[外電] Nuggets players predict smoother ride

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Nuggets players predict smoother ride 球員們期望金塊隊會有一個平穩表現。 Chaotic first half done, Denver sees second-half run 混亂的上半季結束,丹佛展望下半季。 http://tinyurl.com/29bsq4 By Chris Tomasson, Rocky Mountain News January 28, 2007 It would be safe to say there is optimism as the Nuggets head into the second half of the season. 面對接下來的下半季,我們也許可以說金塊隊的前程似錦。 "Why not go 42-0?" guard J.R. Smith said after the midpoint arrived Saturday. 禮拜六之後代表本賽季已經過了一半,後衛J.R. Smith說,「下半季金塊隊拿下 四十二勝零敗有何不可?」 Uh, J.R., you've got 41 games left. 嘿,J.R.,你們只剩下41場比賽啦! "OK, then 41-0." 「那好吧,四十一勝零敗。」 The Nuggets (22-19) have completed one of the most turbulent half-seasons anyone can remember. There was the Dec. 16 brawl in New York, resulting in a 15-game suspension for forward Carmelo Anthony and a 10-game penalty for Smith. 金塊隊(22勝19敗)歷經了一個最動盪不安的上半季,讓人印象深刻。12月16號 紐約亂鬥,導致前鋒Carmelo Anthony遭禁賽15場,Smith禁賽10場。 There was the trade three days later, which brought in guard Allen Iverson to be paired with Anthony in an expected duo of doom. There was another deal less than a month later, when popular guard Earl Boykins was dispatched. 三天後,驚天動地的交易發生了,Allen Iverson的到來搭配Anthony,被視為是 最具殺傷力的雙人組合。不到一個月,另一個交易送走了很受歡迎的後衛 Earl Boykins。 And don't forget the controversy entering the season about how forward Kenyon Martin would mesh with coach George Karl, whom he clashed with in the spring and was suspended. Martin then was lost for the season after only two games because of a right knee injury. 還有不要忘記了,在開季之初的爭議事件;前鋒Kenyon Martin與教練George Karl 之間的紛擾。在春季時,二人之間的衝突甚至導致Martin遭停賽處分,而球季開打 二場比賽之後,Martin就因為右膝蓋手術,本季宣布報銷。 Now, the Nuggets figure it's time to just play basketball. There is talk of duplicating the 32-8 close Karl fashioned when he took over two years ago. 現在是金塊隊了解要開始努力打球的時候了,就像二年前的這個時候,Karl改造了 金塊隊,接著打出32勝8敗的佳績。 "Once we start clicking the way we're supposed to, I think it's possible," said Anthony, who is No. 1 in the NBA in scoring with a 31.5 average but had his first half marred by one punch. Anthony說:「一旦我們步上正軌,什麼事都可能發生。」他是目前NBA得分王, 平均可以攻下31.5分,但是一個揮拳讓他的上半季表現染上汙點。 But even a sparkling second-half run might not be enough for the Nuggets to claim the Northwest Division. Utah (29-16) holds a five-game lead and a 2-0 season series lead on the Nuggets. 然而即使金塊隊在下半季打出亮麗的成績,要在西北組拿下龍頭位置似乎不是 那麼容易。爵士隊(29勝16敗)目前以五場勝差領先金塊,並且在雙方交手的 場次裡,已經取得二勝零敗,立於不敗之地。 The Jazz is on pace to go 53-29. Utah has 20 home games left and 17 on the road compared with 18 and 23 for Denver. 若照目前戰績來計算,爵士隊最後的戰績將會是53勝29敗;相對於金塊隊剩下 場數裡有18場主場23場客場,他們還有20場主場比賽,以及17場客場。 "If they put 55 on the board, I don't think we catch them,'' said Karl, who said the Nuggets only have an "outside chance" at reaching his preseason goal of 50 wins. Karl說:「如果爵士隊最後拿下55勝,我不認為金塊可以追上他們。」