[外電] For Nuggets, it's Melo time

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For Nuggets, it's Melo time Melo準備大展身手。 Anthony returns to action tonight after 15-game suspension 經過十五場禁賽處分之後,Anthony秀將在明天登場。 http://tinyurl.com/2be72c By Aaron J. Lopez, Rocky Mountain News January 21, 2007 For five weeks, Carmelo Anthony lived a separate existence from his Nuggets teammates. 五週以來,Carmelo Anthony過著與金塊隊友分隔二地的生活。 He was allowed to participate in practice, but his 15-game NBA suspension banished him from the arena during games and he traveled with the team for only select trips. 十五場禁賽裡面,他可以參加球隊的練球,卻不能踏進體育館一步, 而且也只有幾次隨著金塊隊征戰。 Those days came to a fitting end on a snowy Sunday at the Pepsi Center. 下著雪的禮拜天,正適合Melo在Pepsi Center重批金塊戰袍。 Surrounded by 19,000 empty seats, Anthony spent nearly 90 minutes working out with five members of the Denver coaching staff as he prepared for his highly anticipated return tonight against the Memphis Grizzlies. 在空無一人的體育館裡面,Anthony花了將近一個半小時的時間與金塊 隊五名助理教練進行練習。在明天迎戰曼菲斯灰熊隊前,他將為期待 已久的比賽做好準備。 The rest of the Nuggets enjoyed a day off after beating the Houston Rockets on the road Saturday night to run their winning streak to three games. 禮拜六晚上,在客場擊敗休士頓火箭並把連勝推進到三場的的其他金塊 隊球員,則享受他們一整天的假期。 "I was coming in anyway, snow or no snow," Anthony said after his individual workout. 個人練習結束後Anthony說:「不管有沒有下雪,我都會來練習。」 "I didn't want to make them suffer for me. I already made them suffer enough. They played back-to-back (nights), so they deserved a day off." 「我不想讓隊友因為我的歸隊練習而受冷天氣的折磨,我已經讓他們受 很多苦了,他們剛打完連續作戰的比賽,他們應該放一天的假。」 Anthony's personal hiatus covered 36 days in the wake of the Dec. 16 brawl that resulted in the suspension of three Nuggets players and four New York Knicks. 12月16號,在紐約震驚籃壇的亂鬥事件當中,總共導致三名金塊隊以及 四名尼克隊的球員遭到禁賽處分。Anthony也為他走錯的一步,付出了 36天未能出賽的代價。 Anthony received the harshest penalty for punching Knicks rookie Mardy Collins during the melee. Denver managed to go 7-8 without the NBA's leading scorer, but the fourth-year forward is eager to make it up to his teammates and fans. 在這次事件當中,Anthony因為向尼克隊新秀Mardy Collins揮拳而遭受 到最嚴厲的處罰。金塊隊在失去了目前NBA得分王之後的戰績是七勝八敗。 這名在NBA已經打了四年的前鋒,也渴望能補償他的隊友以及支持他的球迷。 Anthony said he has not looked forward to a game this much since he took the court for Syracuse as a freshman in the 2003 NCAA title game, where he scored 20 points in his team's 81-78 win. Anthony表示自從2003年以一年級生身分在NCAA冠軍戰中,獨得20分率領 Syracuse以81比78擊敗對手之後,他從來沒有如此渴望上場比賽。 "It ain't really sunk in yet that I'm coming back," he said. 他說:「我真不敢相信我將回到場上了。」 There are some concerns that Anthony might be a little too pumped after a long layoff. Nuggets coach George Karl is preaching patience from everyone involved, and agent Calvin Andrews said his client probably will be challenged to manage his adrenaline. 值得注意的是,經過一段長時間的休息,Anthony也許會過於興奮浮躁。 金塊教練George Karl告誡球員們一定要耐心。Athony的經紀人 Calvin Andrews說Melo也許得面對一個大挑戰,就是如何在場上管理好 情緒。 "I don't know what's going to happen," Andrews said. "It's going to be crazy. It's going to be like a season-opening game." Andrews說:「我不知道會發生什麼事,這太瘋狂了,明天的比賽就像是 一場開幕戰一樣。」 Anthony welcomes a fresh start, and he gained a measure of closure during a weekend meeting with NBA commissioner David Stern in New York. Anthony歡喜迎接另一次新的開始,而他也在一次的週末裡,安排與NBA 總裁David Stern會面,這也算是讓這件事情有了一個結束。 "I expressed to him that I wanted to put this behind me," Anthony said. "He told me he wanted to put it behind him and let's move forward." Anthony表示:「我向他表達我想將這些事情拋諸腦後的意思。Stern告訴 我,他也想幫助我繼續向前看。」 To that end, Anthony wrote an open letter to his fans, teammates, Nuggets owner Stan Kroenke and the organization. He thanked everyone for support and pledged to "come back better than ever." 禁賽終於結束,Anthony寫了一封公開信給他的球迷、隊友、金塊老闆 Stan Kroenke、以及整個金塊球團。他感謝所有支持他的人,並誓言 以浴火重生的姿態,來呈現在大家面前。 "I just wanted to let (everyone) know that I didn't forget about their support, " Anthony said. "Every time I go out in the city, it's, 'We got your back,' and showing support. I had to give them my thanks." Anthony說:「我只是想讓大家知道,我沒有忘記他們的支持。每次我 在這座城市上閒逛,聽到的都是『我們挺你』,然後人們表達支持我 的態度,我必須要對他們說聲謝謝。」 His gratitude undoubtedly will be repeated in the days to come, and Anthony might end up thanking the Nuggets over and over again for acquiring seven-time All-Star point guard Allen Iverson on Dec. 19. 