[外電] J.R. Smith gets shot at redemption

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J.R. Smith gets shot at redemption http://tinyurl.com/2phj72 By Aaron J. Lopez, Rocky Mountain News February 7, 2007 It could come after a missed defensive assignment or perhaps after an ill- advised three-point attempt. 在J.R.未能完成教練給他的防守任務,或是在三分線外欠缺思考腦充血的 投射之後,我們也許可以看到這一幕: At some point tonight, Nuggets coach George Karl might be tempted to glance over at New Orleans/Oklahoma City coach Byron Scott and share an unspoken moment of understanding about the work-in-progress known as J.R. Smith. 明天比賽的某些時候,也許還在試著找尋善用J.R. Smith方法的金塊教練 George Karl,不禁會把目光轉移到黃蜂隊教練Byron Scott身上,在眼光 的交流中,與Scott分享如何了解J.R.的經驗。 After falling out of favor with Scott last season, Smith has been a major contributor in his first three months under Karl. The fresh start and 16.1 scoring average have not necessarily meant an end to old habits. 上個賽季得不到Scott的喜愛,在Karl手下打球的三個月以來,Smith已經成為 隊上主要的攻擊手。但是這個新的開始,以及每場平均拿下16.1分的數據,並 不代表他已經改進了舊習慣。 "J.R.'s a young player. Some days, he is wonderful; some days he is committed; some days he is focused. And then the next day . . . what happened?" Karl said Tuesday. "That's not just J.R. That's 70 percent of young athletes who come into this league that don't understand the commitment and professionalism that we demand of our young players. 禮拜二Karl表示:「J.R.是一位年輕球員,有些時候表現很好;有些時候神情 堅定;有些時候全神貫注;但是你不知道他下一場的表現會如何。當然不只是 J.R.,有百分之七十的年輕球員進入這個聯盟,而不了解全力付出以及職業精 神的意義,這些正是我們對年輕球員所要求的。」 "For me, J.R.'s been good. He can be better. He hasn't reached the level of professionalism that he needs to understand. But he probably hasn't gone through the experiences necessary to motivate him to get there." 「在我眼裡,J.R.的表現已經很好了,不過他可以成為更好的球員。J.R.還沒 達到他應該有的職業水準,也許他還沒有經歷過可以激勵自己,成為更頂尖球 員的經驗。」 For two years, Scott tried to serve as Smith's personal motivational speaker. 二年來,Scott一直試著成為Smith的精神導師。 With his two assistants, Scott said he clearly stated his expectations for Smith, with work ethic and team play among the major points of emphasis. 搭配二位助理教練,Scott說他清楚地設定自己對Smith的期望。在他強調的一 些要點裡面,職業道德以及團隊合作是Scott特別要求的。 When the results were not to Scott's satisfaction, Smith took up residence at the end of the bench. 當結果不如Scott預期,Smith就開始了萬年板凳的籃球生涯。 "I told him all the things I felt he needed to do," Scott told Hornets beat reporters this week. "He would do it for one day, and then he wouldn't do it again. That was my biggest problem. I'm trying to help a young kid develop, and he didn't want to. He wanted to play his way, which was to shoot threes and see how many dunks he can get." 本週Scott告訴Hornets beat的記者說:「我告訴J.R.所有他應該要做的事情。 也許某一天他做得到,但是從此之後便再也看不到,這對我來說是最大的麻煩。 我正在幫助一位年輕球員進步,但是他不領情,他希望照著自己的方式打球, 那就是投三分球、看看自己可以灌幾次籃。」 In desperate need of a three- point shooter, the Nuggets acquired Smith in an offseason trade with Chicago on July 20 - just one week after Smith had been traded from the Hornets to the Bulls. 1月20日,極度需要三分射手的金塊隊於休兵期間從公牛隊交易來Smith,而在 一個月之前,Smith才剛從黃蜂交易至公牛。 