[外電] Kenneth Faried 訪問

看板Nuggets作者 (吳嘉)時間11年前 (2013/07/20 19:15), 編輯推噓3(300)
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原文連結: http://nugglove.com/2013/06/18/interview-with-nuggets-forward-kenneth-faried/ 可惜他因傷退出訓練營了..要不然我還漫喜歡他打球的方式.. Nuggets forward Kenneth Faried returned to Morehead State for his annual two-day basketball camp that he sponsors. News stations and papers from around the area had the chance to speak with Faried at the end of the day. 金塊前鋒Kenneth Faried 回到Morehead州立大學來參加自己贊助為期2天的籃球訓練營. 當地的新聞記者跟報紙編輯有機會在訓練結束後跟Faried談話. Is this the first time you’ve been back to Morehead since you left school? Q:這是你離開學校後第一次回到Morehead嗎? It’s been about a year and a half since I’ve been back to school but, I mean, when I do come back I do show love and appreciation of being here and try to say ‘Hi’ to everybody as much as I can. A:自從我回來這已經過了1年半. 我的意思是當我回到這,我努力得對我曾經待過的這裡表 達愛跟感謝,盡可能的試著跟每個人打招呼. What’s it like coming back? Q:回來的感覺如何? It’s a good feeling. Just to come back and see the faces and it reminds me of where I came from and how far I came to get where I’m at now and to keep the motivation, the fire that burns inside me to keep grinding. A:很好的感覺.回到這裡看到那些面孔令我回想起我是從哪裡來的還有我走了多遠以便達 到今天所在的位置.這給了我動力,還有內心的火焰繼續燃燒來讓我往費力向前走下去. What’s it mean to make the Team USA mini-camp? How did you find out about that? Q:能夠被選入美國隊迷你訓練營對你而言代表什麼?你是怎麼知道消息的? I found out ahead of time before it was released. But I was excited about it. I was just ecstatic about the whole thing, to be a part of such an elite group. And to be, I guess, a nominee for the mini-camp. Just to go out there to Vegas and try to the best of my abilities to make the team is just an honor. A:我在新聞公開前就知道了,我對這個消息感到興奮,就只是對整個過程感到欣喜若狂,能 夠參與到這麼一個高階的團體, 還有就是能夠成為迷你訓練營的候選球員. 能夠去賭城試 著表現出我的最佳能力來被選進這個隊就是種榮耀. How do you like your chances (to make the team)? Q:你認為你被選進隊伍的機率有多少? I don’t really know. I’m anxious to see how it’s going to turn out but I think my chances are just as good as anyone else’s A:我真的不知道.我著急的想知道後續發展但我想我被選進的機會跟每個人一樣. If there was a flaw on the USA team maybe it was physicality: Q:美國隊可能會有的缺陷也許會是身體素質跟運動體態 Hopefully they could use me for that and hopefully I could make the team because of my physical presence. But if I don’t, there’s always next year or maybe the year after that. So you just gotta stay locked in and focused and grind. But if I do make the USA team it’s an honor to be a part of it. Just to be nominated is an honor. A:希望他們能夠利用我來彌補那項缺點,我也希望能夠因為我的體態而被選進.不過總是會 有明年跟後年,所以你只需要保持專注跟奮力用功.如果我真的被選進的話,能夠參與就是 個榮耀,能夠當候選人員就是個榮耀. What did you think of your season overall? Q:整體來說你覺得上個球季如何? Me, personally, I think for the regular season we did fantastic, I mean, we did a great job. As a team coming together and string along wins and that win streak we went on was pretty amazing and a real fun ride to be a part of. The group of guys in that locker room just loving and caring for each other and basically balling out. The playoffs was tough. We just gotta use it as motivation this summer to get better and grind. A:我個人來說,我覺得正規賽我們做的超棒的,我是說,我們做得很好. 作為團隊,整體隊員 們都很團結,我們創造出來的連勝讓人感到驚奇,能成為那一部分很有趣. 在更衣室的一群 人對彼此有愛,互相照顧,做得很好.季後賽真的很困難.我們只能利用這次的經驗作為動力 在今年夏天奮力變得更好. How surprised were you that GK wasn’t retained? Q:你對於喬治卡爾沒有被留下有多驚訝? I don’t have a comment on that. A:對於這個我無法表達意見. Do you have thoughts on what the coach should look for? Q:你有任何需要找哪類的教練的想法嗎? [laughs] No comment on that either. I just want a coach, basically. A: (笑) 這個我也無法給出意見.基本上我只是想要個教練. What’s been your proudest moment in the NBA so far? Q:你在NBA最驕傲的一刻是? Getting the recognition of becoming a rising star and just being a part of that group of guys and that team. It was fun. Just different players from different teams coming together and it was fun with them. I think the proudest moment is when we went to a playground with NBA Cares to try and build a jungle gym and that was really fun. A:被認可為有潛力的新星 ,然後身為那一群人還有隊伍的成員之一. 來自不同球隊的不同 球員一塊打球很有趣.