[閒聊] 4/29 綠洲要求巴西休息室準備各種酒類

看板Oasis作者 (cookie1)時間15年前 (2009/05/16 18:45), 編輯推噓4(408)
留言12則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.zap.com.br/parceiros/infoglobo/Imoveis_Busca.html Google葡翻英: Oasis calls whiskey, wine, beer and vodka to show the dressing room in Brazil 綠洲要求巴西休息室準備威士忌、葡萄酒、啤酒、伏特加. RIO - The Oasis is scheduled to show on May 7 at Citibank Hall...And if all the shows have a list of requirements similar to Curitiba, one of the two: either the brothers Gallagher have liver of steel or the need to seek urgent Alcoholics Anonymous. 里約 -綠洲預定5/7在Citibank Hall演唱...如果所有演出的要求清單都和Curitiba的差不 多,只有兩種可能: 蓋勒格兄弟的肝是鐵打的 或 他們必須找個緊急匿名戒酒會. According to the newspaper Gazeta do Povo ", Parana, the group requests the whims" bar. " Among them, five bottles of red wine "good", five other white wine Pinot Grigio, a bottle of whiskey (Irish), three bottles of vodka, 24 cans of mythical Irish Guinness beer and 72 cans or bottles of beer "good quality" (Heineken, Becks and Corona or some local brand). All this for a dressing room that will be used by only nine people. But at least they do not suffer from another defect: from the requirements, is included a lone pack of cigarettes. And five lighters. And a liter of milk. And, of course, the white towels infallible: 30 for the show and 20 (blue) to the dressing room. Gazeta do Povo這家報紙指出."樂團要求奇怪的酒吧""其中要有5瓶好的紅酒,5瓶其它白 酒Pinot Grigio,一瓶威士忌(愛爾蘭的),3瓶伏特加,24罐神秘的愛爾蘭Guinness啤酒和 72罐或瓶品質佳的啤酒(海尼根、貝克、可樂娜或一些當地品牌).這全部都只供一間九人 用的休息室 還有更糟的:要求中,包含一條香菸.5支打火機.一公升牛奶. 當然還有全白 的毛巾: 30條演出用,20條藍色的放在休息室" Has more: changes in potato chips, bars of Cadbury chocolate, fruit "organic", linen towels, refined dishes, a kettle, a box of tissues, an array of flowers and a mirror "great" for the "dressing room heating . 還有更多: 更換洋芋片、吉百利巧克力、"有機"水果、亞麻毛巾、精緻餐盤、一個茶壺、 一河面指、一排花束、以及一面鏡子、休息室的暖氣應該要"很棒"(??) ...... ------------------------------------------ 搖滾歌手除了要有鐵肺,還要有鐵肝... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/16 21:09, , 1F
My iron lung!
05/16 21:09, 1F

05/16 22:52, , 2F
這些酒真的在一天內喝完嗎= =?
05/16 22:52, 2F
※ 編輯: cookie1 來自: (05/16 23:26)

05/17 00:25, , 3F
05/17 00:25, 3F

05/17 00:38, , 4F
古來聖賢皆寂寞 唯有飲者留其名! XDDDDDDD
05/17 00:38, 4F

05/18 00:05, , 5F
05/18 00:05, 5F

05/18 01:13, , 6F
嗯 不好意思.我也不知道可信度多高(網站&我的亂翻:P)
05/18 01:13, 6F

05/18 01:14, , 7F
05/18 01:14, 7F

05/18 01:48, , 8F
I'm just kidding :D never mind ~
05/18 01:48, 8F

05/18 09:05, , 9F
05/18 09:05, 9F

05/18 10:12, , 10F
05/18 10:12, 10F

05/18 10:13, , 11F
05/18 10:13, 11F

05/18 13:17, , 12F
05/18 13:17, 12F
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