[外電] A laugher for Nuggets

看板Nuggets作者 (如果有一天)時間17年前 (2007/01/24 01:54), 編輯推噓21(2102)
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A laugher for Nuggets 勝利者的笑容 By Chris Tomasson, Rocky Mountain News January 23, 2007 http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/nba/article/0,2777,DRMN_23922_5298974,00 .html By the end, the Memphis Grizzlies had turned into rubberneckers. 這場比賽最終,灰熊隊變成了來看表演的觀光者(也就是觀眾一枚) They watched as Allen Iverson threw a pass midway through the fourth quarter that would have overshot Manute Bol. Instead, Carmelo Anthony climbed an invisible ladder, snatched it and threw it down for an alley-oop dunk.   在第四節時,他們看著AI在中路把球往前一拋,接著Melo開始起飛(彷彿攀爬著看不 見的梯子),在空中接到了這個球,然後...嘿嘿!!alley-oop dunk!!!It's show time!It's fun time!!XD They watched as less than a minute later, Iverson tossed another pass at the basket to Anthony. There was another dunk, and the sellout crowd of 19,155 at the Pepsi Center erupted while Iverson cupped his hand to his ear. 不到一分鐘後,他們又欣賞到了AI往上一拋,又是另一個漂亮的傳球,Melo再度 第一時間灌籃。滿場的觀眾high翻了,因為AI擺出了那招傾聽所有排山倒海吶喊聲的 招牌動作。(這幾個畫面大家應該都很有印象^^) The Melo-A.I. show made its debut for the Nuggets in their 115-98 win Monday night. The rest of the NBA has been warned to watch out. "I heard a couple of (Memphis players), I won't say their names, say during the game that we weren't playing fair," Iverson said. "That's a compliment. That means we have weapons and we're going to utilize them." AI跟Melo初次聯手登台,金塊就以115-98大勝灰熊隊。其他的NBA球隊們可要注意 點,睜大眼睛看囉!      "我聽到一對灰熊隊的球迷說,這根本是一場不公平的比賽嘛(指雙方實力懸殊)。" AI說道:"這對我們而言是恭維,這說明了我們擁有強大的武器,而且我們知道如何 去利用。" It was Iverson's 15th game with the Nuggets since his Dec. 19 acquisition, but his first with Anthony, who had been suspended the previous day for 15 games for his role in a Dec. 16 brawl. But Anthony returned for one of the most anticipated Nuggets games in years.   這已經是AI在金塊隊所打的第15場比賽,可是這是第一次跟Melo攜手渡蜜月。因為 甜瓜之前被史騰老大禁賽15場,但是這場比賽回來的可正是時候。因為這是整年度以來 最容易預料勝負的比賽之一。 His outside shot didn't fall as Anthony was 0-of-8 on jumpers. But Anthony, who said his jumper "ain't going nowhere" and will be back soon, showed off plenty of nifty moves and finished 10-of-25 for a game-most 28 points. Iverson put up 23 points, leaving him six shy of 20,000 for his career. He had seven assists, the most impressive the two alley-oop passes to Anthony.   這場球Melo的中外距離跳投全數摃龜(投8中0),可是他說他的手感沒有不見,很快 就會再回來的。他整場球秀了很多漂亮的切入跟腳步移動,最後繳出了25投10中的成績 單。   AI則是輕描淡寫的拿下23分。還差6分才能達到生涯兩萬分的關卡。他另外有7次助 攻,最令人印象深刻的莫過於那兩球給Melo的空中接力了!! "I had a lot of fun," Anthony said. "I was like a kid in a candy store out there." Anthony got a standing ovation when he was introduced, saying, "Chills went through my body." Then Anthony strolled onto the court and offered his thanks to the crowd. Anthony said it was his idea to send a letter to the fans last weekend thanking them for their support during his trying times and to take the microphone.   甜瓜說:"我玩的超盡興的!這種感覺就像是一個小孩來到了一間糖果店 XD" 比賽前Melo受到滿山滿谷的熱烈歡迎,他開場介紹時說:"禁賽時彷彿有寒流竄進我 心中",接著他漫步到球場中間,對於這段期間眾人對他支持,他表達了深深感謝。Melo 又說上禮拜那封寫給所有球迷的信(表達對球迷及老闆的感恩),是他自己想的方法。   (好孩子︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿) He told the fans "it's like a new beginning for us" and "we're going to give you all something to cheer for." As far Monday was concerned, Anthony told the truth. "We just wanted to show the whole world that we can play together," Anthony said. "Coming into the game, we know there's a lot of doubters out there who say we couldn't play together."   