[外電] Kleiza 不再是秘密武器。

看板Nuggets作者 (L')時間17年前 (2007/03/28 19:07), 編輯推噓20(2007)
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Kleiza's no longer a secret Kleiza不再是秘密武器。 Reserve emerges on national TV to give Nuggets boost 這位逢全國轉播必爆發的替補球員,提升了金塊隊的戰力。 http://tinyurl.com/2tz2uj By Chris Tomasson, Rocky Mountain News March 28, 2007 To his tongue-tied teammates, Linas Kleiza has been known as "LK." Seems, though, some other initials have come his way. Linas Kleiza有拗口的名字,所以隊友們叫他『LK』,然而現在,他的名子多擺了 幾個大寫字母。 "TVL," Nuggets forward Carmelo Anthony said of his teammate. "That's his name." 金塊前鋒Carmelo Anthony說,『TVL』現在是他的新名字。 After two sterling national TV showings this month, the forward can relate a bit to what it's like to come up big on American Idol. He has emerged from nowhere into the national eye. 這個月以來,在二家優秀的全國轉播單位強力放送之下,這名前鋒可以稍微體驗一下 美國偶像的感覺。他從一位默默無名的球員,變成全國矚目的焦點。 Make that the international eye. Before the Nuggets' game Monday against the Detroit Pistons, four reporters milled around Kleiza, including one representing China, one Japan and one Lithuania. 或許可以說,是全世界的焦點。在禮拜一金塊作客底特律賽前,有四名記者圍著 Kleiza;其中三位分別來自中國、日本、還有立陶宛。 The last one was understandable, considering Kleiza is from Lithuania. That reporter had no problem pronouncing Kleiza's name, something broadcasters and opposing public-address announcers still are having trouble with despite Kleiza's recent success. 有立陶宛的記者並不意外,因為Kleiza就是出身立陶宛。當然這名記者唸出Kleiza的 名字沒有問題,但是其他一些球場播報人員、廣播人員要唸出他的名字,還是有些麻 煩。儘管Kleiza最近的表現很活躍。 "I'm used to it," Kleiza said of his name (pronounced LIN-as Clay-za) being botched. "I'm not sensitive about my name. It doesn't matter how they pronounce it." 對於他自己的名字,Kleiza(唸LIN-as Clay-za)說:「我早就習慣了,有些人看到 我名子會吱吱唔唔不知道怎麼發音,我不會特別在意我的名字發音,所以他們如何唸 也就沒有那麼重要了。 If Kleiza continues his stellar play, a pronunciation key might no longer be necessary in the Nuggets' media notes. In the past 10 games, he has averaged 14.1 points and shot 54 percent 27-of-50 on three-pointers. 如果Kleiza持續這樣亮眼的表現,那麼在丹佛媒體報導上的特別附註—Kleiza名字發音, 也就不再需要了。過去十場比賽他平均攻下14.1分,三分球投50中27,有54%的命中率。 He has saved his best for national TV. In a March 11 game at Sacramento televised by ABC, Kleiza scored 24 points, which was his career high until he got 29 four days later during a TNT broadcast against the Lakers while making 5-for-6 three-pointers. 他總是把最好的表現展現在全國轉播的比賽裡。3月11日作客國王隊的轉播單位是ABC, 而Kleizas拿下生涯最高24分;四天之後,由TNT轉播的金塊湖人之戰,他又刷新了生涯 紀錄,轟下29分,三分線6投5中。 Both times, Kleiza was interviewed at halftime, which, he said, got him plenty of ribbing from teammates. 這二場比賽中場報導的焦點人物正是Kleizas,這也讓他的隊友大大地開了他玩笑。 But it was far from the lights of television where Kleiza, averaging seven points heading into tonight's home game against Seattle, has worked himself into one of the surprises of the 2005 draft. 之前默默無名的Kleiza靠著他的努力,讓自己成為2005年選秀會上會令人驚豔的球員 之一。Kleiza將帶著對戰平均7分,在明晚迎戰超音速隊。 He was selected No. 27 by the Portland Trail Blazers out of the University of Missouri and dealt that night to the Nuggets. 當年,他以27順位被拓荒者隊從密蘇里州大挑上,當晚就被交易到金塊隊。 In sporadic minutes last season, Kleiza averaged 3.5 points and shot 15 percent (2-of-13) on three-pointers. So, after the season, he stuck around Denver and became a fixture in the gym with player-development coach John Welch. 上個賽季零零碎碎的上場時間,讓他的成績只有3.5分、三分命中率15%、投13中2。 球季結束之後,他選擇留在丹佛,成為體育館的常客,跟球員發展教練John Welch 一起練習。 "I definitely put in a lot of work," said Kleiza, who will play for Lithuania in the summer in the European Championships in Spain, with berths in the 2008 Olympics on the line. "The biggest key is you've got to shoot (three-pointers). You've got to shoot them every day." Kleize將在今年暑假加入立陶宛國家隊,參加在西班牙舉行的歐洲冠軍錦標賽;也是 2008年即將到來的奧運參賽權。