我認為最驕傲的一刻是當我們參加NBA Care的慈善活動來到遊戲場 然後試著打造出個叢林運動場,過程很好玩. Has the NBA been what you expected? Q:NBA跟你所期待的一樣嗎? Nothing surprised me I think I prepared myself going to college for four years for about anything. I think what surprised me was the brute strength of guys. Everybody is strong, everybody is quick so you gotta bring it every night. A:沒有什麼事情讓我驚訝.我想我自己已經做好準備要在大學打4年,無論什麼事情.我覺得 讓我驚訝的是球員殘酷般的毅力.每人都很強壯,每個人都很快所以每個晚上你都要做好準 備. Who’s the toughest guy out there? Q:誰是最強壯堅忍的人? Tim Duncan. Something about him. You can’t call him old. [laughs] He just knows the game, he does it so well. It’s an honor to step on the court anytime we play against each other because he knows how to play the game and he respects the game. Just a privilege to be out there with him. A:Tim Duncan, 他有些蹊蹺,你不能說他老.(笑)他很清楚整個比賽的運作.任何時間我們 踏上場跟他們對戰都是個榮耀因為他知道要怎麼打球而且尊重比賽. 能夠跟他一起在場上 是個特殊待遇. Anyone you wanted to meet? Q:你想要見到誰嗎? Kevin Garnett. That was my favorite player growing up, just watching him. Other than Dennis Rodman. But Kevin Garnett, he was my favorite player to watch. His energy, his hustle, his intensity he brought to the court. He used to yell before the games started. That motivated me to be that guy. I wanted to be like him. A:Kevin Garnett, 他是我成長時最喜歡的球員,看著他比賽.除了小蟲之外.但是KG是我看 比賽最喜歡的球員.他的能量,他的撲擠,還有他在場上帶來的緊張.以前他會在比賽開始前 大吼,這讓我想要成為那樣的人.我想要跟他一樣. (NOAH 表示:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa6rgPte4S8
) Did you get a chance to talk to him? Q:你有機會跟他說話嗎? I did one time. Talking to him. He was kind of upset that we beat them and we were about to win the game and I was like ‘I know this is probably a bad time … but I have to say, with all due respect you’re my favorite player growing up and I respect you so much as a player and hopefully when we see each other again it’ll be just as fun playing.’ A:跟他講話有過一次.他那時有點煩因為我們打敗他們,快要贏下比賽時我跟他說,”我 想這大概不是個好時機,不過我必須要說,無論如何你是我成長時最喜歡的球員. 作為一個 籃球員我超級尊敬你的,希望下次我們相見時也能夠有樂趣的打球.” Was that this year or your rookie season? Q:這發生在今年還是菜鳥年? That was this past season I got to say something to him. My rookie season he was kind of mad at me. I came out of nowhere and had like a perfect game. A:是今年,我一定要跟他說些什麼. 我的菜鳥年他對我有些生氣因為我默默無名的跑出 來然後打了場完美的比賽. What’d he say to you? Q:那他回答了你什麼? He actually said ‘Thanks, just keep playing hard. I like the way you play. Stay focused and locked in’ A:事實上他跟我說”謝謝,繼續努力打球,我喜歡你打球的方式,保持專心還有注意力.” The irony of Tim Duncan, the record you broke in college. Do you talk to him? (*Faried broked Tim Duncan’s college basketball career rebounding record*) Q:對Tim Duncan來說,諷刺的地方在於你打破了他大學紀錄, 你有跟他講過話嗎? (Faried 打破了Tim Duncan大學籃球籃板數的紀錄.) He’s really quiet. He just kind of sticks to himself but during the game he talks to his teammates more than anybody. It’s an honor to play against him. And it is ironic that I broke his record and it seems like every time I play him it’s harder to get rebounds than anybody else. A:他非常的安靜,把事情埋在心裡,可是比賽時,他跟隊友講的話比任何人還多. 能跟他對 打是種榮耀. 打破他的紀錄是有點諷刺因為每次跟他打球要搶到籃板,感覺要比跟別人搶 來得困難. Do you think that’s a coincidence? Q:你覺得這是個巧合嗎? Some type of coincidence. Either, I just have so much respect for him, or I broke his record and he’s mad about that. I don’t know what it is. A:某種程度也許.如果不是因為我太尊敬他不敢跟他搶球,那就是因為我打破了他的紀錄 然後他對我很生氣.我不知道是哪個. Your support about same-sex, what’s the feedback? Q:你支持同性戀,有得到什麼樣的回應? Majority of it’s positive. Majority support my decision to be an Athlete Ally in support gays, lesbians, transgenders, transexuals and nobody’s really against it. Most people, of course you have your people who are ignorant to the subject and is going to have a certain opinion, but you can’ t be upset about it. I’m going to stand by my decision and continue to support. A:大部分的回應都是正面的. 大部分都支持我成為Athlete Ally的一部份,支持男/女同性 戀,變性人跟對性別疑惑的人,沒有什麼人反對. 大部分的人, 當然,你會有些對這方面一 無所知的人,他們會有些意見,但你不可以因為這樣就煩躁.我會信守我做的決定然後繼續 支持他們. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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