[轉錄][外電] The magic of health suits Heartbreak …

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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: movieholic () 看板: Pistons 標題: [外電] The magic of health suits Heartbreak Hill 時間: Mon Apr 23 11:33:02 2007 原文出處 http://0rz.tw/ec2B3 -- The day he signed here, as an NBA rookie fresh out of Duke, his father had to race off and purchase a razor and shaving cream to get rid of his son's "college peach fuzz." Grant Hill had never used a razor before -- always used electric -- and all through the news conference, "my face was killing me." 在他這個剛從杜克畢業的菜鳥與底特律簽下合約的那一天,他父親跑去 買了刮刀和刮鬍膏,只為了擺脫兒子臉上的細毛。希爾從未用過刮刀─ 他一直使用電動刮鬍刀─而在記者會上,“我的臉讓我很難受。” The day he signed his contract in Orlando -- seven years, $92 million -- he somehow forgot his dress shoes, so he had to borrow a pair from Julius Erving, who was then an executive with the Magic. It felt funny, he admits, wearing Doctor J's shoes to sign his deal, but it was cool just the same. 在他和奧蘭多簽下7年9千兩百萬合約的那一天,他忘了帶他的禮鞋,於 是他只好跟當時的總裁J博士借了一雙。穿著J博士的禮鞋簽下自己的 合約,他自己承認是一件很好笑的事情,但同時也是一件很酷的事情。 So the days on which Grant Hill has started something have been noteworthy. But the day he finally finished something was 10 times more special. 所以,希爾開始一件事情的那一天是很特別的。但他完成一件事情的那 一天則是10倍的特別。 The other night, for the first time in seven years, for the first time since leaving Detroit, Grant Hill finished a season. He played the last game. After six seasons of nagging, debilitating injuries, he was there at the buzzer, sweat drying on his skin. 那一晚,七年來的第一次,自從離開底特律後的第一次,希爾打完了一 個球季。他參與了例行賽的最後一場比賽。六個球季的困擾、焦慮、傷 勢惡化之後,他在哨聲想起時仍然站在球場上,留著汗。 There is a tradition in the Orlando franchise of players handing their uniforms to fans after the last home game. "For five of the last six years," Hill says over the phone from Orlando, "I wore a suit to that. The other year, I was in the hospital." 奧蘭多有一項傳統是球員們在最後一場主場比賽結束後要將身上的球衣 送給球迷。“過去六年中的其中五年,”希爾從奧蘭多的電話裡說著, “在那個時候我身上是穿著西裝的。而剩下的那一年,我人在醫院。” Wednesday night was different. Hill was so excited, he "was counting down quarters. Two quarters left. One quarter left ... " 在星期三那一晚一切都不一樣了。希爾當晚非常地興奮,他“持續地一 節一節地倒數。剩下兩節。只剩下一節...” When you're young, you think glory. 當你年輕時,你心中想著“榮耀”。 When you age, you think survival. 當你變老時,你心中想著“生存”。 For Grant Hill, they are intertwined. 對希爾來說,他們是糾結在一起的。 Trying to prove himself to the Magic 試著向魔術證明自己 Five surgeries to his left ankle. A hernia surgery last season. A staph infection that made him frighteningly ill. You don't measure the games Hill missed in weeks or months. You measure in years. His first season, he missed 78. His second, he missed 68. His fourth, he skipped altogether. 左腳踝的五次手術。上個球季的疝氣手術。一次葡萄球菌感染殘害了他 那驚恐的身體。你不會以這個禮拜缺席幾場或這個月缺席幾場來算希爾 缺席的場次。你會以今年缺席幾場來算。在他加入奧蘭多的第一個球季 ,他缺席了78場。第二個球季,缺席68場。第四個球季,全數報銷。 In seven years, he has played just 200 games for the Magic. And not one playoff game. Until tomorrow night -- against the last team with which he saw a postseason. 在七年裡,他只替魔術出賽了200場球賽,其中不包含任何一場季後賽。 直到昨天晚上─對上他上一支有參與到季後賽的球隊。 At any point, Hill could have called it quits. Negotiated a settlement. Taken the money and gone home. "But I felt bad. I felt like this team wasn't going to get a return on their investment, that, as hard as the rehab was, as hard as going through all the surgeries was, I was not going to be able to answer the bell. For the first time in my career, I felt like I was letting everybody down." 在任何時候,希爾可以放棄。達成一個協議,帶著錢回家。“但我感到 很難過,我感覺到這支球隊無法在這個投資得到報酬,這感覺,跟復健 同樣難受,跟接受那些所有的手術一樣難受,我無法給予回應。在我生 涯中我第一次感覺我讓所有人失望了。” That, he says, is what motivated him to come back. To show people who he was. To not be forgotten as a distant memory. It's funny, when Hill was with Detroit, he used to tease Joe Dumars in Dumars' final season about how weary the veteran was before practice. 他說這件事是讓他回來的動力。向人們證明他自己。不要像一個遙遠的 回憶般被遺忘。這很有趣,當希爾在底特律的時候,他總是開老喬玩笑 說老喬在最後一個球季的賽前練習以前總是顯得疲倦。 "And Joe used to say, 'Y'all just wait,' " Hill recalls, laughing. "I talk to Joe now, I apologize to him." “而老喬總是說,’你們等著看’。”希爾笑著回憶著。“我現在跟老喬 說,我向他道歉。” Coping with his wife's illness 對抗妻子的病痛 Both men will be at the Palace tomorrow night. But Hill, by his own admission, is "a much different person now." A few years back, his wife, Tamia, a well-known recording artist, discovered she had multiple sclerosis. 老喬和希爾,兩個人在昨天晚上都出現在皇宮。但希爾,在自己的認可下 ,現在是一個很不一樣的人。幾年前,他妻子Tamia,一個有名的歌手,發 現了她有多發性硬化症。 "As an athlete, everything revolves around you," Hill says. "But all of a sudden, it was about her. She's dealing with MS, that's a lot more serious than missing 50 games in season. ... It was the kind of thing that could either pull us together or break us apart." “身為一個運動員,一切都在你週遭打轉。希爾說。“但突然間,她成為了 一切。她在對抗多發性硬化症,那比一個球季缺席50場比賽嚴重多了..這是 那種不是讓我們更加親密就是讓我們彼此疏離的事情。” It pulled them together. They have a young daughter and are expecting a new baby this summer. Hill is 34 now. His long Orlando contract has finally finished, and he is simply happy to be standing at the end of it, contributing, starting, averaging 14.4 points -- not superstar numbers, but far better than a "DNP." 這使他們更加親密。他們有一個年輕的女兒而他們今年暑假即將迎接另一個 新生命。希爾現在34歲。他長達7年的奧蘭多合約總算到期,而他很高興能夠 在最後開始有所貢獻、先發;平均一場得到14.4分─不是超級巨星級數據,但 遠比DNO好太多了。 He has come full circle, from a bona fide superstar to the guy who finds excitement in sweating. And he is happily anticipating his return to Motown. 他回來了,從一個真誠的超級巨星到一個樂於流汗的傢伙。而他也很高興能夠 回到汽車城。 "Part of me is a Piston," he says. 我身上的一部分是活塞。”他這麼說。 Then he adds, almost wistfully, "I played my best basketball there." 接著他─幾乎是沉思地─加了一句,“我在底特律打出了最好的籃球。” NBA players arrive tall. But this one has grown before our eyes. When Grant Hill's name is called tomorrow night, he ought to get a long ovation. Not because he once played in the building. But because, despite it all, he still is. NBA的球員總是高不可攀。但這一個是在我們眼中成長的。明天晚上當梅森叫出 希爾的名字時,他應得一個長久的喝采。不是因為他曾經在這裡的場上奔馳, 而是因為,不管怎麼說,他現在仍然在奔馳,他現在仍然可以奔馳。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/23 11:51,
04/23 11:51