因為他 認為金塊隊只有「極小的機會」可以達成季前所設定的50勝目標。 While Karl is taking a more realistic approach toward the second half, talk is much more boastful among the players. 面對下半季,Karl的言論更符合現實情況,不過球員們的態度卻顯得更自豪。 Forward Eduardo Najera said the Nuggets "definitely" can catch the Jazz. Forward Reggie Evans said "it'll show" the Nuggets are the better team. 前鋒Eduardo Najera表示金塊「絕對」可以追上爵士;另一名前鋒Reggie Evans 則說金塊「會證明」他們是一支更好的球隊。 Then there's Smith. He's already putting in an order for championship T-shirts. Smith更有信心,他已經打算向聯盟下冠軍T恤的訂單。 "Our goal is to win the championship," he said. "Just getting out of the first round, that's not an option. We're supposed to do that. Winning a championship would shut everybody up who's talking about how A.I. and Melo can't get along. That would prove to everybody we're the best." Smith說:「我們的目標是冠軍,闖過第一輪已經不是我們的選項,我們可以做到。 而冠軍可以讓那些認為A.I.和Melo合不來的人閉上嘴巴;冠軍將會向世人證明我們 是最強的隊伍。」 They didn't exactly resemble the best in a 112-102 loss to New Jersey on Saturday. That dropped the Nuggets' home mark to 12-11 heading into their game tonight at the Pepsi Center against Charlotte. 禮拜六以112比102輸給籃網的比賽證明,金塊隊事實上並不是最好的隊伍。這場 比賽讓金塊本季在主場Pepsi Center比賽的戰績成為12勝11敗,接下來他們將面 對山貓隊的挑戰。 Seven of those losses have been to teams that currently have losing records. Only two came during the suspensions, so the Nuggets can't use that as an excuse. 這些敗場裡面,有七場面對的對手是勝少敗多的隊伍;其中只有二場是在禁賽期 間的比賽,所以金塊隊不能拿球員禁賽當作藉口。 "It concerns me," said center Marcus Camby, a rock during the first half with averages of 12.4 points and 12.4 rebounds. "Hopefully, that can't continue. We definitely need (to play better at home) the second half." 上半季金塊隊的重要支柱是Marcus Camby,平均可以拿下12.4分、12.4個籃板球。 他說:「我擔心我們在主場的表現,希望這種情況不會繼續下去。毫無疑問,我 們需要在下半季打出更好的主場戰績。」 Karl is mystified why the Nuggets haven't come close to regaining the home- court edge they enjoyed two years ago. They finished 20-1, 19-1 under Karl. 對此Karl也很困惑:為什麼金塊隊不像前二年,擁有主場取勝的優勢。在Karl的 領導之下,前二年他們的主場戰績分別是20勝1敗、19勝1敗。 Another charge during the second half will be stepping up on defense. Anthony said the Nuggets, who watched New Jersey's Vince Carter roll up 40 points Saturday, have got to "buckle down defensively" if they "want to be the team that we feel we want to be." 金塊隊另一項下半季的觀看重點,將會是他們的防守能提升多少。禮拜六眼睜睜 看著籃網隊Vince Carter拿下40分的Anthony表示,金塊隊要成為球員們理想中 的球隊,必須「努力做好防守」。 But what everybody wants to know is how the Anthony-Iverson experiment will work. The Nuggets are 2-2 since the duo was unveiled Jan. 22, after the end of Anthony's suspension. 然而大家的焦點還是放在Anthony與Iverson的結合是否達到效果。1月22號Anthony 禁賽結束,之後也就是這對殺手組合解禁的時候以來,金塊隊戰績為2勝2敗。 "Hopefully, we'll get in there and practice a little more and get our chemistry down," said Iverson, whose scoring has gone down (31.2 to 26.8) but whose assists are up (7.3 to 7.7) since his acquisition from Philadelphia. "Hopefully, by the end of the year, we'll be tough. The sky is the limit." 