[情報] 國際體操總會3/7起禁賽俄羅斯、白俄羅斯

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新聞來源:國際體操總會官網、官方臉書 法語:Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique 英語:International Federation of Gymnastics https://www.gymnastics.sport/site/news/displaynews.php?idNews=3444 https://www.facebook.com/fig.gym FIG adopts further measures against Russia and Belarus 國際體操總會對俄羅斯和白俄羅斯採取進一步措施 04/03/2022 2022 年 3 月 4 日 Given the massive escalation of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, the Executive Committee (EC) of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) held an emergency meeting today to discuss the necessity of adopting further emergency measures against Russia and Belarus, following those announced on 26 February. 鑑於俄羅斯對烏克蘭的軍事入侵大規模升級,國際體操總會(FIG)執行委員會(EC) 今天(3月4日)召開緊急會議,討論繼2月26日宣布對俄羅斯和白俄羅斯採取進一步緊急措 施的必要性。 The EC took into account the latest recommendations from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the stance of the FIG Athletes’ Commission and the deep concerns and positions expressed by many national Gymnastics federations, and decided that: 執行委員會考慮到國際奧會(IOC)的最新建議、國際體聯運動員委員會的立場以及許多國 家體操聯合會表達的深切關注和立場,決定: Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials, including judges, are not allowed to take part in FIG competitions or FIG-sanctioned competitions from 7 March 2022 until further notice. 從2022年3月7日起,俄羅斯和白俄羅斯的運動員和官員(包括裁判)不得參加國際體操總 會比賽或國際體操總會認可的比賽,直至另行通知。 This means that athletes and officials from these two federations will not participate in the Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships in Baku, Azerbaijan from 10 to 13 March 2022. 這意味著這兩個聯合會的運動員和官員將不會參加2022年3月10日至13日在亞塞拜疆巴庫舉 行的雜技體操世界錦標賽。 The FIG would like to stress that these exceptional and emergency measures are decided and issued in view of the above-mentioned extraordinary circumstances. They constitute preventive measures aiming at preserving the integrity of Gymnastics, the safety and integrity of members and all athletes and participants, and at fighting against all forms of violence and of sports injustice. 國際體操總會強調,這些特殊和緊急措施是針對上述特殊情況而決定和發布的。它們構成 預防措施,旨在維護體操的完整性、成員和所有運動員和參與者的安全和完整性,並打擊 一切形式的暴力和體育不公正。 Russian and Belarusian nationals who are members of the FIG Executive Committee or of FIG technical committees are not affected by this measure when acting in their capacity as FIG Authorities. 作為國際體操總會執行委員會或國際體操總會技術委員會成員的俄羅斯和白俄羅斯國民在 以國際體操總會當局的身份行事時不受此措施的影響。 The EC will continue to monitor the situation closely and may further adapt these exceptional measures according to future developments. 執行委員會將繼續密切關注情況,並可能根據未來發展進一步調整這些特殊措施。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 俄羅斯也算體操強國,包括競技體操與韻律體操在內 在2020年東京奧運總共拿下2金4銀4銅,總共10面奧運獎牌 這下被國際體操總會禁賽後,美國、中國、日本、英國算是直接受惠 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Olympics_ISG/M.1646591172.A.B11.html ※ 編輯: devers ( 臺灣), 03/07/2022 02:32:18 ※ 編輯: devers ( 臺灣), 03/07/2022 02:51:29
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