Fw: [新聞] 巴西警察:美國泳將謊報搶案

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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1NjUG3ko ] 作者: Django (Cython) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 巴西警察:美國泳將謊報搶案 時間: Fri Aug 19 00:36:17 2016 不想看聯合重工的嗎 那看個BBC吧 1.媒體來源: BBC news 2.完整新聞標題: Rio 2016 Olympics: US swimmers 'invented robbery story' 2016里約奧運: 美國泳將編造出被搶情節 3.完整新聞內文: US Olympic swimmers in Rio de Janeiro invented a story about a robbery in an effort to disguise a dispute over a damaged petrol station door, police sources have told the BBC. 警察表示: 美國泳將為了掩飾他們把加油站的門弄壞而謊報被搶 One of the athletes broke the door to the bathroom and a row ensued when attendants asked the Americans to pay for the damage, they said. 其中一名運動員把洗手間的門弄壞,當服務人員要求賠償後發生爭執 After security guards were called in, the Americans reportedly paid and left. 保全來了之後,美國人就乖乖付錢閃人了 Three of the swimmers remain in Brazil and are due to be questioned by police. The fourth, gold medallist Ryan Lochte, returned to the US on Monday. 其中三名泳將留在巴西並且將接受訊問,第四人,金牌得主Ryan Lochte 則是星期一已經跑回美國了 Before it emerged that Mr Lochte had left Brazil, a judge ordered that the four have their passports confiscated pending further police questioning, amid reports of inconsistencies in the men's accounts of the alleged robbery. Gunnar Bentz and Jack Conger were taken off a US-bound plane at Rio de Janeiro airport on Wednesday night. Team-mate James Feigen had remained in Brazil. 在發現Lochte已經離開巴西之前,基於四人對於搶案的證詞有矛盾之處, 一名法官指示沒收四人的護照以便接下來的訊問 Gunnar Bentz , Jack Conger在要飛往美國的飛機上被請下來,James Feigen 則是本來就還留在巴西 Mr Lochte admitted on Wednesday to some inaccuracies in his original account of being robbed at gunpoint in the early hours of Sunday, but vehemently denied making the story up. Lochte週三表示他的證詞的確有點前後不一,但絕對不是編造的 "I wouldn't make up a story like this nor would the others - as a matter of fact we all feel it makes us look bad," he told US TV network NBC. The three swimmers remaining in Brazil - who have been ordered by a judge to surrender their passports - are expected to speak to investigators on Thursday. "不管是我或是其他人都不會編這種故事"Lochte說 另外三名泳將預計周四接受調查,並被法官下令交出他們的護照 Mr Lochte is one of the most successful swimmers in history, with 12 Olympic medals, and he once had his own reality television show in the US. In Rio, he swam in two events, winning gold in the 4x200m freestyle relay. Mr Feigen won gold in the 4x100m freestyle relay. Mr Bentz competed in the 4x200m preliminaries, but not the final. He still received a gold medal after the US team's win. Lochte是史上最成功的泳將之一,12面奧運獎牌,曾有自己的電視實境秀, 里約奧運也拿下一面金牌 Feigen 一樣金牌*1 Bentz 一樣金牌*1 What do we know of the alleged robbery? Accounts of what happened to the swimmers have been confusing from the beginning, and it appears they did not immediately alert either the Brazilian police or the Olympic authorities. 他們的證詞從一開始就有點可疑,而且他們並沒有在事後立刻通報警方或奧會 News of the incident emerged after Mr Lochte's mother told US media about it. Mr Lochte himself gave an initial account of the events to NBC on Sunday, saying he and the other swimmers had been in a taxi returning from a club in the early hours when they were pulled over by men wearing police badges. 這件事會傳開是因為Lochte的媽媽跟美國記者放消息,Lochte 在周日第一次給了說法,表示他們四人在計程車上被帶有警察徽章的人攔下 He said they had pulled a gun and told the swimmers to get on the ground. "I refused... and then the guy pulled out his gun, he cocked it, put it to my forehead..." 警察掏槍並叫他們趴在地上..."在我拒絕後他直接抵著我的額頭" Mr Lochte has since slightly altered his account, telling NBC on Wednesday that the taxi had not been asked to pull over - they had been robbed while making a stop at a petrol station - and he said the gun had not been pointed directly at his forehead. 週三時,Lochte稍微改變了說法,表示計程車並沒有被攔下,他們是在加油站停車後 被搶的,也沒有被槍指著額頭 He called the inconsistencies a "traumatic mischaracterisation" caused by the stress of the incident. 他說證詞會前後不一是創傷症候群 What has been the reaction to the arrests? US Olympic Committee (USOC) spokesman Patrick Sandusky said in a statement: "The three US Olympic swimmers [Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and James Feigen] are co-operating with authorities and in the process of scheduling a time and place today [Thursday] to provide further statements to the Brazilian authorities. 奧會表示:[Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and James Feigen]會配合相關單位調查 "All are represented by counsel and being appropriately supported by the USOC and the US consulate in Rio." Earlier he said that Mr Bentz and Mr Conger had been "released by local authorities with the understanding that they would continue their discussions about the incident on Thursday... James Feigen is also communicating with local authorities and intends to make further statements regarding the incident on Thursday as well." Mr Lochte's lawyer told the BBC he had returned to the US two days ago before the controversy broke. "He was never asked to remain for further investigation or for any other purpose after he met with Brazilian authorities after he gave a statement," said Jeffrey Ostrow. Lochte的律師說Lochte在事件爆發前的兩天就回國了 在他給了證詞之後 巴西有關單位並沒有叫他要留下來接受調查 What have Brazilian authorities said? The judge investigating the case found further inconsistencies and ordered police on Wednesday to seize the swimmers' passports to prevent them leaving Brazil. 巴西方面:法官繼續調查後發現證詞有更多可疑之處,於是下令員警沒收護照以免 他們離開巴西 These inconsistencies reportedly include the time the swimmers left the party, and how many alleged gunmen they were confronted by. Police say they have not been able to track down the driver who the swimmers say drove them back to the village. 可疑之處包含四人離開派對的時間、到底總共有幾個持槍者、警察找不到四人聲稱 開車送他們回選手村的人 And CCTV footage of their return to the athletes' village appears to show the swimmers laughing and joking, and handing over their wallets, phones and accreditation, as they go through the security screens. The judge said they had not show signs of being affected by a robbery. 監視器話顯示他們回村時有說有笑,並掏出皮包手機證件等等,法官認為 怎麼看都不像是被搶了 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://tinyurl.com/h3brn9h 5.備註: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1471538179.A.BB2.html