自從Iverson從費城轉隊之後,他的得分下降(31.2降至26.8分),但助攻提升了 (7.3次升至7.7次)。他說:「希望我們會一起努力,加上更多的練習,可以讓 我們的化學作用產生效果。但願本球季結束之後,我們更加難纏。未來無限可能, 我們將會海闊天空。」 Despite the Nuggets having gone only 8-10 since his arrival, Iverson has remained as upbeat as anyone has seen him in a long time. Asked to describe his feelings, he said, "If there's a better word than fun, use that one." 儘管在Iverson降臨金塊隊之後,他們的戰績只有8勝10敗,但是就如大家所見, Iverson仍然不斷向上提升。被問到如何形容他現在的感覺,Iverson說沒有比 「有趣」更適合的形容詞了。 Overall, Iverson was pleased with how the Nuggets held together during the suspensions. Karl was miserable when the Nuggets were going 7-8 during Anthony's absence but has emerged from his funk. 整體來說,Iverson樂見金塊隊在球員禁賽時期團結一致的表現。在Anyhony禁 賽期間,金塊隊打出7勝8敗,原本憂心忡忡的Karl,已經不再感到恐慌。 "Our players and coaches hung through a 40-day stretch of time that wasn't easy for anybody," he said. "But I think we've come out of it healthy." Karl表示:「我們的球員以及教練一起經歷了長達40天的考驗,這對任何人來 說都不是一件簡單的事。但我認為我們已經成功克服了這個難題。」 So bring on the second half. 接下來就是下半季了。 It won't be easy. The Nuggets haven't even run into streaking Phoenix, with three games left between the two. And they close the season with 13 of 18 on the road. 打出好成績並不容易,金塊隊還沒遇到連勝不止的太陽隊,他們還有3場比賽要 打。至今太陽隊18場客場贏了13場。 "We're in a hole and now we've got to play good," assistant coach Doug Moe said. "We've got our whole team together and now we have to improve." 助理教練Doug Moe說:「現在金塊隊處於劣勢,必須要打得更好才行。我們全員 到齊,現在正是證明實力的時候了。」 Can they improve enough for a 32-8-type finish? 他們下半季能拿出實力,達成另一次像是32勝8敗的高潮嗎? "I think we're good enough to do that, but it's very easy to say we can do 32- 8," Moe said. Moe表示:「我認為金塊有這個實力,但是要達成32勝8敗,說的比做的容易。」 In Smith's case, it was very easy to say 41-0. 而在Smith眼裡,達成41勝0敗是輕而易舉。 (中略金塊山貓對戰陣容) ‧ Notes: The Nuggets have lost two straight after a five-game winning streak . . . The second half of the season gets under way for Denver, which has played the fewest games of any NBA team . . . The Bobcats have won six of their past 11 games . . . Behind 42 points from Anthony, Denver won 108-101 Nov. 12 at Charlotte . . . The Nuggets do not expect to have any representatives in All- Star Saturday events. The NBA will announce skills competition participants today, and shooting stars, dunk and three-point competitors during the next 1 1/2 weeks . . . The Nuggets didn't practice Sunday. 註: ‧金塊隊五連勝之後已經二連敗。 ‧下半季賽程即將來臨,而上半季丹佛金塊是所有NBA球隊裡出賽最少的隊伍。 ‧近來山貓隊已經贏了11場比賽裡的6場。 ‧上次二隊交手是11月12日,金塊在Anthony攻下42帶領之下,以108比101擊敗 山貓。 ‧金塊隊並不奢望是否能在全明星賽週末,有任何球員代表金塊參賽。 ‧NBA今天將會公佈技巧競賽的參賽者;而三分球大賽、灌籃大賽則會在二週內 公布。 ‧禮拜天金塊隊停止練習一次。 Nuggets at the half 金塊隊的上半季總結。 ‧ The season's first 41 games were a wild ride for coach George Karl's crew and included the loss of Kenyon Martin, an ugly brawl and a beauty of a trade. 