[外電] 愈髒愈好?!

看板Nuggets作者 (嘖)時間15年前 (2009/05/06 00:17), 編輯推噓8(807)
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A fine way to win http://www.denverpost.com/nuggets/ci_12294823 Bully a marquee player, and the NBA reacts like an overprotective mother, rushing to offer a hankie and hugs. 欺負一個明星球員,而NBA當局就像個過度保護孩子的媽媽,忙著遞上手帕和給個抱抱。 So it should come as no surprise Kenyon Martin's smackdown of Dallas star Dirk Nowitzki with the first hard foul of the Nuggets-Mavs playoff series will lighten the wallet of Denver's scowling enforcer. 所以當Kenyon Martin將Dallas的明星Dirk Nowitzki打倒時,當這個系列賽第一個hard foul出現時,金塊變少也就一點也不意外了。 K-Mart richly deserved the $25,000 fine. K-Mart當然該被罰25,000。 And it was worth every penny. 而他繳的每一分錢都是值得的。 Nuggets coach George Karl was asked if the way Martin sents Nowitzki prawling to the floor early in Denver's series-opening rout would have done Bill Laimbeer, Dennis Rodman and those old Bad Boys from Detroit proud. 被問到Martin那個犯規是否會讓過去底特律的Bad Boys(Bill Laimbeer and Dennis Rodman等人)感到驕傲時,Karl說: "Oh, yeah," Karl told me. Oh, yeah. The audience of reporters around the coach laughed. 在他旁邊的記者都笑了。 Dallas has a problem in this series, and it's the same reason this collection of Mavericks will never win an NBA championship. Dallas在這個系列戰有個大問題,同樣也是他們永遠無法贏得總冠軍的問題所在。 The Mavs are as soft as a Nowitzki jump shot, and they whine like team owner Mark Cuban when the going gets tough. 小牛隊就像Nowitzki的跳投一樣軟,而且當比賽變的比較tough的時候,他們就像他們的 老闆Cuban一樣哀嚎抱怨。 "Anybody can be physical," Dallas center Erick Dampier said. 小牛中鋒Erick Dampier說:任何人都可以”硬起來”。 We shall see. 我們即將看到。 Denver fully expected this battle with Dallas to get down and dirty. In the minutes before tipoff of Game 1, Nuggets executive Mark Warkentien and team adviser Bret Bearup sat together eating brunch at the Pepsi Center. 金塊絕對知道接下來的戰役會變的更硬、更髒、更難打。在Game1賽前,執行長Mark Warkentien和team adviser (不知道中文是什麼)Bret Bearup在Pepsi Center吃早午餐。 "What's the over/under on suspensions in this series?" Warkentien wondered. 「這個系列戰禁賽的標準是幾次?」Warkentien問到。 "Two," replied Bearup, who figured the penalties could arise from the same altercation. He reached the conclusion because the Mavericks understand playoff intensity and the Nuggets don't take guff from anybody. Bearup:「兩次。」他認為接下來的處罰會更嚴格,因為小牛知道季後賽的強度了,而金 塊也不會理別人講的廢話。 This is not to suggest Denver entered this series looking to instigate trouble. 這不是在鼓勵金塊在這個系列賽製造麻煩。 But everybody knows the reputation of the Mavericks. 但大家都知道小牛的名聲。 Turn up the heat and they sweat. Push 'em and they fold. 開暖氣他們就流汗,推一下就垮掉。(XD) In 2006, Dallas collapsed after taking a 2-0 lead in the NBA Finals against Miami. A year later, the Mavericks won 67 times during the regular season only to come undone in the first round against Golden State. 2006年他們在冠軍賽2-0領先之後垮掉。隔年,他們贏了67場但第一輪就被勇士掃出局。 It's not in the Mavericks' personality to get physical, acknowledged Nowitzki, whose fadeaway jumpers are beautiful works of art, and the perfect symbol for a team as delicate as Swarovski crystal. 他們天生就無法硬起來,拿Nowitzki來說,他的跳投就像個漂亮的藝術品,完美的就像那 脆弱的Swarovski水晶。(這裡有點雙關zki & ski) "Dirk is one of the greatest players ever in the NBA. And he's a good actor, too," Nuggets vice president of player personnel Rex Chapman said. 金塊副總Rex Chapman:「Dirk是NBA中最好的球員之一。他同時也是個好演員。」 Before the league announced the fine late Monday afternoon, Karl admired the technique Martin used in the hard foul on Nowitzki during the first quarter of Game 1. 在聯盟宣佈罰款前,Karl還稱讚了Martin在Game 1第一節那個技巧性犯規。 "It was good on film," said Karl, who decided Martin's timing was perfect, because if the Nuggets forward had delivered the blow before the whistle, it would have resulted in a flagrant foul and ball possession to the Mavericks. But, by decking Nowitzki late, the penalty was less severe. 「好的就像拍電影一樣」Karl說,他認為Martin的timing抓的剛剛好,因為如果他在哨音 響之前就打下去,就會被判惡意犯規,而且球權還是小牛的。Martin晚了一點,所以懲罰 比較不嚴重。 Upon further review, however, the NBA decided the referees at the scene had been too lenient with K-Mart, and upgraded the play to a flagrant foul. 然而,進一步檢查後,NBA裁判認為他們當初對Martin太仁慈了,所以決定”升級”為惡 意犯規。 While Nuggets partisans might scream Boston guard Rajon Rondo was not punished so severely when performing dental work without an anesthetic on Chicago center Brad Miller during a recent playoff act of violence, I whole- heartedly believe Martin deserved the fine. 雖然金塊的粉絲們會大抱不平,特別是對照Rajon Rondo對Brad Miller那個犯規,他對 Miller進行了沒有麻醉劑的牙科手術,我由衷的認為Martin該罰。 What's more, Nuggets fans should happily collect donations outside the arena before Game 2 to pay it. 更何況,金塊迷在Game2前應該會很開心地捐錢幫忙付罰款。 Martin has put the muscle in Denver's newfound intimidation. In April, Sacramento co-owner Joe Maloof accused K-Mart of "thuggery" after his shove injured Kings center Spencer Hawes. 這不是Martin的第一次。四月的時候,國王老闆Joe Maloof就曾經指控K-Mart”謀殺”他 們的中鋒Spencer Hawes。 "I'm not sure the penalty was consistent with other fouls we've seen elsewhere in these playoffs. But the league's answer was: 'It's Kenyon's history.' We'll accept it and move on," Chapman said. Chapman:「我不確定懲罰標準和季後賽其他犯規是否一致。但聯盟的回應是:因為 Kenyon有案底。我們只好接受並且繼續走下去。」 Know what? This is precisely the nasty image the Nuggets need to cultivate after more than a decade of being considered pushovers. 你知道嗎?這個骯髒的形象正是我們需要建立的,因為我們已經有多年被認為是雞肋了。 Karl chuckles at the notion that Denver has become a team of Bad Boys. 當Karl聽到金塊已經變成”壞孩子”時,他咯咯笑著。 "I think it's kind of funny that we're now being called the bully, tough-minded team that last year was labeled the emotionally chaotic, dysfunctional team,"Karl said. Karl:「這真好笑,我們去年還被說是情緒混亂、運作不良的球隊,今年已經被稱為流氓 、硬漢了呢!」 (是有比較好嗎?) They're the Nasty Nuggets. 他們是丹佛包溫隊。 Who would've thunk it? 誰以前會想過呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/06 00:33, , 1F
05/06 00:33, 1F