08/19 00:37, , 1F
08/19 00:37, 1F

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08/19 00:41, , 5F
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08/19 00:43, , 6F
哎呀 這風向怎麼yo~~~變啦
08/19 00:43, 6F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Django (, 08/19/2016 00:55:29

08/19 01:07, , 7F
Ryan Lochte 的社群被洗版罵
08/19 01:07, 7F

08/19 01:22, , 8F
08/19 01:22, 8F

08/19 01:31, , 9F
Lochte IG被洗版
08/19 01:31, 9F

08/19 01:38, , 10F
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08/19 01:48, , 11F
08/19 01:48, 11F

08/19 02:27, , 12F
08/19 02:27, 12F

08/19 03:00, , 13F
08/19 03:00, 13F

08/19 03:40, , 14F
08/19 03:40, 14F

08/19 05:41, , 15F
看到有人破壞公物你會選:1.叫警察 2.拿槍跟他要錢
08/19 05:41, 15F

08/19 05:41, , 16F
08/19 05:41, 16F

08/19 06:28, , 17F
警方找不到送四個人回選手村的人很奇怪 巴西公布的cctv影
08/19 06:28, 17F

08/19 06:34, , 18F
08/19 06:34, 18F

08/19 14:07, , 19F
08/19 14:07, 19F

08/19 14:36, , 20F
風向變了 如果此為真 那美國選手真的很屁
08/19 14:36, 20F

08/19 21:19, , 21F
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08/19 22:28, , 25F
08/19 22:28, 25F

08/20 09:54, , 26F
廢物奧協 竟然還幫求情。
08/20 09:54, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #1NjUY2FB (Olympics_ISG)