Kleiza表示:「我真的下了很大的功夫,其中最重要 的關鍵就是練習三分線投射,你必須每天練習。」 The work paid off when Kleiza played well in the summer in the World Championship and in the fall during the Nuggets' preseason. 辛苦的努力有了初步的成效,Kleiza在去年夏天舉辦的世界籃球錦標賽以及秋天 金塊的季前訓練營的表現都非常棒。 Then the regular season started. Kleiza didn't play much and lost some confidence. Coach George Karl told Kleiza he needed to improve his defense. 接著NBA季賽開始,Kleiza並沒有獲得多少上場時間,也喪失了自信。教練George Karl 告訴他,『必須加強防守能力』。 So it was back to work. Kleiza honed his defensive skills - he improved enough that Karl didn't hesitate last week to put him on New Jersey's Vince Carter - and practiced late, firing up endless jumpers. 於是Kleiza又開始了自我訓練。他不斷揣摩加強防守技巧—他的進步,讓上禮拜作客 籃網隊時,Karl沒有半點猶豫就把防守Vince Carter的重任交給他—然後繼續練習到 半夜,一次又一次的跳投。 "He's working hard at becoming a very good player," Karl said of the 6-foot-8, 245-pound Kleiza, who has lost 13 pounds since he was a post-up player with Missouri. "He's a committed pro at a very young age (22), which is very unusual in our league. He's very serious about his regimen and his routine. 六呎八吋245磅的Kleiza已經從之前那位在密蘇里州大的低位球員,變成減重13磅體重的 小前鋒。Karl談到他時表示:「他非常努力地想要成為出色的球員。才22歲就是一位稱 職的職業球員,就算在NBA聯盟也非常少見。Kleiza非常認真地要求自己的飲食養生觀念 以及例行訓練。」 "It's paid dividends. I've never seen a kid go from where he was at the beginning of the year to where he is now as fast as he probably has. And he's earned most of it. . . . The window has been opened up because of situations. . . . But he's played so well we've had to find minutes for him." 「這一切就是他投下心血所帶來的效果。我從來沒看過有任何一位球員像他一樣進步 神速,從季初的平庸表現到現在這麼亮眼,這是他一步一步掙來的結果。在球場上機會 之窗隨時都為球員開著,他精采的表現也讓我們必須騰出一些時間給他上場。」 In a season featuring suspensions, injuries and two trades, the Nuggets have been an ever-changing team. Kleiza got into the rotation for good at the start of February and, one month later, he regularly is getting 25 minutes a game. 在這個禁賽受傷交易交叉而成的球季,金塊隊已經換過無數次的陣容。Kleiza從二月初 成為球隊固定陣容之後,一個月以來,他的上場時間慢慢成長為平均25分鐘。 In his past 10 games, Kleiza has averaged 25.8 minutes. With Karl giving Kleiza the "freedom" to shoot, he has made four or more three-pointers in five of those games and has taken over the team lead with 39.8 percent shooting from beyond the arc. 過去十場比賽以來,Kleiza平均上場25.8分。隨著Karl授與他的自由開火權,十場比賽 中有五場,他投進四個以上的三分長射砲,並且取代其他球員,成為隊上三分球命中率 最高的平均39.8%。 "To get a guy with his confidence going like (Kleiza's) is, it's great for our team," Anthony said. "It lets us know that we can go to our bench and get contributions." Anthony說:「如果每位球員都能像Kleiza這麼有信心,對金塊隊幫助很大。這讓我們 知道球隊的板凳球員可以頃巢而出並做出貢獻。」 Kleiza joked he and fellow perimeter reserve J.R. Smith have emerged as "killer duo No. 2" behind Anthony and Allen Iverson. But that hasn't caught on yet. Kleiza開玩笑地說,他和另一位板凳球員J.R. Smith是繼Anthony與Iverson之後的 殺手雙重奏,可惜這個外號還沒流行起來。 As for "TVL," Anthony would like that one to stick. Kleiza helped it more by scoring 14 in an ESPN game Sunday at Cleveland, and he has at least two more ESPN appearances left in the regular season. Anthony應該會比較喜歡『TVL』這個外號,因為Kleiza在禮拜天作客騎士隊的比賽中, 又攻下了14分。本季他還有二次以上的機會可以在ESPN全國轉播上露面。 (中略超音速金塊對戰陣容) 傷兵。 超音速:後衛Ray Allen(左腳踝骨刺);中鋒Robert Swift(ACL撕裂)皆無法上場。 金塊: 前鋒Kenyon Martin(右膝手術)無法上場;前鋒Eduardo Najera(左脛骨 撞傷)適情況而定。 抓住機會。 Linas Kleiza has been on a roll offensively in the Nuggets' past 10 games. His statistics before (56 games) and during the streak. Linas Klei是丹佛金塊近十場比賽裡面進攻的關鍵角色。 以下為本季前56場與這十場表現數據: 本季前56場 近日火熱表現 上場時間 16.7 25.8 出手命中/次數 104-270 49-98 命中率 38.5 50.0 三分球出手命中/次數 37-111 27-50 命中率 33.3 54.0 得分 5.8 14.1 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/28 19:54, , 1F
推! Kleiza得分偏向射手,但移動速度不挺快,一旦不是
03/28 19:54, 1F

