[外電] AI,金塊展開淘金之旅。

看板Nuggets作者 (L')時間17年前 (2007/04/21 00:13), 編輯推噓19(1900)
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Iverson, Nuggets pan for NBA gold AI,金塊展開淘金之旅。 Goal of perfect match is to bring a basketball title to Denver 這對天作之合的終點——直到帶一座金盃回丹佛。 http://tinyurl.com/2xojo7 By Chris Tomasson, Rocky Mountain News April 19, 2007 If Allen Iverson ever needs to be reminded why he's in Denver, a shiny, half- foot-tall hint sits in his locker stall. 假如 Iverson 需要什麼東西來提醒,他來到丹佛的目的是什麼?一個閃閃發光, 高半呎的暗示就擺在他休息室的置物欄裡。 It's a miniature replica of the Larry O'Brien Trophy, handed annually to the NBA champion. 那就是 Larry O'Brien Trophy 每年特地依照原尺寸縮小比例,手工打造的NBA 冠軍盃複製品。 "It's motivation," Iverson said. "I got it when I first got here." 「這是我的動力來源,」 Iverson 說:「它是我剛來到這裡時收到的禮物。」 That would be Dec. 19, when the Nuggets pulled off the biggest deal of the NBA season. Iverson, figuring he wasn't going to contend for a title any time soon in Philadelphia, didn't mind being dealt and has considered the Nuggets the perfect landing spot. 那時候是12月19日,金塊隊剛完成本季最大交易案。當 Iverson 了解,短期之 內自己已經無法在費城為他的總冠軍奮戰,他不介意成為交易籌碼,並認為金塊 是最完美的降落點。 The feeling is mutual. Those on the Nuggets had heard the stories about Iverson's antics in Philadelphia, but they now wonder if this wily veteran is really the same guy. AI與金塊球團有共同的感受。原本丹佛的球員早就已經聽過 Iverson 在費城所 欣起的喧然大波,但是現在,他們懷疑 Iverson 跟現在這位經驗老到的球員, 真的是同一個人嗎? Now, about that championship. Iverson, whose 76ers fell in the Finals to the Lakers in 2001, knows that's why he was summoned to Denver. 一切都是為了總冠軍。2001年, Iverson 所帶領的費城七六人敗給湖人,他了 解來到丹佛的意義。 "I feel like that's why I was brought here, to help us become a better team, to have an impact on this team," the 6-foot guard said. "It's just been a great ride so far. But, to end the story, what better way to do it than to win a championship? That's what my mind is set on." 這名矮小的後衛說:「我感覺這就是我來這裡的原因:幫助球隊更上一層、帶來 衝擊性的影響。到目前為止,這是一段美好的旅程,但是故事的結局沒,有任何 事能比贏得一座總冠軍來的完美,這就是我的抱負。」 It won't be easy in his first Nuggets playoff go-round, with his sixth-seeded team in the Western Conference opening against No. 3 San Antonio, the NBA's hottest team after the All-Star break. 這是他到金塊的第一個季後賽,要完成他的夢想並不是那麼簡單。位居西區第六 種子,第一輪就得碰到馬刺隊,這支明星賽後最火熱的球隊。 But Iverson, 31, has two years remaining on his contract and has said he wants to re-sign with the Nuggets after that. 但是三十一歲的 Iverson 還有二年合約在身,他表示希望能在合約到期之後,繼續 留在金塊隊。 "I've had fun," Iverson said. "It's been exciting, just being on a team where I can play my game." Iverson說:「我很快樂,在這裡打球很興奮,我可以打出自己的比賽。」 For years, many believed Iverson's game mostly was hoisting shots. In 10-plus seasons with the 76ers, he averaged 28.1 points, winning four scoring titles. 多年來人們相信, Iverson 的比賽內容還不就是投籃、再投籃。十多年的七六人 時代,他平均可以拿下28.1分,並四次拿下得分王。 But Iverson, who said he wasn't surrounded by much talent with the 76ers and was unfairly pigeonholed, has become content in Denver to step aside and let forward Carmelo Anthony be the big scorer. Iverson 表示,他在七六人時並沒有一堆才華洋溢球員,被歸類為這樣的球員並 不公平,於是來到丹佛之後,他甘願成為球隊第二人,讓前鋒 Carmelo Anthony 繼續擔任球隊主攻手的角色。 After averaging 31.2 points in 15 Philadelphia games, Iverson averaged 24.8 in 50 Denver games for a seasonal mark of 26.3. 季初他為七六人打了十五場比賽,平均攻下31.2分;在金塊的五十場比賽,平均 攻下24.8分,最後整季平均為26.3分。 "A.I. gets a bad rap for being selfish," Hornets coach Byron Scott said of Iverson, whose Nuggets have won 11 straight games when he gets 10 or more assists. "But he wants to win. That's the bottom line. . . . He felt he had to score more (in Philadelphia), but now he's got a group of guys around him." 當 Iverson 助攻十次或以上的時候,金塊隊戰績已經十一連勝。黃蜂隊教練 Byron Scott 談到 Iverson 時表示:「 A.I. 因為自私球風受到嚴厲批評,但是 他想要勝利,這是他的底線。在七六人,他覺得必須要得更多分才能贏球,但現在 他有很多優秀的隊友。」 Iverson, though, arrived in Denver with plenty of baggage. His time with the 76ers was marred by squabbles with coaches. He didn't always show up on time, and his rant about "practice" remains a favorite highlight on sports stations. Iverson 因此帶著一大堆行李在丹佛登陸。他在七六人的時光,因為與教練的爭執 染上污點。他並不是每次練球都會準時報到;他怒氣沖沖地告訴記者「我們竟然坐 在這裡談論練習」的片段,仍然是體育新聞喜歡撥出的精采畫面。 