端也能稱霸禁區
10/22 17:41, 26F

10/22 17:42, , 27F
之前賈霸就有說過魔獸要是學會天鉤 那將會變的難以阻擋
10/22 17:42, 27F

10/22 17:54, , 28F
在看前幾段文章的時候....我正在吃晚飯...= =
10/22 17:54, 28F

10/22 22:17, , 29F
罰球真的要投準啊 不然對方就派免洗球員上來犯你規就好
10/22 22:17, 29F

10/22 22:19, , 30F
啦 魔獸練習時投的進 比賽中就不行 是不是要調整一下投
10/22 22:19, 30F

10/22 22:20, , 31F
籃的機制 比如說節奏什麼的 不然乾脆學櫻木罰球好了(誤
10/22 22:20, 31F

10/23 01:50, , 32F
10/23 01:50, 32F

10/23 02:34, , 33F
10/23 02:34, 33F

10/23 08:53, , 34F
可以找歐拉來教嗎? 歐拉歐拉歐拉歐拉~~~
10/23 08:53, 34F

10/23 08:54, , 35F
賈霸那個天勾太難了啦 只有他會...
10/23 08:54, 35F

10/23 09:45, , 36F
真的挖過來 大猩猩會不會不爽啊
10/23 09:45, 36F

10/23 12:28, , 37F
10/23 12:28, 37F

11/12 15:38, , 38F
11/12 15:38, 38F
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