毫無疑問,在歸隊日即將到來的時候,Anthony將會重複表達對大家的 感謝。他也許也會對在12月19號,將七次入選明星隊的Allen Iverson 交易至隊中的金塊,再次地表達感謝之意。 The debut of the devilishly talented duo should create an electric atmosphere in what otherwise would be just another weekday game against a bad opponent. 對於將在明天初登場,這對令人聞風喪膽的天才雙人組合來說,不管將 會營造出怎樣的驚人氣勢,這將只是一場對上弱隊的例行賽。 "I know everybody can't wait to see me and A.I. play together," Anthony said. "Everybody saying we can't do it, so we're going to show everybody how it's done. It's motivation. It's getting on my nerves. We're both getting irritated by that question." Anthony表示:「我知道每一個人都迫不及待準備看我和AI攜手合作;而 一大堆人也認為我們絕對合不來。我們將會拿出成績向世人證明。這是 鼓勵我們的一種動力,卻也讓我感到不悅。這些存疑的態度讓我們覺得惱火。」 Since his arrival in Denver, Iverson has been saying that Anthony is like the Christmas present he has not been allowed to open. 自Iverson來到丹佛,他說過Anthony對他來說,像是一個特別的聖誕禮物— 一個充滿期待卻不能打開的聖誕禮物。 When the wrapping finally comes off tonight, expect Iverson to go out of his way to make sure Anthony scores early and scores often. 明天,Iverson終於可以打開這個禮物,他期待可以以他的打球風格來幫助 Anthony盡快得分,並在比賽中大量得分。 "Hopefully, we get him on the court and he'll feel like the game is a lot easier for him by me being out there," Iverson said. "That's what I hope. He's averaging like 31 points. With me on the court, I want him to be able to average more." Iverson說道:「Melo歸隊之後,我希望他可以因為我的加入而感到輕鬆, 這就是我希望的。他現在平均可以拿下將近31分,有了我之後,我想要讓 他可以拿下更多分數。」 With five weeks of practices and individual workouts behind him, Anthony said he does not expect any dropoff in his pre-suspension performance. 經過了五個禮拜的練習以及個人訓練,Anthony說他的表現跟禁賽前不會有所 落差。 Before the fight at Madison Square Garden, Anthony was a shoo-in for an All-Star appearance. The Western Conference reserves will be named Feb. 1, giving Anthony a small window to convince opposing coaches that he is still worthy of a selection. 在麥迪遜花園廣場打架事件之前,Anthony出席明星賽幾乎十拿九穩。西區 名單將在二月一號確定,這可以讓Anthony有機會說服其他教練,他仍然值 得入選明星賽。 "I don't really think I missed a beat," Anthony said Sunday. "I've been working hard and trying to keep working on the things I was doing before the suspension. 禮拜天Anthony說:「事實上,我不認為我與籃球脫節,我非常努力試著保 持禁賽前的表現。」 "I still gotta go and continue doing what I was doing, playing at the level I was playing." 「我仍然努力向前,保持我之前的表現,打出我應有的水準。」 Karl expects Anthony to show signs of rust, much as Nuggets guard J.R. Smith did in his return from a 10-game suspension. The coach also planned to talk to Anthony about avoiding the temptation to do too much in his first game back. 在Karl預期中,他認為Anthony的表現會略為生澀;就像禁賽10場的後衛 J.R. Smith一樣。教練也打算跟Anthony談談,告訴他不要讓他的情緒影 響他第一場的表現。 "My big thing with Melo is: Don't force it," Karl said. "He's too talented a player not to make good things happen. But Melo's probably wanting to go back and jump right in to eight 30-point games in a row, and that probably isn't going to happen. Karl說:「我最大的任務就是告訴:Melo不要勉強。他的天份往往可以讓好 事發生。Melo也許希望可以一回來就步上軌道連續八場拿個30幾分但這可能 不會實現。」 "Don't get me wrong. He can maybe have one or two big-time games in a row, which would be good. We'll take whatever we can get." 「但別誤會我的意思,他也許會有連續幾場的精采表現,這樣也很好,我們 期待他可以為球隊帶來什麼貢獻。」 (中略與灰熊的對戰分析) Life without Melo During Carmelo Anthony's 15-game suspension, the Nuggets were 7-8. Their game- by-game results during that span: Carmelo Anthony十五場禁賽期間,金塊隊的戰績是七勝八敗, 下列為隊戰結果: Date Opponent Result Nuggets top scorer (points) Dec. 18 Washington W, 117-108 Boykins (29) Dec. 22 Sacramento L, 101-96 Boykins (25) Dec. 26 Boston W, 116-105 Iverson, Boykins (28) Dec. 28 Seattle W, 112-98 Iverson (44) Dec. 29 @New Orleans/OKC L, 99-89 Boykins (26) Dec. 31 Dallas L, 89-85 Iverson (28) Jan. 2 Philadelphia L, 108-97 Iverson (30) Jan. 5 @Los Angeles LakersL, 123-104 Boykins (24) Jan. 6 Utah L, 96-84 Iverson, Boykins (22) Jan. 8 Milwaukee W, 104-92 Boykins (26) Jan. 10 San Antonio L, 92-83 Iverson (33) Jan. 12 Houston L, 90-86 Iverson (28) Jan. 14 @Portland W, 109-93 Iverson (32) Jan. 19 Cleveland W, 110-99 Camby (26) Jan. 20 @Houston W, 121-113 Iverson (36) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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嗚 有Stern的加持了
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