But the only thing bordering on negative for Iverson in his Nuggets tenure has been a $25,000 NBA fine for being critical of referee Steve Javie. Iverson then apologized on three consecutive days. 但是 Iverson 為金塊披上戰袍開始,唯一一次的負面消息就是他因為批評裁判 Steve Javie 而被聯盟罰款25000美元。 Iverson 之後連續三天為此事道歉。 "My first thought when I think of A.I., all the negative stuff out there, he's the exact opposite," Nuggets coach George Karl said. "I think A.I. has great leadership skills and has been a strong teammate in every way." 金塊教練老爹表示:「我對 Iverson 的第一印象,就是那些負面的消息,他是 不折不扣叛逆球員;現在我認為 A.I. 有很棒的領袖氣質,不管在哪一方面,他 都是很棒的隊友。」 During the process before the trade, Karl said some observers believed Iverson would be well served just to get out of Philadelphia, where many negatives had surrounded him. Iverson agrees. Karl表示,在交易尚未定案的這段時間,一些專家相信,也許在 Iverson 離開發生 過很多負面消息的費城之後,他將不再桀驁不馴, Iverson 同意這個看法。 "I made mistakes," he said of his time there. "I did a lot of dumb things. I'm 31 years old (now). I was in Philadelphia 11 years. I did some young, dumb mistakes. I had to grow to be able to get to this point here. I'm a father of four, so I can't set no bad examples for them. 談起自己在費城的時光,他表示:「我犯了錯誤,我幹了很多蠢事。現在我三十一歲 了,而我在費城待了十一年。我犯過很多不成熟、愚蠢的錯誤。我必須成長,才能像 現在這樣。我是四個孩子的爸了,所以我必須為他們立下良好典範。」 "I'm not the same person I was when I was 21, 22 years old. I'd be foolish if I was doing the same things I was doing then." 「我不再是年少輕狂的二十一、二歲小伙子,我現在如果再犯同樣的錯誤,就太荒謬 了。」 Iverson, though, said he doesn't "regret anything" from his 76ers years and has "learned from all the mistakes." 儘管如此, Iverson 說他對於七六人時光「無怨無悔」並且「從錯誤中學習成長」。 Now he seems content to dispense his wisdom to the Nuggets' many young players. 現在,他樂於把他成長智慧分享給金塊隊的年輕球員。 Iverson has become a mentor to Anthony, 22. With Anthony serving a 15-game suspension for fighting when Iverson arrived - and with Iverson missing eight games because of a sprained right ankle shortly after Anthony returned - it took time to mesh. Iverson現在已經成為二十二歲的 Anthony 的良師益友。從 Melo 因為打架風波禁賽 十五場;到 Melo 歸隊而 Iverson 又因為右腳踝扭傷缺席八場比賽,磨合期的確花了 一段時間。 But it came together during the homestretch of the season. The Nuggets won 10 of their final 11 games. 但是球季末段,他們之間的磨合終於出現效果。金塊隊在最後十一場比賽裡,贏了 十場。 "It took about 14 or 15 games for us to get it right," Anthony said. "It finally came this month. It couldn't have come at a better time." Anthony表示:「我們花了十四或十五場比賽來尋找勝利方程式,這個月終於有了成果, 而這是最佳的時間點。」 Iverson also has taken under his wing Nuggets guard J.R. Smith, 21. Smith, in his third season, has had growing pains, including squabbles with coaches and serving a 10-game suspension for fighting in the Dec. 16 brawl that also cost Anthony. Iverson也帶領金塊後衛二十一歲的 J.R. Smith 一起飛翔。這是 Smith 的第三個 球季,他一直都在千辛萬苦中成長:包括與教練的口角,12月16日,同時損失 Anthony 的群架讓他遭到禁賽十場。 "He's talking to me so much about my character and my attitude toward the game, " Smith said. "He's just taught me a lot more than I've ever been taught. How to get steals and how to read the offensive player's mind. Just how to get open shots, and another thing, just root for the team when I'm not in there. Smith表示:「他跟我談論很多我在比賽中,必須扮演的角色與擁有的態度。他教了 我很多我沒學習過的事情。他教我要怎麼從對方手中把球抄過來;要怎麼洞悉進攻 球員的心態;要怎麼跑出控檔;還交代我,如果沒機會上場,就好好幫球隊加油。」 "He's totally different from what people perceive him to be. A lot of people think he's a bad guy. He's not that at all. He's a great teacher and just overall a genuine, great person." 「他跟人們心目中的 Iverson 完全不一樣。很多人認為他是壞小子,他一點都不壞, 他是一位好導師,整體來說,他是一位真誠不做作的大好人。」 Put it all together, and the Nuggets look to be in good shape. Vice president of basketball operations Mark Warkentien said the team has been "heading north" after an adjustment period after the Iverson deal. 把這些成果聚在一起,金塊隊期盼成為優良的球隊。籃球營運副總裁 Mark Warkentien 表示,這支隊伍在經過 Iverson 交易案的陣痛期之後,在西北組已經擁有制霸的能力。 The Nuggets have gone north in the standings. Iverson's reputation has gone north. 金塊隊的戰績沒有在西北組稱霸, Iverson 的名聲也沒有在西北組傳開。 But what Iverson is concerned with most is trying to get through the rugged West, then claim the NBA title he long has sought. 但是現在 Iverson 真正關心的是,努力闖過強隊如林的西區季後賽,然後完成長久 以來的渴望,向世人宣告他可以拿到總冠軍。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/21 00:16, , 1F
04/21 00:16, 1F

