[外電] 金塊在最佳時刻增強自信心。

看板Nuggets作者 (L')時間17年前 (2007/04/10 20:32), 編輯推噓23(23011)
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Confidence growing at perfect time for Denver after 115-111 win over Lakers 金塊在最佳時刻增強自信心。 Sixth win in a row solidifies hold on sixth spot in West 六連勝,穩住西區第六種子。 http://tinyurl.com/yumkbw By Chris Tomasson, Rocky Mountain News April 10, 2007 The Nuggets staggered into the playoffs last season with four straight losses. That doesn't appear to be a problem this time. 去年金塊以四連敗蹣跚走進季後賽,今年金塊不再重蹈覆轍。 Denver continued to round into playoff form, winning its season-best sixth straight game Monday night at the Pepsi Center. After the 115-111 win over the Los Angeles Lakers, guard Allen Iverson uttered what seemed to be a challenge. 金塊持續發燙,朝著季後賽前進。禮拜一晚上他們在Pepsi Center贏得本季新高 六連勝,金塊以115比111擊敗湖人之後,後衛Allen Iverson發表了『季後賽強隊 挑戰』言論。 "My whole thing since I've gotten here is a team has got to beat us four times in a playoff series," said Iverson, acquired Dec. 19. "I'd like to see that happen." 12月19日正式成為金塊人的Iverson表示:「自從我來到這裡,我所關注的就是哪 支球隊想要在季後賽晉級,就必須打敗我們四次,而我想看看哪支球隊有這樣的 能耐。」 Nobody recently has been able to beat the Nuggets (41-36), who solidified their hold on the No. 6 playoff seed in the Western Conference, even once. Four of the six wins have come against teams in position to make the playoffs. 金塊隊近來無人能擋,他們穩住這個本季只佔過一次的西區第六種子位置。六連勝 之中,他們擊敗四支季後賽名單之內的隊伍。 As has been the case often this season, the Nuggets kicked away a lead, after being up by as many as 13 points in the fourth quarter. But after falling behind by one point on two occasions in the final 4:20, the Nuggets finished the game with an 8-3 run. 然而本季的老問題再次發生,金塊隊在第四節13分的領先分數再次搞砸,但是在球賽 結束前4分20秒以一分落後之後,金塊隊打出一波8比3的攻勢結束比賽。 "This is probably the best time to get the chemistry down," said Nuggets forward Carmelo Anthony, who scored a game-most 33 points. "It couldn't come at a better time." 攻下全場最高33分的金塊隊前鋒Carmelo Anthony說:「也許這時候是讓化學效應發酵 的最佳時刻,沒有比現在更適合的時候了。」 Anthony made two free throws with 7.1 seconds left for a 114-111 lead. He was draped on Lakers guard Kobe Bryant when he missed a 27-foot three-point attempt with 2.7 seconds left, then center Marcus Camby split two free throws with 2 seconds left to secure the win. Anthony在槍響前7.1秒二罰俱中,帶領球隊取得114比111領先,並且在比賽結束前 2.7秒成功守住湖人後衛Kobe Bryant27呎的三分出手,接著中鋒Marcus Camby二罰 中一,幫助金塊在最後2秒保住勝利。 "I take that challenge," Anthony said of guarding Bryant down the stretch. "The last 2 or 3 minutes, I told (Linas Kleiza), 'Go guard Lamar Odom.' " 談到比賽後段負責防守Bryant,Anthony表示:「我接下這個挑戰。大概是最後2.3 分鐘的時候,我告訴Linas Kleiza,『你去防守Lamar Odom』。」 Bryant shot a mere 9-of-30 while scoring 23 points. Nuggets coach George Karl said his players were able to stay in front of Bryant and he just "missed a lot of shots." Bryant整場投30僅僅命中9球,拿下23分。金塊教練George Karl表示,球員們儘可 能壓迫Bryant,讓他屢投不進。 Bryant did most of his firing during the second half, when he went 5-of-18. He didn't score in the first 9 minutes of the game. "I started out the game a little too passive so my rhythm wasn't there when I needed it to be," Bryant said. "I tried to go to the well but the well was a little empty." 開賽後前9分鐘靜悄悄的Bryant下半場投18中5,他大部分的分數都在下半場獲得。 Bryant說:「開賽之初,我打得太過被動,當我需要掌握節奏時已經太晚了,我設 法取回優勢,但是優勢已不在。」 The same can be said for the Lakers (40-38). They lost for the sixth time in eight games and fell 1 1/2 games behind the Nuggets for the No. 6 seed. The Nuggets won the season series 3-1, the first time they've done that against the Lakers since 1993-94. Because they hold the tiebreaker, the Nuggets would have to lose at least three of their final five games to not be No. 6. 