本季的前41場比賽對金塊隊教練以及他的子弟兵來說,實在是一場大冒險。 包括失去了Kenyon Martin,令人難堪的紐約群架事件,還有美好的交易。 MVP Center Marcus Camby. Not exactly known as an iron man, he has played through a broken finger. Missing five games, he's second in the NBA in rebounding (12.4) and fourth in blocked shots (2.92) and is averaging 12.4 points a game. MVP:中鋒Marcus Camby。看似鐵人的出場數,其實他是手指骨折硬撐下來的, 他只缺席了五場比賽,但他的12.4個籃板名列全聯盟第二,2.92個火鍋也是全 聯盟第四,另外他每場比賽可攻得12.4分。 Best moment The Nuggets acquired guard Allen Iverson on Dec. 19, which sent publicity surrounding the team in the other direction after the worst moment of the first half. 最美時刻:金塊隊在12月19日交易來Allen Iverson,這讓金塊隊可以在上半季 最艱困的時候,有了另一個贏球的方式。 Worst moment A brawl Dec. 16 in New York resulted in suspensions of three Nuggets players. Carmelo Anthony got 15 games, J.R. Smith 10 and Nene one. 最囧時刻:12月16日紐約的群架風波,造成金塊三名球員禁賽,Carmelo Anthony 15場、J.R. Smith10場、Nene1場。 Most dramatic win In the final game of Anthony's suspension, the Nuggets stormed back Jan. 20 from a 13-point fourth-quarter deficit for a 121-113 overtime victory at Houston. 最戲劇性逆轉:1月20日,Anthony的最後一場禁賽,金塊隊在第四節落後13分的 劣勢之下,最後在延長賽中以121比113擊敗休士頓火箭。 Toughest loss Trying to catch Utah in the Northwest Division, the Nuggets faltered down the stretch and lost 116-111 on the road Friday. 最艱苦的一戰:禮拜五西北組龍頭前哨戰,金塊隊最後氣力放盡,以116比111 在客場輸給猶他爵士隊。 Biggest shot Players erupted after strength coach Steve Hess drilled a three- pointer, resulting in coach George Karl canceling New Year's Day practice. Perhaps, though, the Nuggets could have used the practice - they were upset by Philadelphia at home the next day. 最驚奇的一球:助理教練Steve Hess投進的三分球,讓總教練George Karl取消 了新年第一天的練習,球員們也因此雀躍不已。雖然,金塊隊應該要照常練習, 因為隔天他們就在主場輸給費城七六人。 Say What? Award 什麼?這是Karl給金塊隊的讚美嗎? During the suspensions, Karl compared his depleted team with a "European traveling circus." 球員禁賽期間,Karl比喻人手缺乏的金塊隊,就像是「歐洲巡迴馬戲團」。 Numbers game 讓數字說話。 0 times Allen Iverson has complained about practice in six weeks in Denver. 在丹佛的六個禮拜裡,Allen Iverson抱怨球隊的練習—零次3 consecutive days Iverson apologized after he criticized official Steve Javie after a Jan. 2 game, which eventually got him a $25,000 fine. 連續三天,Iverson為他在1月2日批評裁判Steve Javie的言論道歉。這樣的言論 讓他被聯盟罰款二萬五千美元。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/30 00:50, , 1F
01/30 00:50, 1F

01/30 00:51, , 2F
01/30 00:51, 2F

01/30 01:13, , 3F
推 好多
01/30 01:13, 3F

01/30 06:45, , 4F
01/30 06:45, 4F

01/30 07:19, , 5F
老二對球隊很有信心喔~~~~~!!!! 金塊加油~~~~!!!!
01/30 07:19, 5F

01/30 07:50, , 6F
推 下半季一切順利吧。 我們球隊氣氛現在還不錯呢 :D
01/30 07:50, 6F

01/30 08:10, , 7F
01/30 08:10, 7F

01/30 09:20, , 8F
J.R.真有趣 球隊例行賽剩幾場都還沒弄清楚 哈
01/30 09:20, 8F

01/30 12:03, , 9F
01/30 12:03, 9F

03/13 18:39, , 10F
03/13 18:39, 10F

03/13 20:02, , 11F
03/13 20:02, 11F
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