04/21 00:23, , 2F
看得很感動,AI變好多 AI什麼時候又多兩個小孩了
04/21 00:23, 2F

04/21 00:32, , 3F
推翻譯 AI永不放棄的精神 開始為季後賽而燃燒
04/21 00:32, 3F

04/21 00:34, , 4F
推 AI真的是個成熟的球員了
04/21 00:34, 4F

04/21 00:43, , 5F
04/21 00:43, 5F

04/21 00:46, , 6F
衝了啦....Nuggets = 總冠軍
04/21 00:46, 6F

04/21 00:47, , 7F
04/21 00:47, 7F

04/21 00:57, , 8F
04/21 00:57, 8F

04/21 03:00, , 9F
誓死追隨AI 金塊加油啊 拿到冠軍 我一定會哭成淚人兒
04/21 03:00, 9F

04/21 07:18, , 10F
04/21 07:18, 10F

04/21 07:34, , 11F
04/21 07:34, 11F

04/21 22:26, , 12F
拼了啦 老天一定要給小艾一點愛阿!! 金塊飛天了!!
04/21 22:26, 12F

04/22 00:25, , 13F
04/22 00:25, 13F

04/22 01:53, , 14F
太感人勒 AI衝啊>__<~~
04/22 01:53, 14F

04/22 08:14, , 15F
AI加油...我相信你&所有金塊人可以做到 衝
04/22 08:14, 15F

04/22 13:43, , 16F
04/22 13:43, 16F

04/23 00:40, , 17F
04/23 00:40, 17F

04/23 01:11, , 18F
讓我們向世人宣告 金塊無敵阿~!! 燃燒吧~戰神魂!!
04/23 01:11, 18F

04/23 03:02, , 19F
感謝翻譯.....AI 又多了兩個小孩了 衝阿 總冠軍!!
04/23 03:02, 19F
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