這句話也是湖人隊(40-38)的心聲。他們八場比賽之中輸了六場,並以一又二分 之一場差落後第六種子的金塊。本季金塊隊以三勝一敗取得對戰優勢,這是他們自 1993-94年以來,首度在雙方對戰中取得勝利。這樣的優勢,讓金塊隊得以穩居第六, 除非最後的五場比賽他們輸了三場。 The Nuggets' magic number dropped to one to clinch a playoff berth. The Nuggets, who most likely will face San Antonio in the first round, can earn a trip with a win Wednesday at Utah, but they would have to wait until at least Friday if they lose. 金塊隊季後賽魔術數字降為一。幾乎確定季後賽將面對馬刺的金塊隊,如果能在禮拜 三打敗爵士,就能確定晉級;不然他們至少要等到禮拜五。 But the Nuggets aren't showing many signs of losing. "We've won six games in a row," said Iverson, who scored 24 points. "If you don't have confidence now, then you will never get it." 然而沒有任何徵兆顯示金塊隊會吃敗仗。本場比賽拿下24分的Iverson說:「我們已 經六連勝,如果你無法從中獲得自信心,那麼你永遠對自己沒信心。」 The Nuggets also got 22 rebounds and seven blocked shots from Camby, giving him 42 rebounds in two games in the past week against the Lakers. Anthony said he must "have something personal against them." Camby為金塊隊摘下22顆籃板球與7次火鍋。上週以來與湖人的二次對戰,他一共抓下 42個籃板球。Anthony表示,「Camby一定跟湖人隊有私人恩怨」。 The Nuggets got 17 points off the bench from Linas Kleiza and 14 from Eduardo Najera. Karl said Najera, who recently missed six games with a left tibia contusion, had a lot of "bounce." 金塊從K炸與馬市長身上獲得17分的板凳火力支援。提到因為脛骨挫傷而缺席六場 比賽的馬市長,Karl表示他展現充沛的「活力」。 The Nuggets showed plenty of bounce in leading by as many as 15 in the first half and being up 100-87 with 8:56 left. But the Lakers stormed back to take a 105-104 lead with 4:20 remaining and were up 108-107 with 1:59 left when Odom split two free throws.But forward Nene made two free throws with 1:41 left to give the Nuggets the lead for good. Camby blocked a Ronny Turiaf dunk attempt, one of several big defensive plays down the stretch. 上半場金塊隊也展現活力,曾以15分領先,並且在比賽結束前8分56秒,保有100比87 的優勢;但是湖人隊開始反撲,槍響前4分20秒取得105比104超前,最後1分59秒靠著 Odom二罰中一,仍以108比107領先;接下來金塊隊就靠著前鋒Nene二罰俱中,在比賽 剩下1分41秒之後,便領先至終場。Camby最後賞給Turiaf一記麻辣鍋,成功阻止他的 灌籃,這也是比賽後段最重要的幾個防守之一。 "It's defensive stops," Karl of the difference in the Nuggets winning close games down the stretch. 金塊隊近來的改變,就在於能夠在分數接近的比賽之中最後關頭取得勝利。 老爹說:「關鍵就在於防守,比賽最後時刻,他們能夠成功阻止對方得分。」 Heading down the stretch of the season, the Nuggets are wondering who's going to stop them. 而在這個季賽最後時刻,金塊隊不覺得有任何人可以阻止他們連勝。 ETC.: The loss assures Lakers coach Phil Jackson of the worst coaching season of his 16-year career. . . . Anthony knew it would take time for he and Iverson to mesh even if he didn't initially say it. "Once we got him, I was lying to myself," he said. "I had to tell myself it was going to work right away. But it was going to take some time for us to jell as a team and right now it's happening.'' The Nuggets clinched a fourth straight .500 or better season for the first time since joining the NBA in 1976-77. . . . The Nuggets made a season-most 39 free throws. . . Attending the game was former Nuggets forward Chris Andersen, who was banned from the NBA for a January 2006 drug violation and has been working out in Denver in hopes of being reinstated in January. ETC.: ‧湖人本場吞敗之後,本季戰績已經成為教練Phil Jackson執教16年以來最差的戰績。 ‧Anthony了解,他與Iverson之間的磨合需要一些時間,即使最初他並沒有說出口。 「他來了之後,我就欺騙了自己。我對自己說,我們之間馬上就可以產生化學效應, 但事實上的確需要時間,而現在,已經開始慢慢發酵。」 ‧自1976-77加入NBA以來,今年是金塊隊首次連續四季勝率超過五成以上。 ‧金塊隊今天投進本季最高的39次罰球。 ‧今天金塊隊前前鋒球員Chris Andersen出現在場邊。他在2006年因為違反藥物條例 被NBA當局踢出籃球界。他在丹佛努力訓練,並希望明年一月可以重回球場。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/10 20:36, , 1F
04/10 20:36, 1F

