[轉錄][外絮] Louis Amundson 可能去金塊

看板Nuggets作者 (howeer)時間14年前 (2010/07/10 19:30), 編輯推噓5(502)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1CE2kViM ] 作者: pttQQQ (pttQQQ) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Louis Amundson 可能去金塊 時間: Sat Jul 10 16:13:16 2010 Louis Amundson Likely to Leave Suns, Eyeing Move to Nuggets Amundson 可能離開太陽,目標是金塊. The Phoenix Suns might be losing another popular forward. OK, so Louis Amundson is nowhere near the player of Amar'e Stoudemire, who bolted to New York as a free agent. But he is one of the most popular Suns players, and the fans chant "Loooooooooou'' whenever he prepares to enter a game. 太陽可能會再失去一個受喜愛的球員. 雖然阿罵生比不上剛前往紐約的阿嬤,但他卻是太陽球迷最喜歡的球員之一, 不管何時,只要他準備要上場,球迷一定會大喊"Loooooooooooooooooooooooooou" But the free agent big man said in an interview with FanHouse on Friday he doesn't think he will return to Phoenix. 不過這名自由球員在和 FanHouse 訪談時卻表示他可能不會回鳳凰城了. "The deal they offered me they knew I wasn't going to accept,'' said Amundson. "It was a one-year deal.'' 他們自己知道我不會接受他們開給我的合約,那僅僅是個一年約. Amundson, who wants a multi-year deal, wouldn't give specifics but said the offer is for more than the minimum of $915,852. Amundson made the minimum of $855,189 last season. 他沒講細節,只說那個合約大於最低的$915,852 阿罵生想要的是複數年合約,他去年拿的是最低的$855,189 Amundson grew up in the Denver area. He said he has great interest in signing with his hometown Nuggets, who need a big man. 阿罵生是在丹佛長大的,丹佛需要大個子,而他也很有興趣能回家鄉. "I couldn't think of a better place,'' said Amundson, who said he's being looked at by several other teams that he wouldn't name. "我想不到還有更好的地方了", 他說他已經去看過許多其他球隊了 Amundson said nothing figures to get done this week. But Amundson's agent, Mark Bartelstein, said he's talking to the Nuggets regularly about his client. 這週還不會有任何定案,但他的經紀人說他正在跟金塊做認真的討論. Amundson averaged a modest 4.7 points and 4.4 rebounds in his second season with the Suns and fourth overall in the NBA. But he won Phoenix fans over with his non-stop hustle. 本季是他在太陽的第二季,也是進入NBA的第四季, 平均4.7分 4.4籃板. 但他球場上不停歇的熱情表現贏得了球迷的喜愛. 消息來源: http://ppt.cc/jYAg (NBA FanHouse) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/10 16:14,
阿嬤 阿罵 傻傻分不清楚
07/10 16:14

07/10 16:14,
07/10 16:14

07/10 16:14,
鳥人加阿盲 這熱力連金塊都會融化
07/10 16:14

07/10 16:14,
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07/10 16:15,
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07/10 16:16,
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07/10 16:16,
年輕人 活力禁區替補 應該會想爭取個>3M 4年左右的約
07/10 16:16

07/10 16:17,
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07/10 16:22,
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07/10 16:24,
太陽沒錢了嗎?? 太陽還剩多少錢幫NASH呢?
07/10 16:24

07/10 16:26,
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07/10 16:40,
07/10 16:40
Ayreon:轉錄至看板 PHX-Suns 07/10 16:40

07/10 17:04,
07/10 17:04

07/10 17:45,
太陽每次的交易都很讓人火大 要不是不是Nash...
07/10 17:45

07/10 17:52,
這樣金塊變強溜 ㄎㄎ
07/10 17:52

07/10 19:00,
拜託誰來換騎士老闆 不是聽說他不用心Q<>Q
07/10 19:00

07/10 19:30,
借轉金塊 thx~
07/10 19:30
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/10 19:49, , 1F
恭喜金塊 這支防守也很硬喔 完全符合金塊風格
07/10 19:49, 1F

07/10 19:50, , 2F
雖然身高不高 但也算肯拼的苦工
07/10 19:50, 2F

07/10 19:51, , 3F
07/10 19:51, 3F

07/10 21:13, , 4F
07/10 21:13, 4F

07/10 22:56, , 5F
覺得他位置跟鳥人很像 名子也很像 長相也很像XDDD
07/10 22:56, 5F

07/10 23:15, , 6F
家鄉英雄又回來一個了 傳說只要湊齊七個英雄..
07/10 23:15, 6F

07/11 21:32, , 7F
我超喜歡他的!!! 打球很拼!!超有活力的!!
07/11 21:32, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1CE5dobo (Nuggets)