Smith, 21, has responded with a career-high 99 three-pointers in 36 games, and his athleticism suits the Nuggets' uptempo style of play. His defense, however, remains inconsistent, and Smith's tendency to complain about officiating and mope when removed from the game irks the old-school Karl. 21歲的Smith在36場比賽裏面就投進了生涯新高的99顆三分球,而他的爆炸體能 正適合金塊隊快節奏的比賽風格,然而他的防守還是不能始終如一,而且Smith 越來越有抱怨裁判的趨勢,被換下場後鬱鬱寡歡的神情,也因此讓老派的教練 Karl頗為苦惱。 "He drains the energy out of himself," Karl said. "He should have the face of an assassin. He should have an emotional balance that no one can really read what's going on inside of him." Karl說:「J.R.渾身充滿能量,身上流著殺手本色的血液。他的心情不溢於表, 沒有人知道他內心世界到底在想什麼。」 Smith gave no outward sign of emotion as he prepared to face his former team for the first time. 即將第一次面對老東家,Smith並沒有太多情緒上的表現。 He repeatedly insisted it is just another game on the schedule, and he said he would speak with Scott only if his former coach speaks with him first. 他一再堅持,這只是賽程表上另一場比賽而已;另外他將不會與Scott說話,除 非這位前教頭主動過來跟他敘敘舊。 "I don't look back. I only look forward," Smith said. "You look in the past, you start to play like you did in the past, so I only look forward." Smith說:「我從不回頭看,我只往前走;當你心繫於往事,你的打法會變的跟 過去一樣,所以我會只向前看。」 To his credit, Smith has accepted his new role as a reserve without complaint. He started the first 22 games of the season but only twice since returning from a 10-game suspension for his part in a brawl Dec. 16 with the New York Knicks. 說到做到,Smith接受了他在隊上擔任替補的新角色而沒有任何怨言。本季前22 場比賽場場先發的他,自從12月16號紐約群架事件而被禁賽10場之後,只有二次 先發的機會。 His instant offense gives Karl a nice option off the bench, and Smith takes some of the scoring burden off Carmelo Anthony and Allen Iverson. J.R.源源不絕的板凳火力,提供Karl另一項選擇;同時分擔Carmelo Anthony與 Allen Iverson的進攻重任。 "He's (done) everything we've asked from him, and then some," Nuggets center Marcus Camby said. "He's been trying to play better defense and be an offensive weapon that we need." 金塊隊中鋒Marcus Camby說:「J.R.做到每一項我們要求的事情,而且已經試著 打出更好的防守,並成為隊上不可獲缺的進攻武器。」 Because of his suspension, Smith missed the Nuggets' first game against the Hornets in Oklahoma City on Dec. 29. As much as he downplayed tonight's game, his teammates know it will hold a little extra meaning. 因為禁賽未能出席,Smith錯過了12月29號金塊與老東家交手的第一次機會,如同 J.R.面對今晚比賽如何地輕描淡寫,他的隊友知道,這場比賽還是有額外的意義。 Iverson, who spent 10-plus seasons in Philadelphia before being traded to Denver, was crushed when the Nuggets lost to the 76ers at the Pepsi Center five weeks ago. 前曾經為費城效力十年,並在今年轉隊到金塊的Iverson,五個禮拜前,就是在 Pepsi Center敗給老東家七六人隊。 "I didn't care how well I played, I just wanted to get the win. It was just disheartening not to be able to get it," Iverson said. "I know J.R.'s in that situation, and I'll get a chance to help him be on the winning side." Iverson表示:「我不在乎自己能表現多好,我只是想贏球,那場敗戰讓人失望 至極。我知道J.R.現在的心境,所以我將幫助他,讓他有機會成為贏家。」 And who knows. At some point tonight - perhaps after a nice defensive play or a long three-pointer - Smith can look over at Scott and enjoy his own unspoken moment of satisfaction. 而在今晚的比賽中,天曉得哪個時候—也許是一個成功防守,或是長程三分彈 之後—Smith會看了看Scott,並獨自享受著不可言喻的成就感。 Pearls of wisdom from J. Peterman J. Peterman的妙語如珠。 "The toll road of denial is a long and dangerous one. The price? Your soul." - J. Peterman, as played by John O'Hurley in Seinfeld. 「在這個自我否定的道路上,路途既漫長又危險,而付出的代價,就是你的靈魂。」 —J. Peterman,在Seinfeld(美國電視節目)裡,由John O'Hurley所扮演的角色。 Mr. Peterman might want to have a chat with Nuggets coach George Karl, who is putting up a strong front despite losses in six of seven games. It matches the worst seven-game stretch in Karl's two-plus seasons with the Nuggets. Peterman先生也許想要和金塊隊教練George Karl聊個天。即使七場比賽輸了 六場,Karl仍然持正面看法。自從他帶領金塊隊二個半球季以來,這已經是 七場比賽戰績最糟的一次。 "I think we're playing great. I'm totally against what you all want to write," Karl said. "I said a long time ago: With all this craziness (injuries, suspensions, trades), you don't look at the results. You've got to look at how we're playing. We're playing good." Karl表示:「我認為我們打的很好。我知道你們記者想要寫什麼,但我不認同 你們的看法。很久之前我就說了,當隊上出現一堆問題(傷兵、禁賽、交易), 你不能只看戰績的,你必須仔細瞧瞧我們比賽過程,事實上我們打得很棒。」 ‧ Notes: The Hornets beat Denver on Dec. 29 despite playing without starters Paul, West, Stojakovic and reserve Bobby Jackson. The four combined to average 60.2 points, 19.8 rebounds and 13.6 assists. Denver was without suspended starters Anthony and J.R. Smith, their two leading scorers at the time . . . Anthony recorded his first career triple-double Monday night. Karl said it could be a regular occurrence if Anthony does not force things on offense and makes a consistent commitment on defense. "I've been telling him all along that he's a triple-double guy," Karl said. "I think he should judge his career on triple-doubles. I think he's a guy that should go out and try to get 100 of 'em. He's that talented." . . . The Hornets have won five of seven, while Denver has lost six of seven . . . Nene is averaging 17.2 points and 28.0 minutes over the past five games . . . Smith is averaging 16.0 points on 18-of-34 shooting in his past three games. . . . The Hornets have lost 12 of their past 14 road games. . . . Jackson is 7-for-41 from the field in his past five games. . . . The Hornets are 1-12 when allowing 100 points, while the Nuggets are 0-15 when failing to score 100. 註: ‧12月29號,黃蜂隊在Paul、West、Stojakovic三名先發以及板凳暴徒 Bobby Jackson缺陣之下擊敗了金塊隊,他們四名球員一共可以提供 60.2分、19.8個籃板球,還有13.6次助攻;同時金塊隊也少了禁賽的 Anthony與J.R. Smith,當時隊上的前二名得分王。 ‧禮拜一Anthony締造了生涯第一次的大三元,Karl表示,如果Anthony 進攻時能夠減少勉強出手的次數,並且在防守端持續提供貢獻,大三 元對Melo來說可以是家常便飯。Karl說:「一直以來,我告訴Melo, 他可以是大三元製造機。我認為他自己可以用大三元次數作為個人生 涯的評判基準,他是那種可以拿下100次大三元的天才球員。 ‧黃蜂隊七場比賽贏了五場;金塊隊七場比賽輸了六場。 ‧Nene近五場比賽可以拿下17.2分與16.0個籃板球;近三場比賽以來, Smith平均攻得16.0分,出手34次命中18球。 ‧黃蜂隊最近14場客場比賽輸了12場,Jackson近五場比賽投41只中7。 ‧當黃蜂隊讓對手攻下100分,他們只有1勝12敗;而金塊隊得分未破百 的比賽15場盡墨。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/08 01:33, , 1F
02/08 01:33, 1F

02/08 01:42, , 2F
JR 明天來個復仇秀吧 XD
02/08 01:42, 2F

02/08 07:20, , 3F
02/08 07:20, 3F

02/08 08:12, , 4F
02/08 08:12, 4F

02/08 08:29, , 5F
02/08 08:29, 5F

02/08 11:45, , 6F
你不能只看戰績的 你必須仔細瞧瞧我們比賽過程!!
02/08 11:45, 6F

02/08 11:45, , 7F
事實上 我們打的很棒!!!
02/08 11:45, 7F

02/08 12:39, , 8F
不過今天的JR手感也是..Orz.. 所謂的近鄉情怯嗎 ><
02/08 12:39, 8F

02/08 12:40, , 9F
噢! 才剛推完就出現追平分3分球! XDDD
02/08 12:40, 9F
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