03/28 19:55, , 2F
03/28 19:55, 2F

03/28 19:55, , 3F
Kyle Korver紅了一樣..XD Kleiza很棒!
03/28 19:55, 3F

03/28 19:56, , 4F
本來打算翻這篇的 被搶先了XD
03/28 19:56, 4F

03/28 19:56, , 5F
03/28 19:56, 5F

03/28 19:58, , 6F
03/28 19:58, 6F

03/28 20:02, , 7F
03/28 20:02, 7F

03/28 20:12, , 8F
...........別跟我說所有金塊球員都是g大板友 = =|||
03/28 20:12, 8F

03/28 20:13, , 9F
一分耕耘 一分收穫 (我的大軍還沒出動呢!目前還差幾個...
03/28 20:13, 9F

03/28 20:14, , 10F
03/28 20:14, 10F

03/28 20:15, , 11F
不要偷Q我拉 討厭
03/28 20:15, 11F

03/28 20:18, , 12F
03/28 20:18, 12F
※ 編輯: finalmoon 來自: (03/28 20:19)

03/28 21:00, , 13F
別怕拉~Killer Duo No.2前面還有No.1更需要嚴加看管
03/28 21:00, 13F

03/28 23:40, , 14F
03/28 23:40, 14F

03/29 00:17, , 15F
對湖人那場有手誤 =>三分線5投6中 謝謝翻譯啦!!
03/29 00:17, 15F

03/29 00:41, , 16F
03/29 00:41, 16F
※ 編輯: finalmoon 來自: (03/29 01:41)

03/29 01:41, , 17F
03/29 01:41, 17F

03/29 02:38, , 18F
03/29 02:38, 18F

03/29 03:57, , 19F
03/29 03:57, 19F

03/29 03:58, , 20F
Kleiza 加油啊
03/29 03:58, 20F

03/29 09:36, , 21F
LK遁地阿!!!! 當金塊的隱形英雄吧~
03/29 09:36, 21F

03/29 10:39, , 22F
Kleiza 加油 ^^
03/29 10:39, 22F

03/29 14:20, , 23F
What is "T" ?
03/29 14:20, 23F

03/29 14:26, , 24F
"TVL" TV就是全國轉播 "L" 就是K炸的名子拉
03/29 14:26, 24F

03/30 19:15, , 25F
03/30 19:15, 25F

03/30 19:36, , 26F
03/30 19:36, 26F

03/30 19:39, , 27F
03/30 19:39, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #162anT4m (Nuggets)