04/23 11:59,
當兵還可以幫忙翻譯 推
04/23 11:59

04/23 12:30,
04/23 12:30

04/23 12:48,
04/23 12:48

04/23 12:52,
04/23 12:52

04/23 13:03,
太感動了 借轉魔術版 感謝
04/23 13:03
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/23 13:16, , 1F
04/23 13:16, 1F

04/23 13:17, , 2F
04/23 13:17, 2F

04/23 13:32, , 3F
04/23 13:32, 3F

04/23 14:02, , 4F
04/23 14:02, 4F

04/23 14:54, , 5F
04/23 14:54, 5F

04/23 15:56, , 6F
04/23 15:56, 6F

04/23 17:22, , 7F
04/23 17:22, 7F

04/23 18:20, , 8F
04/23 18:20, 8F

04/23 19:58, , 9F
謝謝Hill陪伴我成長~ 加油!!
04/23 19:58, 9F

04/23 20:03, , 10F
04/23 20:03, 10F

04/23 20:30, , 11F
04/23 20:30, 11F

04/23 20:30, , 12F
Hill 你辛苦了~ 再打個兩年吧....
04/23 20:30, 12F

04/23 22:32, , 13F
04/23 22:32, 13F

04/23 23:00, , 14F
Hill 我愛你…印有你肖象的T shirt我還留著,這一生沒去看
04/23 23:00, 14F

04/23 23:02, , 15F
04/23 23:02, 15F

04/24 00:25, , 16F
04/24 00:25, 16F

04/24 02:02, , 17F
04/24 02:02, 17F

04/24 02:03, , 18F
04/24 02:03, 18F

04/24 18:40, , 19F
拜託 不要退休
04/24 18:40, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #16B3v9Wq (Orl-Magic)