04/10 20:36, , 2F
推 要在7場裡面贏我們4場是很難的
04/10 20:36, 2F

04/10 20:48, , 3F
04/10 20:48, 3F

04/10 21:03, , 4F
把氣勢拉抬到最高進入季後賽,管對手是誰一律殺無赦 ^^
04/10 21:03, 4F

04/10 21:04, , 5F
祝福鳥人 以前蠻喜歡他的
04/10 21:04, 5F

04/10 21:08, , 6F
AI真的屌阿! 另外我等馬市長恢復好久了! 讚阿!
04/10 21:08, 6F

04/10 21:13, , 7F
04/10 21:13, 7F

04/10 21:15, , 8F
04/10 21:15, 8F

04/10 21:19, , 9F
04/10 21:19, 9F

04/10 21:22, , 10F
04/10 21:22, 10F

04/10 21:23, , 11F
04/10 21:23, 11F

04/10 21:27, , 12F
我發覺阿 這跟上篇是不是一樣XD
04/10 21:27, 12F

04/10 21:27, , 13F
唔 有點雷同而已
04/10 21:27, 13F

04/10 23:01, , 14F
04/10 23:01, 14F

04/10 23:16, , 15F
04/10 23:16, 15F

04/10 23:19, , 16F
04/10 23:19, 16F

04/10 23:31, , 17F
推 之前好像在東區客場之旅之後有討論季末賽程好像太艱辛了
04/10 23:31, 17F

04/10 23:31, , 18F
04/10 23:31, 18F
※ 編輯: finalmoon 來自: (04/10 23:40)

04/10 23:41, , 19F
感謝 已改正
04/10 23:41, 19F

04/10 23:43, , 20F
04/10 23:43, 20F

04/10 23:45, , 21F
04/10 23:45, 21F

04/10 23:45, , 22F
04/10 23:45, 22F

04/10 23:46, , 23F
其實還要繼續努力的! (潑個冷水別high過頭 XDDD)
04/10 23:46, 23F

04/10 23:47, , 24F
04/10 23:47, 24F
※ 編輯: finalmoon 來自: (04/10 23:51)

04/10 23:51, , 25F
已改正 ="=
04/10 23:51, 25F

04/11 00:25, , 26F
04/11 00:25, 26F

04/11 01:31, , 27F
Anthony表示,「Camby一定跟湖人隊有私人恩怨」。 XDD
04/11 01:31, 27F

04/11 08:39, , 28F
04/11 08:39, 28F

04/11 08:40, , 29F
04/11 08:40, 29F

04/11 08:53, , 30F
看了一下 今年金塊沒贏過馬刺
04/11 08:53, 30F

04/11 09:04, , 31F
04/11 09:04, 31F

04/11 09:10, , 32F
04/11 09:10, 32F

04/11 13:04, , 33F
Camby一定跟湖人隊有私人恩怨 XDDD
04/11 13:04, 33F

04/11 13:12, , 34F
04/11 13:12, 34F
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