他跟球迷們說:"對我們而言,這就好像是新的開始,我們會帶給大家一些值得振奮 的事!!"   "我們想向全世界證明我們可以在一起打球(AI&Melo)。場上見真章吧!我知道有很多 人抱著懷疑的心態,他們認為我跟AI不能好好合作。" Midway through the first quarter, instead of going in for a fast- break layup, Iverson dished the ball back to Anthony, who cruised in for a layup. Late in the second quarter, Iverson threw a long pass to Anthony, who made a layup, was fouled and converted the free throw as well as high-fives with Iverson. "It was a great game for the fans," Iverson said. "The future looks bright. This is one I'll cherish for the rest of my life.   在第一節一次快攻機會中,AI原本可以自己出手,他卻將球拍向從後殺進的Melo, Melo輕鬆上籃得分。(這個play大家也有印象吧^^)   接著在第二節,AI長傳給Melo,後者跳投製造犯規,然後Melo就跟AI玩起Give me five了。   "對於球迷而言,這是場很棒的比賽。"AI說:"未來看來是明亮的,我會珍惜接下 來的歲月。" Negativity sells in this world. So that's going to be the main topic that (the Anthony-Iverson combination) can't work. It's fun, a good feeling to know it can." As far as Nuggets coach George Karl was concerned, he was thinking about a lot more than just a combo. Karl lauded the play of Nuggets center Marcus Camby, who scored 17 points and grabbed 17 rebounds. He spoke well of guard Steve Blake, who handed out a season-high 12 assists. OK, George, you've got to admit the Anthony-Iverson show wasn't too bad.   那些悲觀的人士認為這兩人合作會失敗。OK!現在看來一切是很美好的,他們可 以合作無間。   而卡爾老爹關注的層次就更廣泛了,他要求這些合作不只是一個"聯合體"。   他稱讚咱們的明星中鋒坎比,坎比拿下了17分17籃板。卡爾也對Blake神奇小子讚 不絕口,這小子拿下了個人本季最高的12助攻。   OK!卡爾老爹,你至少得承認戰神加甜瓜主演的這場秀還不賴嘛!!XDDDDD "Don't get me wrong," said Karl, whose team won its fourth straight. "I'm very excited." While it was a bit of dress rehearsal, it was good timing for the Nuggets (21-17) that the Grizzlies, who have the NBA's worst record, were in town. Memphis (10-32), which got 23 points from center Pau Gasol, never led and never was closer than 10 in the final 17 minutes. "不要誤會我的意思!"卡爾老爹說:"其實我還是超興奮的啦!!"   其實這場比賽安排在這個時候也相當不錯,因為對手灰熊隊現在是聯盟爐主,(10勝 32負),隊上的中鋒Gasol拿下了23分,他們在終場前17分鐘就再也沒把差距追近到10分 以內了_。 That meant Anthony, who played 33 minutes, could leave to a standing ovation with 4:11 remaining. After his departure, he threw his arms wildly into the air, urging on the crowd. "The way the fans got into it when (Anthony and Iverson) stepped on the floor, it was just incredible," said Nuggets guard J.R. Smith, who scored 19 points. Speaking of incredible, that was the consensus about how Anthony was able to soar to pull down the lob pass Iverson joked he threw "up high . . . so it makes SportsCenter. "That's fresh legs, yo," Anthony said. Fresh hops from Anthony and a fresh attitude from Iverson. The Nuggets believe it will be a lethal combination. "這兩個人在場上讓觀眾所看到的一切,真是不可思議。"JR說:"他們所展現出的默 契真是驚人。"   說到這個默契啊,那個石破天驚的空中接力灌籃,AI開玩笑說他是故意丟那麼高的, 這樣才可以上ESPN的SportsCenter!!!!! XD -- 真是快樂的翻譯啊!!我喜歡 ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ghostdeityj 來自: (01/24 02:03)

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沒有人推...那我自推 XD
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01/24 02:26, , 4F
一定要推的啦:D 好文!!!
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01/24 10:46, , 16F
推 另外想請問 "That's fresh legs, yo," 這句的涵義是?
01/24 10:46, 16F

01/24 11:05, , 17F
我去查了字典 還是不太確定 所以略過沒翻
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文章代碼(AID): #15jalYNj (Nuggets)