05/06 00:34, , 2F
05/06 00:34, 2F

05/06 00:34, , 3F
05/06 00:34, 3F

05/06 00:34, , 4F
還有誰不拼就說不過去了 ^^
05/06 00:34, 4F

05/06 00:35, , 5F
有防守的金塊,一定是有機會擁抱總冠軍的 ^^
05/06 00:35, 5F

05/06 00:43, , 6F
我聞到壞孩子的氣氛~ 槍蜥繼續率隊使壞吧~
05/06 00:43, 6F

05/06 00:46, , 7F
05/06 00:46, 7F

05/06 01:30, , 8F
翻得很好喔!good job!借轉nba板分享一下囉~
05/06 01:30, 8F

05/06 02:00, , 9F
05/06 02:00, 9F

05/06 02:59, , 10F
KMart: hey guys, share the fees together! (科科笑)
05/06 02:59, 10F

05/06 08:45, , 11F
呃 可是NBA板的人說翻的不好QQ 這本來就比較偏金塊啊
05/06 08:45, 11F

05/06 08:45, , 12F
05/06 08:45, 12F

05/06 08:51, , 13F
05/06 08:51, 13F

05/06 10:23, , 14F
KMart一直在微笑,這一定是有什麼誤會 :P
05/06 10:23, 14F

05/06 10:34, , 15F
我想 這其中一定有誤會~
05/06 10:34, 15F
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